Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 563 Humanoid power bank? (add more)

Inside the safe house, Ye Zhenguo and Zhao Dezhu were still spraying nosebleeds!

On the other hand, Jiang Nan was feeling his body. Li Bing's treatment was indeed in place, and all the injuries on his body had recovered!

Jiang Nan was determined that he would never fill up the blood before platinum, or else he would really kill himself!

The reason why he is still alive now is really bad luck!

However, at this moment, Jiang Nan's expression was taken aback!

I hadn't noticed it before, but now I realize that although the blood has flowed all over the body, there is still a bit of cold energy left in the corners of the body!

As soon as the thought moves, the energy flows, and it gathers in the palm of the hand to form a mass of energy that emits a blue light!

It's the size of an ostrich egg!

Han Menglu stood up in astonishment, and threw her head to Jiang Nan's palm!

"Bo... boson particles? How can you control boson particles? This..."

Jiang Nan also stared blankly at the energy in his palm, it was indeed a Bose particle! Even the boson was very surprised: "This is impossible! You are a human being, a creature of the three-dimensional world! Only we can control the boson particles! You..."

"you are not human?"

Gangnam: (๐・᷄ _・᷅)

What the hell kind of logic are you doing?

Sounds like there's a lot of truth to it!

Han Monroe seemed to have discovered a new continent: "See if you can use it! I'm curious!"

Jiang Nan scratched his head, raised his hand and knocked out the Bose particles!

I saw that the fat house happy water on the coffee table was hit by the boson, and the outer wall of the bottle was covered with a thick layer of hoarfrost!

And then... no more!

"Uh... so I'll have a new skill that can ice drinks in the future?"

This is too tasteless, and the boson particles stored in the body are used up!

I can't produce it myself, and even the skills of ice drinks are one-time use!

Han Monroe's eyes were bright: "No no no, this is an epoch-making discovery!"

"You have replaced blood with boson particles before. Do the organs in the body increase their tolerance to boson particles for this reason?"

"You are a space department, it's not impossible!"

The boson wondered: "It's really not right! When I was just healing the wound, I felt that there was a flow of boson particles that I couldn't control... uh!!!"

Jiangnan is another one flying to cover the mouth of the boson!

The whole person is not good!

So I got this skill for this reason?

Han Monroe said excitedly: "It must be like this! I want to write it into the research materials for future researchers to learn from!"

Jiangnan is about to cry, so don't write this kind of thing!

What do you make those researchers think of me!

"Try now, can you add Bose particles to Jiangnan?"

The boson finger poked Jiangnan's stomach, and the boson particles poured in!

Sure enough, Jiangnan's body once again stored Bose particles the size of an ostrich egg!

When you run out, you need to replenish the boson...

So, for some unspeakable reason, I became a humanoid Bose particle power bank?

Jiangnan is speechless, it is useless except to be able to ice Coke!

However, Han Monroe was very excited, no one knew what this meant better than her!

Means infinite possibilities for human beings!

Jiangnan is really his big baby!

Even Ye Zhenguo and Zhao Dezhu looked at the boson in amazement!

Back then, during the turmoil, the old pioneers had encountered many bosons, but this one seemed to be different from those...

After Ye Zhenguo and Zhao Dezhu recovered from their injuries, the group left the safe house and went straight to the airport, and boarded the plane back home!

After all, it was only after returning to China that it was completely safe. During this period, Jiangnan never dared to use his abilities, for fear of something going wrong!

The boson went directly to the high-dimensional space, and has been following Jiangnan, never leaving!

That's her light!

After Longyuan headquarters received the news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

Yang Jian clenched his fist tightly: "I came back alive, Niubi!"

Not only did you bring back all the data, but even the bosons were abducted?

This task is really let Jiangnan do it!

The red dragon said worriedly: "The U.S. side..."

When such a thing happens, the United States will never let it go, and there will inevitably be an endless stream of overt and secret means to exert pressure!

Yang Jian grinned: "That's what I have to worry about, there's no chance of spitting out what's in my stomach!"

"Some of the risks that should be taken are naturally taken!"

