Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 778 Relentless shelling! (add more)

Before he could hit it, Feito screamed!

However, this will not arouse the sympathy of Lingfeng Wangba at all. When you hit us on the eighth floor, you made a lot of deadly shots!

I saw Wang Ba took out a spirit bead and put it in his leather pocket, and pulled the little rubber band out of the elder!

Hehe laughed straightly: "Call it! The more miserable you scream, the more excited I will be! Goose haha!"

While speaking, the spiritual bead in the leather pocket exuded a dazzling aura, and with a bang, it smashed towards the middle of Feito's big characters!

In the field, Wang Ba was not the only one who did it. There were more than 40 small slingshots that were pulled and hit!

Lingmang streaks across the air in amazing arcs, as if ten thousand swords return to their ancestors, and milk swallows return to their nests, all heading towards Feito!




That's a true all-round coverage strike without dead ends!

"Why do you just aim at Lao Tzu and fight yourself, haven't you seen so many of my teammates?"

Gangnam: ╮( ·́w·̀ )╭

"Who told you to go to Xingyao when you were idle?"

You are the strongest within 3000 meters, who will you hit if you don't hit?

While talking, I threw more than a dozen awkward dance grenades, and continued to control!

Feito blew up, did I go wrong with the last Xingyao?

At this moment, Feito is still unable to extricate himself in the dance steps of "smashing the duck and getting bald"!

He couldn't do any dodging gestures at all, he could only watch more than 40 Lingmang beating wildly!

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions came, and the Fituo bone armor smashed by the violent impact trembled, and the cracks on it continued to expand!

I was stunned that the spirit orb exploded more than 40 times without breaking!

Feito looked grim and laughed: "Do you think Lao Tzu Xingyao's rank is given for nothing?"

"I know that you didn't hold back your farts, and you have specially strengthened your protection!"

"Have you seen the sparrow in the cage?"

The cage is not broken! Birds don't die!

The Xingyao-level bone armor protection is indeed abnormal. After experiencing high temperature fire, after the Lingzhu is continuously blown, it is only cracked!

However, Wang Ba and the others are in a hurry. I really don't believe in this evil!

Ling Feng, who had only one arm left, even took off his shoes, grabbed the slingshot with his feet, and pulled the bow with his hands to shoot the sparrows!

It's a real sacrifice!

But right now!

Mavericks: ₍。·ɷ·。₎ "Squeak!"

(I'm coming!)

Jiangnan: (๐·̀ ٹ·́)و coming?

"Didn't hold a good fart? You'll know what's not a good fart later!"

what is coming? Of course, the spirit-bound cannon is here!

In an instant, pieces of burnt crimson bound steel blasted out of the muzzle at a terrifying speed three times the speed of sound!

Overwhelmingly smashed towards Feito!


Feito's eyes widened!

This... what is this horse riding?

You can just breathe fire, why are you still carrying cannonballs?


A piece of spirit-bound steel slammed into Feito's cheek at an extremely high speed, and the bone armor was smashed to pieces!

⁼3₌₃❐(#)༎ຶ3༎ຶ) pow wow~

The powerful impact even knocked the steel block into bullets!

If it is one piece or two, it’s fine, this is a salvo of 30,000 spirit-bound steel cannons!

Countless shells smashed into Feito's bone armor!

The bone armor of his body finally couldn't resist such a saturated shelling, and it was smashed to pieces!

At this moment, the cage has been broken, and the bird has no defense!

Ling Feng and the others shot in a row, and the aura exploded continuously!

Fitto: ∑(||′༎ຶ口༎ຶ`) howling~

[The resentment value from Feito +1001! ]

[From Fitto...]

After a whimper of Feito!

Since then, there are no birds in the nest!

It was a horrible sight, and the girls who looked at it covered their cheeks!

(づ ꇴ❛ัど) Ah~ how cruel!

Qin Shu shuddered, why do I feel that you are enjoying it so much?

Especially Xia Yao, who played the most!

While fighting and talking non-stop!


"I told you to beat Xiao Nan? Hmph! I'll beat you to death!"

At this moment, Feito's whole body was swollen and swollen, and his whole body was black and blue!

He was continuously bombarded by countless spirit-binding steel cannons in the air. Without the bone armor, he could only use his body to resist, and the beaten flew around in the sky!

Tears are streaming down my face right now!

( ‧̣̥̇꒦ິ口꒦ີ) "It's over, it's gone, you guys are still fighting! Ahhhh~"

"Shoot the duck into the mud and howl~"

However, no one will stop at all, and the encirclement has long since turned into a lava hell!

Even if those American explorers resisted the fire, they were smashed by spirit-bound steel cannons!

