Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 556 One hit three! i can do it

In fact, Jiangnan has a feeling of being left in the cold storage overnight!

Bose particles can only be maintained at absolute zero. This thing flows in the blood vessels, and what it feels like to flow all over the body, I am afraid only Jiangnan knows!


It's like the body is no longer blood, but cream ice cream!

Chill out! Heart flying!

A little hesitant! Confused?

At this moment, Jiangnan has completely lost control of his body!

Spiritual powers can't be used, but the sense of touch is still there!

I can't turn into jelly after this, can I?

Seeing that Jiangnan didn't die, and he could still talk to himself, Boson couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

"Scared me to death, if you die for saving me, I will die with you too!" ..

Jiangnan Hehe Zhile: "Isn't it delicious to live together?"

"Oh! By the way, I'm going to be unlucky for 3 hours next, and now I'm in your body, my bad luck is your bad luck, so you have to be careful~"

Boson was stunned: "Unlucky? What do you mean?"

At this moment, violent spatial fluctuations came!

Pierce took Martin, Andy, and the three suddenly appeared in the air!

His eyes fell on Bosonan, and his brains were all stunned!

What shape is this?

Two in one? Boson swallowed Jiangnan?

That feeling is good!

One catch catch two!

Respond immediately!

"Well, you Jiangnan, I knew it was here! This time you are dead!"

"Ping me in Area 53? You are so brave! I will shark you!"

"In no time, you'll know what hell is!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

I'm a weirdo~

Three Daotians want to fuck me?

This is too much of a face. Has the bad luck finally started?

It's hell-level difficulty!

"Sister Unicorn! Run! Run quickly!"

The Bose body bit his lower lip, the Bose particles surged at an extremely fast speed, the bright blue streamer bloomed, the body flew into the air at an extremely high speed, and went away in an instant!

I didn't want to live anymore because I didn't care about it, and I was full of disappointment in this world!

But now it's different, I want to live on my own!

For the first time in my heart, I have expectations for this world!

What's more, if he died, Jiangnan would also die!

In this state, it would be one corpse and two lives!


How do you feel something is wrong?

The boson went away very quickly, and Pierce was released from an absolute confinement. After all, it was a step too late, and he was not trapped!

Pick up Martin Andy!


The three teleported and chased wildly, and the boson bit his lip and fled!

The speed is extremely amazing, even so fast that Jiangnan can't see the things around him clearly, and he has not forgotten to absorb space energy to replenish himself in the process!

"Brother Jiangnan! Where are we going?"

Jiangnan said urgently: "At sea, run to the sea!"

"No! What are you running, go directly into the high-dimensional space, then they won't be able to help you?"

The boson shook his head and said, "Usually it is possible, but you are in me now, your body belongs to the three-dimensional space, and your body will disintegrate as soon as you enter the high-dimensional space!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, is that so?

Isn't that the second dimension wife will never come to the third dimension?

Do not! I don't believe it!

Jiangnan: "Or... forget it!"

"Huh? What?"

Jiang Nan shook his head, just wanting to say that he can't do it, just leave himself behind, so the boson may still escape!

Otherwise, facing the pursuit of three Daotian-level powerhouses and a space system, Jiangnan really doesn't know how to escape!

But when I say it myself, the unicorn big sister will definitely be angry...

And being wrapped in a boson actually gave Jiangnan a feeling of driving a Gundam!

I'm afraid that's what it feels like to fly in the sky with the first plane, right?

Oh, copy the clams!

Looking at the three Pierce chasing behind him, Jiang Nan's big eyes kept twitching!

"That's good, just run for your life, I'll help you scold them and see if you can get a few mad!"

Boson: ? ? ?

Martin squinted his eyes, his face full of anger!

"Just know to hide behind a woman! Are you still a man? Is there any kind? There is a kind of suffocation!"

Jiang Nan pouted: "Do I have any seeds? Ask your wife! Again, I'm hiding inside! I'm not hiding behind me!"

Martin:! ! !

[The grievance value from Martin +1000! ]

Boson blushed: "Bah~"

Andy said coldly: "You never know how terrifying a Daotian's anger is, believe it or not..."

Jiangnan: "What brand of plastic bags do you have? Can it fit so well? It's so dark! It must be a plastic bag for non-recyclable garbage!"

Andy gritted his teeth: "You are the plastic bag! Your whole family is full of plastic bags!"