The entry of data and bosons is enough to make Huaxia's spell field rush to the international leading ranks in one fell swoop!

In this great era of spiritual recovery, leading means being strong!

Jiangnan really made a big contribution this time!

The Bobcats heard that Jiangnan was fine, and they were coming back soon. The stone that had been hanging in their hearts finally fell to the ground!

Katerina wiped her nose and bowed deeply to all the staff: "I really thank everyone this time, and I also apologize for the previous White Shark! I'm sorry!"

"Then I'll be back..."

Yang Jian smiled and said, "Where are you going? Are you going back to White Shark?"

Katerina's eyes dimmed, and she smiled wryly!

Yang Jian: "Don't go, I don't know if you are interested in joining the dark night, I can help you with your identity here!"

"If you want, you can act as a dark night in your hometown...!"

Katerina looked at Yang Jian dazedly: "Really... Really? I'm not clean, I used to..."

Yang Jian smiled and said, "What's wrong? The most important thing is now, isn't it? It's a big platinum, it's what we earned!"

"I think Jiangnan would also like to see you join the dark night!"

Katerina rubbed her eyes and nodded, "Join, I'll join! Thank you! I really..."

Lynx smiled and patted Katarina on the shoulder. After experiencing the events of the Metropolis, everyone naturally understood what kind of person Katarina was.



The United States finally made an official explanation for the area 53 incident!

It was damaged due to force majeure natural disasters such as volcanic explosions, sorry for that!

Pinggu Volcano was renamed Pinggu Dakeng!

You can't tell the world that the 53rd area has been leveled by Jiangnan, and the boson-like people have taken it away, and they haven't caught it, right?

Do you still need face?

certainly! The reason is just for the general public to see, and those high-level executives are very clear about what is going on!

The United States, which lost its wife and lost its troops, was naturally unwilling, and began to exert pressure overtly and secretly!

At the same time, it is also hard to let go of the Illuminati!

Until now, Pierce still believes that the spell data is in the hands of the Illuminati!

Think with your toes, if Jiangnan gave the magician fake information, why did he come back and take such a big risk to rob the boson?

Isn't that a bubble in the brain?

The real information must have been given to the magician. The boy in Jiangnan was so furious that he robbed the boson in a hurry!

It must be so!

As everyone knows... The Jiangnan robbery boson is just because of the simple desire to robbery!

Northern Ocean Illuminati Secret Base!

Lord Odin walked in in a hurry with the magician!

The blonde girl holding the folder hurriedly greeted her: "God, you are back, we have been hit by many arrangements in the United States!"

God Lord Odin waved his hand: "Haha! Let's strike, the family is not bad, anyway, the information is in hand, they have to let them vent their anger, and then they will be mad..."

The magician looks guilty!

I heard that Jiangnan robbed the boson, so it should be true for me!

It must be true, you can be fooling me!

I went to the Metropolis and lost all my teammates. If I get a fake one, God will kill me!

And now because of the information, the Illuminati still needs to bear the blow of the United States, and the price to pay is not ordinary!

Blonde: "Andre and Victoria are still on the run. They never came out. They have asked for help many times, and Lanbo Fanbo has disappeared. No one can be found..."

God Lord Odin waved his hand: "Save! Send someone to save them. These are our great heroes. My Illuminati will never abandon any of my companions!"

The magician's face is even whiter, and I have already abandoned it! more than once...

The two came to the computer, and Lord Odin stretched out his hand: "Come! Give me the data hard drive!"

The magician swallowed and gave the hard drive to Lord Odin!

Plug it into the computer, the content is being read!

Lord Odin rubbed his hands in anticipation!

(・᷅ᴗ ・᷄ people)

An extremely complex security program suddenly appeared on the screen!

The middle English prompt: "Please insert the security key to unlock the security program and view the file!"

God Lord Odin's eyes are bright, and there really is a safety program!

"Key? Where's the key!"

The magician was also stunned, I lost it!

Really, really have safety procedures?

it is true? I stole a real thing back?

Didn't Jiangnan act that day?

The magician's face flushed with excitement, fortunately he didn't give it to Pierce, otherwise he would have to die?

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