Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 633 Let's turn him around

Ye Ye excitedly said: "Grandpa is just so handsome, is that Pikachu's hood grandpa still available? Ye Ye also wants to play with it!"

Ye Zhenguo had a dark face: "Let me bury it in the second flower bed from the left of the small garden!"

At this moment, a bunch of Ziye's family members are going crazy, Ye Zhenguo's face has never been so dark!

Isn't it good to hide your identity perfectly?

How does Ye Ye know about Lao Tzu's big move?

If everyone knows my identity but I don't?

"How did you know?"

Ye Haitao: (′≖◞ ̫◟≖)

"It's live on the dark web? When I saw it, I asked everyone to appreciate Dad's heroic appearance!"

"Yeah! The headgear is very cute. They say old children and old children. I still don't believe it. This time I believe it! Pff~"

Ye Zhenguo: ! ! !

Live on the dark web?

I didn't see anyone taking pictures!

What did this kid in Jiangnan use to broadcast live?

A crotch shaft?

It was discovered that Lao Tzu went out to work for others and sold his soul?


[The resentment value from Ye Zhenguo +1001! ]

My tall and mighty Daotian powerhouse image is completely ruined by your stinky boy!

"Lai Lai has a leg, go back and clean up that stinky boy in Jiangnan!!"

"Today, I will give you loose pine skin first!"

Said that the dragon wings were unfolded, and a violent charge went straight to Ye Haitao to kill!

Ye Haitao's face turned pale: "Dad! Calm down, Dad, I'm your own son!"

Ye Zhenguo: "It's only natural for Lao Tzu to beat his son. Watching Lao Tzu hit you with amnesia! How does Jiangnan operate? I'll try it too..."

Ye Haitao: ! ! !


The groundhog started barking!

Zhong Yingxue's face turned pale when she saw Daotian, she was really kind and filial to her son!

Hurry up and run back to Kyoto Lingda!

Otherwise, you might be taken hostage for a while!


In the multimedia classroom of Kyoto Lingda University, 100 trainees took their places, and they were all stunned!

"Huh? Why didn't the Jiang Devil come?"

Wang Zhan and Xiang Zu hugged each other and cried. It's good that they didn't come. Finally, they don't have to be beaten!

Xia Yao said with a smile: "After graduation, you will inevitably fight against some underground forces in the future, so experience is very important!"

"In order to teach you the experience of fighting against the underground forces, Jiangnan instructor went to show you early this morning!"

"Everyone has to learn more from it and sum up experience, you know? When the time comes, you will have to write about the aftermath! Xingxuan!"

Ye Xingxuan responded excitedly, and hurriedly ran to the podium, inserted her USB flash drive into the computer, and the big screen instantly released the live broadcast of the dark web!

In the picture, a man covered in blood is being slapped madly!

The students took a deep breath, how cruel!

what's the situation?

Nanshen didn't come to bring the students today, did he go to an underground organization?

I saw Xia Yao, Zhong Yingxue and the others quickly running to the desk below to do it, watching the live broadcast with excitement!

The students are speechless!

What the hell kind of teaching experience? I think you just want to watch Nanshen live broadcast!

Open and aboveboard fishing!


This big mouth fanned for three hours!

However, Jiangnan only received a ransom of $200 million from the younger brothers!

Jiang Nan pouted: "You guys are also unwilling to give money? Just such a million points?"

"It's not enough! It's not enough for me anymore!"

Wan Dongchen, who was still slapped, was crying and angry!

"These saunas are blue pools! There must be no money, hold back! I'll think of a way!"

Yao Hong bumped into Jiangnan's shoulder: "Pikapong, that's almost it! If the cash flow of the blood alliance is exhausted, it will be able to get another one or two hundred million dollars!"

"Someone must have run away with money when this happened!"

Jiang Nan stared: "Almost? It's still a long way from our 2 billion goal!"

"Dare to take my money and run away? You're daring and fat! Speaking of which, such a big blood alliance has so little wealth?"

Yao Hong covered her face, are you planning to collect 2 billion in one wave?

It's not so much to squeeze the blood alliance dry!

The small money has become your small money before it arrives?

"Underground forces like the Blood Alliance will suppress the goods, such as Lingzhu Lingzhen spiritual materials, the amount is huge! If you don't ship it, you won't have so much cash flow!"

Jiang Nan's eyes brightened when he heard it: "Isn't that the small treasury?"

Wan Dongchen nodded frantically: "That's right! There are three main sub-rudders in our blood alliance headquarters, and the goods in stock are also worth a lot of money!"

"I told you the exact location, you told him to beat me! I'm dying!"

Jiangnan: "Does your report on the location of the vault conflict with her beating you? No conflict! Go on!"

Wan Dongchen: (#)༎ຶд༎ຶ(#) What you said makes sense!

