Saying that, I'm going to kiss Zhong Yingxue!

He was pushed away by Zhong Yingxue with a look of disgust.

Xia Yao: ?~?

Jiangnan hey hey laughs!

Fortunately, my sister is honest!

Such a beautiful sister, how could she be poisoned?

Stuff Shengshi Meiyan Dan into Zhong Yingxue's pocket!

Then put his face in the past!

"Why? Why don't you have one?"

Zhong Yingxue laughed, as beautiful as a lily blooming under the stars!

I stared at the people next to me!

I saw that Zhong Yingxue gave Jiang Nan a brain break: "Humph! You are so beautiful! I won't kiss you!"

Jiangnan felt aggrieved!

The classmates next to me are all blown up!

All the envious ones are scratching their hearts, that's called a sour!

Look at people!

As soon as I came back from Lingxu, there were two big beauties to greet her!

Amazingly beautiful! The face value explodes the table!

Even the first-line actresses can't compare!

Look at us again?

gap? It's not a gap!

This goddamn gap!

Wu Liang and Tang Qianya on the side also greeted them.

"Brother Nan! I knew you were all right!"

Tang Qianya is still sobbing sobbing: "I'm worried to death! You're back!"

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, and his body froze in place!

Because Wu Liang has nothing on his body so far!

It's a triangular leopard print!

Many teachers and classmates nearby, and even the Dark Night Army are discussing in a low voice, pointing and pointing!

Some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures and made a disgusting sound of "Hey~!"

As a result, Wu Liang is not only not ashamed!

Build up your muscles!

Show off your body like a sculpture!


For Jiangnan, this is simply mental pollution!

Muscular man with a leopard-print triangle?

It is estimated to be the most explosive combination in the world!

Even Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao were dumbfounded!

Could this person be the legendary muscle pervert?

This kind of scene will make the eyes rot wow!

Naked disaster!

I saw Jiang Nan coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

"Come on! Let me introduce you! Wu Liang! The shield battle I chose! How about it?"

Xia Yao covered her face and said, "Are you really sure it's okay?"

Zhong Yingxue: "Brother! Be careful! Be careful!"

She has already begun to worry that Jiangnan has some kind of strange hobby!

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Don't worry! I chose the right one! I'll be a teammate in the future! Let's have a meal together and get acquainted with it after this place is over!"

Xia Yao laughed directly: "I'll mess with you in the future! I'm going to eat skewers in Lingxu too!"

Zhong Yingxue also laughed, and then froze for a moment: "Wait! Teammates? You are..."

Xia Yao put her arms around Zhong Yingxue: "You don't know! Xiaonan has been trying his best to come to our Songjiang Lingwu!"

"I just wanted to help you solve the trouble! Why didn't the bastard who knew the surname Luo take leave?"

"It's all thanks to Xiaonan!"

"If he gets the top three in the grade this time, he will come to our Songjiang Lingwu!"

"But it's time to kick Luo Tianxiang and Han Cheng out! Let's form a team!"

Zhong Yingxue's eyes instantly became wet.

She said why Luo Tianxiang asked for leave?

It turns out that he had already discussed with Xia Yao before putting out the fire in the mall!

Looking at the splendid Jiangnan smiling!

Zhong Yingxue's heart melted!

Jump on it and save Jiangnan!

Bury your head deep into his shoulder!

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? You two lied to me for so long!"

This kind of feeling that someone is silently paying for themselves behind the scenes...

really good!

Jiang Nan smiled: "I'm not afraid that you are worried!"

Zhong Yingxue still hugged tightly, unwilling to let go!

Xia Yao bared her teeth aside!

Like a vicious dog with fried fur!

Not angry!

Don't tell her if you know!

As a result, Jiangnan got a bargain!

I've never hugged me like that before!

With a proud face, Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows at Xia Yao, showing a triumphant smile.

"Nei... I want a kiss more than a hug!"

Zhong Yingxue blushed!

