Gu Xiaowei's heart was thumping with fright!

How dare you go against Jiangnan's wishes?

Obediently open your mouth!


Jiang Nan raised his hand to a space wormhole and leaked the wine from the deadly big green stick into her mouth!


Gu Xiaowei: ! ! !

Can't you just feed me a little?

Does the space department want to do whatever it wants?

Your way of drinking is too shameful, isn't it?

[The resentment value from Gu Xiaowei +666! ]

A bottle of big green sticks to eat!

I saw Gu Xiaowei hiccups, a flush of red appeared on the pretty face, and her eyes were blurred!

Jiang Nan touched his chin, he had to try this big green stick to see if the effect was not in place!

If she has any way to resist the alcoholism, and then fool me with falsehoods, wouldn't I be blinded?

Jiang Nan looked serious: "What style of trousers are you wearing now?"

Gu Xiaowei opened his mouth and said, "Black ice ribbon lace! Sling style!"

Gu Xiaowei: (°ロ°٥)


Why would I even explain this kind of thing to Nanshen!


How could this be? Is that the beer you just drank?

What strange props are these?

No no no!

I can't say, I can't betray the organization! Betray the boss!

The tight-lipped Gu Xiaowei said it was me!

Jiang Nan nodded: "Yeah! I didn't lie!"

Gu Xiaowei: ? ? ?

Nothing lies! How do you know I'm not lying!

By the way, how do you know what style of pants I'm wearing now?

Could it be that Nanshen did something like this to me while I was in a coma?


[The resentment value from Gu Xiaowei +1000! ]


Jiangnan: "Simply explain yourself!"

Gu Xiaowei: "Gu Xiaowei! 25 years old, platinum three-star beast transformation ability! Chameleon-like beast transformation, doctor of economics! Single mother and child, living in Barabara, Liangdu Development Zone~"

Gu Xiaowei, who had been talking for three minutes, was stupid!

Keep your mouth shut, Gu Xiaowei, what's wrong with you!

How can I tell the password of my bank card and the number of the security period? Hey!

How about being tight-lipped?

Want to be so detailed!

At this moment, Gu Xiaowei's eyes are full of horror, what kind of beer is this? This is too great, right?

Jiang Nan was stunned. It was the first time he saw the chameleon ability, Doctor of Economics?

"What are the heart-shaped scales you put in the safe? It's pretty cool!"

As he said that, he sniffed it between his nose and it smelled like a prosperous boy!

Gu Xiaowei: ! ! !

can not say! Can't be killed!

"That's the scales I fell off my chest, don't smell it!"

Jiang Nan's face flushed, and he hurriedly threw it on the coffee table!

Why is it still heart shaped?

"Cough cough~ Tell me, what is your organization called, who is the boss? What is your mission? I want to see your boss!"

Gu Xiaoyi's face is unlovable!

"I belong to the Dandelion Organization. I don't know the eldest's name. I only know that her code name is Biganhua!"

"After graduating from the Ph.D. in economics, I have been working in the organization. From high school until graduation, the boss gave me a book to study, and he paid me living expenses every month, so you don't want me to betray her!"

Jiangnan: (¬~¬๐)

You have betrayed, okay?

"Our Dandelion business has a wide range of business, and it is well-known internationally!"

"Since you started to set up a stall, my main task is to buy goods from you, and I have been with you from Jiangcheng to Rongcheng!"


Hearing Gu Xiaowei's explanation, Jiang Nan's face was stunned, but he didn't expect to find a big guy!

Dandelion's business scope is not generally broad, underground spiritual material trading, black market spiritual bead circulation, intelligence sales, almost all have connections with the underground forces called the top!

This scope is not limited to domestic!

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of interest. Such a big organization must have a lot of money, right?

I don't know how much I've earned just by myself!

I'm afraid I didn't take it out!

"Where's your boss? I want to see her!"

Gu Xiaowei: "I can't get in touch with her. Every time I contact her on a single line, I'll go and deliver the goods to her!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, do you want to be so cautious?

Are you hiding yourself so deeply?

Gu Xiaowei who drank the big green stick will not lie at all!

Then we can only have clues when the boss of Dandelion contacts Gu Xiaowei for delivery!

Jiang Nan thought for a while, raised his hand and took out a capsule: "Come~open your mouth!"

Gu Xiaoyi's face was horrified: "What is this? What do you want to feed me?"

