Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 680 Understand! we all know

All the way to the Rongcheng military base, everyone did not delay, boarded the transport plane, and flew straight to the Pacific Ocean!

The noisy engine sound echoed in my ears, the old students were fine, but the new students were inevitably nervous!

Dry lips, cold hands and feet, and tensed faces!

Imagining everything that could happen in his mind, even Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao have sweaty palms!

No one spoke in the silent cabin!

Jiang Nan suddenly said: "At this time, you must not take out the photos and look at them, saying that I will get married when I go back!"

"If you don't, take out some small things and say that it was given to me by my sister. How old is she and she is so cute. When I go back, I will take her to the amusement park!"

"Don't blame me if it's cold like that!"

The team members' expressions froze, and then their faces flushed, and finally they couldn't help laughing!

"Pfft, haha, don't dare, don't dare, you will die!"

"Nan Shen, have you watched too many movies and TV series? The gods don't stand up to the flag!"

"Even if you have a younger sister, you wouldn't dare to say it in front of you, Nanshen, your dream of 900 million girls is so big!"

The atmosphere in the cabin suddenly cheered up, and the heavy atmosphere was swept away!

Xiao Zhen quietly gave Jiangnan a thumbs up!

I saw Jiang Nan grinned, got up and took out a projector from the alien space!

"Does anyone want to watch cartoons? The new movies released this year are all good!"

An Xiaoqi and Xiong Er's eyes were bright, and they raised their hands quickly: "Look!"

The team members are stunned, Nanshen, do you need to have such complete equipment, and also bring something like a projector?

Jiangnan directly set up the projector in the cabin, and everyone's attention was attracted by the movie!

From time to time, "goose box box" laughter!

Tao Xinyi stared blankly at this scene, the atmosphere was a little too cheerful, right?

In the end is to play a group or go to the spring outing?

However, when I looked at Jiangnan again, I found that he was nestled in the corner, frowning, and flipping through the abyss materials over and over again!

A soft smile appeared on Tao Xinyi's face.

After flying all night, at five in the morning, the pilot's cabin broadcast!

"Arriving in the designated airspace, no flight is allowed in the abyss of 500 kilometers. You can't go any further, otherwise it will violate international agreements!"

"Below is the Pecus Islands, there is no airport, everyone is ready to skydive!"

All the team members looked condensed, is it finally here?

As the cabin door opened, the wind whistled, and the blue ocean below came into view!

Below is the Pecus Islands, but from the sky, it is the size of a pinpoint!

I saw Jiang Nan got up and strode towards the cabin door: "Let's go!"

At that moment, Zhong Yingxue and Qin Shuo waited for more than a dozen people to get up!

Xiao Zhen was stunned for a moment: "No, wait a minute!"

Tao Xinyi: "Didn't you say skydiving? We haven't given everyone a parachute bag! Let's..."

Qin Shu laughed straightly: "Go on a mission with Nanshen, you don't need a parachute for skydiving!"

As soon as he said that, he slammed it down!

Jiangnan: "(๐・᷅ٹ・᷄ )☞ If you understand me, the piercing is over! Make sure you land safely!"

"The skydiving target is too big, the ghost knows what's going on on Pecus Island?"

Say it and slam it down!

Some people who have done several missions with Jiangnan clearly know the style of Jiangnan!

A dozen people followed and jumped down!

Mo Tian's eyes were full of excitement: "Is it so exciting at the beginning? I'm here!"

Said to trot all the way, opened his arms and plunged down!

Veteran students swallowed their saliva, they were absolutely amazing!

One by one, they dared to jump along!

Pilot: "The umbrella bag is in the pod behind the seat. If you don't know how to use it, read the instruction manual. I wish you all the best... FUCK!"

The pilot looking back from the cockpit to the cabin was horrified!

There is no shortage of umbrella bags, and there is no one in the cabin...

"Is this... such an animal?"

[The resentment value from Wang Wei +666! ]

On the transport plane, everyone jumped off like dumplings!

Some can fly and fly by themselves, while Jiangnan threw out the void chain and brought back the dumplings!

After a few teleports, they all landed on the beach safely!

Many team members flushed with excitement, which was too exciting!

The scorching sun, the waves on the white-sand beach, and the gentle sea breeze!

Only then did the students truly realize that this was already abroad, and the mission began!

Jiangnan: "The perception system is on alert to check whether the environment is safe!"

Xiao Zhen leaned over and said, "First find a base on Pecus Island, and then rent a boat!"

"At present, the abyss has set up a card. We are expected to queue up when we go in. I'm afraid it will be enough today!"

The abyss is more than 200 nautical miles away from the Pecus Islands, so naturally so many people cannot swim through it!

Jiang Nan glanced at the time: "No, the time should be almost there, just wait, it's equivalent to home when you get here!"

Xiao Zhen: ? ? ?

Got home?

