Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 428 Chasing girls or something! I'm the best at it! (add more)

After the physical training, the new students came to the nursing home with their tired bodies!

Many uncles and aunts are walking, playing chess and exercising in the Sunset Red Park downstairs!

The atmosphere is peaceful and beautiful!

Seeing Jiangnan's group of new students, I couldn't help but cast a scrutiny!

"Hmm! These new kids are all good!"

"I heard that there was a young man who gave Lao Zhao a scoop? He was beaten with blood?"

"Old Zhao deserves it! He's also jealous of the aunt's cool body, she's a bitch! Sister Li has been crying for several days!"

"I said, why does Lao Zhao always run this way recently! He deserves it! Bah! Old scumbag!"

"Hey? Xinyi? How did you recruit more than 200 children with animal transformation abilities this year? Panda animal transformation has great potential, but there is no need to recruit so many, right?"

As soon as these words came out, more than 200 faint eyes glared at Jiangnan!

Don't blame him!

They have marked us as protected animals!


So Jiangnan strengthened his determination to be a responsible trainer!


Tao Xinyi couldn't help laughing: "Okay, everyone can do volunteer work! Grab the opportunity!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes lit up like light bulbs!

They are looking for their goals in the park!

Jiangnan went straight to the depths of the small garden with a snow shovel!

Digging for treasure is also tricky!

Then you can go up directly and ask the uncle and aunt, do you have any unique skills?

Doesn't that make you look philistine?

Still have to inadvertently show the excellent ~ excellent! ! !

Come to arouse the good talents of the uncle and aunt!

At that time, I will not be able to catch up with the child to teach me unique skills?

Well, I was forced to learn the unique skills just to live up to the good intentions of the uncle and aunt!

Gangnam! You are such a scheming boy!

I saw Jiangnan holding a snow shovel and incorporating the master-level swordsmanship into it!

for a while...

The wind is blowing and the snow is flying!

The shovel is as sharp as a cold knife!

Snow is rising to both sides of the road!

Take a shovel and look around!

Every move has a mysterious and mysterious taste, it is simply art! Full of heroism!

The students who came to do volunteer work were stunned!

Is it so pretty?

Those uncles and aunts looked at Jiangnan in amazement, tsk tsk amazement!

"This guy is good! The whole thing is very tasty!"

"Just shoveling snow! So much work?"

"With such a big snow shovel, the wheel is full of wind, this young man is quite energetic!"

"Didn't he say shoveling snow? Why did he raise snow everywhere..."

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Watch me! Just look at me!

I am so good!

I would be blind if you didn't teach me your unique skills!

At this moment, Qi Yu, Ye Xinghe, Qin Scholar, and Wu Liang gathered together!

Qi Yu: "How many brothers! Have you got something to do with the guy?"

Qin Shu smiled and took out a shovel!

Ye Xinghe took out a big bag!

Wu Liang is carrying a loud speaker!

For a time, the eyes of several people were focused on Wu Liang!

"Damn it! What are you doing with a stereo? Didn't you say you were going to steal onions from Grandma Liu's vegetable garden?"

"You're crazy! Are you afraid we won't be discovered?"

Wu Liang was stunned: "No...Aren't you going to go to the square dance with me?"

"Go, go! Go! We have only one goal, and that is the vegetable garden!"

"Go do the square dance yourself! We're going to steal the onion!"

Wu Liang pouted, not having any ambition at all!

You have no idea how charming square dancing is!

When Lao Tzu becomes the most popular dance leader, you will regret it!

Pick up the stereo and go to the square!

Qin Shu grinned: "Go! Go to Grandma Liu!"

The three of them ran towards the uncle and aunt with sacks and shovels!

"Auntie! Are you Grandma Liu?"

"Do you like to grow vegetables?"

"Where is your vegetable garden..."


Jiang Nan, who had been shoveling snow for a long time, was gasping for breath!

But there is no Uncle Treasure to talk to him!

Is it because you are not good enough?

Can't help but carry the snow shovel and sit in the pavilion ready to take a break and fight again!

I saw an old man on crutches in the pavilion!

With crutches in one hand and binoculars in the other, I can't stop watching!

The binoculars are all out of pulp, and they are usually useless at first glance!

Uncle Wang: (??﹃??) Goose Box ~ Goose Box Box Box ~

Jiangnan couldn't help but look in the direction of the telescope!

In the distance, I saw two aunties in flower padded jackets knitting sweaters, smiling happily!

Jiangnan's eyes are bright, how is Uncle Wang?

It's really old and not old, isn't the opportunity here?

"3 o'clock! 845981!"

