Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 695 God Said There Should Be Light! God said it was too bright

The American Explorer Camp is buzzing with excitement!

Two loud speakers are playing violent music, a Party is being held in the courtyard, and Barbie Q is being grilled!

There were also quite a few explorers in a circle, and two strong naked men with red eyes were fighting in close quarters, and cheers could be heard far away!

They use this way to vent their anger and grumpy emotions!

And because of the abyss mutation, the students of the Free Radiance Academy in the United States are still out, and they have not come to the city that never sleeps!

We will only come over after the abyss is confirmed to be open!

Jiang Nan glanced inwards intentionally or unintentionally, and came to the base of the broken wall behind the building in a flash!

Pulled out a small slingshot and muttered non-stop!

"The last time I was bullied in the United States was terrible, and I almost didn't get bullied to death!"

"Humph! Just hit you guys, I'm justified, what am I afraid of?"

"There should be diamonds in such a big camp, right?" Remember the URL m.42zw.\\ncom

Immediately, a black bead was pulled out from the alien space!

This is what Jiangnan has prepared for a long time. The compressed granite in the diameter range of 100 meters, the ghost knows how heavy this black pearl is!

I saw Jiangnan put on the black beads and pulled the slingshot with an uneasy mood!

The rubber band let out an overwhelmed scream!

In an instant, Jiangnan felt that about a third of the spiritual power in his body was taken away.

At this moment, the black beads became red and glowed with dazzling red light!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of excitement, can he really launch black beads?

I just don't know how the power is compared to the diamond-level Spirit Orb?

Just as he was about to launch, Jiang Nan was stunned and looked up at the top of the abyss!

I saw that a small spot of light appeared on the entrance of the abyss of Yongye, and it was rapidly growing!

At first glance, there was a burning sensation, as if I was looking directly at the sun!

The light it emits illuminates the eternal night of the city that never sleeps, dispelling the darkness, just like day!

For the first time, the city that never sleeps, 15,000 kilometers deep under the ground, ushered in light...

At this moment, everyone in the city that was used to the dark night was awakened by this round of Shenyang falling into the abyss, and they all looked up at the sky with shock on their faces!

"What's the situation? Is the dawn of the eternal city that never sleeps?"

"Fuck, it's so dazzling! Is this also a mutation of the abyss? First, the original sin and punishment, and then the fall of the sun?"

"This difference is too terrifying, isn't it? Such a strong light, I feel like I'm going to be ignited!"

And that round of Shenyang did not stop, it continued to fall!

Jiangnan's dazzled eyes: "What the hell? It's so dazzling!"

Has the abyss really changed?

╮( ·́~·̀ )╭

What's wrong with me? I'm just here to play a dick!

Let go without hesitation!

(๐˃᷄ڡ °᷅)つY−−=≡✹

The black bead emitting a fiery red glow was instantly launched, pulling out a deafening sonic boom!

The speed was even so fast that Jiang Nan's eyes almost didn't keep up!

Take a big circle in the air and fly towards the US Explorer Camp Building!

Jiang Nan looked expectantly, wanting to see how powerful the black beads are!

Inside the office in the building!

A shirtless strong man with legs draped over the desk, smoking a cigar!


Muscular all over, two meters tall, as strong as a bull, with crisscrossing scars all over his body!

The head is bald and shiny, but there is thick golden chest hair growing on the chest, it must be growing in the wrong place!

The level of Diamond Pinnacle is very solid!

At this moment, I am holding a document, which is the detailed information of the remaining explorer camps!

The top one is from Jiangnan!

He couldn't help but sneer: "Bitch, you were cheaper in Area 53. When you go down to the abyss, it's best not to run into me in the resource area!"

"Otherwise I will let you know, what is despair!"

However, at this moment, the man with chest hair felt that the building shook!

Just as he was about to get up, he saw a red light piercing the seventh floor at a terrifying speed, penetrating the office ceiling!

From top to bottom, he slammed into the middle of his big characters!

The chest-haired man's hair stood up all over his body, and his face turned white with fright!

The first thing that comes to mind is original sin!


The original sin has found himself?

I will punish me for any crime I have committed!

This is too sudden, with the current posture and action, there is no possibility of dodging!

[The resentment value from Fito Brown +1000! ]

Seeing that he was about to hit, Feito closed his eyes, bit his steel teeth, and was ready to stand firm!


Outside, that round of Shenyang has already fallen into the sky over the City of Never Sleeping, and it continues to fall!

The location of Jiangnan is so close, the swaying Jiangnan had to wear sunglasses!

But a voice came from that round of Shenyang!

"God said! Let there be light! So here I am!"

"Ah~ the city that never sleeps in the eternal night, accept the baptism of light!"

"I am Odin! Lord of Light, at this moment I am Light! Dispel the darkness and bring dawn for you!"

"May the light be with you!"-


At this moment, everyone looked in horror at the round of Shenyang over the city that never sleeps!

Isn't this out of phase? is this man?

Daotian-level powerhouse Odin God Lord?

How strong do you have to be to illuminate the abyss with your own strength?