Feito, who was spit out blood, finally approached the space door on the eighth floor!

This distance of several hundred meters, but I bought it with half my life!

With all his strength, Feito struggled to climb into the space door on the eve of the explosion of the embarrassing dance grenade!

Jiang Nan pouted: "Run away? What a pity!"

This place is shrouded by the Binding Force Field, and Feito's bone armor is broken and cannot be derived back!

If it wasn't for the spirit-binding steel cannons of the maddened bulls being too ferocious, I wouldn't dare to rush in for fear of being accidentally injured!

Otherwise, I will definitely take the opportunity to kill Feito!

However, Xingyao was not so easy to kill, so he still let Feito run back!

Wang Ba's face was full of excitement: "This is enough. Except for the dozen or so who fled back, almost all the explorers in the United States are here!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly: "This wave is good enough!"

I saw Jiang Nan grinning: "It's not over yet, Mavericks! Tell the brothers to point the guns at the space gate!"

"Drain this wave of energy and talk about it!"

The Tianniu leader didn't say a word, and directly told the younger brothers to move their guns!


At the space door on the eighth floor!

More than a dozen American explorers knelt down and vomited!

Before the ignition, the legs were still working, and they ran back with all their might!

Among them is Ivy, who danced the frog dance and jumped back after three big jumps!

Thinking of the scene behind the space door, I couldn't help shivering!

Too harsh!

I don't know what's going on with Feito!

Just when I thought of this, I saw a fat man who fell out of the space door!

He vomited blood and burned all over!

(#)༎ຶཀ༎ຶ(#): "God-killed Jiangnan, wait for Lao Tzu!"

The explorers all widened their eyes and looked terrified: "Boss Fei? Is it you? How did this happen?"

He is a star!

Are people deformed? Do you want to be so cruel?

Feito stared: "What are you looking at? Where's the fat man? Why don't you come and heal me?"

Ivy: ( ٥・᷄⌂・᷅) "Ah, you mean skinny? Didn't you come back, didn't you come with me?"

Fito froze!

Then back to the fart? Apart from rushing back by himself, there is no one alive there!

"What about the recovery system? There is always a recovery system, right?"

A long-haired man spread his hands and said: "The non-mining area was destroyed by Jiangnan and the others, we can't use our abilities!"

[The resentment value from Feito +1000! ]

Shouldn't go down!

If you honestly blocked the door, where would this happen?

The birds are gone!

Damn wow!

"Why don't you come and help me? If there is no mining area, go to the seventh floor to recover!"

Immediately, three or five people went to help Feito!

However, at this moment, the space door fluctuated violently, and a pillar of fire with a length of several kilometers sprang out from it!

There is also a spirit-bound steel cannon in it!

The few explorers who just stepped forward to Fufeito were smashed before they could react to what was going on!

Feito was also smashed over a thousand meters and vomited blood!

In the blink of an eye, there are only ten people left in the U.S. team, including Feito’s full play!

Feito got up from the ground and looked at the space door that kept breathing fire, his lungs were about to explode!

"Ahhhh~ What a bum! You wait for me, go! Go to the seventh floor for healing!"

Ivy: ╮( ·︠ˍ·︡ )╭

"Don't go there? The only two Restoration Elements left just died!"

"You can't die from this injury, just rely on your star-level recovery ability to slowly recover?"

Fitto: Σ( ٥Ŏ3Ŏ)poof~

Are all restorers dead?

Do you want to be so back!

The injury is really nothing, it can be recovered!

But no matter how strong Xingyao's recovery ability is, it still doesn't have the function of being reborn from a severed limb!

[The resentment value from Feito +1001! ]

[From Fitto...]


Looking at the constantly refreshed list of resentment points, Jiangnan is so happy!

The beetles are still pouring their remaining energy into the space door!

Ling Feng excitedly said, "How is it? Do you want to kill it in one go?"

"Two cores are in hand, as long as you get rid of the stumbling block of Feito, everything will be ok!"

Jiang Nan smiled bitterly: "The star-level Feito is not so easy to solve!"

"This time, I borrowed the strength of the Heavenly Bulls. After this loss, Feito will not come down easily! He will definitely defend the eighth floor!"

Xiao Zhen said: "Then let's take the beetles up! This way..."

Wang Ba shook his head: "I can't bring it, the space gate is so big, 30,000 beetles can only pass through one by one!"

"Fito is blocking the door, he will kill one if he comes!"

Just as Jiang Nan was about to speak, he felt the space gate shake!

It seems that the strong output of the beetles has affected the space gate, and the space vibrates!

An extremely strong spatial fluctuation came, making Jiangnan's scalp numb!

The ninth floor can't really let the beetles collapse.

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