Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 652 More waves in the waves to copy the home team! coarse hair

In the sky, Ye Zhenguo and Xiao Dimple are in tandem!

Fly straight to the southernmost Hai Province!

Jiangnan received the news from Nightingale that Dracula's people had already taken Mila out of the country and came to the high seas!

Looking at the direction, Dracula's destination should be the Martha Islands!

This girl, who measured the land of China with her feet, crossed the breakwater and rushed into the sea before she was about to wear out the second pair of extremely fast slippers!

Waves of waves were stirred up on the sea, chasing after him madly, and never letting go!

On the other hand, Jiangnan and Ye Zhenguo went to the Longyuan branch of Hai Province to prepare for the attacking force at the fastest speed!


The Longyuan branch of Hai Province is located by the sea!

The sea breeze is gentle, and the coconut trees are swaying lightly!

This season, Kyoto is in the severe winter season, and it is still like spring here all year round!

At this moment, on the school grounds, two thousand Longyuan troops are fully armed and straddling neatly!

A woman with short brown shoulder-length hair stood at the front!

With a height of more than 1.7 meters, the facial features are straight, the eyebrows are sharp, the lips are thin, and the wheat-colored skin is shining in the sun!

The level is as high as the pinnacle of diamonds!

Just then, the clouds in the sky were torn apart!

After more than two hours of high-speed flight, Xiao Dimple and Ye Zhenguo landed on the school grounds!

The members of Dandelion who got under the dragon all had their faces white, that was a restraint!

It looks like a student who was called into the teacher's office for training because of a mistake...

This is the Longyuan Brigade, the underground organization that can stand here alive, Dandelion is also the first!

And the trainees have bright eyes, and their eyes are full of curiosity!

This is the base of the legendary Longyuan Army, so it came directly?

Go back and give the classmates a whole year of bullshit, okay?

Jiangnan just got a small dimple!

All Longyuan Army stand at attention and salute!

∠( ・᷅ὢ・᷄ )

"I've seen Colonel Jiang! Ye Daotian!"

The movements are neat and uniform, and the roar echoes on the school grounds!

Yao Hong: Σ(*゚ロ゚)!!

Jiang... Jiangnan is from the colonel?

We Dandelion recognized a colonel as the boss?

This backer is not ordinary hard!

Even Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao were stunned, Colonel?

Did you remember this title last time?

Xiaonan has risen again?

At this moment, the eyes of many trainees looking at Jiangnan are already glowing with little stars!

This special meow is so handsome, isn't it?

I don’t know if I don’t come out, we are in the academy every day with instant noodles from the Dota Alliance!

How old is he? Colonel already?

This is too unhuman!

Jiang Nan's expression was positive, and he raised his hand in return!

Commander Long Yuan stepped forward: "Hello, Chief Jiang, my name is Mu Wan, and I'm the commander of the Longyuan Branch of Hai Province!

"The secretary-general has already explained to me in advance that this operation is under your full command. You will be able to mobilize freely without leaving the troops left behind!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Two thousand? Enough!"

"Let's all stand over, join the team, there are some precautions that need to be explained before the battle!"

Dandelion and the students rushed over to stand in the square!

Everyone is excited, can't fight side by side with Long Yuan? It's so exciting too!

There is no one else for the sake of being Jiangnan as a mentor!

Ye Zhenguo also walked towards the square team with his hands behind his back!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Brother Ye? What are you doing?"

Ye Zhenguo's old face darkened: "Stand in line! What are you doing? As a tool person, you still need to have some consciousness!"

Mu Wan bit her lower lip tightly and couldn't hold back her smile. Jiang Nan was afraid that he could make Daotian's face so dark!

Jiang Nan scratched his head, hey hey, and then cleared his throat!

"This mission is very simple, destroy the Martha Islands base and make Dracula completely disappear from this world!"

"Let them taste the iron fist from China!"

Everyone stiffened and looked solemn: "Yes! Sir!"

Jiang Nan nodded: "But I think you should have little experience with the undead!"

"We don't know how many people Dracula has injected with three generations of undead serum!"

"Remember when fighting that the undead cannot be killed by any conventional means. Before the effect of the serum in the body is exhausted, even if the head is broken, it will not die, and it will recover quickly!"

As soon as these words came out, Long Yuanjun, who had known it before, was okay!

Dandelion and the students were horrified. Is this scarier than zombies?

Xia Yao and the others also swallowed. When Xiao Nan was in the Sahara, what kind of monster was he fighting?

Jiangnan: "So once you encounter an undead, destroy its brain tissue, and then stick a stick in it as you do, so that it doesn't allow its brain tissue to recover!"

"Don't think that you were killed after killing the undead! Are you clear?"

Everyone looked solemn and nodded one after another!

Jiang Nan turned his head and asked, "Are the brothers equipped with spirit-binding weapons?"

Mu Wan nodded: "Because of the particularity of the mission, it has been equipped!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Very good, then let's go, time is running out, I still don't worry about Mila in their hands!"

Mu Wan hurriedly stopped Jiang Nan: "Wait! How do we get there?"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "We don't have a frigate, what about a destroyer? Just drive one! You can still hit him!"

Mu Wan's face darkened: "Yes, yes, and the fastest speed is 38 knots. When it comes to the Martha Islands, it will be dark! And the target is too big and easy to be discovered!"

