Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 768: There is a bug on the card

However, at this moment, everyone has no time to worry about Mira's ability!

Jiang Nan is still pressing Feito to slash violently, but the effect of counter-injuring the armor makes Jiang Nan suffer damage every time he strikes a halberd!


But even so, Jiangnan still doesn't stop!

Others may not know what's going on, but Xia Yao and Zhong Yingxue know it!

The reason why Xiao Nan is so strong is because he has stacked two unique skills on him!

One burning blood has already overwhelmed Jiangnan, plus eight Dunjia!

The body is already overloaded, and it can't last a few minutes like this!

If you can't take Feito in a short time, Jiang Nan's body will collapse first!

Zhong Yingxue said anxiously, "Everyone hurry up and recover, and then go to help Xiao Nan, he won't last long like this!"

After saying that, he directly opened the Nine-headed Phoenix!

"Xiao Nan!"

With a shout, even if she didn't turn her head to look at Zhong Yingxue, she knew what she wanted to do!

Directly opened a space wormhole, and placed it in front of Zhong Yingxue while smearing Feito's face!

The terrifying fireball was thrown into the space wormhole by Zhong Yingxue without any money, and continued to bomb Feito!

Ling Feng and the others quickly recovered!

No matter how immortal Nanshen is, with such a terrifying output at the platinum level, he will not be able to hold on for long even with his toes!

Have you been fighting for your life since the beginning?

However, at this moment, Feito roared: "The third form of bone armor: Buddha armor!"

Its exoskeleton grew again, and thick bones covered every corner of the body!

There are hideous spikes everywhere!


The already steel-boned bones turned into a black crystal-like substance, and when the spear slashed on it, it even burst out of Mars, making it even harder!

"Are you the only one who can work? Burning bones!"

In an instant, the bones of his whole body burst out with astonishing heat, like a red-hot soldering iron!

Its physical function and momentum have been raised by a level again!

Jiang Nan was shocked, knowing that Feito was doing his best!

On the Buddha's bone armor, dozens of bone spurs extended out!

Pierced Jiangnan's space barrier and avoided the wormhole, but he just opened three holes in Jiangnan!

Get up and punch out, Jiang Nan's chest sinks!

The body was thrown out like a broken sack!

A teleportation in the air was worthy of landing, clutching his chest and spitting out a mouthful of old blood!

Looking at Ling Feng and the others, they gasped, and such a fierce Nanshen was beaten back!

What kind of animal is this Feito?

I saw Feito jump out of the huge pit, and the high temperature from the bones even melted the rocks!

It looks like a walking bone monster with a terrifying look!

"Now we can have a good time, you deserve my best!"

Jiang Nan Gang clenched his teeth and looked decisive: "Mira! I might have to trouble you to save my brother later!"

"I'm going to die!"

Half of the time for two hangs has passed, and if you don't work hard, when the time is over and you turn off the fire, no one can stop Feito!

Hesitate and you will lose!

Decisive to give in vain, still can't say for sure!

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't understand what Jiang Nan meant!

Krypton life?

Mila nodded heavily: "Brother Jiangnan, just go! I won't let you die!"

Jiangnan raised his head and drank a bottle of life-threatening big green stick!

He took a deep breath: "Eight-door Dunjia! The eighth door of death! Open!"


A wave of madness centered on Jiangnan, rushing out violently, and even the human face was deformed!

I saw Jiang Nan's muscles bulge at this moment, and his skin completely turned bloody!

What emerged from the body was no longer white high-temperature steam, but blood-red mist!

It was the blood mist that the blood evaporated from boiling!

At this moment, the eight gates in the south of the Yangtze River have all reached their limit!

Blood red eyes, skin! The blood mist that surrounds the body makes Jiangnan at this moment look particularly ferocious and terrifying!

More like a blood demon crawling out of hell!

Wang Ba's scalp was numb with shock: "South God. Gorefiend form!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan's eyes were blood-red, and he couldn't hear anything, the only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat!


A blast!

The earth was smashed, and several sonic booms were linked together in no particular order!

Jiangnan has disappeared in place!

Feito looked crazy: "Hahaha! Interesting! Let's fight as much as you like!"

"Look who the dead one will be!"

However, Feito only saw Jiangnan's blood-red eyes, and then a bright red edge went straight to his neck and slashed!

I was shocked, my hair stood on end!

How can it be so fast?

The body instinctively took a step back, raised his right arm and blocked it with the black crystal bone blade!

The edge is fleeting!

Fito's eyes were stunned, and he saw that his right forearm was cut off, so fast that he didn't even feel pain!

On the neck bone armor, there is a ferocious halberd mark!

I'm afraid that if the reaction is slowed down again, my head will be chopped off!

Just as Feito was about to move, Jiang Nan had already turned around and kicked Feito's chest!


At the place where he was kicked, the black crystal bone armor shattered, Feito's eyes widened, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, even with pieces of internal organs mixed with it!

Along with it, Jiangnan's leg bones were shattered!

