Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 750: One husband is in charge, and ten thousand husbands can't open it?

Seeing that Jiangnan is so arrogant, Qin Shuwangba everyone is very excited!

This time, can you finally experience the pleasure of walking around the battlefield and staring at you like the Southern God?

Although it depends on the taste, it doesn't delay Lao Tzu's fun, right?

"Oh hoho? It's really bloody all of a sudden!"

"To be able to have such a tranquil state of mind under the tide of all beasts, this is the only time in my life~ vomit!"

Qi Delong: "I stink and I am proud, don't make trouble with spirit beasts!"

Qi Dongqiang: "Let's all lean to the side! Brother, I want to grin!"

Everyone was speechless for a while, did these two start to rap improvisationally again?

At this moment, the army of dry rice beasts rushed in front of everyone, and an extremely strong sense of oppression came over them!

The smile on Jiangnan's face froze, it shouldn't be!

The diamond durian is fragrant in ten miles, and the spirit beasts should avoid it when they smell it, and will not rush so close! First URL htt

Aren't these spirit beasts Taichang Demon Dogs?

Wangba: (๑・᷅ ꇴ・᷄ ) Haha!

"This cannon, my brother ordered it for you, it stinks to death!"

As he said that, he bent his knees slightly, and his legs jumped fiercely!


Even the mountain he stepped on cracked, and Wang Ba's body was like an arrow from the string, rushing towards the one-piece 50-meter giant diamond-level iron-clawed Tyrannosaurus Rex!

I saw the Tyrannosaurus rex open its bloody mouth and roar up to the sky!

(ꐦ°᷄口°᷅) Wow~

When everyone saw Wang Ba rushing straight, their eyes were bright, and they even started to look forward to the scene where the Tyrannosaurus Rex was smoked and vomited!


(ꐦ°᷄Д°᷅)ዽ ⁼3₌₃yahoo~


(٥꒪~꒪)? ? ?

(๐˘Д˘) hiccup~

Jiangnan people:‼ (·'д'· ۶)۶

"Oh~ shit! Price! NO!"

I saw Wang Ba's body slammed straight into the throat of the Iron Claw Tyrannosaurus Rex, one step to the stomach!

I didn't chew it, I guess I didn't taste it!

The Iron Claw Tyrannosaurus Rex was stunned by Wang Ba's manipulation!

You don't even have a letter when I tell you this, now all Muggles are delivered to your door!

When I open my mouth, he jumps into the mouth!

Qi Delong was horrified: "The Tyrannosaurus rex ate the king! It's terrible!"

Qi Dongqiang was horrified: "Wang Ba's wave is really sassy! How daring!"

Jiang Nan covered his face: "Can you two talk nicely!"


With a loud bang, I saw the iron-clawed Tyrannosaurus rex widen its eyes and its belly burst open!

I saw that Wangba had transformed into a giant tortoise over 50 meters in size, roaring in the sky!

The four legs are like Tianzhu, the tortoise shell is thick, the dragon head is wild, and the head bears antlers!

It's really similar to the Baxia in Shanhaijing.

Wang Ba said: "What the hell is this? Shouldn't we despise us?"

[The resentment value from Wangba +1000! ]

When speaking, the body turned into a half-beast, with a tortoise shell, strong limbs, and green skin!

Several people in Jiangnan were stunned for a moment. Is this the beastization of Wangba? It's too much like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, isn't it?

Qin Shu said dumbfounded: "It's not right! These dry rice beasts are affected by the original sin of gluttony, and the stone can go up and take two bites!"

"What else can Ba ​​Ba dare not eat?"

But at this moment when everyone realizes this problem, it is too late!

The crowd of black beasts has already surrounded them, their faces are crazy, and they open their blood and bite at everyone!

It looks like he wants to eat everything he can eat!

Everyone's complexion is pale, and the durian pulp is useless?

However, there was no time for everyone to react, and the beasts were killed!

Jiang Nan took out the blood-drinking halberd, raised his hand and smashed out a black hole in the void, clearing the area of ​​300 meters in front of him!

I saw Wang Ba roar: "Turtle armored chariot!"

In an instant, his body was completely animalized again, and then he shrank into the turtle shell!

The huge tortoise shell spins at high speed like a spinning top, knocking all the approaching spirit beasts flying!

Ling Feng's slingshot shot wildly, and the mad hole of the spirit bullet was wearing the spirit beast that was pressed over!

"Nan Shen! What should I do? I can't hold it for long! Are you rushing out?"

Jiang Nan looked at the black beasts, and couldn't even see the edge!

It's not that I can't rush, but I don't know how many people will die!

Quickly analyze the situation in your mind and think about how to get through the crisis safely!

In an instant, Jiangnan's eyes fell on the space door in the valley!

"Everyone, go back to the sixth floor! Block the door!"

At this moment, no one hesitated at all about Jiangnan's order!

This is also the most correct decision!

Since everyone didn't go far at all, many people rushed back at that time!

At this moment, Ling Feng's few diamonds broke out with amazing fighting power, defending the valley and giving the team time to retreat!

I saw that the skin on Gong Lin's back was constantly derived from white paper and folded into white paper wings!

He directly took his whole person to the sky, and then white paper continued to be derived from his arm, I am afraid there are no less than thousands of sheets!

It floats like snowflakes and falls into the herd!

There is a lot of spiritual power on the white paper, and a complicated incantation is condensed on it!

