Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 578 Cursed and quit the group chat! (add more)

Diamond spikes wrapped in golden-yellow durian pulp are everywhere!

The white beards of those elders were all covered with pulp, and the glasses of the principal of the Jingming faction were all shattered!

All yellow is not pulled a few!

The house was in a mess, and the senior members of the Sakura Group knelt down and vomited!


"Ouch~ what is this horse riding! I vomited!"

"Thousands of Sakura! I think you're going to go against the sky, ahhh! Are you still playing Mai Tai?"

"She wasn't like this before! Why did she go to the US Metropolis and come back like this? Who did you learn this from?"

"Disgusting! Disgusting exploded! Qianben Sakura, you run away! Ahhhh!"

Qianben Sakura, who was standing on the top of the building, listened to the roar from the conference room and laughed!

"Goose hahaha! It's so cool to fry people with durian, right? No wonder that bad guy is so happy with it!"

"Don't let me be the team leader? If it's not right, it's not right! You stink!"

"When the time comes to ask me to deodorize, I won't do it! Haha!"

Seeing Qianben Sakura standing on the roof of the building with her hips on her hips and laughing wildly, Liu Hua shuddered!

Why is this more and more like the devil!


Jiang Nan, who came out of the villa in the morning, had big dark circles under his eyes, and his head was dazed!

These few days, I have been busy with the little dimples, and I completely forgot about the exam!

Last night, I was sharpening my gun, and when I woke up in the morning, I sneezed and forgot everything I learned last night!

In Jiangnan now, there is an inexplicable feeling of fear that everyone has handed in all their homework, but they have not handed in their homework!

This can't be the last one in the test, can it?

I'm the class leader! To take the lead!

It really doesn't work, the sword can only go sideways!

All the way to the classroom!

When everyone saw Jiang Nan entering the classroom, their eyes lit up one after another, and their eyes instantly focused on the small dimple lying on Jiang Nan's shoulder!

"Hey~ It's so cute! The blush is well received!"

"This is the little life created by Nanshen?"

"The artifact of flirting with girls! Which girl doesn't like it when she sees it?"

"Next time you go to Lingxu, why do you want to come back with an egg! This is too cute!"

Little Dimple: "Hee hee! The main silver is the cutest, and I am the second cutest!"

As soon as I heard Xiao Dimple say that, everyone's aunt smiled!

this mouth! Sweet to die!

As for why the small dimples can talk, everyone has come to see it!

After all, Xiong Er brought back from Jiangnan not only can speak, but also wants to take the exam with everyone!

However, Jiangnan is about to die of worry!

At this moment, a figure swayed and appeared at the door of the class!

It was Wu Liang who disappeared for three days!

(›′ㅂ`‹ )

At this moment, Wu Liang's face was thin, his face was pale, his eyes were sunken, and his steps were vain!

It seems like it's about to fall at any moment!

Jiang Nan was so frightened that he quickly supported him: "Fuck! Brother, you are..."

Wu Liang: (›꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ‹) Brother Nan!

"Add leeks vigorously! I'm still the one below! Little ginseng! Quick..."

Jiangnan covered his face! Did the crude oil drilling platform never dry the granite mountain after all?

How the hell did Xiongda come here these three days!

He quickly put a small piece of ginseng on Wu Liang and took a sip, and Wu Liang's face flushed, and he was relieved!

No nosebleed?

Here it is! What is the loss of Qi and blood in Wu Liang's body? It's all screwed up!

Wu Liang gritted his teeth, his eyes full of fighting spirit: "Before platinum, I can't see Miaomiao again! Otherwise... woo woo~"

Jiangnan patted Wu Liang on the shoulder!

Understand! Brother Nan understands!

Alloy drill bits can't withstand the ravages of granite mountains!

This time, Wu Liang is very motivated to upgrade.

At this moment, Tao Xinyi walked in and knocked on the blackboard!

"Students, go to your seats and do well, the exam is about to begin, the first subject is the Encyclopedia of Spirit Beasts!"

The students are so excited right now!

"Brother, you are a perception system, it's all up to you!"

"Don't worry! I know whoever is 300 meters away from the eye feces is not clean!"

"Your special attention is not right, right?"

"Hey, whoever said that my eagle eye ability is useless, who am I to worry about!"

The three brothers Qin Shu looked at each other with confidence!

"Half a month of hard study, just for the present!"

Even the little girls are full of confidence!

Only Jiang Nan looked at Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao with a bitter face and looked for help!

Big Wolf Smashed his little hands behind his back and compared Jiang Nan with an ok gesture!

Zhong Yingxue's pretty face blushed slightly, and she also nodded!

Jiangnan is relieved, hehe, when the time comes, the wormhole in Laozi's space will open! That's not even within reach! One hundred doors?

Tao Xinyi opened the iron box she brought in, revealing a bunch of specially-made Binding Handcuffs!

"Come on! Bring them all!"