Xia Yao came up with a knife and separated the two!

"Kiss what kisses! No kisses! Stay away from him!"

Protect Zhong Yingxue behind him like a vicious dog guarding food!

"What are you proud of? Three schools, you don't necessarily get the top three!"

"Everything has been said! If you can't get it, you will lose your little face!"

Jiang Nan's eyes are bright: "If I get it! And it's the first, what should I do?"

Xia Yao is not false at all: "Do what you want to do!"

But after speaking, I always feel that something is wrong!

Why do you feel like you've been caught in a trap?

Jiang Nan laughed directly: "If I take the first place, you will give me a month's fat wash!"

Xia Yao felt guilty for a while, but the arrow was on the string and had to say wow!

I regret it for a while!

Just don't agree to it...

But he still said: "Wash it, if you can't get it?"

Jiang Nan spread his hands: "Then I'll help you wash your fat for a month!"

Xia Yao: ? ? ?

It's not like that, is it?

No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are at a loss...

Just about to regret it.

The teacher over there is already greeting the gathering and starting to count the results!

Jiangnan said hello, and quickly ran over with Wu Liang and Tang Qianya!

Walking in the assembled team, the Jiangnan team immediately attracted everyone's attention!

It's not because Jiangnan is so handsome!

But because Wu Liang is too showy...

Each team goes forward in order to count the number of Spirit Orbs.

Soon it will be Jiangnan's turn!

Looking at Jiangnan who stepped forward, the classmates who had experienced the skewer incident in the middle of the road were all in pain!

Everyone knows that the Jiangnan team is the first to be stable!

I saw Jiangnan open the Alien Space and grabbed a handful of Spirit Orbs directly!

That handful of colorful spirit beads simply blinded people's eyes!

Just when the teacher wants to check.

Jiangnan always feels unreliable!

What if other teams pick up the cheap price of the Dark Night Army and deduct the Spirit Orb just like myself?

Thinking about it, he took out another one and put it on the table!


The teacher is about to check!

Jiang Nan thought, why can't you wash Xia Yao's fat times!

How can I meet people when it spreads out?

Then Jiangnan took out another!

[The resentment value from Xia Yao +666! ]

[The resentment value from Li Xiang +1000! ]

[The resentment value from the invigilator +666! ]



hey hey?

Have grievances to earn?

Jiangnan will dig again!

The tray is full!

The invigilators are so quick to pee!

I said classmates, can you pay all at once?

The students are going crazy too!

Is it fucking over yet?

Is your alien dimension the treasure bag of Doraemon?

So many spirit beads?

Even Wu Liang and Tang Qianya looked like they had seen a ghost!

They don't sell that many skewers!

Jiangnan has taken out the Lingzhu nest?

But Jiangnan is still digging...

Invigilator: ...

"Any more?"

Jiang Nan asked in a low voice, "Teacher, do you have enough to take the first place?"

"I don't have enough!"

The teacher's face turned dark: "What do you think?"

The students gritted their teeth with hatred! Still whispering?

We all heard it!

Want to be so annoying?

Jiang Nan: "That's gone! If you don't get the first place, you have to pay me..."

teacher:? ? ?

So he started counting spirit beads!

Jiangnan was so happy, he frantically pulled hatred, and raised an eyebrow at Xia Yao from a distance!

She was so angry she was grinding her teeth! This month's fat times have been washed away!

It took me more than three minutes to count, and I didn't count!

Jiangnan: "Teacher, let's stop counting! Weigh it by the catty, I have it! The students in the future are all in a hurry!"

teacher:? ? ?

God rides a horse and weighs it by the catty!

Do you think this Lingzhu is melon seeds, peanuts and raisins?

I have been teaching for 20 years, but I have never used the name of a spirit bead!

The students exploded in rage!

No more show wow!

You can point your face!

Stop breaking our hearts!

Look at the list of grievance values ​​that are refreshed insanely!

Jiangnan: Hey hey hey! it's very comfortable...

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