After the girls are refreshed and detoxified, everyone is finished!

After a fire blew up the beacon tower, they rode flying motorcycles on the road again.

It didn't take long for the coffin-carrying team to be overtaken again, and they were jealous and scolded!

After another four hours, two-thirds of the way was gone.

Even so, Jiangnan did not go straight to the entrance on the third floor, but stopped by the roadside again to detox!

This time it's the boys' turn!

A freckled girl said, "Do you want me to build a beacon tower for you?"

Qi Yu waved his hand: "Hey~ no, how can it be so inspiring?"

As he said, he picked up two stones from the ground at random, picked a few leaves from the tree, and walked into the bushes...

The freckled girl looked horrified: "I know what leaves are used for...but rocks?"

Du Yue covered her face: "The stone should be used for tiptoes!"

The girls are going crazy, do you want to be so concise?

However, for Jiang Jingjing, such a thing does not exist at all, otherwise why bring an RV?

White smoke rises, grass and trees turn yellow! It didn't take long for Adams to drive up with the people from the Fish Nation.

Jiang Nan was startled, how could they be so fast?

Only then did I discover that everyone had an aqua blue aperture above their heads, as if they were running a sprint.

Jiangnan couldn't help but think of the Battle Cry of the Snow Country. This is also a group gain. ?

Everyone's legs in Adams were so tired that they couldn't help but look excited when they saw Jiangnan finally escorted them!

"Ha! Trash, this is starting to detoxify? Can you be any more courageous?"

"Wealth is in danger, how can we get the first move without taking some risks? Crush!"

Jiangnan: (≖_≖ )

"We don't have to take risks to get here before you!"

Adams stared: "You... hum! Arrogant!"

[The resentment value from Adams +1000! ]

With that said, let's continue on our way!

Three hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Jiangnan, who had finished the second round of detoxification, was about to lead the team.

Danny's face was blue when he saw Danny taking someone to chase after him with a car.

Two of the original three supply trucks have been thrown away, and they can be replenished on the fifth floor anyway!

It's all about going faster!

Shirley, who was sitting on the roof of the car, was going crazy, and there was only one car of supplies left!

Are you sure this car can last up to the fifth floor?

"You are already poisoned, stop detoxification, you see they have stopped detoxification in Jiangnan!"

Danny's eyes were red and his face was ashen: "They were kicked out by us just because they stopped detoxing!"

"No! Can't stop, we're at the end!"

Xue Li said anxiously: "Then you have to detoxify, otherwise what's the use of buying small soybeans?"

Danny gritted his teeth, he did feel his abnormality, but he couldn't stop!

At this moment, his eyes were bright, and he suddenly remembered Yuri Yuke's rocket jet before!

Who says detoxing has to stop?

"Gentlemen, it's time to make some sacrifices and show chivalry! For the sake of the core, we won't give in an inch!"

"Brothers, are you ready?"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Salute to the Paladins!"

Danny shouted loudly, "Everyone, eat soy beans!"

Everyone quickly took out small soybeans from their pockets, stuffed them into their mouths, and swallowed them fiercely!

Shirley breathed a sigh of relief and finally listened to the persuasion!

But Danny and the others didn't mean to stop at all, and then ran!

Shirley: ? ? ?

"Don't you want to detox? Why don't you stop?"

Danny grinned: "You don't need to stop, it's just a matter of two things. You can't break through this difficulty, how can you fight for the core?"

Shirley: Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ

Are you planning to detox on the go?

This is not breaking through difficulties, this is breaking through the limits of human beings!

"No! Stop it! Stop it!"

However, no one listened at all, and everyone's stomach made a thunderous sound.

Billowing white smoke came out, and the speed of the team skyrocketed as the jealousy accelerated!

However, Danny, who was running in the front, was fine, and the brother who was carrying the car in the back was choked to the point of coughing and crying!

"No way, big brother! It's fast to run like this, but it's too choking!"

"I can't see the way anymore, do you think about it?"

"Cough cough cough ~ I've been smoked blind!"

Danny roared: "It's okay, just wait for the fire!"

As he said that, he took out the lighter and clicked behind him!

Shirley: ! ! !

Even if you break through the limits of human beings, you still need to set fire to it?

"No! No order!"

However, Danny has already fired, and the firelight is passed one by one, and more than 200 people are all human rocket engines!

The speed of the team has increased sharply, and Danny in front has been deformed by the strong wind blowing in front of him!

"Haha, who is faster than us now?"

"Shirley! Don't hesitate, join us and contribute to the team. Where's your chivalry? Take it out?"

Shirley: (๐ớyiờ) Go away! Get out of here!

Is this your chivalry?

Did you understand something wrong?

This girl is the goddess chosen by heaven, why should I go through all this?

The abyss is terrible, is it too late to change teams now?

Danny, who accelerated the rocket, surpassed Adams in an instant!

Adams was anxious: "Quick, quick! Let's use it too! Chase me!"

Jiangnan and his party stood blankly on the side of the road, because human beings have limits, so you choose not to be human?