Uncle Wang: "Received!"

The telescope immediately turned around!

I saw Hua Ling standing on tiptoe at the moment, wiping the cabinet with a rag, showing her perfect figure vividly!

Uncle Wang pouted: "Che~ what's so good about this?"

While talking, he aimed the telescope at the aunt who knitted the sweater...

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

"Does the uncle have such a unique taste?"

Uncle Wang put down the binoculars and glanced at Jiangnan: "What do you know, kid? Of course, the older the wine, the more fragrant it is!"

"Hey... I can only look at it, I'm addicted to my eyes! It's a pity! It's a pity!"

Jiang Nan's expression became positive: "I think it is necessary for the uncle to have a good time with his eyes!"

Uncle Wang was taken aback: "How do you say?"

I saw Jiang Nan stepped forward, took out a black garlic and stuffed it into Uncle Wang's hands!

"This thing is much better than a telescope!"

"Eat it after the sun goes down, and you will truly experience the beauty of life when you melt into the night!"

Uncle Wang swallowed and spit, and looked at the black garlic in his hand in amazement!

"Really so god? You kid isn't fooling me and trying to deceive me, right?"

"How is that possible! I never leave a name for good deeds in Jiangnan! Uncle, you will know when you eat it!"

After speaking, he gave Uncle Wang a look that you understand, picked up the snow shovel, and a teleportation disappeared!

Uncle Wang looked at the black garlic in his hand, and suddenly looked forward to the dark!

Jiangnan walking in the garden laughs straight!

Hey, the power of black garlic, Jiangnan is clear!

A real small radar of the human body! Holographic camera! The details can be explored incisively and vividly for you!

Uncle Wang will be addicted after using it!

If you want it again, you will definitely come to find yourself! Isn't that the end of life?

This is simply the wonderful frog seeds eating the wonderful crisp corner and walking into the wonderful house!

Wonderful home!

at this time!


The wall on one side was slammed through, and Zhao Dezhu's body was smashed out like a cannonball, vomiting blood!

"Bastard! You scumbag! Don't come to me after I told you! The two of us have broken up!"

"Go and cool off with my sister-in-law! Shameless! Get out!"

Before Zhao Dezhu got up, he saw a series of beds, coffee tables, sofas, and refrigerators flying out of the room!

It hit Zhao Dezhu firmly!

Zhao Dezhu was afraid of getting up, his face full of anxiety: "Honghong! You believe me! Believe me!"

"I believe you a ghost! You bad old man is very bad!"

The next moment, the 300kg barbell flew out of the house and stuck firmly on Zhao Dezhu's face!

Make a "clang!" sound!

Looking at Jiangnan, I shivered with excitement!

Auntie Li is so fierce!

Zhao Dezhu wiped the blood from his face and silently walked to the stone pier beside him and sat down!

Tears are streaming down my cheeks!

Is this...the feeling of being in love?

My heart! It hurts!

Suddenly, Jiang Nan felt that his conscience was overwhelmed, and he felt a little guilty!

After all, Uncle Zhao lost his love because of himself!

People are so old, it is not easy to find a partner!

Jiang Nan felt that he had to help Uncle Zhao to chase Aunt Li back!

He couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Grandpa Zhu! Do you want to restore this lost love? I can help you!"

When Zhao Dezhu saw Jiangnan, he was not angry at all!

"Help? You help the asshole? It's because of you that I lost love!"

"Go go go! Be careful I hit you!"

Jiangnan: "Grandpa Zhu! Are you really willing to Aunt Li? You have to think about it!"

"Some people, once they miss it, they won't come back!"

Zhao Dezhu looked indignant: "But Honghong doesn't listen to my explanation at all!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "I have a way! Listen to me! Make sure you can get Aunt Li back!"

Zhao Dezhu glanced at Jiang Nan: "Just you?"

Jiangnan said with a small waist: "Don't underestimate me! As the common dream of 900 million girls in the country! Do you think I gave it for nothing?"

"Chasing girls or something! I'm the best at it!"

(ps: Qingfeng is participating in the topic pk competition, and asks friends to use their hands and leave a lot of votes on the topic page!

Remember to leave a message! Because the points are calculated according to the number of comments!

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The topic is what consolation prize should the second upgrade card of Nanshen be used for. You can leave a message below to express your opinion! And the effect after the upgrade!

If you have any better consolation prize ideas, please leave a comment!

Qingfeng is currently in the first position. However, the back bite is very tight. I hope everyone will stand up to Qingfeng. Remember to leave a message on the topic page! Qingfeng will reply one by one! Love you guys! Qiu (???3?)! )

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