The incantation absorbs the spiritual power of the white paper, and then it bursts with a bang. The power of a piece of paper is comparable to that of C4!

For a while, the sound of explosions in the beast tide was endless, and the bombed spirit beasts flew all over the sky!

Jiang Nan looked at Gong Lin with bright eyes, what the fuck?

Isn't this the blasting talisman?

Can spells still work like this?

In an instant, countless immature ideas popped up in Jiangnan!

As expected of the pioneers and seniors, they have the ability to press the bottom of the box!

At this moment, Jiang's excavator snapped his fingers and flew, and the black hole in the void cleared out one big hole after another in the beast tide!

However, it doesn't work at all. Facing the countless beasts of dry rice, Jiangnan and the others are too powerless!

What surprised Jiangnan the most was Xing Xingyu!

With ginseng in his mouth and a dagger in one hand, this kid is crazy and dazzling himself!

The blood was mad, and the scattered blood beads were controlled by it and floated far away!

Every drop of blood is comparable to high-explosive explosives, and I don't know how many spirit beasts are blown away!

(ꐦಥyiಥ): "It hurts me to death! Blast you all to death!"

Jiangnan's face was full of excitement, as if he had discovered a peerless treasure!

Looking back again, everyone in the valley has already withdrawn to the sixth floor!

Jiangnan teleported and grabbed Xingyu Yu: "Withdraw! Everyone has retreated!"

Ling Feng and the others returned to the sixth floor!

As soon as I returned to the ruins of the Manta Fortress in the fish country, I saw a group of spirit beasts rushing through the space gate like crazy!

Jiangnan roared: "Wangba! Completely beast-like!"

During the battle, Wang Ba will not hesitate to give Jiangnan's orders!

Directly transformed into a giant overlord of more than 50 meters!

And Jiangnan teleported to Wang Ba's stomach, and with a loud roar, he lifted Wang Ba up!

In ancient times, there was an overlord who held a bronze tripod!

Today there is a king in the south of the Yangtze River!

Wang Ba was stunned, and before he could figure out what was going on, he saw Jiang Nan used all his strength and roared loudly!

(๐・᷅口・᷄): "Ah~ha!"

He threw Wang Ba towards the space door in one go!


I saw Wang Ba's round tortoise shell just inlaid on the round hole of the space door, like a bottle cork!

The size is just right, and the space door is blocked!

Wang Ba: ( ٥・᷄△・᷅)?

Making me totally beastly just for this?

Am I so useful?

[The resentment value from Wangba +666! ]

As soon as it was blocked, I heard a loud bang from Wang Ba's tortoise shell and was almost knocked out!

Seeing this, Ling Feng quickly greeted: "Brothers, go up and hold down!"

At that time, dozens of melee battles rushed over, resisting the king stubbornly, blocking the beast tide on the seventh floor, and preventing them from rushing up!

Wangba: (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄…

Can you be individuals?

"Hey, hey, I feel a beast biting my shell! I even scratched it with its claws!"

At this moment, Wangbaren is on the sixth floor, but the shell is on the seventh floor!

Jiang Nan's expression became positive: "Hold on! Now you are the key to victory or defeat!"

Wang Ba's face darkened: "But it's such a shame!"

Jiangnan: "Bullshit! One husband is a prisoner, and this is what Wanfu Mokai said!"

"You are the hero who blocked the giant beast tide and saved everyone from the crisis by yourself!"

"Even I can't do it! But you Wangba did it, aren't you proud?"

Wang Ba was startled, and his face couldn't help but feel proud!

You're right, but isn't that the case?

Gong Lin said blankly: "Has Nanshen always said that the tool people are so fresh and refined?"

Xia Yao snickered: "Just get used to it!"

At this moment in the valley on the seventh floor, the army of dry rice beasts scratched their ears and cheeks at the turtle shell exposed in the space door!

Crazy biting on the mouth, but the white teeth shattered on the ground!

This feeling of wanting to eat but not being able to eat is just about to die!

The hardness of Wangba's tortoise shell is by no means impossible!

At this moment, Jiangnan and the others in the sixth floor were relieved. Fortunately, they did not lose any manpower!

These dry rice beasts are too scary, and the durian pulp is not afraid!

Fortunately, there is still the sixth floor as a retreat, otherwise it will be submerged in the beast tide, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

Presumably the army of dry rice beasts will not be able to eat anything, and it will not be long before they will disperse and go to other places to cook!

We can only wait until then to enter the seventh floor!

In my heart, I was inevitably worried about the exploration team. With such a ferocious beast tide, it's no wonder that the barren hill fortress can withstand it!

I don't know how many brothers survived!

At this moment, Wang Ba was shocked!

Σ(||・᷄﹏・᷅): "They couldn't eat it and started licking my shell!"


In the Kyoto Abyss Laboratory, Han Menglu and Yang Jian were relieved when they saw Jiangnan and the others returned to the sixth floor without damage!

Yang Jian's face was full of worry: "It's too difficult to rescue, and the beast tide simply can't compete head-on!"

Han Monroe bit her lower lip: "But the exploration team won't last long!"

"The most terrifying thing in this world is not death, but giving them hope in desperation, and finally waiting for disappointment!"

Nightingale shook her head with a firm tone: "Bad Jiang will never disappoint!"

"Believe in Jiangnan without reservation! He will respond to everyone's expectations!"

"That's the only thing we can do right now!"

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