Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 761 I'm Crazy Than You

Heidi reacted suddenly, her eyes widened!

"Don't you also have a sense of consciousness? Why do you want me to help investigate? Are you lying to me?"

Did Jiangnan want me to help him with his work, so he gave me Heguoguo?

I saw Jiang Nan's expression unchanged, but a group of panicked hearts!

"I have a prisoner, why should I investigate by myself? The prisoner is to help with the work! You don't even know this?"

Heidi was startled, yes, I came as a prisoner!

"No... I'm sorry, it's my first time as a prisoner, and I don't have much experience. I'll help investigate!"

Jiang Nan smiled and said, "That's right! If you don't have experience, learn more! When you're a prisoner for others, you won't seem to understand anything!"

Heidi couldn't stop nodding, although it sounded a bit strange, but it also made sense!

"Why is there grass growing on your head? Can I pull it off for you?"

Jiangnan: "If you dare, I will abuse you!"

"Right! Did you know that our immortal cultivators have a breathing method that can enhance bodily functions?"

Heidi's eyes brightened: "Breathing? Is it water breathing or something?"

Jiang Nan coughed lightly, and took out a Dudu pacifier from his pocket: "Yes! It's the kind you said, my pacifier contains a ray of innate energy, as long as you suck it..."

Little Frog: (٥›༎ຶ⌓༎ຶ‹)

Master, don't believe him!

I can't live long like you!


At this moment, it has been nine hours since Jiangnan and his party entered the eighth floor!

In the jungle, Mila was alone, carrying a small schoolbag and walking lightly, humming a song!

(๑˃᷄ ꇴ˂᷅): "Looking for wow~ looking for wow~ where is Brother Jiangnan~"

However, the singing stopped abruptly, and Mila's pretty face became cold, and she looked around with big eyes!

Pull out a slender spiritual material dagger from the side of the school bag!

At this moment, a white shadow on the tree swooped down!

It was Ivy who had grass growing on her head, her face full of excitement, and the machete in her hand slashed towards Mila's forehead fiercely!

Mira turned around abruptly and arrived with a dagger!


Sparks fly!

Ivy was startled, this little girl actually blocked her?

Immediately, the machete in the other hand slashed towards Mira's shoulder!

Mila narrowed her eyes and raised her hand to grab the blade. Just grabbing it, the blade broke through the flesh and blood flowed!

Ivy was stunned and blocked with her hand?

But taking this opportunity, Mila raised her leg and kicked Ivy's stomach!

Holding her knife and jumping back, Ivy was kicked back three steps, the knife came out of her hand, and was pulled away by Mila!

Ivy ate a whale with a face, thinking that it could be chopped to death with a single knife!

The result was unexpected!

I saw Mila raised her hand and threw out the captured machete, nailed it to the tree trunk beside it, and looked at her bloody little hand with a blank expression!

"Well~ I forgot that I can't use abilities here, I should have come down after I knew it became bigger..."

Ivy looked at Mila's bleeding, her face flushed: "Hey~ it hurts, right? It's better to taste this pain, because I will make you hurt even more!"

Mira: (⑉❛ัࡇ❛ั⑉) Oh~

"Pain? That's it?"

Ivy: (٥・᷄д・᷅) "Eh? Don't you feel pain?"

This time it was Ivy's turn to be stunned. What the hell is that indifferent expression on your face?

In just a few breaths, the bone-seeing wound on Mira's hand healed very quickly and returned to its original state!

Even if you are in the spirit-binding force field and have been sealed with supernatural power, Mira's immortal cells can still function!

Ivy's eyes widened in disbelief!

Hurt... Are you okay?

how can that be! What is the origin of this little girl who looks twelve or thirteen years old?

Mila said coldly: "What is physical pain? No one in this world knows what pain is like better than me!"

"I don't know what happened to you to become so crazy! Do you think it's very unique?"

"You are pathetic!"

Ivy's expression gradually became hideous: "What do you know about me? I just want to make the world feel pain!"

"I have to pay back all the pain I have experienced, the world owes me!"

Mira narrowed her eyes: "I care about you! To be honest, I have long disliked you!"

"Brother Jiangnan is my only light! Why did you cut him?"

"Are you crazy? If I hadn't met Brother Jiangnan! I'd be more crazy than you!"

As soon as the words fell, Mira's big eyes burst out with shocking killing intent and deep resentment!

Holding a dagger, he charged towards Ivy!

Ivy stared blankly at Mila's eyes, is this really the little girl who was humming and smiling just now?


Just because he cut Jiang Nan's cheek?

Ivy licked her lips, her pretty face was full of madness!

"Then see who's more crazy!"

Saying that, he also rushed up with a machete!

The two approached in an instant, and Ivy stabbed Mira's heart with a machete!

Mira didn't care, the dagger slashed towards Ivy's stomach!


