Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 735: Shaking the Spear

At this moment, the Nova Fortress was lit up with brilliant lights.

Indeed, as Jiangnan said, as a resource camp, the United States has invested a lot of energy here.

Even in special periods, there are still more than 4,000 permanent resident personnel.

After years of hard work, Nova Fortress has been built like a steel fortress!

The facilities are all there!

Affected by the crime of greed, the casino business in the fortress is booming.

Even the explorers patrolling the city walls were playing cards and poker.

In the casino, Cage hugged from side to side, watching the dice spin in the iron plate with excitement!

(。⊗Дŏ): “l say big! Big big big big!”

At the gambling table, a group of younger brothers blushed, and some of them had lost their pants, and they were still shouting!

"Ah! Big, big, big!" Remember http://m.\\n42zw.\\ncom for a second

Cage: "Ah come oh ~ ah come oh!"

Youngsters: (。・̀ㅂ・́) “Ah, come, come, come, come, come~”

The atmosphere is very lively, and the dice are about to stop!

Cage said excitedly: "Let's Go!"


With an explosion, the card table shattered instantly, and a huge black shadow emitting a dazzling light burst out from the ground!

Not only the poker table, but the entire casino building was blown to pieces as if it had been hit by a ground-penetrating shell!

The huge impact gave Cage everyone a blowout!

Everyone was blindfolded, they gambled well, what did they do from the ground?

so big? Did you really call it out?

Cage's eyes were full of anger: "What kind of joke is this?"

They all looked up at the sky, and saw the black shadow rushing out from the ground, rushing straight to the altitude of thousands of meters!

The light above his head is like a rising sun!

Nothing but the big centipede who came to earn snacks!

For a time, the entire Nova fortress sounded an alarm, and countless explorers rushed out to watch the sky!

"What is it? A spirit-bound beast?"

"You can fuck me, the spirit-bound beasts all live in the mining area, and I've never seen them near Nova Fortress!"

"It's the spirit-binding beast, I feel the spirit-binding force field, Fake! Or is it a diamond-level one? Hiss~"

Cage looked stunned, how could a diamond-level spirit-bound beast come to attack the fortress?

Got water in your head?

"Concentrate your firepower, kill this beast, and don't let it wreak havoc in the city!"

At this moment, the giant centipede with a thousand legs is all excited, and there are only two words in their minds!

Running laps, snacks!

The giant centipede that fell to the ground smashed another building, and thousands of explorers rushed over, wanting to surround and bind the spirit beast!

But when it was about a kilometer close to its body, it was suppressed by the great centipede's own bound spirit field, and was banned from supernatural power, with a face full of bad luck!

At this moment, there are countless ice cones and fireballs smashing towards it!

However, before it could hit, the giant centipede had already rushed out!

It only took three seconds to go from zero to four times the speed of sound!

He crashed into the crowd, and the fifty or sixty explorers who stood in front of him were smashed into pieces!

The sonic boom that set off even knocked everyone out!

In a blink of an eye, he rushed out of the fortress, and as he passed along the way, he knocked out a big hole in more than a dozen buildings!

Immediately, it was blasted mercilessly!

Going directly to the parking lot, more than a dozen large mining trucks were all smashed into pieces, the gas station exploded, and then a violent explosion occurred!

The air waves flew, the black smoke billowed, and the huge firelight enveloped the entire Nova fortress!

Cage was in a hurry, his blindfold was blown up on his forehead, he grabbed it and threw it on the ground, looking furious!

"What are you doing so dumbfounded? I'll arrange for you to do things like Binding Machine Cannons, Howitzers, etc.!"

"Where are the people? Where have all the people gone? I'll beat it to death for Lao Tzu, and it's a lot of money!"

The Nova Fortress really wasn't built, and it reacted immediately!

Two or three thousand explorers rushed towards the big centipede one by one.

On the city wall, the machine guns poured out their tongues of fire, shooting wildly at the big centipede!

However, with the blessing of four times the speed of sound, the cannon is difficult to hit!

Even if it swept up with a shuttle, it was defended by the black armor of the big centipede.

Behind the big centipede, a group of explorers chased and chased them, and they couldn't chase them even if they vomited!

There were also those blocked in front, but even the platinum-level tanks were hit and killed...

"No, it's too fast to catch up!"

"Four times the speed of sound, this is really a spirit-bound beast, I can't even see what it looks like..."

"Where is this bound spirit beast? This special cat is a cruise bound spirit sonic cannon!"

"I don't believe it can...Boom!"

Before the words were finished, people were smashed into pieces!

Cage is also full of horror, how can there be such a fast speed of a spirit-bound beast? Are there a thousand wheels under the feet?

"I don't care, even if you fill it with your life, you must not let it destroy the steel mill!"

"You have no idea how much resources this steelmaking plant has spent on us..."


Before the words were finished, the big centipede slammed into the steel mill!

The huge steel furnace was dumped, and a violent explosion occurred immediately!

The steel factory was swallowed up by the firelight, blown to pieces, and the molten iron wraith was scattered in the air, like an apocalyptic scene.

Cage Fury: (ꐦ⊗yiʘ̆)

"You Lailai have a leg!"

Great Centipede: ? ? ?

Are you talking about the leg of my Lai Lai?

I have a lot of legs!

