Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 635 This wave of Laozi is in the atmosphere! (add more)

However, Jiangnan is riding a small dimple non-stop to the next blood alliance branch!

Due to the live broadcast on the dark web, what happened at the headquarters of the blood alliance was naturally seen by all the brothers in the blood alliance!

Wei Changsheng and Ji Hancai didn't care what happened to Wan Dongchen, they were about to run away with money!

The treasures in the warehouse were packed in trucks, but they were stopped!

At this moment, there is a quarrel in the conference room, someone wants to save the boss with a baby!

There are those who are clamoring to do it alone, and there are not a few who want to run away!

"Don't study this for now, what if Jiangnan comes here to grab the baby later?"

"The headquarters building has collapsed, using the boss as a weapon! He is not human!"

"If he comes later, he will definitely treat us like this, shall we fight or not?"

"No... You can't be so unlucky, right? With so many rudders, you won't necessarily come to our side!"

Wei Changsheng was anxious: "Why are you all like a bitch, grinding? If you don't run, you won't be able to run away!" Remember http://m.\\n42zw.\\ncom

"Ye Zhenguo has taken action, you still haven't understood? The blood alliance is over!"

"Wan Dongchen will not survive in Jiangnan's hands, but it will become a constraint for us!"

Everyone looked at Wei Changsheng with gloomy expressions!

"You're too embarrassed to call us girls? You're the least man present!"

Wei Changsheng stood up and stared, "You ride a horse!"

Seeing that he was about to start working, Ji Han stared out the window in a daze, his hair stood on end!

"No, Jiang Bandit is here, hide!"

Saying that, he quickly released the water wall defense!


The 20-meter-tall fireball slammed into the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the flames licked around!

A sound from the top of the building!

Jiang Bandit debuts!

With a leisurely look on his face: "Hey? No one ran away? I came in time!"

Speaking of which, he picked up Wan Dongchen and pointed at everyone!

"Do I need to say more? Huh?"

Wan Dongchen: (#)༎ຶд༎ຶ(#)

"That's right, I have some eyesight to put money and treasures on Nanshen!"

"Big brother knows your intentions, but the blood alliance headquarters is over, you should stop resisting, he will beat you and me to cry!"

At this moment, Wan Dongchen is only looking forward to not fighting again, otherwise the one who gets beaten will definitely be his own!

The faces of everyone in the blood alliance are pale, and they don't want to give it to the baby at all!

But I am afraid that Jiangnan will beat the big brother! This……

Wei Changsheng sneered: "You fart! You are not Wan Dongchen at all! Brother Chen is handsome and handsome, Yushu is in the wind! How can you look like a pig head?"

"Jiangnan! Don't lie to us! Wan Dongchen has actually died at the Blood Alliance headquarters, right?"

As he said that, he secretly poked Ji Han!

Ji Han's eyes brightened: "Yes, yes! I know Brother Chen's woman best! Wan Dongchen is strong and arrogant!"

"Whether it's your appearance or your character, nothing is right!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the blood alliance members lit up!

It's still Eunuch Wei Gao!

In this case, trying to fish out Wan Dongchen is nothing but a fool's dream!

Rather than being threatened by Jiangnan, it is better to simply not recognize it!

Repel Jiangnan's money and run away, go to Te Miao's blood alliance!

Wan Dongchen: ? ? ?

"Although you two praise me, I am very happy, but I was swollen by Jiangnan!"

"I think you don't want to live anymore! Hurry up and redeem me with your baby, or when I'm free, I'll bleed you one by one!"

Before he could finish speaking, all the blood alliance members looked fierce!

To redeem you and get revenge on us? You are not benevolent! Then don't blame us for being unrighteous!

"Get the hell out of here! Look at your ugly face, how could it be our eldest brother?"

"Brother Chen is dead! Eunuch Wei said it!"

"You just stopped acting, but Wan Dongchen? Do you think we are stupid?"

Wei Changsheng said with a wicked smile, "Jiangnan! It's almost time to stop! Give each one a step down! After all, Wan Dongchen is already dead!"

Jiangnan frowned!

This situation is a bit difficult to handle, these outlaws obviously do not want to save Wan Dongchen!

The hostage is no longer established!

But the small treasury is in front, there is no reason to let go.

I saw Jiang Nan grinning: "Do you think you are a better chess player? I'm in the atmosphere this time!"

Saying that, he leaned forward: "Take care of Gu Xiaowei later, I'll rush!"

Yao Hong's scalp is numb. In this case, Jiangnan will fight?


With a loud explosion, Jiang Nan rushed up with Wan Dongchen in his turn!

Ji Han was the first to charge up, and the water knife in his hand mercilessly chopped off!

Wan Dongchen glared: "Stinky girls, how dare you!"

Ji Han sneered: "You just pretend, no matter how you pretend you are not Wan Dongchen!"

The water jet came, and Jiangnan used Wan Dongchen as a shield to block the water jet!

It made Wan Dongchen's already scarred body even worse!

Wei Changsheng narrowed his eyes: "I will kill him later, don't let him live!"

The eyes of everyone burst into ruthless light, Wan Dongchen must die, and since he has done so, he must not be allowed to escape from Jiangnan's hands alive!

In an instant, the battle became a group!

Jiangnan borrowed the super maneuver of teleportation to move around in the crowd!

Coupled with the defense of space wormholes and barriers, and Wan Dongchen's human shield, he could still hold it, but he was also spit out a few mouthfuls of blood!

However, Jiangnan did not panic at all!

At this moment, Wan Dongchen was completely blown up!

"You bastards! If you eat white-eyed wolves inside and out, big brother dares to fight?"

That's really a dead end, and the star-level physical fitness can't withstand so many human disasters!