Before everyone could understand what was going on, they saw the wind whistling on the sea in the distance!

A super-large armed hovercraft blew out white waves on the sea, heading towards the shore at high speed!

The cabin alone is as high as a three-story building, and there are so many people on the deck!

At this moment, the spirits of all the team members are tense!

Xiao Zhen squinted: "There are people from unknown forces, everyone is ready to fight!"

For a time, the spiritual energy of everyone was surging!

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "Hold on, that's my precious hovercraft, it's broken for me again!"

Everyone was stunned!

What the hell is your boat?

"Ah! I understand, what Nanshen sees is Nanshen!"

"Haha! It just so happens that we don't need to rent a boat, grab him!"

"Wait a minute, brothers, pay attention, the boat is broken by holding back, Nanshen still wants it!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Don't make up for it, okay? That's mine!"

Everyone nodded: ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )

"Understood! We all understand!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

As the armed hovercraft approached the coast, I saw more than a dozen topless mercenaries with guns on the deck!

The grades are not bad, except for a dozen silvers, all the rest are gold!

The head is a topless black strong man with dreadlocks and a headscarf!

There is also a hideous scar on his face, platinum grade, it looks very difficult to mess with!

However, the strong man with the scar stood on the deck and waved excitedly!

"Boss Nanshen! Here, I'll pick you up!"

Just about to start, Xiao Zhen and the others had their spiritual energy stagnant, and they all looked at Jiangnan in astonishment!

Tao Xinyi also widened her eyes!

Boss Nanshen?

Are these people from Jiangnan?

what's the situation?

When did Jiangnan have his own men in the abyss area?

I just arrived at Pecus Island, and I came to pick you up in less than 10 minutes. Is the arrangement so appropriate?

Jiang Nan's expression froze, and he knew it when he saw the sword-scarred brawny girl's action!

Gu Xiaowei must have changed again, right?

But this time it's a bit wilder!

Jiangnan greeted: "What are you doing? Get on the boat, it's all my people!"

As he said, he picked up Mira, and teleported onto the boat!

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao covered her face, Xiao Nan is too magical?

When did the abyss have plans?

All the team members boarded the ship one after another, looking at the armed hovercraft with bright eyes!

The machine gun on the chord and the main gun on the plywood are all real guys!

Jiangnan hugged Gu Xiaowei, a strong man with a scar!

"Tell them, is this my precious hovercraft?"

Gu Xiaowei laughed and said, "It's the ship of the Nanshen, and the name on the contract is Jiangnan!"

Jiang Nan crossed his waist: "Is this letter back?"

Still rob? Am I robbing myself?

Qi Yu's eyes were bright: "Nan Shen, how much did you spend to get this boat? Not thirty or fifty thousand?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "I didn't spend any money, I cheated by my ability!"

All students: (≖_≖ ٥)

Why does it sound incongruous?

Xiao Zhen: "Where shall we go next? Go directly to the Abyss City that never sleeps?"

Jiang Nan shook his head and said, "My people in the abyss city that never sleeps are already making arrangements, and it looks like they can enter at eight o'clock in the evening!"

"Let's go to the island first!"

Mo Tian was stunned: "What island? There are only a few islands in the Abyss Sea, all of which have been occupied by major forces. We..."

Jiangnan: "One of the islands is mine!"

The expressions on the faces of the students froze, and they gasped!


You are riding a horse and there is an island in the abyss?

Xiao Zhen stammered: "This... this island was also tricked by your ability?"

Jiangnan: ╮( ·́~·̀ )╭


[The resentment value from Xiao Zhen +666! ]

Is this the top Versailles?

You lied to a boat and we can accept it!

Can the island be tricked too?

No wonder Jiangnan arrived home after speaking here, co-authoring is at the level of an old landlord!

Armed hovercraft speeding at sea, going straight to Dandelion Island!

Jiang Nan turned his head and said, "Why did you bring so many mercenaries here to pick you up? It's not been peaceful recently?"

Gu Xiaowei nodded his head: "The abyss has changed, and the impact is too great. If there is no small soybean, Dandelion will also be in chaos!"

Jiang Nan frowned: "Where's Yao Hong?"

"Sister Hong is still in the city that never sleeps, wait..."

Before Gu Xiaowei could finish speaking, Jiang Nan raised his hand and released a space barrier!


A bullet hit it fiercely, turned into a bullet, and fell weakly on the splint!

I saw that on the sea level, a gray armed speedboat was speeding towards this side!

And more than one!

There are also five black speedboats behind, and there are many people on them!

I saw flames spit out from the gray armed speedboat splint machine gun in the distance!

Before the sound of gunfire was heard, the bullets had already flown over!

Hit the deck of the hovercraft and the space barriers in the south of the Yangtze River!

Jiang Nan squinted his eyes: "It's a spirit-binding bullet! All members are in combat mode!"

"These precious speedboats! I want them!"

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