Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 593 Help Zhou to abuse the small dimple! (add more)

As soon as Zhao Dezhu said this, the students below were excited!

"Goose haha! You must go to Andu Lingwu! I came from that school!"

"I have to go back to my alma mater this time. Has my happy moment finally come?"

"Sister in ragged clothes, woohoo~ Nanshen! Leave me three catties of leeks!"

"We stink like a bird, are we sure we want to go back to our alma mater? This is not a homecoming at all, this is revenge on society!"

I don't know who suddenly burst out a sentence, the smiles on the faces of the academies suddenly froze, and they pulled their hips in an instant...

[The resentment value from Liu Chuanwu +1000! ]

[From Wang Gang...]

Jiang Nan's eyes were bright, and a mature idea could not help but pop out of his mind!

Many veteran students are looking towards this side, with envious eyes in their eyes!

Teaching guidance is indeed an unforgettable time, but unfortunately it is not my gang who went to this time!

remember url

After each semester's qualifying competition, Pioneer College will send the top 100 to key Lingwu universities in each province for teaching guidance!

It's a Pioneer Academy tradition!

While showing your strong heritage to the famous schools, you can also plant grass in the hearts of those students and make them yearn for the Pioneer Academy!

At that time, recruiting can recruit some good seedlings, and the cultivation methods taught can also enhance the strength of the students!

Several birds in one stone!

Old catapult!

At this time of the year, Lingwu University in each province will even hold a league to screen out outstanding students, just to compete for training places!

The veteran students couldn't help showing the expression of memory killing!

Look back at yourself!

More than a dozen pairs in the ring are still playing the game of whoever blinks and who will be stupid!

The awards ceremony over there is over, can you guys do it?

Jiangnan and his party left the Lingxu, and Xiong Er was pulled away by An Xiaoqi as soon as he left the Lingxu!

"Brother Nan! I'm not going home tonight, I'm going to watch cartoons with Xiaoqi!"

Gangnam: (⇀‸↼‶)

What cartoons can you watch for one night!

It must be a legend, right?

And Xia Yao leaned over excitedly and slapped Jiang Nan's cheek!



Jiang Nan felt a warm feeling on his cheeks, like a dragonfly touching water!

Xia Yao smiled and said: "If you lose the bet, Ben Guliang always talks! It's not that I want to kiss you or something, don't think about it~"

Zhong Yingxue: (ノ)﹏(ヾ) Ah~ Xiaoyao! You are ashamed!

Xia Yao rushed to Zhong Yingxue with a wolf pounce, hugged her face and kissed her!

"There is also Xue Xue's share! mua! mua! Haha!"

Zhong Yingxue was kissed with saliva all over her face, and her face was helpless, she felt like she was being bitten by a wolf!

Jiang Nan touched his chin: "No! No! When I went to Tianchi Lingxu for the first time, you lost your bet and said you wanted to wash my pants for a month, but didn't wash them for me!"

Xia Yao's body froze: "Eh~ no...Nothing, you are talking nonsense!"

Do you remember things so long ago?

Do you want to be so strong!

Washed is not washed, but it is worn!


Jiang Nan wondered: "I clearly remember..."

Xia Yao: "Which school do we go to for teaching guidance? Half a month, it will definitely pay a lot of money, right?"

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "Of course, which one will pay more money to which one? Wait for the specific list tomorrow to decide!"

"Hum! Let you not want me at the beginning, I..."

Seeing Jiang Nan's excited toot beeping on the side, and Xia Yao's relieved expression patting her little heart, Zhong Yingxue covered her face!

What a strong ability to change topics!

All the way back to the villa, Zhong Yingxue and the others went to pack their luggage for a business trip!

Jiangnan, on the other hand, was wearing a Class 3a biochemical radiation protection suit under Wu Liang's terrified eyes!

Opened the door of hell that "don't open it!"

"Brother Nan? You are..."

Jiangnan: (๐՞ٹ՞) There is a mulberry machine!

After closing the door, I only heard a loud "bang bang bang" from time to time in the room!

And accompanied by the evil wind from hell blowing out of the window, spread throughout the academy!

Wu Liang smiled bitterly, knowing that Brother Nan is opening durian again!


It wasn't until the evening that the qualifying matches of the veteran students were over!

When they came out of the dollhouse, they all bared their teeth, their faces were extremely dark, and they had a golden middle finger on their hands!

What the hell is a paralysis ring! This is a broken wall ring!

The middle finger can't be retracted at all!

As soon as they walked out of the egg-shaped building, everyone rolled their eyes and almost died!

"How can this be! What! Smelly! Vomit~"

"Did those new students bring out the flavor? This academy can't stay here!"

The tutors straightened their hair worriedly: "I won't be able to take this class tomorrow..."

"It tastes so bright!"

As the sun went down, Xiao Chuihuo pushed his wheelchair and walked down the path, his face was expressionless, his eyes were empty, and his shadow was drawn very long...

"It really doesn't work, just find a place to rebuild an academy, this place has been defiled!"

Zhao Dezhu: "But as long as Jiangnan is there, it's the same everywhere!"

Xiao Chuihuo shuddered, but when he thought that Jiangnan was going to go on a business trip to give teaching guidance to the university, it would take half a month for him to go, and his heart was inevitably a little excited!

