Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 438 The thief shouts to catch the thief

Until the end of the training room training.

The 250-ton big gold bricks are still in the 100 times gravity area!

The people watching are dazzling!

And it's been released for many years...

Jiangnan, who teleported to sell goods for an afternoon, got back a lot of money!

Just Kaisen~

And there are a lot of "bald heads" in the retraining room, as well as a half-beast chemist wearing Hulk brand pants!

I burst into the top 100 leaderboard with tears in my eyes!

Even Zhong Yingxue and the others rushed into the top 100! It's just that the contribution points of the reward are not used at all!

After the gravity training, the students routinely went to the elderly area to do volunteer work!

Jiang Nan's eyes flashed, and he teleported everywhere! m.9biquge.\\ncom

"Uncle Li! Where are you, Uncle Li! I'm here to learn some unique skills from you!"

I've been looking for a long time and haven't seen anyone!

At this moment, Li Kai was hiding under the bed with a dark face, daring to go out at all!

While watching cartoons on the mobile phone, I frowned and wrote something in the notebook!

Worry straight hair!

"Tsk~ Ke Nan killed me!"

[The resentment value from Li Kai +888! ]


This Super Saiyan is not going to change!

However, at this moment, Uncle Wang, who is leaning on crutches, is looking for Jiangnan all over the world!

When he caught the student, he asked, "Little cub, have you seen Jiangnan? The uncle has to teach him a unique skill!"

Ning Youyou was full of admiration!

Nanshen is really excellent, and the grandfathers and the ladies are all rushing to teach him unique skills!

"I didn't see it!"

Uncle Wang let out a long sigh! What are you running around every day?

I want black garlic!

I tasted the aroma of rice, how can I still eat the bark!

Qin Shu and Qi Yu were still tumbling down the ground sweating profusely...

Wu Liang went to Zhao Dezhu to learn his unique skills!

Without Wu Liang's square, it would be more or less lonely!

"Then what~ Grandpa Zhu! Brother Nan said that you have a unique skill to teach me!"

At this moment, Zhao Dezhu was sitting in a wheelchair with tears on his face!

What a shit post! The column can't get up!

Call me Zhao Lapiner in the future!

It's all my fault! This is the knife!

Don't blame Jiangnan! But why are you still so angry!

"Alas! Sit down! I'll teach you!"

Wu Liang swallowed his saliva and said curiously, "Master! What's your unique skill? No bulls?"

Zhao Dezhu grinned and said, "That's a big deal! If you learn it! Let's match your spiritual skills! The first tank in the country is gone, will you learn it?"

Wu Liang's eyes brightened: "Learn to learn! Must learn!"

"Really learning? My unique way of learning is a bit special, but it's not something ordinary people can resist!"

Wu Liang: "It's alright! I'm in Class 10! Uncle, teach me anyway!"

Zhao Dezhu: (?????)?


At eight o'clock in the evening, until the end of the volunteer activities, Jiangnan did not find Uncle Li!

Couldn't help but feel a little disappointed!

When we were gathering, I saw a cyan-colored strong man with a swollen face! Pulled the crotch and walked back!

I cried when I saw Jiangnan!

"Brother Nan! Uncle Zhao's unique skills are so hard to learn! He pressed me on the ground for three hours in a wheelchair!"

"Every inch of your body has not fallen off! Especially where the cover door is...hs~"

Speaking of which, Wu Liang shivered in shock!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Why did you turn people into discoloration? Is it ok to play green?

What the hell is this? Is it so vicious?

Phew, scared to death, scared to death!

Fortunately, I didn't go to school!

Seeing Wu Liang crying, Jiang Nan couldn't bear it in his heart: "Hurry up with a little ginseng, and I won't learn from Master Zhu tomorrow! I'll find another one for you!"

Wu Liang cried and said, "You can't eat it! Otherwise, the beating will be for nothing!"

"Don't say anything, Brother Nan! Wait for me to succeed!"

"I went back to sleep, and I'm going to be beaten tomorrow!"

Jiang Nan swallowed and spit, do you want to work so hard?

As soon as the students returned to the dormitory area, they found 23 girls coming out of the dormitory building carrying small suitcases and bedding!

Just like the little chicks, they formed a long line and followed Jiangnan!

Go in the direction of Fenglin Villa!

"Come on! Ladies and gentlemen, go this way! Remember to take your belongings and don't fall behind!"

"You can go to bed later tonight, just get up at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, here comes the teleport to class business!"

Jiang Nan, who was walking at the front, had a ruddy face, holding a loudspeaker, and his mouth was laughing to the bottom of his ears!

At this moment, the seniors in the boys' dormitory are completely blown up!

"Ahhhh! Jiangnan! You're not human!"

"Don't come to the door now? Get it directly at home? Get so much in one go?"

"Girls, don't go! You're going to be a sheep into a tiger's mouth!"

"Is the hydraulic breaker going to start work again?"

"Hundreds of boats on your feet? Is Jiangnan a centipede?"


The resentment value is refreshed wildly, and Jiangnan is crazy happy!

Regardless of the barking of those single vicious dogs, he took the girls to his own mansion!

The ladies in the class are stunned!

"Oh my God! Such a big villa? Did you make a mistake!"

"Would you like it to be so luxurious? It's too happy to live in a big villa when you go to school, isn't it?"

"What~ and a swimming pool? Wow! I'm so impressed!"

"Hehe! With so many of us together, the Night Demon can't come, right?"

The villa is full of Yingyingyanyan!

Bunny looked around excitedly: "Which is the room of Nanshen?"

Xia Yao pointed: "The one next to the kitchen! But you are not allowed to go in~"

A group of girls::(?????)

Xia Yao lowered her head and clasped her fingers, her pretty face turning red!

Zhong Yingxue said with a smile, "There are more than a dozen rooms in the house, and one room for two should be enough. Xiao Nan... um, what are you doing?"

I saw Jiangnan took out a green Teletubbies invisibility cloak from the alien space and was putting it on!

The girls couldn't help shivering!

All the girls who have participated in the All-Star Game with Jiangnan have a huge psychological shadow on this suit!

Jiangnan has a positive look!

"As the monitor of Class 10! I think it is necessary to think about the safety of the students!"

"Sleep in peace tonight! I swear by Jiangnan! The Night Demon will definitely be caught! Bring it to justice!"

"Have a quiet and peaceful night everyone!"


I really just want to let the seniors get a good night's sleep!

Not doing something weird at all!

The main thing is to be worthy of your own conscience!

There are more and more senior sisters who lose the key. When the time comes to beat me together, it will be uncomfortable!

Or steal the slippers back as soon as possible!


At this moment, the girls all looked at Jiangnan with moved faces!

"Nan Shen! You are too good!"

"I'm so moved! I give you a like!"

"Wow! My nose is sour, I want to cry!"

"Kill the perverted Night Demon! Believe in Nanshen! We can win!"

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao looked at Jiang Nan with extremely soft eyes!

It is obvious that the side effect of Teletubbies' invisibility cloak is 24 hours, and you can't take it off when you put it on!

Xiao Nan is going to help catch the Night Demon! This dedication is so inspiring!

"Xiao Nan, be careful! Don't get hurt!"

"Mmmm! That Night Demon must be very powerful, pay attention to safety!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's okay! You can rest assured!"

What are you afraid of?

It's just a thief calling to catch a thief!

Jiangnan, who was wearing the green Teletubbies suit, disappeared in a teleportation!

Ha ha!

dream! Coming soon!

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