Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 607 Endless Mode! The strongest firepower

The wasps are all pissed off!

Do you know how hard it is for us to create a honeycomb, and it will ruin it for us?

See if I stab you or not!

One by one, they are like the possessed of Rong mama, and they are madly piercing the needles at Xiang Zu!

That little speed is almost catching up with the needle of the sewing machine!

Xiang Zu: ! ! !

[The resentment value from Xiang Zu +1000! ]

[From Xiang Zu...]

The grievance value was instantly brushed to the top!

His body swelled up like white flour fermented!

The eyes were swollen into a slit, the sausage mouth pouted, and the whole person was swollen into a 300-pound fat man, humming non-stop in the honeycomb! Remember the URL m.luoqiuzw.\\ncom


The mood just collapsed!

God-killing Jiangnan, you threw it with your special aim?

I think you did it on purpose, you deliberately revenge, you avenge your private revenge, wow!

Just before Xiang Zu was about to be stunned by the poison, the paralysis effect finally passed!

Xiang Zu stood up in an instant, and he shouted up to the sky in pain!

(◦༎ຶ口༎ຶ◦)Ah~ What the hell~

A whimper spread out for several kilometers, echoing in the mountains!

That was the scream of Xiang Zu with his life!

"Jiangnan! I will fuck you, wait for me!"

[The resentment value from Xiang Zu +1000! ]

Angered, he waved his hand: "Broken!"

The whole hornet's honeycomb was blown into slag!

Queen Bee: (ꐦಠyiಠ) Buzz!

(Go and call my uncle, second uncle, third uncle, seventh uncle, and grandfather's family!)


(I have nothing to do with these 13!)

At this moment, the bee colony is madly attacking Xiang Zu like crazy!

Xiang Zu's face was full of horror. Even though these wasps were only the size of eggs, they were all at the gold level!

Such a large group can't bear it!

Incompetent rage is cool for a while, and cool when it's finished!

At this moment, Xiang Zu doesn't care so much. He runs wildly in the woods, as flexible as a 300-pound fat man!

From time to time, I was stabbed by a wasp, and the heart-wrenching mourning echoed endlessly!

[The resentment value from Xiang Zu +1000! ]

[From Xiang Zu...]

At the same time, Jiang Nan, who was squatting by the river and roasting wild boar leisurely, was stunned!

Is this kid Xiang Zu so arrogant that he has brushed off 300,000 grievance points for himself in such a short time?

Still very unconvinced!

I'll teach him a little later~

"Little dimple, little fire!"

On the side, he nodded to the small dimple of the wild boar breathing fire, and the flame gradually became smaller...

I can be nervous in my heart, for fear that I will become the one on fire in a while!

At this moment, the more than 30 students who were thrown out by Jiangnan with the javelin joined the more than 20 who escaped!

Fifty people squatted together, looking nervous!

A white eagle fell from the sky and said excitedly: "The investigation is done! The two beautiful mentors are on the thickest stone pillar mountain!"

As soon as they heard this, everyone immediately became excited!

"The Nanshen side is too incomprehensible, let's ignore it for now!"

"If you want to succeed, you have to start from this side. These two women seem to be very bullying!"

"Haha! It's more than bullying. One long-range and one melee combat, as long as the melee is opened, once the long-range is close, isn't it ravaged as much as you want?"

"There are so many of us, I'm afraid we will bully them and cry for a while!"

Everyone looked at each other, and the fighting spirit in their eyes was burning again!

After carefully studying the plan again, everyone dived towards the pillar-shaped stone mountain!

At this moment, Xia Yao was squatting on the edge of the cliff in boredom, sniffing lightly, and a pair of silver-white wolf ears moved slightly!

"Finally the discussion is over! They are coming this way!"

"Say we're so bullying, and you're going to make us cry!"

The powerful sense of smell and hearing made Xia Yao have a clear control over the dynamics of the mountain!

Zhong Yingxue smiled sweetly: "Then just bully them a little bit!"

"Do as I said before!"

Xia Yao smiled, her wrist moved slightly, and the blood-drinking wolf claws popped out!

At this moment, eight or nine figures with open wings broke through the forest and rushed to the sky at an extremely fast speed!

Holding an element output in their arms, preparing for a long-range attack!

And the soil students below held the Shizhu Mountain with both hands, and a bump suddenly formed on the mountain for climbing!

Melee and tanks start crazy rock climbing and attack the top of the mountain!

With her back to the cliff, Xia Yao winked mischievously at Zhong Yingxue!

(∗❛ั ؂ ˂̶∗)⟡

Immediately, he leaned back, fell freely, and the wind whistled in his ears!

Xia Yao flipped a somersault lightly, with her legs together, like a silver arrow falling from the sky!

He kicked hard on the face of a hardened tank, and his body fell to the ground like a lead ball!

I saw Xia Yao's wolf claws easily inserted into the stone wall, pulling out bursts of sparks, offsetting the inertia!

Immediately use your hands and feet to move quickly on the vertical steep rock wall, as if walking on the ground!

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight people were knocked off the cliff, falling from a height of several hundred meters, and fell out of the big pit!

"Damn! Is it a gecko? Don't worry about her, there are so many of us, as long as we go to the top of the mountain... ah~"

"Hey~ What a strong physical fitness, climb up! Hurry up!"

"What are you thinking? Fight!"

In an instant, a terrifying wind-blade and water-knife fireball smashed down towards Zhong Yingxue on the top of the mountain!

Overwhelming, the scene is extremely spectacular!