Xia Yao shivered: "The original sin of jealousy is too terrible, let's hurry to the next floor!"

The team continued to set off. Danny and the others had become unworthy people because of jealousy, but they were still not as fast as Jiangnan and the others.

However, Jiangnan frowned, and he never saw Feito and the others, and the United States didn't seem to be in a hurry?

Something is wrong!


Even if they were detoxed twice on the road, Jiangnan and his party were still the first team to rush to the entrance of the third floor!

This is a low, rocky valley that has been transformed into a fortress!

It is the location of the Hongguo staff, but no one has seen it!

The wall was knocked open, and there were still many scratches from animal claws. The buildings in the fortress collapsed, and most of the vehicles were scrapped.

Ling Feng grinned: "The explorers who stayed on the second floor of the abyss in Hongguo are probably all dead!"

A sensory girl said: "Report, there is no sign of life activity in the fortress, it should be hit by a beast tide!"

Jiang Nan nodded, according to his own understanding, the third floor of the abyss is a resource layer, with a lot of spirit-binding iron ore!

In the vicinity of this large ore vein, due to the massive accumulation of spirit binding iron, a unique binding spirit field will be formed!

As long as you are close to the ore vein, you are in the spirit binding field!

Even without touching the spirit-binding iron, the supernatural powers and spiritual power in the body will be limited!

So be extra careful!

What's more, the core of the third layer is still in the hands of the United States!

Xiao Zhen: "I found the entrance to the third floor. It's open, but it's not normally open!"

Jiangnan and his party came to the space gate on the stone wall!

I saw that the alloy iron door that originally closed the space door has been blasted open!

Seriously deformed, and bombed from the inside out!

Jiangnan sneered: "The Americans on the third floor blasted away? The explorers of Hongguo are not necessarily killed by whose hands!"

Ling Feng was startled: "You mean that the fortress of the Rainbow Country may have been captured by the American explorers on the third floor?"

Jiang Nan shrugged and said, "It's nothing to do with us. When you go to the third floor, you may encounter situations where you can't use your abilities!"

"All the staff first drive the vehicle to the alien space, and bring the items needed for personal survival, the first aid kit!"

"A battle may break out at any time later, everyone is ready!"

Everyone quickly complied, knowing that Jiangnan was preparing for the situation on the third floor!

Xiao Zhen said solemnly: "You mean that the United States may cause trouble on the third floor? Ambush us at the door of the space gate?"

Jiangnan laughed directly: "It's not possible! It's a certainty!"

With Walker's big gift and Feito's actions, how could Jiangnan not be wary?

"The output of the team, blast me for three minutes at the space gate!"

Everyone swallowed their saliva, Nanshen is yin enough!

Did you ambush Lao Tzu? Before anyone arrives, I will blow you up first!

In an instant, the output of more than 100 firepower against the space door is a burst of magic skills.

What fireball, wind blade and big thunder gun are thrown into it!

I threw it for more than three minutes and didn't move!

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin: "Is there really no one?"

While speaking, he took out a large diamond durian, pressed the fruit handle, and threw it into the space door!

Watching Xia Yao and Zhong Yingxue get goosebumps, if there is an ambush on the opposite side, I'm afraid I'm already scolding my mother now, right?

Jiangnan scratched his head, lost so many diamonds and durians, but if there is someone on the opposite side, he can also give me a grudge!

But the list of grievance values ​​remained silent!

"That might be waiting for me at the entrance of the fourth floor? Interesting! Everyone is ready for battle, come with me!"

I saw Jiangnan put on a schoolbag and carried some daily necessities, and took out the blood-drinking spurge!

One head plunged into the space door!

When I stepped on this foot, I stepped on it in the air, and Jiang Nan's heart suddenly became cold!

The sound of the wind whistling in my ears, my body is actually falling at an extreme speed!

Looking down, there is a bottomless giant pit with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers!

All the supernatural powers were sealed, Jiang Nan gritted his teeth, and then realized that he should be in the binding field!

Is the huge pit below the Wraith Mine?

Lai Lai has a leg!

The United States used the core to change the teleportation point of the third floor entrance?

Do you want to throw all the people in the third floor into the pit?

I beep beep!

Left defense right defense, in the end still fell into the pit?

This guy Feito is more yin than Lao Tzu?

"Hey! Don't come down!"

However, it was already too late, Jiangnan fell madly, how could the roar be transmitted back to the second floor?

In the space door at this moment, Ling Feng and the others fell like dumplings!

ps: Thank you for your company over the past year, happy Spring Festival!

The Year of the Ox happens to be Qingfeng's natal year. Qingfeng is here to wish you all the success of the year.

With a smile on your face, spend every day happily!

*⸜₍๑·⌔·๑ ₎⸝*Yeah~

I also hope that in the new year, my friends will continue to like Qingfeng and Dali!

In the vast sea of ​​books, we are in the same boat through thick and thin, and it is great to have you by your side!

(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗(˃᷄ꇴ ˂᷅๐)~ෆluck~

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