[The resentment value from Wan Dongchen +1000! ]


It is really miserable to be a hostage in Jiangnan!

"Let go of me and I'll help you beat them, okay? I'll die if I go on like this!"

Yao Hong, who was on the side, also joined the battle group in order to relieve the pressure on Jiangnan. Seeing this scene, she couldn't help laughing!

This bandit made Jiangnan do it!

Do the hostages control the robbers to ask for guns?

Jiang Nan looked solemn: "No! I think you can handle it!"

Wan Dongchen: (#)꒦ິд꒦ີ(#)

"I don't think I can handle it!"

Jiangnan smashed it out with a stick and brought a bunch of blood!

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think!"

[The resentment value from Wan Dongchen +1000! ]

At this time, you should stop being the boss!

I really want to die!

"The vault is in the basement, don't fight them again!"

However, Jiangnan just didn't move his nest, and fought with everyone to burst out an extremely amazing fighting force!

After carrying it for more than ten minutes, Jiangnan teleported to the basement!

At this moment, Jiangnan has almost become a blood gourd!

Looking at the three baby trucks that have been packed in front of the vault, Jiangnan's eyes brightened!

Open the alien space and unceremoniously put it all in


With a loud bang, the ceiling burst!

The blood allies headed by Wei Changsheng chased after them, and their eyes were red when they saw that Jiangnan had loaded all the trucks with treasures away!

Wei Changsheng said angrily, "You can't leave today if you want to!"

Jiang Nan spat out a mouthful of blood and grinned: "Sorry, I really want to leave, you rubbish, no one can stop me!"

Speaking of which, Wan Dongchen picked up the man in his hand!

Wan Dongchen, who had been hurt for more than ten minutes to Jiangnan, was no longer like him!

I can't say anything about the serious injury, but a pair of eyes are staring at the blood alliance people!

The hatred in my heart has accumulated to the top, these little brothers are really killing themselves!

The lord of the blood alliance who is high on weekdays almost died at the hands of his younger brother?

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "You've earned almost, you're doing very well!"

Speaking of which, Wan Dongchen's body was loosened, and even the spirit-binding bullets in his body were buckled!

After doing all this, Jiangnan threw out a void chain, grabbed Yao Hong and Gu Xiaowei, and disappeared with a teleportation!

Wan Dongchen was stunned!

Jiang... Jiangnan let him go?

Did you really let it go?

I don't know why, but I feel grateful to Jiang Nan in my heart, and I even want to cry!


An extremely suppressed spiritual pressure burst out, Wan Dongchen vomited a mouthful of old blood,

The eyes looking at Wei Changsheng are full of unforgettable hatred!

"You all want to kill me, don't you? Even if he is seriously injured and dying, I'm still a star!"

"None of you want to live today!"

At this moment, Wei Changsheng's face turned pale, and he finally understood what Jiangnan's sentence Lao Tzu meant by this wave in the atmosphere!

In the end, it was still calculated by Jiangnan!

[The resentment value from Wei Changsheng +1000! ]

[From Ji Han...]

On a high-rise building five kilometers away from the blood alliance branch building!

Jiangnan, who ate a small ginseng, watched with relish while spraying nosebleeds with binoculars!

"Tsk tsk tsk... Wan Dongchen, who has only one breath left, is still very fierce!"

Yao Hong swallowed: "Really let Wan Dongchen go like this? He..."

Jiang Nan shrugged: "How is it possible! I'm not a good person!"

Said and handed Yao Hong a bottle of big green sticks and a can of diamond durian pulp!

"Eat these two, your innate spiritual power will be increased, and the level of diamond 8 will increase by 50% of the total spiritual power, and your level will be infinitely close to Xingyao!"

"Should be able to petrify Wan Dongchen. When he kills all the people in the blood alliance, you can do it again!"

Yao Hong stared blankly at Jiangnan and took a deep breath!

"So you didn't plan to let Wan Dongchen go in the first place? The reason why you carried it for more than ten minutes is to draw Wan Dongchen's hatred towards Wei Changsheng and the others?"

Jiang Nan smiled: "Smart! The blood alliance can't squeeze out anything, there is no need to go to the rest of the rudder, people have already run away!"

"Just end here!"

Yao Hong looked a little dazed!

Got it baby! The rudders are completely destroyed, and Wan Dongchen also...

The old catapult is shot!

Know if there is!

Enduring the smell and eating the durian pulp and the big green stick, Yao Hongqiao's face flushed!

Jiang Nan asked expectantly, "How is it?"

Yao Hong nodded heavily, her eyes blood red: "No problem!"


The sub-rudder building collapsed, and it seemed that everything was silent!

In the endless smoke, a floor was lifted!

Wan Dongchen, who was covered in blood, lost an arm, stood up tremblingly, and laughed!

"Die! Die for me! The last one alive is..."

A red glow flashed in the smoke!

"One look forever!"

Wan Dongchen's body froze suddenly, and his body began to petrify at a very slow speed!

But Wan Dongchen, who was exhausted by Wei Changsheng and the others, could be said to be injured more and more, and he couldn't resist the petrification at all!

Looking back stiffly, I saw Jiang Nan came with a leisurely smile on his face!

Wan Dongchen gritted his teeth: "Why don't you let me go, you said you would..."

Jiang Nan said indifferently: "I never seem to have said that I want to let you go, right? The reason why you are alive until now is only because of your usefulness!"

"And now! You can die! Cutting the grass and rooting! Isn't it your usual way?"

Wan Dongchen clenched his teeth and stared at Jiang Nan, but in the end his body completely turned into a black stone sculpture, but he couldn't do anything!

[The resentment value from Wan Dongchen +1001! ]

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