Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 545 Reckless! (add more)

On the Colorado Interstate, an open-top off-road vehicle rages!

In a short period of time, Jiangnan led people to teleport and drive from the northern part of the United States to the western part of the United States!

I learned from Qianben Sakura that space systems can indeed feel space fluctuations between each other!

It can be like teleportation, opening a small-scale space spiritual skill such as a different dimension will cause very weak spatial fluctuations!

will not be noticed!

And the large-scale space spiritual skills like the black hole of the void and the space tearing of Qianben Sakura will not work!

Once it is displayed in the United States, it will be noticed by Pierce!

But just a teleport is enough for Jiangnan to do things!

Both sides of the Intercontinental Highway are barren, full of low shrubs, tumbleweeds, and uniquely shaped flat-topped mountains in the distance!

The off-road vehicle is playing with explosive music, all the staff are dressed up, and Liu Hua is driving!

Jiang Nan sat in the middle of the back row, still looking at the information!

Lanbo Fanbo sat on one side. Peeking out his head curiously.

The co-pilot Qian Ben Ying looked back at Jiang Nan: "Hey! Have you thought about how to do it? It's been an afternoon!"

Jiang Nan stared: "I'm not called Hello! I have a name! My name is Chu... er..."

Chiben Sakura: ? ? ?

Jiang Nan covered his face, the sequelae of women's clothing, the way of speaking has become a heroine's style, hey!

"Cough, the information in the documentation is not detailed, and the location of the boson is unknown! You can sneak in with me tonight to take a look, and catch a few people to ask about the situation and so on!"

Qianben Sakura's eyes widened: "Slip in? Did you catch a few questions? What are you thinking?"

"Once there are fewer people in Area 53, or there is a problem, the whole area will definitely be under martial law, and if it is discovered, it will be a fight that night!"

"Are you here to send someone's head?"

This person has absolutely no plan, and he will be reckless when he comes up?

Qianbenying now regrets making a deal with Jiangnan, and even wants to run away with Liuhua!

You can't take this for yourself, can you? It's too unreliable!

Jiang Nan patted his chest with a confident face: "You can just give up a hundred hearts!"

"Trust Nanshen! Absolutely stable! I never cheat people!"

Thousand Sakura: (≖‸≖๑)

I believe you a ghost!

Have you been tricked by you since I met you?

Ten minutes into the night, in a motel in Jeff Township, Corolla!

Five people open a room!

Inside the room, Qianben Sakura hesitated: "No! Are you really going? Slip in without any preparations?"

"I'm still quitting, or I'll give you a little money, and you'll deodorize me!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "You better pay back the money you owe me first!"

Senbon Sakura: (。 ·̌ ‸ ·̑ 。)ˀ̣ˀ̣

"what money?"

Liu Hua Qiao's face turned pale, her forehead was sweating profusely, her eyes were dodging, and her whole body was shaking like a sieve!

Jiang Nanbuli: "What color do you like?"

Qianben Sakura said proudly: "I'm a girl! Of course I like pink!"

Liu Hua let out a long sigh of relief, it's okay!

I saw Jiangnan directly took out a pink Teletubbies invisibility cloak and handed it to Qianben Sakura: "Hey~ battle uniform! Put it on!"

Qianben Sakura looked at the teletubbies invisibility cloak of dead Barbie fans with a speechless face!

Hey Hey hey!

War service? Shouldn't you wear night clothes for sneaking?

wear this?

Are you afraid that no one will find out?

Do you have to wear this every time you fight? What strange hobbies do you have!

[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +666! ]

However, at this moment, Jiangnan has already put on a green Teletubbies suit!

As soon as he pinched the antenna on his head, he disappeared in place under the shocked eyes of Qianben Sakura and Liu Hua!

"Invisibility? This is an invisibility cloak? God! This is this..."

Qianben Sakura's face was full of disbelief, and her eyes were full of excitement.

Jiang Nan pouted: "What's the fuss about? I just like your unseen appearance, put it on quickly! You can be invisible for an hour, let's hurry!"

At this moment, Qianben Sakura no longer resisted, and she put on a novelty face!

One green and one pink two Teletubbies holding hands and disappeared into the room!

Lanbo Fanbo took out a switch and handed it to Liuhua: " it online?"

It was late at night, deep in the Gobi Desert of Corolla, two Teletubbies squatted behind a boulder and peeked in!

