Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 47 Sweetened bubble tea

Jiangnan is quite happy for Wu Liang!

It seems that Wu Liang's everything is under control, isn't it under the control of Bai!

Of course he didn't know how Wu Liang was in control!

Looking at the transcript on the screen, Jiang Nan took a photo and sent it to Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao!

and added:

"Praise me! (?\u003e?

Yingxue: Brother is awesome! Give you 99 cautions! I'll give you one less because I'm afraid you'll be proud! "

Nanshen: Received!

And Xia Yao actually sent a small video?

Jiangnan open and take a look!

I saw Xia Yao lying on the desk, smiling badly at the screen!

Then he pouted and kissed! (^3^)

Trojan horse! mua!

The frightened Jiangnan quickly closed the short video!


It's a heartwarming feeling!

Wolf Extermination: No. 1 in Tianchi Lingxu! There are also rewards!

Nanshen: I don't want any other rewards. When I take the first place, you can just change the screen name!

Wolf extermination: ? ? ? I strangle you!

[The resentment value from Xia Yao +888! ]

hey hey?

Pi is very open now!

Li Xiang took a deep breath and calmed down!

And Tianchi Lingxu! just wait!

Now Li Muyan has also successfully broken through the bronze one star!

Fight for the first team with absolute strength!

And Wu Liang brought Jiangnan and Tang Qianya two oil bottles! How to compare?

Teacher: "The results are all announced! Students, get on the bus in order!"

"The bus is already waiting outside!"

"This combat test is not just for our Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School!"

"There are also Yuwen No. 2 Middle School and Jiangbei High School. Our three schools will participate together!"

"I hope the students will have the courage to win while protecting their own safety!"

"Okay! Get in the car!"

Regardless of whether the grades in the culture class are good or bad, the students are all excited at the moment!

Just waiting to enter Lingxu to show off your skills!

The students picked up their backpacks and ran towards the bus!

Jiangnan is more comfortable!

With headphones and a small shoulder bag, it's like traveling!

The classmates stole disdainful glances!

A chick is a chick, and when you enter the Lingxu, you are waiting for a big loss!

On the bus, Jiangnan was listening to a song by the window, and a gentle female voice suddenly came from the side!

"South God? What a coincidence!"

Jiang Nan smiled slightly, it was Tang Qianya!

There was such a beautiful woman sitting next to her along the way, and it was quite open!

The car started slowly!

This girl started to eat snacks and dried fruit as soon as she got in the car! From time to time, I handed Jiangnan a piece.

Li Xiang's face is sour!

Look at people! There is a girl sitting next to me, and she also eats!

Take a look next to yourself, the king of pesticides comes up, swearing!

"Lu Ban! Get started! Stop playing with your feet!"

"Big brother, is that a tumor on your neck? It's better than a soldier!"

It's fucking real!

As a result, after driving for more than ten minutes, Tang Qianya finished eating a bag of potato chips, and suddenly remembered something, her face was startled, full of annoyance!

"Oops! The phone is on the table! Forgot to take it!"

Jiang Nan was taken aback: "Is it important?"

Tang Qianya: My mother didn't worry about me, she told me to call home to report safety! If you don't fight, you must be worried about me! "

"Play with mine!"

Tang Qianya smiled bitterly: "I don't remember my mother's phone number, I can't even remember my own number..."

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

This silly girl!

So he raised his hand and said, "Master, can you park the car? My friend's phone has been dropped from school. Go back and pick it up. I'll be back in a while!"

The master loves to ignore it: "I can't stop!"

The teacher frowned: "Mobile phone? Are you in a hurry?"

I haven't waited for Tang Qianya to speak.

Li Xiang said: "Why did you think about it earlier? Park? Let the whole car wait for you?"

Then someone echoed: "Isn't it? We still want to arrive earlier!"

"It's annoying enough!"

"There is no signal in Lingxu! What do you want your phone for? Take a selfie?"

Looking at Jiang Nan's gradually gloomy face, Li Xiang couldn't help but sneer!

Tang Qianya's eyes blushed and she bit her lower lip!

Gently pulling on Jiangnan's clothes, he whispered, "Nan Shen, thank you! No need! It's alright, it's all my fault for being careless, I shouldn't..."

Before Tang Qianya finished speaking, she saw Jiang Nan patted her on the head and said lightly, "Wait for me later!"

Saying so, he instantly disappeared from the seat!

What the fuck?

What about people?

Not only the classmates, but even the teacher and Tang Qianya were taken aback!

The result looked through the window!

Jiangnan's figure instantly appeared beside the road 100 meters away!

It only appeared in the blink of an eye, and then disappeared in an instant!

Less than three efforts will be gone!

What are you doing?

What the hell!

Is teleportation still so useful?

The space department is too dangling, isn't it?

Did you go back to get Tang Qianya's phone?

Li Xiang laughed!

Because the car is still on the way!

It's no wonder that Jiangnan can come back!

Make you pretend?

Pretending to be struck by lightning! It would be interesting to be dropped!

Results in three minutes!

Jiangnan suddenly appeared on the seat!

It's like never leaving!

There are still two cups of milk tea and a mobile phone in his hand!

"Here! Drink it! This cup has sugar, you should like it sweet!"

Tang Qianya was stunned, looking at the milk tea and mobile phone on her small table, her eyes were full of crystals.

"Well! I like sweet things the most! Thank you Nanshen!"

There was silence in the car!

What a great time!

Consecutively teleported back to school and took her phone!

Why did you take the time to buy two cups of milk tea?

Another way to teleport to catch up with the bus?


Too showy, right?

Tihua's show!

Even the teacher stayed for a while, and then said solemnly: "I can't do such a dangerous thing again in the future, let's not set an example!"

Jiangnan drank milk tea and listened to songs on his own.

Did not reply!

If you don't stop, I will go back and pick it up by myself!

It doesn't bother you, does it?

Li Xianghen's teeth are itchy, and he can't say anything, he can only bow his head and play the game!

Only Li Muyan frowned deeply!

What level is Jiangnan now?

Or the black iron seven stars before?

But how many times has this one teleported back and forth? Can his spiritual power really hold up?

The only answer is that Jiangnan's cultivation base is much stronger than what they saw!

But how?

It took only a few days to upgrade your Kung Fu?

Besides, isn't his talent the most rubbish E-level?

Li Muyan can't figure it out!

But in my heart, I have a bad feeling that it might be a mistake to be the enemy of Jiangnan!

The bus drove for a full four hours before arriving at Changbai Mountain!

Today's Changbai Mountain is still a tourist attraction, especially in summer, there are many tourists!

It's just that Tianchi is no longer open to the public!

And there are troops stationed at the entrance! Do not break in at will!

Of course they are not here to play in Jiangnan!

Take the cable car to the top of the mountain!

At the entrance they saw soldiers with guns!

And also built forts, bunkers and the like, strictly control entry and exit!

And Jiangnan, standing on the top of the mountain, looked at it at a glance!

Tianchi water is like a mirror! There was no waves, and the mist above it was steaming and hazy.

And in the sky above Tianchi, there is a strange gate like a broken mirror, revealing a thick spatial fluctuation!

This! It is the real entrance of Tianchi Lingxu!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of expectations!

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