New Year's Eve has never been this happy!

"Old Zhao! Hurry up and call those principals and ask them to send all the invitations tomorrow! The speed must be fast!"


The veteran students just returned to the dormitory area, and they stepped into the dormitory despite the fragrance of the garden!

Spit up in the toilet and on the balcony!

There is also sandpaper and mud in the bathroom!

"This smell can't be rubbed off at all! Is 1000 grit sandpaper not enough? Give me a 100 grit instead!"

"I use 40 meshes to no avail. I have asked my roommate to go to the hardware store to buy a file!"

"You asked him to bring the angle grinder back, grandpa, I'll give it up today!"

The old students are stunned!

I'm lost~ Are these new students such a beast? The sandpaper file is enough to rub the bath, and the angle grinder is all on?

Are you taking a shower or fixing a car?

Even a spirit warrior can't hang like this!

At this moment, in the girls' dormitory, there are not a few girls who are so sad that they vomit!

Evening ~ eight o'clock!

Jiangnan stepped out of hell wearing a biochemical protective suit, and a teleport came to the lawn outside the male and female dormitory area!

Spread the cloth on the ground, and put the pony on it!

"Small dimples! Flash light mode!"

The small dimple spit out the fragrant tongue: "Okay, the main silver~"







The red and blue dots on the cheeks of the small dimples began to flash rapidly, and the two dormitory buildings were reflected in red and blue, which immediately attracted everyone's attention!

"Everyone come here to see acridine~ The main silver stall is open, and the Nanshendi stall is open!"

The little dimpled tail squatting on the floor spread kept flicking, and roared at the dormitory nurse!

"Ah~ so cute! Why did you follow Nanshen? You're blind!"

"Setting up a street stall again? You've made us stink, and you won't buy Nanshen things if you kill us!"

"I think he just wants to get all the little money in our pockets, and what he does is a one-shot deal!"

"The paralyzing effect is very exciting. I can't take back my middle finger, and it's hard to wipe it when I go to the toilet!"

"You can learn from Qi Dongqiang!"

[The resentment value from Qi Dongqiang +1000! ]


Jiang Nan cleared his throat!

"We won't sell anything else today!"

"Deodorant supper thieves bring pie!"

"One serving is only 80,000 yuan!"

"Bring your own spoon and tableware!"

"The smell is gone after eating!"

"Still cute and cute!"

Little Dimple: "Little cute acridine!"

Speaking of Jiangnan's big hand, he saw that the stall was full of plastic takeaway boxes!

It is filled with yellow diamond durian pulp!

Jiangnan opened the lid, and the fragrance in the dormitory area became a little thicker again, and he suddenly vomited!

The students in the dormitory area are all crazy!

"Baba? Nanshen is crazy on a horse! He can pack a lump of Baba in a lunch box, and he still wants to sell it to us? Still selling it for 80,000 yuan?"

"Wow~ it stinks, cover it up, cover it up!"

"Before any vigorous effort, ginseng, leeks, etc., I can endure it, at least I can eat it! But now, Nanshen actually wants to feed us Baba! I don't care if we ask for money!"

Jiangnan's face turned black: "Baba, this is the pulp of the durian during the day! Eat it to deodorize!"

"This stuff is delicious! Seeing how pitiful you are, I don't want more than 80,000 yuan!"

The students in the dormitory area exploded!

"Bah! Who do you think we are so pitiful because of! Woohoo~"

"It's really durian pulp, I think Nanshen has eaten it!"

"To make us all stink, and then sell deodorant supper to make money? This sham operation is going to show me to death, you are robbery!"

"Your conscience is black! If you don't buy it, even if I stink all your life, you will never kill me!"

"That's it! Don't buy it! Be a man without steaming buns and arguing! Eh... anger!"

At this moment, the male and female compatriots in the dormitory area have been outside, unwilling to be the fat sheep to be slaughtered, and issued a collective protest against Jiangnan!

Jiangnan :(

・᷄ٹ・᷅) not for sale, right?

After talking, I opened 10 boxes of deodorant supper!

"Little dimples! Blower mode!"

The little dimple said sweetly: "Okay, the main silver~"

Saying that, he jumped and jumped behind Jiangnan, becoming three meters in size!

Squat on the ground and grow two wings on the back!

Start to fan the wind in front of the dormitory building!

As soon as the wind blows, the fragrance of the durian pulp is completely diffused, and it has a positive impact!

"Yoyue~ Nanshen! You can be a person!"

"Small dimples, stop instigating, your master is the villain! Stop helping Zhou to abuse!"

"Damn it? Old Chen, wake up! Old Chen, you are suffocating!"

"Close the window! Quick! It's going to kill you!"

Jiang Nan was startled, close the window?

Raise your hand and snap your fingers to open a space wormhole, sending warmth from house to house!

After blowing from one room to another, the dormitory area was screaming in agony, and the mourning was continuous, ghosts and wolves!

Jiang Nan stood on the ground with his waist on his arms, arrogantly laughing!

"Goose hahaha! Do you want to buy it?"

[The resentment value from Gao Xingyu +666! ]

[The resentment value from Feng Xin +1000! ]

[From Wang Dong...]

Is it you who is talking about strong buying and strong selling?

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