Jiangnan scratched his head, it's not good at night, it's a waste of time!

The helicopter can't sit down, and the transport plane can easily be knocked down after parachuting, and the loss is too great!

So the eyes of the two fell on Ye Zhenguo!

Ye Zhenguo stared: "You really think of me as a dragon-shaped passenger plane? Why do you want me to pull it with nearly 3,000 people?"

"You didn't do that!"

The fight has not been fought yet, and the light is pulling people for you!

I'm too southern, right?

Jiang Nan sighed: "Then I have to let the brothers go on their legs, Xuexuelang is gone! Come and give everyone slippers!"

With a big wave of his hand, 3,000 double flip-flops appeared on the playground!

The rest of the previous lottery was taken out, and Jiangnan who was not enough changed it. Anyway, 100 resentment is worth a pair, and it is not expensive!

The air in the entire school ground was quiet, and they all stared at Jiangnan with wide eyes!

Go with your legs?

And give us slippers?

The name Jiang Devil really didn't come for nothing!

So far away, are you trying to let us swim there?

But no one can do this!

If you swim past the Dragon Boat Festival, will it be over?

Mu Wan is also stunned, can you be more reliable?

But for the sake of face, Mu Wan still said: "Yes... or do you think about taking the test again, sir?"

Jiang Nan crossed his waist: "What is there to consider? Just go with the legs! This is a surprise attack! Dracula will definitely not think of it!"

[The resentment value from Mu Wan +666! ]

I can't think of it either!

You are not a surprise attack! You are naughty!

"Why don't we just drive the destroyer!"

"No! Just go on your legs! It's settled!"

Mu Wan:  …

Knowing the mystery, Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao have given everyone slippers with bright smiles on their faces!

Jiang Nan rubbed his hands together: "Huh? Sister Mu Wan! Can you take me to our arsenal?"

"The uncertainty of this operation is very high, and I think we need to prepare both hands!"

Mu Wan breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Nanshen is not without a plan!

So he said generously: "Okay! I have a lot of good treasures in our arsenal! You can take it with you if you see what you can use!"

Although ordinary hot weapons cannot pose a life-threatening threat to spiritual warriors with gold or more, they can still be used for clearing soldiers!

Besides, how much can Jiangnan take him?

15 minutes later!

Jiang Nan took Mu Wan out of the arsenal with a red face!

I saw Mu Wan bit her lower lip, forcing herself not to cry!

Southern God! Are you here to raid my house?

All the heavy weapons I have collected are for you to loot!

"Sir! A 330mm rocket launcher for Dracula?"

Jiang Nan's face was bright: "Use it, use it!"

Mu Wan: "Do you use ten stations?"

Jiangnan: "(。˘·ก·˘。) Ahem, make sure nothing goes wrong!"

[The resentment value from Mu Wan +666! ]

"What about intercontinental missiles? You took three of them away! You've put them all in when they're so big! Does this work?"

Jiangnan: "(๐◔ε◔ิ๐) Also... still have to be prepared!"

Seeing Jiang Nan's innocent expression, Mu Wan gritted her teeth. If she hadn't stopped him just now, Jiang Nan might have shoveled all the land in the arsenal!

As soon as he returned to the school grounds, Mu Wan was going crazy when he saw Long Yuanjun holding two flip-flops in his arms!

Is this really going to kill Dracula?

At this moment, more than 200 people from Dandelion rushed over to join the team!

I saw Jiang Nan clapped his hands: "All staff! Change slippers!"

Both Longyuan Dandelion and the trainees put on the speedy slippers given to them by Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Listen to the password! Walk together!"

So everyone stepped out!

The next moment, accompanied by a piercing sound of burning tires, a team of nearly 3,000 people shot out one by one like cannonballs!

His legs turned like a windmill, his face was full of horror, he screamed, and rushed out in a straight line!

The concrete walls of the Longyuan Base were all hit by human-shaped holes!

"Howl! What the hell, why can't it stop?"

"Ahhh! The sea, it's all water! I can't control my legs!"

"Hey~ I can run on water? These little slippers are really good!"

"At this time, you will be very meowing and reciting poetry!"

Everyone shot out like arrows, rushing into the sea, running wildly on the water, and pulling out all kinds of splashes, the scene is very spectacular!

Mu Wan: ━=͟͟͞͞(Ŏ◊Ŏ ‧̣̥̇)

This is the legendary leg to go?

What kind of fairy marching method is this?

What a surprise attack!

I saw the Jiangnan Void chain flicking, pulling Mu Wan and Lang Mie to sit on the dimple!

Soar into the sky with Ye Zhenguo and soar on the sea!

Jiang Nan took out a loudspeaker and shouted: "Brothers! Follow along! You'll lose your way!"

"After a while, I went ashore and burned tires on the spot. When the soles were worn out, they stopped. You can wear them if you don't want to take them off!"

At this moment, everyone looked up at the sky, and finally understood the meaning of Jiangnan's saying "Let's go!"

[The resentment value from Yao Hong +666! ]

[The resentment value from Ye Xingxuan +666! ]


Gangnam: ٩(๐·̀ ꇴ ·́)و

"There are more waves in the waves! Rough hair! Push Dracula! Fuck it!"

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