Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 462 I think I can save it again

In strenuous exercise underwater, the oxygen stored in the lung lobes will be greatly depleted!

If a spiritual warrior can hold his breath underwater for 10 minutes in a still state!

In the case of vigorous exercise, it may be the limit of three minutes underwater!

Even with the blessing of a pacifier, Jiangnan will only take 3 minutes!

But Jiangnan didn't plan to go up!

Retreat your tongue to the end and open a space wormhole directly in your mouth!

The other side is on the lake, and after the ventilation operation is completed directly, hold your breath again!

Underwater continuous combat is achieved!

Is it okay to bring your own infinite oxygen tank?

At this moment, Jiangnan was carrying the green onions in the water and chopped off the mosasaur beasts!

The feeling that Ping A is the ultimate move is really cool! m.9biquge.\\ncom

"Burning blood! Look at the onions!"


At this moment on Stone Island, all the spirit warriors and volunteers stared nervously at the lake!

There were muffled noises and vibrations from time to time in the lake, and the water on the lake surface trembled, as if beating a drum!

"Seven minutes! Submarines can't hold back like that! Is Nanshen a fish?"

"Why haven't you come up yet? You can't see anything!"

"Is this drunk?"

"Ah ah ah! I really want to go and see what's going on!"

At this moment, a large mass of blood burst out from the lake, like a bright red ribbon!

Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao, and the others' pretty faces turned pale instantly, and their faces were full of worry!

"This...could it be the blood of the Southern God?"

"Why is there no movement? Could it be Jiangnan..."

"Bah ah ah! Don't say it!"

"Hurry up and hit your own three mouths! Crow mouth!"

Just when everyone was suspicious!

There were 16 mosasaur corpses that had been cut in half, 32 pieces!

It's all one size fits all, and the eyes of everyone on Stone Island almost didn't pop out!

"Seven minutes? Kill 16 mosasaurs? Did Nanshen chop dumpling stuffing in the water?"

"No! He's making fish soup! Look! All the chopped green onions are sprinkled!"

"God, this is! How did he do it? This..."

At this moment, a large bag bulged on the lake surface, and bubbles boiled on the water surface due to the high temperature!


Splashes of water!

Jiang Nan's body was shot out of the lake like a cannonball, spinning and flying to a height of 100 meters!

The water on the body turned into steam due to the high temperature!

Everyone stared at this scene in horror!

A mosasaur opened its bloody mouth and rushed out of the lake with a roar!

I saw Jiangnan's eyes were as cold as knives! Like a wolf!

"Give you a face, right?"

"Eight Gates of Dunjia! Seventh Gate of Shock! Open!"

In an instant, the spirit was violent, and the body function soared!

A void barrier is formed behind him!

Jiangnan's feet used strength and collapsed like a spring!

The body swooped down like a meteorite, and the gas explosion was deafening!

With both hands, I took out two green onion holy swords and slashed down!

"Really, Onion Explosion Abandoned Healing Slash!"

The two green onion sword qi fell in an "x" shape!


A huge X-shaped mark was cut on the lake, and the water curtain that collapsed was more than 20 meters high!

The mosasaur was cut into four pieces like a cake!

The scene is very shocking!

Everyone on Stone Island was dumbfounded!

"I'll drop a mother! My scalp is numb because of the show! Do you want to be so bloody!"

"Human? When did Jinyi become so strong? It's shocking!"

"Yueyue! Has it been filmed? It's so handsome!"

"Take a picture! 4k-level image quality! Very detailed!"

"Why do I want to laugh at such a serious picture! Double onion? Throw it away~"

However, at this moment, Qin Shu's eyes glowed, and his face was flushed with excitement!

Appeared! The onion blasting and slashing treatment is indeed feasible!

What I want is this picture!

Why the same batch! Why can't I pretend that I don't understand?

This unscientific!

At this moment, the lake surface is like a pot of boiling water!

From time to time, sword qi bursts out, and the blasting water splashes all over the sky, and one after another mosasaur corpses surfaced on the surface!

There are forty or fifty of them!

The mosasaur beast king panicked!

This guy with the onion is not a human being, but a devil's!

Let him cut it down again, I am afraid that the family will be exterminated!

Turn around and run!

But a green onion sword qi slashed wildly from below slammed into the moss dragon beast king!

The huge impact force caused it to burst out of the lake.

