Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 716 Get up every morning with eight glasses of water! good health

At eight o'clock in the evening, the desalination plant!

This is the water delivery station of the whole city that never sleeps, and the tap water of the whole city flows out from here.

At this moment, Mei was standing at the door pacing back and forth, a little uneasy.

At this moment, a teleportation from Jiangnan appeared beside him and smiled brightly: "Yo? Good evening, Sister Mei."

Mei coldly put on a pretty face: "You can really drag, open the entrance to the abyss tomorrow, and only come today?"

Jiangnan laughed directly: "It's not too late for good things!"

God knows what the hell the city that never sleeps will look like after putting soy flour here?

For your own safety, of course, you have to put it down.

When I get down to the abyss, it will have nothing to do with me, quack~

The two came to the reservoir of the pumping station together. Jiangnan had already opened the space of different dimensions and pulled out a shredder from it!

Bags of small soybeans are carried out. Remember the URL m.42zw.\\ncom

The resident population of the city that never sleeps is about one million, and there are about 800 small soybeans per pound!

Only 1250 jin is enough for everyone to get a soybean.

And a pound of small soybeans can be replaced with only 100 resentment points.

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin and looked contemplative!

(⑉꒪ͦก꒪ͦ): "Everyone in the city that never sleeps has been deeply infected by the poison of original sin. Since this is the first time it has been released, it would be better!"

"Let everyone have a good understanding, I am really selfless dedication."

So Jiangnan waved his hand and exchanged 2,000 catties of small soybeans!

Mei looked at the side with a speechless face, is this person shameless? Are you bragging about yourself?

Seeing that Jiangnan picked up the beans and was about to pour them into the grinder!

Mei Yi looked uneasy: "Hey? You wait!"

I know the side effects of this thing, and I still remember it now!

If everyone in the city drank water mixed with soy flour...

Just thinking about the charm makes me shudder. The queen should know the consequences of doing this, right?

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "It's all this time, what are you still struggling with?"

"If you hesitate, you will lose, and if you are decisive, you will give it for nothing?"

Charm: ? ? ?

Can't have a good result.

"But the Queen she..."

Jiang Nan said: "Is the Queen's mind that we can figure out? Since we let us do this, she must know it!"

"Besides, aren't we doing something bad? It's to detoxify everyone!"

"Otherwise, do you have any better way? If you hesitate any longer, the city will be ruined in less than half a month!"

Under Jiangnan's demon-like whisper, Mei's eyes gradually became firm, and she gritted her teeth: "Let's put it! Put more!"

Jiangnan: ᕙ ( ՞ٹ՞ )☛ OK!

When the grinder started, a full 2,000 catties of soybeans were poured into Jiangnan, crushed into soybean powder, and mixed into the reservoir!

Was pumped into the water pipe network of the city that never sleeps!

After finishing all this, Jiang Nan clapped his little hands with a satisfied face. Rao was a bit of a devil, and he never did such a big thing!

However, Mei was a little uneasy at the moment: "This... can this really save the city that never sleeps?"

Jiangnan: "It should be almost like maybe?"

Charm: (。˘・~・˘。)…

[The resentment value from the charm +1000! ]

Can't you give me a definite answer? I'm so nervous when you look like this!

Jiang Nan laughed directly: "I have done everything, there is no way to save it! What are you afraid of?"

"The most important thing now is to make Xiao Huangdou fully effective and solve the crisis in the city that never sleeps!"

"Otherwise, wouldn't we be busy working in vain?

Mei swallowed, "I... what should I do?"

(๐°᷄ 3°᷅)(。˘·ꇴ·˘。)

"Gu Niu Gu Niu Gu Niu~"

Mei's eyes brightened: "It's a good idea, I'll do it now!"

Before leaving, Jiangnan spent another 3 million grievance points in exchange for 30,000 catties of detoxifying small soybeans.

It should be enough to last the city that never sleeps for a few months!


In the streets and alleys, Jiangnan walked around, looking at the feasting and feasting of the city that never sleeps, with a nostalgic smile on his face!

Or take the opportunity to take a look at it, maybe you won't be able to see it in the future.

"Dang bang~"

There was an abnormal sound from the manhole cover stepped on under his feet, Jiang Nan scratched his head, but he didn't care, and then walked forward.

After a while, the manhole cover was tilted to the side, and a faint gaze came from inside!


Looking left and right, there was no one around, Lan with Zhang Xiao's dirty face removed the manhole cover and crawled out from inside!

Annoyed, he rubbed his head: "Who stepped on me? Don't you know that stepping on the manhole cover will bring bad luck?"

The stomach screamed again, and Lan cautiously walked towards the food stall with a very alert expression.

