Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 616 Am I so arrogant?

The expectations for the other side of the flower in my heart are gone!

The door opened, and Jiang Nan quickly probed to look!

I saw a tall woman walk into the room, wearing a dark red cheongsam-style evening dress!

Unilateral split, open very high!

He wears black stockings that go above the knees on his legs and red high heels on his feet!

The figure is bumpy, very graceful, and the beautiful back is exposed!

There is also a black leather collar tied around the snow-white neck!

The short red hair over the ears looks very capable, but there is a white mask on his face to cover his face, and the mask is engraved with the pattern of the other side of the flower!

Only a pair of eyes are exposed, as scarlet as rubies!

The level is not hidden, only diamond eight!

Jiangnan Hehe Zhile, the small treasury belongs to me! Give force literature website m.\\ngeilwx. com

When Gu Xiaowei saw the other side flower coming in, he got up and got excited: "Boss! I brought all the goods!"

The other side of the flower nodded lightly: "Yeah! Come and sit!"

Go straight to the table!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

what's the situation? found me?

how is this possible? Isn't she a boson? how come...

I saw the other side of the flower pulling the stool and sitting in front of the dining table, facing the face of Jiang Nan who was squatting under the dining table with his knees in his arms!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's eyes widened, and his body froze instantly!

The antenna on the top of the head is instantly supported!

╭ i ╮


Don't you sit here, I see it all!

Wear a cheongsam evening dress! Why don't you sit down with your legs crossed?

Don't sit with your legs apart!

How much to consider my feelings under the table?

The other side of the flower! How much do you like red?

Even the pants are red?

This style is so trendy, I have never seen one that sold countless Hulk brand pants!

Jiangnan, who had experienced countless battles between heaven and man in his heart, resolutely turned back!

no! Can't!

As a Southerner! I have my own bottom line!

But it doesn't matter when you turn around, a nosebleed burst out instantly!

I saw that Gu Xiaowei didn't know when he sat across the dining table!

Jiangnan recognized at a glance that Gu Xiaowei was wearing his own products!

Front and rear pinch?

I can't defeat this old man, can I? You shouldn't be squatting under the table!

The black-faced Jiang Nan sat on his knees with his face facing east!

Gu Xiaowei quickly pushed the backpack to the other side of the flower: "Boss! The goods are all here, a total of 230!"

The other side of the flower nodded, looking a little excited: "Isn't it noticed by Nanshen?"

Gu Xiaowei shook his head: "No, it's still the same as usual, that is, the money the boss gave me hasn't been spent..."

The other side of the flower: "If it wasn't for the high demand this time, I wouldn't take such a big risk to buy so much at one time. Jiangnan is very smart, don't underestimate him!"

Gu Xiaowei scratched his head and said, "It's okay to be discovered, right? We are such a big organization, are we afraid that Jiangnan will fail?"

The eyes of the other side flower became cold: "Have you forgotten what I taught you? Never be blindly confident!"

"Is Dandelion strong? Is it stronger than the United States? Is it stronger than District 53? Don't mess with Jiangnan! Forever!"

Gu Xiaowei said weakly: "The boss is not angry, Xiaowei knows it's wrong!"

Jiang Nan under the table rolled his eyes, how can I be so scary?

Very amiable, okay?

The other side nodded, and after checking the little ginseng, she saw ten boxes of durian pulp in her backpack, her face full of doubts!

"what is this?"

Gu Xiaowei said excitedly: "This is a deodorant supper bought by Nanshen, and it is said that one bite can get rid of the stench!"

The other side of the flower is stunned: "Really?"

"Yeah, Nanshen used durian to stink all of their classmates, and then sold them to deodorant supper. More than 400 people lined up to buy it in the evening, and they didn't stink after one bite. I saw it with my own eyes. !"

The other side of the flower: ...

Isn't Jiangnan so human?

[The resentment value from Yao Hong +1! ]

But then he became excited again: "Many senior members of the underground organizations who participated in the battle of Metropolis have been disintegrated, and the smell has not dissipated!"

"I'm trying to deodorize in various ways, but it's useless, and some people even offer a high price!"

"Especially the elders of the Sakura Group and the senior leaders of the Jingming faction will bid higher. If this thing can really deodorize, we Dandelion can make a lot of money!"

"This way we can breathe a sigh of relief, Xiao Wei, you have done a great job!"

When Jiangnan heard this, he suddenly became excited!

Depend on! How did I forget this stubble?

Those people in the metropolis are also stinky!

Why didn't I think to buy them deodorant supper?

This Yao Hong is simply a money maker!

Jiangnan, who was still thinking about whether or not to attack now, decided to wait!

wrong? Why did the Sakura Group Veterans Association and the Jingming faction stink?

They didn't go to the metropolis, did they?

Gu Xiaowei rejoiced and said: "It's good to help the boss, then I'll go and follow Nanshen, he might set up a stall again at some point!"

At this moment, Yao Hong's eyes showed a tangle: "Wait for Xiao Wei! I might need your help tonight with something!"

Gu Xiaowei was stunned: "What are you busy with? Boss, just say it!"

Yao Hong gritted her teeth: "You might die, are you still doing it?"

Gu Xiaowei's expression sank, without any hesitation: "Boss! You gave me my life, as long as I can do it!"

Jiang Nan squinted, something really happened tonight, otherwise how could a joint be so inspiring?