"During the test, you are not allowed to ask for leave to go to the toilet, leave the test room, and tilt your head! You are not allowed to untie the handcuffs, oops! Anyway, nothing!"

"I'm very strict!"

At that moment, half of the students in the class had a buzz in their heads and their faces turned white!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of horror! A bolt from the blue stunned me!

Depend on! Is the Pioneer Academy's style of study so simple?

How much did the seniors go too far before they developed to the point where they had to wear wraith handcuffs for the test!

Xia Yao: ╮( ·́ ヮ ·̀ )╭

People can't help you!

Zhong Yingxue couldn't hold back her laughter, Xiao Nan's plan would be in vain!

The empty-eyed Jiang Nan was put on small handcuffs by Tao Xinyi, restraining the space ability!

The other students also pulled their faces!

When the paper was in hand, Jiang Nan looked at the encyclopedia of spirit beasts, one head and two big!

However, many students have already begun to write hard!

Xiong Er bit off his nose cap, and Xiong mastered the 2b pencil and painted cards like crazy!

The faces of everyone watching were horrified. If this special cat failed the second Xiong test, he would be thrown into his grandma's house!

"Bang bang bang!"

The three chalks hit the foreheads of the three classmates precisely!

Tao Xinyi: (◦`~′◦) Do not tilt your head!

Jiang Nan hurriedly looked down at the paper!

But the eyes...


But involuntarily floated to the side!

I saw Yu Qingqing writing in a hurry, spreading out the palm of his pen from time to time, where there were densely written small characters!

Uh-huh! This player is well prepared!

On the other hand, Baby Bunny engraved abcd✓× on the six sides of the 2b pencil! start throwing pencils...

Jiangnan covered his face! Have you handed over your future to fate from the very beginning?

Bunny! You can't do this!

Look again!

I saw Leng Yan answering the question quietly, but her big toe twitched uncomfortably!

Look closely, oh

The raised dots on the soles of the sandals turned out to be Braille?

Are you all right?

It's really easy to be suspected of wearing sandals to take an exam in winter!

Ning Youyou is a primary school bully, so she can answer quickly! But Jiangnan couldn't see what she wrote!

Xue Xue and Lang Mie are too far away from him to see!

Just then, there was a "click, click" sound from behind!

It was someone pressing the cap behind the automatic pen, very rhythmic!

Jiangnan's eyes brightened when he heard it!

Morse code? Do not! wrong!

Is this encrypted Morse code?

Okay! Instead of knocking on the table, press the cap instead?

Wow this method is awesome! The odds of being found are very small!

Jiangnan quickly listened to the deciphering attentively!

Qi Yu: Click, click...

(Haha! The instructor probably wouldn't have thought of us using this trick, right?)

Ye Xinghe: Click! Click click!

(Is it easy to seal our abilities? It's been practiced for half a month in vain?)

Qin Shu: Click, click...

(We're really smart little ghosts!)

Jiangnan covered his face! Bie Te Meow was chatting, but he was talking about business!

Jiangnan: Click! click!

(Brothers! Take me one!)

Qin Shu and the three were stunned when they heard the sudden sound of pressing the pen!

Look at Jiangnan with the eyes of a fairy!

Depend on! We practiced for half a month!

Why did you join the chat room?

As everyone knows, this is a piece of cake for Jiangnan, who is proficient in deciphering military codes!

The three nodded in succession, after all, one more person means more strength!

Qin Shu: Click, click?

(What is the first question?)

Jiangnan's eyes brightened, and he finally got down to business!

Ye Xinghe: Click!


Qi Yu: Click!


The three looked at Jiangnan!

Jiangnan has a dark face: Click!


Qin Shuo: No... it's alright, what about the answer to the second question?

Ye Xinghe: No!

Qi Yu: No!

"The third question?"



Jiangnan covered his face! Going crazy!

You can't even ride a horse! Put it there to chat with a shitty Morse code!

Co-authored Half Moonlight and practiced generating code? Questions can't do the code, there is a ghost use ah!

You three idiots!

However, at this moment, the sound of "clicking" clicking on the pen was all connected, and the three started to scold with Morse!

Ye Xinghe: "Tell me you two know nothing! Damn!"

Qi Yu: "I thought you two would do it!"

Qin Shu: "I thought you two would do it too!"

"Ye Xinghe! You idiot, aren't you the grandson of Daotian? You won't either?"

"Go away! You are a big fool who is not as good as Qin Shuo! What's the use of practicing code!"

"Hey! If you scold him, scold him! Take me with you!"

The three of them scolded completely, and Jiang Nan with a black face, scolded and withdrew from the group chat!

Tao Xinyi said angrily, "Professor Qin! You three! Don't bother other students with their quizzes!"

The three of Qin Shu shrank their necks, each of them gritted their teeth and red eyes, wishing they could eat the other two alive!

Jiang Nan took a deep breath!

It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others!

I'm not a human being!

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