There were even a few fireballs that smashed towards Xia Yao, but she dexterously avoided them!

Watching the sky-filled magic attack, Zhong Yingxue took out the glass jar in his arms and took a bite!

"Well~ I haven't played like this before! Try it! Vomit~"

I saw Zhong Yingxue stomping her feet, and her whole body instantly ignited with red flames, and her black hair rose like a queen of flames!

The blazing heat burns the air!

"Endless Mode! On!"


In an instant, a wave of soaring fire spread wildly with Zhong Yingxue as the center!

Burn out all the spiritual skills that were smashed in the face!

Then the second, third and fourth fire waves followed! Wave after wave!

Just like a flaming ocean wave, it turned the entire peak of Shizhu Mountain into a red flame hell!

This is not Zhong Yingxue's new spiritual skill, but that she is constantly burning the sea!

At the same time, the fireballs the size of the grinding discs were thrown out as if they didn't want any money. It was the Red Lotus Explosive Bomb!

And in the sky, a 20-meter-diameter blue fire pendant formed!

He raised his hand again, and a flaming black flame was injected into the fireball!

Unquenchable Black Flame!

In an instant, the 20-meter giant fireball was dyed black by the inextinguishable black flame!

"Combination of spiritual skills! Blue fire and black flame!"


The black fireball exploded, and countless black flames were thrown out, contaminating the bodies of more than a dozen spiritual warriors!

No matter what method is used, the inextinguishable black flame on the body cannot be extinguished, and the burned one screams!

Immediately, three planes were bombed and crashed, and the rest of the spirit warriors flying in the sky did their best to avoid the attack of the red lotus bomb!

Even if he took the time to attack Zhong Yingxue with his spiritual skills, he was all blocked by the burning sea like waves!

In an instant, all the trainees who came to attack were stunned!

"Who can tell me how many spiritual skills she unleashes in one second!"

"Fuck! This element output is too violent, right? What firepower?"

"We're water guns, is she a 100-tube Vulcan Gatling?"

"Close up? Who can get close to her body? I'm afraid she'll be trained to ashes as soon as she gets close, so I don't even need to go to the furnace!"

At this moment, the people in the live broadcast room were completely dumbfounded!

Because they couldn't see Zhong Yingxue's figure at all, and now the whole Shizhu Mountain is like a torch, and the flames go out dozens of meters high!

"Where is this fire-type fort? This is an explosive barrel!"

"My scalp is numb because of the show, is this the third firepower loss of Pioneer Academy?"

I saw that the stone walls on the top of the mountain were all baked, forming a spectacular lava waterfall. The falling lava made the students who climbed the mountain screaming and falling a lot!

"Don't be afraid, everyone! Playing like this with her spiritual power, she will be emptied of her spiritual power in 30 seconds! Hold on for me!"

With Bentou, the trainees can only grit their teeth and resist!

This is indeed the case!

Zhong Yingxue's pretty face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Endless mode is exactly what Zhong Yingxue learned from the old pioneers!

Uninterrupted and uninterrupted casting of magic skills, even three or four at the same time!

A powerful element output should be the strongest firepower in the shortest time!

If Zhong Yingxue was doing his best, his spiritual power would be completely emptied within 30 seconds!

The result in exchange is an unparalleled powerful firepower output, no one can do it!

Zhong Yingxue smiled gently: "I'm sorry, I can leave it like this for a day!"

Normally, Zhong Yingxue would not dare to play like this, but now that he has durian pulp that can instantly return to 150% of his spiritual power, Zhong Yingxue will not be exhausted until he eats the durian and vomits!

At this moment, all the students were stunned, their faces turned black, their bodies were stained with inextinguishable black flames, and their faces were full of despair!

"Don't bring such fun! Elemental output doesn't even need tanks or anything now?"

"It's too strong! Did the firepower output of the element be so extreme that it turned out to be like this?"

"Ahhh! It's burning me to death! That bastard said that these two beauties are easy to bully? Who is bullying who!"

After 15 minutes, the flames on the top of the mountain gradually went out, and there was lava everywhere!

The top of the mountain was cut down by seven or eight meters, and Xia Yao also killed more than 20 students who climbed the mountain, and jumped all the way with her feet on her back: "Hey~ it's so hot!"

I saw thirty or so students who were fried like black coal balls lying on the ground at this moment, with white smoke coming out of their mouths!

His hair was burnt, and the rest stood blankly in the woods with empty eyes...

This is not a gap, this is a gap!

Jiangnan used a blood-drinking spurge, wearing a roasted golden wild boar, and flew over slowly on a small dimple!

Looking at the messy Shizhu Mountain and the black coal balls standing on the ground, Jiangnan looked sympathetic!

"It's not good to provoke anyone? It happened to provoke Xue Xue? Did it collapse? Deserving it!"

Students: (;′༎ຶ﹏༎ຶ`)

I saw Jiang Nan grinning: "Oh~ which two little cuties are so powerful? I can see the fire from dozens of kilometers away!"

"Anyone want to eat roast pig wow?"

Xia Yao: (。⟡﹃⟡。)ノ

Eyes light up, raise your hand quickly!

"I am me! I eat!"

Zhong Yingxue also swallowed and nodded. She hadn't eaten for more than ten hours, so she was starving!

Looking at the golden roasted pig on the Jiangnan Tianhuaji, the students' mouths left tears of remorse!

[The resentment value from Shao Hua +1000! ]


At the same time, another team of 40 people went towards the Xiong Da Xiong 2 strategy, full of confidence!

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