Yao Hong took a deep breath: "I want you to be Jiangnan!"

Gu Xiaowei: (๐·́mouth·̀) Huh? ? ?

Jiangnan: (๐·̌.·̑๐)ˀ̣ˀ̣

be me?

I'm right under the table!

Where do you put my Jiangtian antenna in this way?

What about the crotch?

Gu Xiaowei: "Do you want me to look like Jiangnan? Nanshen is so well-known, it's hard to pretend!"

Yao Hong's eyes were solemn: "There is a chance!"

"As far as I know, Nanshen and his party have left Rongcheng, just came to Jingda Lingda for teaching guidance, and they have come out of Jianshan Lingxu!"

"The video is circulating on the Internet, and everyone knows it, so it is reasonable for Nanshen to appear in Kyoto and will not be suspected!"

Obviously, Yao Hong has already thought about it in advance and is prepared!

Gu Xiaowei was puzzled: "Why on earth did you want to become a Nanshen?"

Yao Hong sighed: "Wait for a meeting with the blood alliance, I can't hold back the situation, the underground world, without strength, will only be swallowed by the bones and scum!"

Gu Xiaowei was horrified: "Didn't we pay a lot of money to hire the big boss Xingyao? The boss can't hold the scene? Nanshen is golden, he..."

Yao Hong sneered: "It's just a vampire that's not worth it. Do you think he will really do his best for us Dandelion?"

"I can't hold a place, Jiangnan can definitely hold it!"

"I really can't think of any other way..."

At this moment, Yao Hong's eyes were full of exhaustion!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, I'll just squat a little to make some money!

Why did you come across this?

Become me to do things? Have you asked my opinion?

Blood alliance? I seem to have touched it once when I fired a nuclear bomb in Suka!

It seems that the dandelion is not as glamorous as it looks!

Now Jiangnan is more curious about what Yao Hong wants to do with his identity!

At that time, one small vault may become two small vaults!

Ah, so beautiful!

Gu Xiaowei started to undress without saying a word, causing Yao Hong and Jiang Nan to be stunned!

River Antenna: (๐ರཀರ๐)

Please let go!

If you are a trainee, Uncle Da has given you 3 hot pot packages at this moment!

Yao Hong was stunned: "Xiao Wei? You are..."

Gu Xiaoyi's face was resolute: "I will do it!"

"You can refuse, on the blood alliance side, I..."

Gu Xiaowei looked into Yao Hong's eyes: "I want to help the boss and the organization!"

Yao Hong took a long sigh and finally nodded!

Speaking of which, the colorful scales and armor of Gu Xiaowei appeared all over his body, and his body gradually changed to that of Jiangnan. With a red face, he turned around in front of Yao Hong!

"Like... like?"

Jiang Nan's face was dark, and it felt too strange to see another naked self circling in front of Yao Hong!

Yao Hong's eyes filled with amazement: "It's very similar!"

Jiang Nan got out from under the table angrily!

Like a fart?

Am I that small?

Gu Xiaowei, who are you looking down on? Blind change what?

Believe it or not, I'll make you cry later!

Jiang Nanzhi felt that his self-esteem was seriously insulted!

Gu Xiaowei said happily: "Really?"

Yao Hong touched her chin: "Well... the details are a bit poor, Jiangnan... shouldn't be so small, right?"

Gangnam: (๑・̀ㅂ・́)و✧

exactly! For a moment, Jiangnan saw Yao Hong's incomparably pleasing to the eye! Still you understand me!

Gu Xiaowei blushed: "Then I'll change it again!"

And so a miraculous scene happened!

Yao Yuzhu looked satisfied: "Well! It's almost the time!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Almost anything!

Not far!

Yao Hong! You look down on me too, right?

I'll make you cry later!

Gu Xiaowei, who has completed the change, changed into another set of advanced custom suits, and the feeling of sunshine and handsomeness came out at once!

The level has also become the same gold five as Jiangnan!

Yao Hong said: "There is no problem with the appearance, the rest is temperament, you have to learn the temperament of Jiangnan!"

Gu Xiaowei swallowed his saliva: "What temperament?"

Yao Hong didn't even think about it: "Arrogant! Show me a smile!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Gu Xiaowei: (๐·ᴗ·๐) Is that so?

"No! It's too cute, look sharper!"

Gu Xiaowei: (。・᷅ㅂ・᷄。) So?

"No! Be more arrogant! Raise your head a little and raise the corners of your mouth!"

"I want that kind of feeling that I don't want you to beat me!"

Gu Xiaowei: (๐ˉ͒ٹˉ͒) Ah? Little buddy! I heard that you are very unconvinced?

Yao Hong's eyes brightened: "Yes! It's this arrogant feeling!"

Jiangnan: ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅)?

Am I so arrogant?

Don't talk nonsense!

Be careful I sue you for defamation!

Why is my usual expression so awkward? Now Gu Xiaowei's expression makes me want to go up and hammer her to death!

Yao Hong: "Xiao Wei! Go ahead and say what you think is the most arrogant!"

Gu Xiaowei: ୧(ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)☞ I'm not targeting anyone, I mean everyone here! One counts as one! It's all rubbish!

"You eat shit!"

Yao Hong nodded with a look of relief: "You have successfully mastered the essence!"

Gangnam: (・́w・̀ ٥)

Eh? Am I usually like this?

If you go out like this, you will be beaten, I didn't lie to you, don't mess with your studies!

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