I don't know what's going on, but people from Dandelion are always looking for me all this time?

Lan was a little scared, wondering if it was because he stole the magic beans.

Once caught, he will definitely be beaten to death, so Lan has been hiding in his secret sewer base all this time...

Rao is that Dandelion has so many people that he has not even touched Lan's shadow for so many days.

Jiangnan is enjoying the night view, and at this moment, I saw all the signboards of the shops in the city that never sleeps, and the LED advertising screen switched the screen at the same time!

Scroll the video.

I saw in the video, Lanbo Fanbo holds a cup in hand, picks up water under the tap, and then drinks it up!

Gudong Gudong drank 8 cups alone!

Immediately, he clapped his hands at the camera, blinked his eyes and pouted his tongue.

٩(๑˃᷄ڡ❛ั) 人(❛ัڡ˂᷅๐)۶

Let's speak together!

"Eight glasses of water before bed every day!"

"Healthy and good mood!"

"Eight glasses of water every morning!"

"Spread your legs with a hundred times of spirit!"

"Drink hydrolyzed poison, you won't regret it if you don't drink it!"

Jiangnan is so happy, Mei is fast enough to do things!

If you don't drink it yourself, why did you capture these two little ones for commercials?

Lanbo: (∗❛ัᴗ❛ั) "Sister, is this your water?"

Fanbo: (∗・᷄ᴗ・᷅) "No, it's your water! It's best to drink two glasses together!"

Gangnam: ~Poof(˃᷄ε˂᷅。)

Is there any best ad of the year?

I want to find them to shoot a wave of advertisements for their products.

With such a comprehensive coverage, almost everyone in the city that never sleeps has received the news.

People are stunned. Only the Queen can do such a large-scale advertisement, right?

"Let everyone drink water? What's the situation! Damn, these two are so cute!"

"Drinking water can cure the poison of original sin? Hey~ The queen found a way to relieve the erosion of original sin of anger, and added it to the water? Really or not!"

"Tontonton! Ha~ Really, I feel that my whole body is clear and refreshed, and my angry heart is calm!"

"No... Drinking this water can detoxify? The magic beans that Laozi bought at a big price have a fart!"

All of a sudden, the whole city was screaming!

Two thunderous roars came from the Miying Explorer camp, and the cry in the Yuguo camp was even louder!

The favorability that Jiangnan had just established collapsed in an instant!

"Drink~ Bah! Profiteers, I shouldn't believe his evil!"

"I said, why is Jiang Devil so kind? I don't listen to things outside the window, and I just want to make money? I'll bet the dog!"

"Ah~ Boss Jiang is not human, he ran with my Lingzhu!"

For a time, a scream like a groundhog echoed throughout the city that never sleeps.

The hearts of those who bought small soybeans have hit the wall and died!

Obviously, you can bring the underwater abyss, but Jiangnan has been ruthlessly trapped, and he is not even willing to eat small soybeans.

At this moment, all eyes are red, and I bite the faucet to turn on the switch, and drink water like crazy!

This is all money, I want to drink it back!

Have you heard of revenge drinking?

At this moment, Jiangnan's list of grievances has created a phantom!

The total amount of grievances skyrocketed wildly, and it was too late to even check it.

Jiang Nan swallowed and quickly teleported back to the Huaxia camp.

At this moment, Ling Feng and the others looked at the advertisements on the street, their faces turned pale, and they looked at Jiangnan in horror!

"Nan Shen, isn't this water poisonous?"

Jiang Nan coughed twice: "Close the doors and windows when you sleep tonight, and put on earplugs!"

"Have a good night's rest, and leave for the abyss tomorrow!"

When Ling Feng and the others heard this, the cold sweat on their faces broke down. They are not as ruthless as you!

He hurried to block the doors and windows, and even covered them with tape!

Jiangnan teleported back to the room, raised his hand and released the space barrier cage, isolating everything!

Holding the small dimple, I fell asleep watching the list of resentment points that were refreshed frantically.

Tomorrow is a brand new day


Even without advertising reminders, everyone has to drink water, and life cannot be separated from water.

With a cup of water, people's faces showed bright smiles one after another!

That kind of body access, refreshing feeling has never been seen since the abyss mutation.

They have been freed from the erosion of the original sin of anger, and she deserves to be the queen of the city that never sleeps. She no longer thinks about her people all the time.

However, before they were happy for a long time, everyone's stomach made a loud noise like thunder!

Everyone's faces were stiff, and their foreheads were sweating profusely.

After the catalysis of Xiao soybean, the poison of original sin of anger accumulated in people's bodies has turned into a wave of anger!

When the anger is full!

It just burst!

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