[The resentment value from Andy +1000! ]


Jiang Nan looked contemptuous: "Look! I will say these two sentences. I usually put more things in my mind, don't even have a little water!"

"I want to say that you are too embarrassed to speak!"

Andy exploded with rage: "Ah ah ah! I'm sharking you! I want to shark you!"

At this moment, Andy and Martin were both blown up, and they were teleported by Pierce, and they used their skills like crazy!

"Beastmaster Collapsing Mountain Cannon!"

"Gravitational magnetic explosion!"

In an instant, an energy column was ejected from Andy's mouth, taking the boson directly, and the surrounding gravitational force became disordered, reversing the magnetic field and tearing everything!

However, these were all escaped by the boson!

Jiang Nan: "This skill is for you two. The two holes on the nose are for breathing? Did you aim at you?"

"And Pierce!"

Pierce: ? ? ?

The old man didn't speak!

"Can you hurry up? Tie a bone stick to the front of the dog, and the dog will run faster than you!"

"Still barking? Mosquitoes with many folds on their face will slap their feet! Shar Pei!"

Pierce: (???Benefit???)

"Jiangnan! I... I... ah ah ah!"

[The resentment value from Pierce +1001! ]

[The resentment value from Andy +1000! ]

[The grievance value from Martin +1000! ]

The three of them went completely mad, and they zoomed in crazy, chasing the Bose body and fighting for their lives!

Jiangnan curled his lips: "Drink~ Bah! What a god! It's nothing!"

Boson: ! ! !

"Don't spit in my body!"

[From? ? ? The grievance value of +233! ]

Jiang Nan blushed: "I'm sorry, I'm excited, wait for me to fight him again!"

Boson's pretty face is full of speechlessness, and you only have one mouth left to move!

Can you still fight like that?

A mouth facing the three Daotian and spraying? Everyone is so angry that they can't speak!

Don't make fun of it at this time, it's hard to escape!

The energy absorbed is not enough to escape, and if it looks like this, it will be caught up in a short time!

It would be hard to do then...


Area 53 Ruins!

Buffett finally breathed a sigh of relief, the earthquake stopped, the fire tornado dispersed, the meteorite did not fall, and the spiritual disaster was also suppressed!

The crater was blocked, and he stopped spitting at himself!

And the above has been notified, the whole territory is blocked, and Jiangnan is established as a first-level hunting target!

Pinggu Volcano: Ugh! ! !

Buffett wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "Everything... Is it finally over?"

Looking at the blocked crater, Buffett smiled contemptuously!


What can you do to me?

Pinggu Volcano: (?????)! ! !

A turbulent force burst out from the depths of the earth, and even if the crater was tightly closed by the Pingdingshan, there was still magma squeezed out!

There is so much pressure inside!

The mountain began to tremble and crack!

Buffett's face turned pale, shouldn't he...


A loud bang like the opening of the world burst out!

I saw the mountain of Pinggu Volcano, which was more than 3,000 meters high, burst open!

Hundreds of millions of square boulders mixed with crimson magma splattered in all directions!

Buffett's legs were trembling: "Martin! You are killing us!"

The anger that has been held for three or four thousand years means that it can be blocked by blocking it?

Don't let me spit? Look at me breaking you!

I don't want to be a mountain!

Countless magma rubble splashed down, covering the entire canyon in Area 53!

A huge mushroom cloud rose in place and steamed up!

The sound of the sonic boom was deafening, and the four of Ye Zhenguo hurriedly arrived at the location of Area 53!

Looking at the scene in front of me at this moment, I was completely stunned!

The Pinggu volcano is gone, there is a super deep pit in place, the magma is flowing freely, and the heat wave is blowing!

The steaming mushroom cloud is magnificent and spectacular!

As for Area 53... Toilet No. 7 is gone...

Zhao Dezhu murmured, "Did this kid in Jiangnan order a nuclear bomb here?"

Ye Zhenguo covered his face: "Xiao Yang is also true, how can such a dangerous thing be put in Jiangnan's pocket to play with? Think it's a new year to put a small whip?"

Li Bing swallowed his saliva, his face turned pale: "This is really what Jiangnan brother did? Oh, you are a lollipop~"

Han Menglu said anxiously: "Mi Guodaotian will not let Jiangnan go, there is no time! I have to take a medicinal trick!"

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