Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 534 The halberd splits the stars! Stool fights God! I, Jiang Xiuer, want to stand shoulder t

A violent face-to-face output, buried alive directly to Buffett!

At this moment, everyone looked at Jiang Nan as if they had seen a ghost, and their legs were shaking!

That is a big star, how on earth did you nail him to the ground like a whack-a-mole!

You...this...he...I...this is not scientific!

Would you like to respect the laws of nature a little?

Still clean up Jiangnan?

Once the spiritual power is broken, the skills are sent, and Jiangnan is directly a good guy!

The face of Qianben Sakura, who had just climbed out of the lake, turned pale with fright!

Warren Buffett got kicked out?

Are you still rushing up stupidly? I'm afraid it's not enough for Jiangnan to fight with one hand!

Can you be so strong without the powers? Does this person have any weaknesses?

I saw Jiangnan stepping on Buffett's head, holding the blood-drinking halberd on his shoulders, and raised his eyebrows!

"I don't have it? I'm going to have it if I don't!"

Said, carrying the halberd and killing everyone!

"Lost ~ run! Buffett is cold, no one in the domain can beat this guy!"

"Damn it! You are such a strong space controller? How can you let our tanks live?"

"Is this a piece of shit information? Save your life!"

Where do these people care so much? Turn around and run, don't let the data die!

Jiang Nan is chasing him desperately with a halberd, and if he catches it, he will cut it down!

"Bah! All run away! A battle! A battle!"

"Goose hahahahaha!"

So this is what happened in the field!

Jiang Nan was chasing three or four thousand people with a halberd behind him, his expression was arrogant, and he laughed wildly!

The person running in front looked frightened and panicked, and shouted: "Don't come here! Don't come here!"

"don't touch me! run!"

There are people who run and get stuck, get up in a panic, and run away!

And this scene was clearly seen by the lynx and the others who were hiding in the apartment!

One by one, their jaws were about to hit the ground!

"Did Nanshen forget that he was the one being hunted down?"

"The situation has reversed. I didn't believe Nanshen said before that he wanted to show off the audience, but now I believe it!"

"One person chased three or four thousand people to cut? I really knelt down!"

"I don't know how Yang Jian will feel when he sees Xiaonan bringing disaster to Metropolis like this!"

The lynx couldn't hold back their laughter!

Facts have proved that no matter where it is, Jiangnan must be the most beautiful one!

At this moment, Jiangnan's heart is crazy!

Let you guys just bully me?

They all vomited blood for me.

There are too many people, and they all run faster than rabbits. Jiangnan really can't take care of them!

The fleeing army passed the Bosom Pierce and the others in the center of the battlefield in an instant!

Jiangnan had already chased after him!

But back again!

I saw three people in the field, the bosons were praying, the blood horns glowed, and they tried their best to maintain the existence of the domain!

And Pierce and the magician were frozen by the extreme cold, and they looked like they couldn't move!

All three are in a stalemate!

Jiangnan's eyes are bright!

Can't move? Can't move! Wow!

"Sister Unicorn, I will help you get revenge!"

Boson: ? ? ?

Pierce stared at him: "Jiangnan! What are you doing? I'll tell you, when I recover my abilities and mobility, I'll be the first... puff!"

Before the words were finished, an electric cannon from Jiangnan was hammered on Pierce's chin!

[The resentment value from Pierce +1000! ]

[From Pierce…]

"You dare to hit me? You dare to hit me on a horse?"

At this moment, Pierce's forehead is bulging, and his eyes can kill!

Jiang Nan shook his fist, Daotian is Daotian!

Physical fitness is a real bullshit!

It hurts my hand when I punch it!

Jiang Nan stared: "What's wrong with hitting you? Let you bully others! I'm not only hitting you! I also..."

Saying that, he directly used the 72-way bouncing legs, and in the middle of Pierce's "big" word was a crazy explosive kick!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

All kicked out the Phantom!

Pierce clenched his teeth, and his old face turned blue and white!

"Stop for me! Stop! Ahhhh! Jiangnan, I'll shark you! Ouch! Ouch! I'm kicking!"

[The resentment value from Pierce +1000! ]

[From Pierce…]

However, Jiangnan does not stop at all!

No matter how hard the road is, the place where it should not work is still not good!

The magician was terrified and his forehead was sweating profusely. I understood!

You are a bot laner! Specializing in the bot lane, without hesitation?