Area 53 is located in a wide canyon with towering cliffs on both sides!

The entrance to the canyon was blocked by a giant mountain more than 3,000 meters high!

Therefore, it is difficult to directly observe the situation of Area 53 from the outside!

Jiangnan pouted, but he would choose a place!

Pulling off the gravel from the bottom of his feet, Jiang Nan was a little surprised, and he couldn't help but pick up a black stone like glass!

"Obsidian? Is there a volcano here?"

Qianben Ying pointed to the giant mountain behind him: "Pinggu extinct volcano, it hasn't erupted for thousands of years, why are you asking this?"

Jiang Nan touched his chin and looked back at Ju Shan with a contemplative look: "It's nothing, it's nothing, it's important!"

Looking at the direction of the canyon!

Area 53 covers an area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers, and is intercepted by a wire grid on the periphery!

Area a is brightly lit, with a lot of various buildings, even in the middle of the night, there are still thousands of Black Panther Lingwu troops patrolling and alerting!

Area B next to Area A is a living area, and the garrison strength is only a lot more...

Qianben Sakura couldn't help worrying: "What's going on?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Follow me!"

The two squeezed the antenna and entered a stealth state, ignoring all the garrison forces, and continuously teleported directly into the B area!

The garrison of Area 53 is enough to intercept most of the spiritual warriors in the world!

But for the space system, it is mostly useless, which is why countries try to guard against the space system!

In the staff dormitory building, two people share a room, and they are all sleeping deeply at the moment!

Jiang Nan appeared in the dormitory room with Qianben Sakura just like that!

Chiben Sakura: ! ! !

"Hey! What are you going to do! You can ask questions, but once you get caught, you'll be exposed!"

This is too reckless!

Jiang Nan smiled confidently: "Don't worry, I have experience!"

I'm the man who stole slippers from the girls' dormitory. How could such a trivial matter trouble me?

So under Qianben Sakura's shocked gaze, Jiang Nan pulled a person straight up from the bed!

The bearded man woke up in a daze: "Umm~ why..."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Nan dragged the bearded man and Qianben Sakura into the dormitory in a teleport!

The next moment, in the seventh compartment of the bathroom, the bodies of the three people appeared instantly!

Qianben Sakura and Jiang Nan quit stealth mode to save stealth time!

The bearded man who was thrown on the toilet was horrified: "God...Teletubbies? What's the matter with you two? Hiss~"

Lao Tzu slept well, why was he hijacked by two Teletubbies inexplicably into the bathroom!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and took out a purple dagger against the bearded man's neck!

"This is a poisonous blade smeared with extremely poisonous poison, even diamonds can spit white foam from the poison. I don't want to die wearing it!"

The bearded man was even more frightened, and he honestly put on the Binding Handcuffs!

Senbon Sakura: (◦`~′◦)

That's my knife! mine!

Just stop stressing about the fact that you can spit on diamond poison, okay?

I don't want to be ashamed!

[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +1000! ]

[From Qianben Sakura...]

The bearded man sneered: "No matter who the two of you are, if you dare to attack Area 53, you are disgusting yourself..."


Jiangnan threw it with a big mouth!

[The resentment value from Rice +1000! ]

"What are you talking about? It's annoying!"

As he said that, he took out a bottle of life-threatening big green sticks, opened the mouth of the bearded man, and poured the whole bottle into it!

The bearded man is stunned, what are you two doing!

Hijacked me to the bathroom in the middle of the night just to pour me beer?

Is it so tough?

I saw Jiangnan took out a small notebook!

"Explain the schedule, work content, and work area! Tell me all the important information you know about Area 53!"

"Organize your language! Give you five minutes to speak!"

Qianben Ying was speechless. If you ask people like this, it would be strange if they can tell you. Besides, how do you know if what they say is true or false?

Bearded man: "I get up at 6 o'clock every day, and then go to the cafeteria for breakfast. I am mainly responsible for the development of the dish-shaped aircraft in Area A, Balabala~"

The bearded man speaks very fast, and he goes out to explain like a bean!

Even a few days of attendance this month, and how many times I was late, all of them were clearly explained!

Jiangnan sketched in a small notebook over there!

Qianben Sakura looked stunned at this scene!

leave! Do you want to cooperate like this?

Is it so procedural?

It was the same when I tortured the Lynx and the others last time. Are people so serious now?

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