At this moment, everyone in Ling Feng was stunned!

Jiangnan's halberd just now almost killed Feito directly!

Is this the power of krypton life?

And the kick out of this leg directly broke Feito's Buddha's bone armor?

Do you want to be so fierce?

The landing Jiangnan stumbled and almost fell to the ground!

Looking at his legs and frowning slightly, Jiang Nan, who drank the green stick, felt no pain!

I don't even know if my bones are broken!

However, at this moment, Feito punched and was blocked by Jiangnan with a halberd! Spit out a mouthful of boiling blood!

I saw Feito savagely said: "Haha, enough strength! It's the first time I've seen Platinum as strong as you!"

"But how long can you hold on? How can you jump around with a broken leg?"

Jiang Nan said coldly: "Hold on until you die! My legs are crippled, and I still have teleportation!"

Saying that, his body suddenly disappeared, and the halberd in his hand slashed Feito's body with a halberd!

Feito couldn't keep up with Jiangnan's speed at all, and saw the frenzied growth of the bones in the part of his severed hand on the right, and a shield was condensed!

Barely defend against Jiangnan's attack!

At this moment, Ling Feng and the others finally recovered. They rushed into the battlefield with red eyes and cooperated with Jiangnan to attack Feito!

A complete siege!

At this moment, even if he is as strong as Feito, he is miserable to be beaten!

You can ignore other people's attacks, but Jiangnan's can't, and the space system can't keep up with its own reaction when it moves!

Go on like this!

I am afraid that I will end the calf!

Play off?

I saw Jiangnan holding a halberd, raised his head and shouted!

(๐・᷅口・᷄) "Everyone work harder! Take him away in one wave!"

Just hear the "Boom"!

It's time for Fen Xue and Bamen Dunjia, and Jiangnan's heart burst!

His body froze, his eyes rolled, and he fell straight to the ground, motionless...


Everyone who was still playing hot last moment stayed for a while, and the scene fell silent for a while!

Zhong Yingxue: Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ

"Yeah! Xiao... Xiaonan!"

Xia Yao: ∑(°口°๑)

Ling Feng was stunned: "Dead... is it crashing?"

Feito laughed loudly: "God help me! Haha, Jiangnan is dead! Who among you can do better than me now?"

His smile became more and more hideous!

Xia Yao clenched her teeth: "Bah! Xiao Nan is not dead!"

Saying that, he carried Jiangnan on his back and ran towards Xiaomi La with speed!

Without the main force of Jiangnan on the battlefield, Feito stood up again!

He started to fight against Ling Feng Luobelt and others, and the situation reversed in an instant!

Xia Yao ran all the way to Mila and put down Jiangnan, she was about to cry!

"Mira! Xiao Nan is dead!"

Mira's eyes filled with distress, even though she couldn't use large-scale innate skills casually!

But when does it not have to wait?

"Talented Spirit Skill: Back in Time!"

I saw that Mila's body suddenly grew bigger and became 27 years old!

The young body can't support the erosion of the large-scale innate spiritual skills, so it can only be expanded and displayed!

At this moment, Mira was like an angel, biting her lower lip tightly, barely controlling the scope of time reversal and only acting on Jiangnan alone!

instead of group coverage!

In this case, the backlash will be smaller!

A golden beam of light suddenly fell on Jiangnan!

I saw that Jiangnan's wounds began to heal, and the damaged clothes were restored as before!

The physical state has returned to the level before the battle!

Mila's face was pale, her spiritual power was emptied, and she quickly took a mouthful of durian to replenish it!

Xia Yao grabbed Jiang Nan's hand and looked worried!

I saw Jiang Nan suddenly open his eyes and sat up on the ground, gasping for breath!

Xia Yao: (*゚ロ゚)!!

"It's on's on!"

Jiang Nan clenched his fist, in excellent condition, and his face was shocked!

Even if it is the second time that he enjoys time rewind, he is still deeply shocked by this magical power!

He hurriedly turned his head to look at Milla and said worriedly, "If you go back in time, the cell's telomerase..."

Mira shook his head: "This time it is a single backtracking, not a group backtracking like Yulong Town! The backlash is not that fierce! Only a little bit!"

"My physique can handle it, so it's fine!"

Jiang Nan held Mila's little face and looked into her eyes seriously: "Didn't lie to me? Didn't you try to be brave?"

Mira: "Brother Jiangnan, don't worry! No more!"

However, Jiangnan was still worried, and gave Mira a bottle of life-threatening green sticks!

Mira blushed: "I really didn't lie to you!"

With a look of excitement on Jiang Nan's face, he picked up Mila and sipped Mua on her forehead!

"Haha Mila! You have to die!"

Mira: (๐˃᷄ꇴ˂᷅)

I saw Jiang Nan get up and waved his big hand: "Burning blood. The emperor's engine is on! The Eighth Gate of Dunjia. The Eighth Gate of Death! Open!"

"Fito! You're useless! I've got a bug on my card!"

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