Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 373 Can't do it? Then don't do it? (fourth more)

At this moment, Victoria looked anxious!

No more deals! The old lady can't hold back wow!

Where can she be embarrassed or not at this moment?

Not to mention the unpleasant heat all over my body, I can't bear it mentally or physically!

I can't even think about it anymore!

"Jiang... Jiangnan! The deal!"

Jiang Nan took a look, these two people are all working hard!

It's almost time!

"Haha, of course, do as I said before!"

"Drink this little beer! We are good friends!"

As he spoke, he flicked the cap of the deadly green stick with one hand! Remember for a second http://

Head up and spin in!

A sweet taste lingers on the tip of the tongue, and the aroma of the wine is strong!

This time Jiangnan did not open a space wormhole! It's really drinkable!

Before you dry up! Must spin a bottle of life-threatening big green stick!

For a moment, Jiang Nanzhi felt that the whole person had been sublimated!

The power rippling in the body is almost overflowing!

It's numb all over!

Jiangnan at this moment, elemental and physical attack +300%!

Honestly +100%!

Pain - 100%!

The hero's guts buffed his upper body, and the wine bottle landed on the table with a bang!

Full of momentum and confidence!

Two blushes appeared on the face, and the small mouth crooked! Even the eyes became blurred!


The nightingale on the side has bright eyes!

Jiangnan drank the wine?

Doesn't that mean it's time to start?


This girl can't take it anymore, okay?

Victoria: "Lingzhu is on me! What we want! Are you ready?"

Jiang Nan scratched his head: "What!"

Victoria is in a hurry! It's time, don't play stupid, okay?

"What we want!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Why should I give it to you?"

Victoria was stunned: "Don't you want Lingzhu?"

What you just researched, you forgot after a bottle of wine?

What kind of wine is this special? It's a little big!

Did it break as soon as you drink it?

Jiang Nan: "Yeah! I won't trade with you! I'm going to grab it!"

"I deceived you all to grab the Spirit Orb!"

nightingale:? ? ?

Hey Hey hey!

Are you being so straightforward?

Victoria's face turned gloomy in an instant: "Trick us? Want to rob? How dare you say it!"

No wonder everything is agreed!

"Snatch? How do you rob? It's just the two of you?"

Jiangnan: "Yeah! I've prepared a lot of food in the meal, and you've all been recruited!"

"The combat power has been greatly reduced! Nightingale and I have discussed it, drinking is the number one! I will blow you two up!"

"Then grab the Lingzhu!"

"Hey hey hey! I'm such a little genius!"

Nightingale's face turned completely black!

Suffocated wow!

How did you tell everyone about our plans!

That plan also has a yarn for it!

Everyone knows it!

Damn little genius!

I'll give you a brain break when I go up!

Jiangnan is also a shocking spirit!

Holy shit!

I'm a five-thunder hit the sky and a big slot!

Why did Lao Tzu give all the plans to Balu?

This this……

The role of the deadly green stick?

Truth be told 100%?

Do you want to be so pitiful!

Don't spit at this time even if you tell the truth after drinking!

At this moment, Andre and Victoria are both mad!

This meal really is topped up!

You also told us so openly that you were going to rob us?

Andre was anxious: "I've never seen someone as arrogant as you!"

Jiang Nan crossed his waist: "Hey~ you will see it today!"

[The resentment value from Andre Bunshakaraka +1000! ]

Victoria's eyes lit up: "You are so daring!"

Jiang Nan patted his chest with a look on his face!

"How daring people are! How prolific is the land!"

"A hero's guts in my chest!"

"I dare to cut diamonds!"

"You can't change your name, don't change your surname! Be bold in Xiajiang!"

"Everything starts! I'm going to start pretending to approve!"

[The resentment value from Victoria Sasha +1000! ]

Just one word! Arrogant!

Still want to kill me? Are you a little silver ten? Cut me diamond seven?

You can't even rank with me in the qualifying match for the king!

now! Jiang Nan's heart has already begun to curse mother!

What the hell is Jiang Bold!

Is this the hero's guts buff?

Don't know what to fear?

This girl is definitely in a negative state, right?

Still want to cut diamonds? I'm crazy!

This batch is not what I pretended to be!

I can't control myself at all!

I am forced! Forced to pretend to be a batch wow!

At this moment, Jiangnan suddenly remembered the last sentence of the introduction of the deadly big green stick!

A bottle of deadly green stick!

Catch anyone who wants to do it all at once!

I couldn't help shivering!



I'm useless!

It's over!

Nightingale was completely stupid next to her!

You are a little silver!

But it makes you say Daotian's aura!

Jiang is bold! Get the magic power!

Protecting you is the most challenging task I have ever received, okay?

[The resentment value from Nightingale +1000! ]

Victoria gritted her teeth: "It seems that we can't do this today?"

I saw Jiangnan get up!

Small mouth crooked! A calf step!

Full of arrogance! Picked up a toothpick from the table and put it in your mouth!

"Hey! Can't do it? Then don't do it!"

Gangnam: ┬─┬ノ('?'ノ)

Jiangnan: (╯'mouth')╯︵┻━┻

The table was overturned!

This scene came so suddenly, all the food on the table was spilled on Victoria and Andre!

[From Andre...]

[From Victoria…]

Both were stunned!

This... this is a blast, okay?

The momentum is so tight!

It's even three points higher than the Dongsheng Crow flipping the table!

The cows are coming home!

We thought you were Daotian pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger to come down to do us!

nightingale:! ! !

good boy!

Let's stop pretending, okay?


I am a diamond four!

It's not that hard!

There is no room for the scene at this moment, Jiangnan said nothing!

Use up all your life's learning! The space wormhole is open!

It was precisely opened in the burgundy sweater on Victoria's chest!

The sinful little hand came out like lightning, and searched for a while!

"Huh? Why not?"

Failed to draw salary from the bottom of the pot?

how is this possible?

Where did she hide the Lingzhu?

In an instant, Victoria felt as if she had been electrocuted! Can't stand it at all!

Originally, under the influence of leeks, her patience had reached its limit!

The exploration of Jiangnan became the last straw that broke the camel's back!

I saw that Victoria's legs were sore, and she lost her strength in an instant, and fell weakly to the ground!

"Yeah!!!'re going to die!"

The diamond-level momentum burst out, making the furnishings in the living room a mess!

Victoria's pretty face was as red as blood, full of killing intent!

Jiangnan stared!

yo? Afraid that you will fail?

Carrying a Tang Dao, you will fight against her!

But he was pushed aside by the nightingale who rushed over in an instant: "Just one life! Brother! You can save some use!"

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