Ivy stabbed Mila in the opposite direction with a machete, her eyes full of excitement: "Giggle~ I succeeded!"

However, what shocked Ivy was that even though the heart was pierced, Mira's expression did not change.

The severe pain made Ivy blushed and pulled back with a knife!

But I saw the wound on Mila's chest healed again!

Ivy clutched her stomach and said in horror: "How can you not kill, this is impossible! Are you a zombie?"

Mila played with the taste: "Want to chop off my head and try? Maybe kill me?"

Saying that, pressing the knife again, at this moment, Mila actually made Ivy feel fearful!

But the severe pain in her stomach made her even more crazy: "Just try it!"

In the jungle, only the sound of daggers colliding and knives cutting flesh!

five minutes! fifteen minutes!

There were more and more screams and groans in the field!


Half an hour passed!

I saw nearly a hundred wounds all over Ivy's body, and blood stained her clothes!

Half paralyzed on the ground, she kept vomiting blood, she couldn't even stand up, she kept backing away!

However, when Mila came with the knife, the ferocious knife on her neck healed very quickly and returned to its original state!

The clothes on his body are full of tears, revealing snow-white skin, but there is not a single wound on his body!

There was no madness in Ivy's eyes, and looking at Mira was full of fear!

The severe pain seemed to arouse some painful memories of Ivy!

Horrified: "No! Don't come here! Ivy hurts, Ivy won't fight! Ivy is wrong, okay?"

However, Mira walked up to her and stabbed the dagger into Ivy's shoulder!

During Ivy's screams and struggles, I dragged it under the tree and pulled out bloodstains all over the place!

Nail her hard to the tree!

Ivy covered her shoulders with tears in her eyes, her heart line of defense has been completely defeated!

I never imagined that this innocent-looking little girl would be so terrifying when she went mad!

It doesn't matter if she can't kill her, no means can arouse her mood swings?

Does she not hurt?

Mila frowned slightly: "You are very similar to me, but you are not as lucky as me, and you haven't met the person who cares about you!"

"Let's go! I won't harass you, don't bother my brother Jiangnan again!"

There were tears in Ivy's eyes, and her face was stunned: "Huh? Don't you shark me?"

Mira pulled out the dagger: "I don't want another sad person in this world!"

"Maybe all the eyes of this world are malicious, but there is always the kindness that loves you, but you just didn't find it!"

"When you find it, you'll feel that all the pain you've been through is worth it..."

Ivy looked at Mila blankly and muttered to herself, "Have you found someone who cares about you?"

At this moment, there were bursts of roaring sounds from the distant mountains, and Mira looked out from afar, and saw a black cloud flying at high speed!

Mira: (⑉ ̄᷄~ ̄᷅)

(๐❛ั ꇴ❛ั) "Ah~ it's Gangnam bro!"

Ivy: ? ? ?

Do you want to change your face so fast?

Isn't that the same as just two people?

I saw Mila looking down at her tattered clothes, her eyes full of anxiety!

Quickly took off the hidden behind the stone, wiped the blood on the body!

Then he took out a new set of clothes from his small schoolbag and put on it, with a big smile on his face!

Then he turned to Ivy and said fiercely:

(。・᷅~・᷄) “What are you looking at? Are you still going?”

Ivy: (٥・᷄﹏・᷅)…

With eyes full of fear, she quickly struggled to get up, gritted her teeth and ran away!

I saw Mira hurriedly waved and shouted!

٩(๐·̀ ꇴ·́)۶: "Brother Jiangnan! Here's acridine!"

Hearing Mila's cry, Jiang Nan's eyes brightened, and he quickly controlled the ostrich to run over!

He picked it up and held it in his arms: "Haha, are you here? How is it? Did you not encounter any danger?"

"Have any bad people bullied you or something?"

Mila smiled sweetly: "No, I avoided all encounters with spirit-bound beasts!"

Ivy, who was hiding in the bushes by the side, looked at Mila who was giggling in Jiangnan's arms, her eyes full of confusion!

Is this really the crazy girl who cut herself to the point of crying just now?

Ivy's eyes dimmed, and she muttered to herself, "Who cares about me..."

On the ostrich, Mila looked at Heidi who was sitting behind Jiang Nan in confusion!

I saw that she was wearing a pacifier all over her body, and she was looking at the baby in her backpack with excitement!

Diamond durian, deadly green stick, embarrassed dance grenade!

There is also a paralysis gold ring on the middle finger of the right hand, and the middle finger cannot be retracted...

Heidi was dying of excitement, still alive fruit, violent blood wine, colorful thunder beads, and diamond circle!

These are the treasures of cultivators!

Mira: "Who came from this little black briquettes?"

Heidi was startled, black... black briquettes?

˚‧o·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧o·˚Wow~

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's mention...cough! It's my newly captured prisoner!"

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