Jiangnan followed closely, stepping on the space barriers!

Scallion is another sword!

The huge 30-meter body of the mosasaur beast king was chopped out more than ten meters!

Jiangnan teleported to keep up, and kept pulling out green onions from behind to slash the mosasaur beast king!

Cut it one after another with big blood cuts!

The volunteers and spirit warriors on the island were all stunned!

"Appeared! Appeared! Thirteen consecutive cuts in the air! So handsome!"

"Is it my dazzling eyes? Nanshen seemed to be standing in the sky just now!"

"Look at it for the mosasaur beast king? Are you changing the knife to prepare it for the pot?"

Mosasaurus Beastmaster:\u003e??))))彡

Thirteen green onions were chopped up, Jiangnan smoked again, and the stock was already chopped up!

At this moment, the mosasaur beast king has changed his sword and smashed it on the stone island, rolling his eyes for a while!

Countless green onions sprinkled in the sky, evenly sprinkled on the body of the mosasaur beast king!

Po fly!

Everyone's scalp is numb!

Really did it, not only successfully singled out the mosasaurs underwater! Kill forty or fifty!

He even changed the Beastmaster's sword!

The person in the one-stop service show can't even open the iron lock on the door of Uncle Wang's house next door!

They're all dead to the show!

I saw a teleportation from Jiangnan appear on the island, with a pale face and trembling legs!

Quickly top the mouth ginseng dipping sauce!

Everyone looked at Jiangnan and gathered around one after another, their eyes glowing for a while!

Jiang Nan took out a small dagger, threw a beautiful knife, and rubbed his nose: "Basic operation! Don't 6!"

The people watching couldn't hold back their joy, but they were really strong!

This is not a battle at all, but a visually gorgeous feast!

I saw Jiang Nan rubbed his little hands, his face full of excitement: "I want to see what treasures are hidden in your big belly!"

As soon as he said that, he opened the moss dragon beast king, and it flowed all over the place!

Some little girls run away screaming!

On the other hand, Jiangnan jumped up and turned around inside!

Mosasaurus Beastmaster: (;'??﹏??`)

You are ruthless! How cruel! Well it's not human!

I feel like I can save one more time!

Jiangnan saw piles of fish and shrimps, the corpses of spirit beasts, etc.

Finally found a huge spiritual core fragment inside!

Putting together the two pieces you own can almost form a complete core!

It can be seen how small the core fragment that Shen Hong and the others hold in their hands!

The careful Jiangnan also found that the core fragment in the belly of the moss dragon beast king, the incantation on it was even corroded a lot!

A small change has occurred!

I don't know if it is because of this reason that Qiandao Lake's spiritual violence was triggered!

Take out the core fragments, rinse them, and throw them into your own xenodimensional space!

At this moment, Jiangnan found that a little hazy red light came out under the fish and shrimp!

"Baby! It must be a baby, right?"

He quickly pulled the fish and shrimp apart, revealing a piece of red ore! As transparent and gorgeous as a ruby!

It's as big as a motorcycle!

Jiangnan: (?¥?¥?)

It jumped up in one fell swoop!

"Mine! I found it! Mine!"

Xia Yao, Zhong Yingxue and the others couldn't hold back their laughter!

Xiaocai fans are helpless!

"Don't be afraid! Xiao Nan! No one robbed you!"

"Can you take it out and enjoy it again? Don't thump in its stomach! Hey~"

Jiangnan is crazy happy!

Unexpectedly, there is an unexpected harvest? These are great!

Such a large ruby? How much is this worth a penny?

But Jiang Nan, who just rushed up, was stunned for a moment. Although it looked like a gem, it gave people a cold metallic texture!

And it's terribly heavy! Jiangnan didn't even move!

His face turned red before he hugged it out and put it on the ground to make a metallic sound of "clang"!

A piece the size of a motorcycle might weigh three or five tons!

Jiangnan's eyes were bright: "The core fragments have been corroded by stomach acid, but it has not been corroded! Isn't this Rongling mineral?"

Zhong Yingxue tilted her head: "No such thing is introduced in the textbook of Rong Ling's materials science!"

Xia Yao said excitedly, "It won't be some new material, will it?"

A group of people gathered around this piece of metal to discuss!

Mosasaurus Beastmaster: (?'﹏`?)

Really feel like my body is being hollowed out!

Hey Hey hey! Are you really going to stop saving me?


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