[The resentment value from Wan Dongchen +1000! ]

"Take me there! The little brother who doesn't give money, I will help you to wow! Hold on to the shark, please!"

At this moment, Wan Dongchen can do anything in order to survive!

Jiang Nan, who got the specific position of the sub-rudder, smiled: "Not far! Go to the Supersonic Battle Girl!"

Yao Hong was stunned: "What's not far? Where did the plane come from? We're going to..."

Jiangnan: "Nonsense! Take the money and move it to the vault, don't take it and keep it?"

Yao Hong: ? ? ?

It is separated by several provinces. Do you want to be so persistent?

Is it alright to go to the top of the house?

The key is that after going back and forth for such a long time, other people's goods may be transferred...

Before Yao Hong could react, the small dimple that had been lying on Jiang Nan's shoulder had grown bigger!

"Master Silver~ Go to the headquarters first? I feel that the small vault in the headquarters is bigger!"

Jiangnan: (๑՞ٹ՞)☛ Walk!

Yao Hong covered her mouth and stared blankly at the scene in front of her. There was too much information, and her head couldn't handle it for a while!


A huge crimson griffin smashed through the glass, and the sky was added to it, and then cooperated with Jiangnan's non-stop teleportation!

Head straight to the Clan headquarters building at a terrifying speed that exceeds twice the speed of sound!

In the cockpit!

Yao Hong touched the feathers of the small dimple excitedly, with an eye-opening look!

At this moment, Gu Xiaowei's hands are still spinning like Hot Wheels, and he is very tired!

"Pikapong, how do I stop? I'm so tired!"

Jiangnan: "The sole wear stopped, you can think of a way yourself~"

Gu Xiaowei: ? ? ?

This is at an altitude of 10,000 meters, how do you flatten the soles of your shoes!

It's embarrassing to blow your mouth all the time!

Is it okay to fight wits and courage with the air?

Don't care after using it?

We tools have no human rights!

[The resentment value from Gu Xiaowei +555! ]

At this moment, Wan Dongchen was bound by Jiangnan's Void Chains, held by Xiao Dimple with his claws, and swung around in the air, making a scream like killing a pig!


[The resentment value from Wan Dongchen +1000! ]


If you ride a horse, come and hit me!

This is more cruel than slapping the mouth!


Under the ultra-high-speed maneuver, it only took less than an hour to rush to the blood alliance headquarters building across the province!

Yao Hong: "How to do it? Or just call it directly? This is the headquarters! Big Brother Pika Ping has gone home! Let's..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "When you grab money, you need to be fast, accurate and ruthless! What am I afraid of when I have a hostage?"

"Little dimple, knock on the door!"

"Receive the main silver!"

I saw a rapid acceleration of the small dimple, and when he opened his mouth, he spewed a fireball that was twenty meters in size, and went straight to the headquarters building!

"Great summer!



The fireball slammed into the headquarters building and exploded violently. In an instant, the flames shot into the sky, and the glass floor load-bearing walls all bloomed!

Shengsheng gave a big hole!

A group of blood alliance executives who are studying how to deal with this incident in the conference room of the headquarters directly let this gun blow up!

The face collapsed and the conference room was blown up!

I saw Xiao Dimple and everyone rushed into the headquarters building directly and tyrannically!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and grabbed Wan Dongchen, grabbed it in his hand, and shouted, "Give me all your little money!"

(๑·̀ٹ·́)و(›༎ຶд༎ຶ‹) Give him money! Give him money!

Yao Hong: ! ! !

What kind of arrogant appearance is this!

Knocking on the door is too gentle, isn't it?

Such a huge movement made everyone in the blood alliance headquarters rush over, their eyes blood red!

The three diamond bosses headed by their eyes turned red when they saw that their eldest brother let people play these 13 things!

"Bah! Let go of my eldest brother, the three of you are afraid you don't want to live anymore!"

"Eh? Three? Ye...Pikaping isn't there? Just the three of them? The strongest is a diamond! Brother Qiang, what a chance!"

Liu Qiang gritted his teeth: "Do you really think that my blood alliance is someone who can be slaughtered? How dare you be so arrogant without Pikaping?"

"That's right! Hurry up and let my eldest brother go, this matter is over, otherwise you don't want to leave alive!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "It seems that your little brother doesn't want to give money! What do you say!"

Wan Dongchen exploded: "I am the boss, listen to me, give him money!"

"My life is in his hands!"

Liu Qiang: "Don't worry, big brother! If he dares to kill you, he will not be able to leave!"

"That's right! Let's take him back! There's no problem with this logic!"

"Brother, don't worry! We have designated to rescue you!"

Wan Dongchen: ! ! !

[The resentment value from Wan Dongchen +1000! ]


Will you Lai Lai a leg!

If your counterattack succeeds, won't I get cold?

But it's not your life, is it?

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