Having been stationed on the third floor for so many years, Cage has never encountered such a situation!

Where did this spirit-bound beast like a sonic cannonball come from?

Is it the ghosts of Jiangnan and the others? Impossible, how long did they just fall into the Korra Cave?

In three or five days, the top half of the people who don't die won't be able to come out at all!

Seeing that the big centipede was on the edge of the city wall, Cage breathed a sigh of relief!

Just let it rush out like this, it's already lost, and in order to kill it, it's impossible to take human life.

"Don't worry about it, just let it go out! Can't you just hide it if you can't provoke me?"

However, when I saw the big centipede rushing to the city wall, it turned... turned!

Like mosquito coils, it runs in circles from the outside in circles...

Wherever it passes, it is like a gust of wind passing through, and what it hits is called a smashed piece!

Cage stared blankly at this scene, roaring up to the sky!

(ꐦ⊗ dishʘ̆): "You bastard! Are you trying to make trouble on purpose by stepping on a horse?"

"I killed you alive!"

I saw Cage's muscles bulge all over his body, rushing towards the big centipede like a cannonball!


At this moment, a rooftop rooftop!

More than 20 teleportation teletubbies in stealth state appeared on it!

Everyone's faces were full of horror, and they did it with a teleport from the underground of three kilometers?

Is it so quick?

However, the moment everyone looked at Nova Fortress, their hearts stopped beating!

My mother, is this really that steel fortress?

I don't know how much the building has collapsed, there are fires everywhere, roars are endless, and the scene is chaotic!

Even the steel mill blows up?

Jiangnan: (๐·̌口·̑) Huh?

"Isn't it? This is Nova Fortress? Can there be any more trash? It's so disappointing!"

"My plan has only just begun, the steel fortress of the fart? Diu Diu~"

Everyone looked at Jiangnan in horror!

Just...that's not the beginning yet?

What is the devil's plan brewing in your mind?

Yuri and Heidi swallowed when they looked at Jiangnan, and they couldn't let Jiangnan come to our country if they were killed in the future!

Absolutely not!

Before Jiangnan could take action, let a big centipede go out and make Nova Fortress like this?


Ling Feng grinned: "It's better to kill some people while messing around, if you don't kill the white, don't kill!"

As he spoke, he took out a desert eagle from his pocket and pressed the mithril bullet!

Jiang Nan was stunned, and then said: "It's not Brother Feng, you are all diamonds, why are you still using hot weapons?"

"Even a spirit-binding weapon isn't enough, right? Diamonds are basically bulletproof!"

Ling Feng grinned: "My ability is all in the gun, the international codename weapon master!"

Saying that, he raised his hand and aimed his gun at Tianling Gai in Jiangnan!

(๐˃᷄ᴗ・᷅)つ/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿(乛▾乛٥)

Jiangnan: "I tell you, don't shoot me casually, or others may be injured!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Guess how many people's heads can I blow with this bullet?"

Jiang Nan looked straight: "I bet you don't have bullets in your gun!"

Ling Feng: (≖_≖ )…


He actually shot, and the bullet flew straight towards Jiangnan's eyebrows!

Everyone was startled, but Jiang Nan didn't panic at all, and directly opened a space wormhole on his forehead!

However, the jaw dropped, and the trajectory of the bullet changed!

A perfect arc was drawn in the air, and it went around Jiang Nan's head!

The speed is getting faster and faster, flying straight towards the crowd below!

Jiang Nan's eyes were bright, and he was so excited that he couldn't help himself!

(๑·̀ ꇴ·́): "My giao! Is this the legendary shaking and grabbing technique?"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "That's right, the specific principle is..."

Jiang Nan said excitedly: "I know, at the moment when the shot was fired, the wrist shook extremely fast, giving the bullet a horizontal acceleration!"

"Let the trajectory turn, and even bypass obstacles to kill the enemy!"

"People in the rivers and lakes call it the art of shaking the spear, and it is also called the art of bending the bullet! Am I right?"

The smile on Ling Feng's face froze directly!

Wangba: ( ๑ŏ3ŏ) Pfft~ Hahaha!

"God special meow bending bullets! Brother Feng, I know you can shake a gun! I can too, but I really don't know you can bend bullets!"

"Come and show it to everyone?"

Ling Feng: (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄

[The resentment value from Ling Feng +1000! ]

Is it so difficult for me to pretend to be a batch?

I saw that the temple of a golden boy below was slammed by a bullet!

Weakly slumped to the ground, breathless!

And the speed of the bullet that was fired did not slow down at all, but instead came more and more, even to the extent that it was difficult to see with the naked eye!

Draw a gorgeous arc in the air, passing through the heads of each and everyone!

Ling Feng's face darkened: "The ghost's bending bullet, Lao Tzu's ability is called kinetic energy control!"

"You can manipulate the kinetic energy contained in the object at will, increase or decrease, or control the direction!"

"It's a bit tasteless, but it's not weak when used well!"

Wangba laughed straightly: "This product comes with a lock, so strong! There is a chance for you to see the power of the predecessors!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were bright, looking at Ling Feng as if he had discovered a peerless treasure!

"It's more than strong, it's really strong! I have an immature idea..."

Ling Feng covered his face, why is it so unpleasant to hear good words in your mouth?

[The resentment value from Ling Feng +666! ]

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