The lynx and the others all exploded, what are you doing!

Fighting God? Not only fight! Are you still kicking? Specializing in the middle of large characters?

They all kicked everyone's face blue!

That is God!

You are not fat! You are playing with your life!

At this moment, the three or four thousand people chased and killed by Jiangnan have already run out for more than three thousand meters!

Seeing that Jiang Nan didn't catch up, he was relieved, and when he looked back, his eyes almost didn't pop out!

"Oh! Embarrassing! Price! No! Jiangnan is going to heaven! Pierce dares to fight?"

"Hey~ he's so ruthless! So cruel! So he's not a human being! Can such a kick still work?"

"Use? Pierce is so old that he can still use a fart!"

"This is really cruel! I don't know if Pi Daotian can't stand it!"

For a time, everyone felt chills down their spines, watching Jiangnan kick Pierce!

I felt pain all the time, and subconsciously hid back!

After kicking the 72nd leg, Jiang Nan bared his teeth and cracked his mouth. He lifted his trousers and saw that his legs were blue!

Couldn't help but be astonished!

This old man is good, too good, has he practiced so comprehensively?

Pierce clenched his teeth tightly, his painful old face flushed, but he sneered: "I can stand it! Do you really think that Daotian-level physical fitness is for nothing?"

"I'm just standing here and letting you fight! Did you hurt me?"

Jiang Nan stared: "Hey? I can't cure you today?"

Speaking of the blood-drinking halberd, Pierce's forehead was a big slash!


The sparks went straight, and I saw only a white mark on Pierce's head!

Pierce sneered: "Did you see it? This is the gap! I am dignified and respectable..."


Jiangnan slashed Pierce's shoulder with a halberd again!

[The resentment value from Pierce +1000! ]

Jiangnan didn't believe in this evil at all, holding a halberd and starting a crazy output on Pierce, who was standing still with the pestle!

The chopped sparks flew straight, the cloth slivers flew around, and the feathers in the down jacket were flying everywhere!

More than 300 halberds were chopped, and Pierce's clothes were chopped to pieces, like an old beggar!

I was stunned that I didn't see blood, and there were some red marks on my body!

Jiangnan was so happy, the halberd flew up and down in his hand, and saw that the hair, eyebrows, and beard on Pierce's head were all cut off!

Everyone who saw it was horrified!

Jiangnan used Fang Tian Hua Ji to shave Dao Tian's head?

Also shaved a big bald scoop?

I'm darling, how dare you?

Pierce sneered: "I can't stand it! Are you all that capable?"

I don't know why, after being chopped off, I even feel a little refreshed on the top of my head, and my eyesight is clear!

Jiangnan: ( ・᷄ᴗ・᷅ ) Can you stand it?

Let me beat me and I can't cure you? Then I, Jiang Xiu'er, don't mess around!

Raise your hand and take out the pony!

This is a system item. The floor cloth and the ponyza are usually included in the storage space of the system, and you can take them out without opening the Alien Space!

The magician's face turned pale when he saw Xiao Maza!

You can hold back the cup, you can't hold this thing!

Pierce sneered: "Heh! Are you out of luck? You bastard... Howling!"

Before the words were finished, I saw Jiang Nan rushing up to Pierce's forehead with a horse!

It's been beaten for blood!

[The resentment value from Pierce +1000! ]


"You... it's impossible! What is this! How could it break my defenses?"

Jiangnan's eyes are bright, and it has to be my little Maza!

Then a big jump, riding on Pierce's neck, his feet hooked his shoulders!

Holding the pony in both hands and facing Pierce's head is a smash!

"Let you bully Big Sister Unicorn?"

"Let you trick me? Let you be bullied?"

"Can you stand it? I don't think you can stand it!"

"Kill you! Kill you!"

"Bang bang bang!"

[The resentment value from Pierce +1000! ]

[From Pierce…]

"Ow! Oo! It hurts! It hurts! What the hell are you doing? Aaah! Stop it! Stop it!"

However, Jiangnan didn't stop at all, holding the pony and stabbing other places without fighting!

Just slap in the face! Just slap in the face!

It looks like a golden monkey with a coconut!

Pierce's face was so bloody that he was beaten by the pony, and he was about to explode with anger, but he couldn't move at all under the extremely cold ice of the boson!

Jiangnan used his strength to demonstrate what it means to be bullied by Xiuer in Huluo Park!

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