Is this really something humans can do? Where are the limits of human beings?


Jiangnan was also shocked!

Let me go, is this round of the sun the owner of Audi?

So dazzling!

Isn't this old magic stick generally strong?

Although I have had several pleasant contacts with the Illuminati, this is the first time I have seen the deity of the Lord Odin!

Jiang Nan shrank his neck, he should still be honest!

Otherwise, if he catches him, I'm afraid I won't be playing as a sandbag for Lao Tzu!

This is not to be afraid of him or anything at all, but to follow the heart!

However, in the office, Feito, who was ready to close his eyes and fight hard, was stunned. The huge pain he imagined did not happen!

Just as it was about to hit, the red spirit light actually stopped the car!

With a turn, he crashed out of the building, and went straight to the round of Shenyang in the sky!

Fitto: ? ? ?

"Huh? No... won't you hit me?"

At this moment, Jiang Nan, who is wearing sunglasses, is staring at the building, looking forward to the power of the black beads!

Gangnam: (。■ ꇴ■)و✦

After waiting for a long time, the fart didn't happen, but I saw the black beads rushed out of the building window and shot at the god Odin in the sky!

Gangnam: ( ٥■ ꇴ■)و…

"Hey, hey! It's crooked! Hit him!"

Jiangnan's little face turned pale!

Do you want to carry the idea like this? The Lord of Light just entered the 3000-meter self-aiming range of the small slingshot?

You must know that self-aiming only locks on the strongest creatures within the range!

The strongest creature in the range just now was Feito, and when the Lord Odin came, he became him?

Changed the bird?

Jiangnan's face is full of madness, is it so pitiful?

Odin is a god!

When I say fighting the Heavenly Sparrow, I mean, is it really fighting?

At this moment, Odin in the center of the light ball closed his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth, enjoying the shocking gazes cast from all directions!

"I am the light and the only one! Only the light can bring salvation to you!"

"The light never goes out! I am..."

However, at this moment, no one listened to Odin's sermons, and everyone looked in horror at the scarlet aura flying towards Shenyang!

Original sin!

With his eyes closed, Odin simply didn't notice the crimson light that flew over!


A dull metal crashing sound came, and the black bead was in the middle of the large characters of the Lord Odin!

The terrifying quality coupled with the ultimate kinetic energy has turned into unparalleled penetrating power!

The whole person of Lord Odin was made into a C° shape!

Lord Odin, who had closed his eyes to enjoy the moment before, opened his eyes abruptly, his eyes almost didn't pop out, and tears flowed!

His face was blue with pain, and he let out a high-pitched scream!

“╰(|| ༎ຶД༎ຶ٥)╯Aoao…Ding…Ding!”

The so-called unextinguished light immediately extinguished the fire!

The huge penetrating power even directly shattered the black beads, and Odin's body fell weakly on the street!

[The resentment value from Odin Caesar +1000! ]

[From Odin…]

At this moment, everyone in the city that never sleeps is stunned!

Original Sin is too cruel!

Did the sun go down?

And Lanbo Fanbo who came with Odin was terrified. The Lord of God was fine just now, so why did people call him?

And he was beaten...

How cruel!

Odin, who was lying on the ground, turned blue and red for a while, struggling to get up!

Seeing how many people were watching him, God Lord Odin shivered with his legs between his legs!

But so many people are watching, but they can't rub it, let alone look down!

Otherwise, the image of Lao Tzu, the God of Light, will be completely ruined!

It's so maddening to have to pretend that it doesn't hurt so much that it's so painful that it can't be rubbed!

[The resentment value from Odin Caesar +1000! ]

I saw Odin flicked his sleeves and his blond hair was flying!

(٥・ˇ~ˇ・) Humph!

"It's okay! How can the little tricks of carving insects extinguish the light?"

Heart: (งཀyiཀ)ง ah ah! It hurts me to ride a horse! I'm just ~%?…;# *’Beep!

Lanbo Fanbo hurriedly chased after him and said curiously, "Master God? Are you alright!"

Odin's expression remained unchanged: "No problem! Can you two see the attack from which direction?"

Lanbo Fanbo glanced at each other and pointed to the US Explorer Building in unison!

"Lord God! It's from this building!"

"That's right! From the window! Just click!"

Two blue veins burst out on Odin's forehead: "United States? Very good! Very good!"

As he spoke, a dazzling light appeared from his body, and he rushed straight to the US explorer camp!

Jiangnan was shocked!

The approval depends on the Audi owner!

Is it okay to resist the armor-piercing attack of the black bead?

Also issued a "clang" sound?

Is Lord Odin so hard? As expected of a Daotian-level powerhouse!

When one person gains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven!

Jiangnan understood it. If Lingzhu is a high-explosive bomb, then the black bead is an armor-piercing bullet!

Cow batch!

But looking at God Lord Odin flying over in anger, Jiang Nan's face turned pale and panicked!

But immediately startled!

It was Jiang Tianpu who beat the god Odin. What does it have to do with Jiangnan?

I'm panicking

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