The beer just now was terrifying, shouldn't this capsule be some kind of poison?

Or something that makes people weird?

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Why are there so many questions? Let you eat as much as you want!"

Gu Xiaowei blushed and shyly said: "If you want, just come directly, you don't need to feed me medicine or anything, I will cooperate with you!"

"It's just...just, I hope you can let me go after you're done. It's the first time I've been captured as a prisoner, and I don't have much experience, so...uuuu~"

As he spoke, he turned his head to the side, bit his lower lip, closed his eyes tightly, and there were still crystal tears falling from the corners of his eyes...

Jiangnan: (・・᷄ࡇ・᷅


Just come directly and cooperate with me?

I'm not a big villain?

Have you watched too many idol dramas?

Not everyone who gets caught will be tortured!

What kind of demon image is Lao Tzu in your heart?

very hurt, okay?

Being my captive was treated very well!

If you don't believe me, ask Lanbo Fanbo!

Jiang Nan looked at Gu Xiaowei with a dark face...

After a full 30 seconds, Gu Xiaowei opened his eyes and saw that Jiang Nan didn't move, and couldn't help but say, "I'm not the type you like when I look like this?"

"Would you like to take my handcuffs off? I'll change it for you! Yujie? Queen's kind? Little Lolita can do it too!"

"Just... I can change even if it's a man!"

Gangnam: (ꐦ・᷄ᴗ・᷅)

Do you need so much drama in your heart!

Are there any styles for me to choose from?

Who wouldn't die happily if they found you as a girlfriend? One a day?

chameleon? If you do this again, I'm going to change color with you!

Are you persecutory delusional?

"It's just a locator! Where can you open your mouth so much?"

"If I don't open my mouth, I'll find another place to hide!"

Gu Xiaowei: ? ? ?

No... not trying to do something too much to me?

Aren't the girls who are usually captured as captives in TV dramas doing something extravagant?

Her face turned red, and she opened her mouth quickly!

Otherwise, the ghost knows that Jiangnan will hide the locator in some other strange place!

After eating the capsule locator, it will not be able to be discharged in three or five days!

Just in case, Jiangnan opened the bag containing the little ginseng and stuffed a locator into the little ginseng!

Gu Xiaowei looked stunned!

Knowing that Jiangnan wanted to find the boss through himself, his life would be worry-free!

But does Jiangnan think I'm stupid? Don't install the locator in front of my face!

I saw Jiangnan installed the locator, cleaned up the room again, and restored everything to its original state!

He also put the colorful scales back into the safe, and put the mobile phone in Kui Xiaowei's pocket!

Gu Xiaowei's face is full of question marks, what is Nanshen doing? To clean up the house?

Are all the villains so talented now?

With the help of the small dimples, Jiangnan, who had everything done, spent a long time to put on the warm gloves!

With a devilish smile on his face!

"Don't make me cry later!"

Gu Xiaowei: "You..."

"Crackling, crackling, crackling!"

A series of crisp noises came, and Gu Xiaowei was swayed left and right by Jiangnan's "Zhibazi" fan!

Leng is to fan her memory back before Bubble Noodles!

Before she could react, another bottle of big green stick fell!


Gu Xiaowei fainted in response, Jiang Nan quickly untied the small handcuffs for her, and packed up the crime scene, a teleportation disappeared!

After ten seconds, Gu Xiaowei, who was paralyzed on the sofa, woke up and rubbed her cheeks subconsciously!

"I'm asleep? It's really cold today, and my frozen face hurts~"

Saying that, his eyes fell on the little ginseng: "Well, it's better to put it in the safe to be safe!"

Opening the safe and seeing the heart-shaped scales lying quietly inside, Gu Xiaowei smiled and stuffed the goods inside!

Back in the living room, she looked at the instant noodle bucket with a fork in it and her stomach growled.

He lifted up the instant noodle bucket with anticipation and opened the lid. As soon as he scooped out the fork, he picked up two instant noodle slag, and his face was stunned!

"Where's my noodles? Where are my intestines and two eggs?"

"Did I finish eating the noodles before falling asleep? Why don't I remember?"

"I've eaten? ... Then why am I still so hungry!"

Gu Xiaowei rubbed his stomach with a ghostly expression!

On the way back to the academy, Jiangnan hiccupped~

A taste of instant noodles...

"Braised eggs are delicious! There's too much hot water, and it's a bit bland!"

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