Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 362 Shaking Tail Lights

See Jiangnan lost the two-person drag on the ground!

Nightingale immediately became alert!

It's almost six o'clock, and according to Jiangnan's temperament, he will try every means to escape!

"What are you going to do?"

Jiangnan puts on the speedy slippers, it is called a fit!

In an instant, I have a bottom in my heart, a small waist and a fork! Full of arrogance!

"I want to run away! You can never shackle a heart that yearns for freedom!"

Aren't you fast?

Lao Tzu triples his movement speed and superimposes teleportation!

I can't believe you can catch up!

Nightingale stared, "I don't hide it anymore? You run and show it to me!"

Looking around Jiangnan, he was wearing shorts with cherry balls printed all over his body!

Just here, where are you going?

"Just look at it!"

In an instant, Jiang Nan's body disappeared from the room!


When you wear the speedy slippers, the wind blows under your feet!

Three times the movement speed is superimposed on the body!

The time interval for teleportation is almost completely gone!

In just one second, five kilometers were done!

Straight to University Town!

Look back! There is no shadow of the nightingale at all!

"Freedom! Here I come!"

"Stinky Nightingale! Just follow me and eat your fart! Haha!"

At the same time that Jiangnan teleported out, Nightingale also activated his ability to catch up!

But I only saw the back of a man running in the snow wearing cherry balls and shorts!

There was a flurry of snow behind him!

Instantly disappeared!

Nightingale was startled! Usually at your own speed, it is too easy to catch up with Jiangnan!

But now it has been thrown away?

"How... how is it possible! So fast?"

What's going on in Jiangnan?

Speaking of which, is your determination to go out and set up a street stall so big!

Just wearing shorts and running in the snow?

Aren't you too cold?

"Spiritual Skill: Divine Walk!"


Nightingale's body flashed wildly, a rapid acceleration, and the speed increased again!

Finally saw the "tail lights" of Jiangnan!

(Note: the taillights! The two blushes on Cherry Marukoko's face!)

As shown: (●??ヮ??●)

Jiangnan looked back, anxious!

Did you catch up?

"Ahhh! Fighting! Burning blood!"

As soon as the blood-burning started, white smoke billowed from Jiangnan's body!

The speed increased sharply, and in an instant he disappeared from Nightingale's sight!

nightingale:! ! !

Hey Hey hey!

Is this really silver? Don't be kidding, okay?

Li Daotian didn't carve like you when he was silver, right?

No no no! Can't find silver more carved than you?

"Spiritual Skill: Worm Gear Increase Duck!"

The signature skill from the platypus! The acceleration effect is terrifying! "

Nightingale's speed suddenly increased sharply! This time, it went straight to Jiangnan!

The two run side by side!

Nightingale looked at Jiangnan leisurely, with a happy face: "Aren't you cold? Let's go home! Little darling!"

Jiangnan: (?????)

When the young master, I am very poor, am I right?

This is humiliation!

Naked humiliation wow!

University Town is coming soon! for freedom!


I saw Jiang Nan grabbed a handful of snow on the ground and slammed it on his back!

"Ow! Cool! Cool!"

In an instant, Jiangnan's speed was raised again! Only the nightingale is left with a trembling "tail light"

Nightingale: =????(???????)

This... Has this used a physical plug-in to get rid of himself?

Don't be so cruel to yourself!

I feel a little distressed, okay?

But Jiangnan obviously underestimated the speed of a diamond-level powerhouse!

Nightingale caught up again, still leisurely!

I still have time to take out my mobile phone and send Zhang San to Jiangnan to take pictures!

after all! This scene of Nanshen is rare!

Jiangnan is crazy! Dare to shoot me?

Smelly shameless~

Nightingale snickered: "Go home? It's frozen again! Look at it! The cherry balls are shivering from the freeze~"

Jiangnan's face is full of unwillingness!

It's a pity that you can definitely go faster by drinking vigorously yourself! I just can't get enough courage!

"That's great!"

Did you fail to escape again?

Can it be repaired~

So Jiangnan didn't plan to run away!

Ready to stop!

Because it's really cold!

"Um... stop... stop... stop"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Why can't I stop?

Only at this moment did Jiangnan discover it!

My own feet just kept using themselves!

Crazy step! Nonstop!

From the side, there are afterimages of Jiangnan's legs!

It's like a spinning wheel!

At this moment, Jiangnan's face is extremely dark!

Finally know the side effects of the speedy slippers!

Can't stop the car!

Once you start running, you can't stop!

At this moment, Jiangnan has the heart to hit the wall and die!

really! The consolation prize is more than a pit!

How long do side effects last?

If Te Meow has another 24 hours, I will be exhausted!

The frightened Jiangnan didn't dare to use teleport at all, otherwise he would definitely be squeezed dry!

But even without teleportation, the speed is still not slow!

The two legs are completely like a pair of invincible hot wheels!

Even if Jiangnan wanted to take off the extremely fast slippers, he couldn't find a way!

Nightingale looked puzzled: "Didn't you say you won't run away?"

Jiang Nan's face turned even darker, and he didn't want to say a word!

Vast white snow, biting cold wind!

The corners of his eyes slipped from the lost youth of Jiangnan!


Even at six o'clock in the evening, the university town is still crowded!

The black people are all people, all because of that Weibo post in Jiangnan!

There are even a lot of anchors, internet celebrities, journalists and media!

Looking forward to it now!

"Hmm~ it's already 6:01! Why hasn't the Nanshen come yet?"

"Shouldn't it be slipping us to play!"

"According to the nature of Nanshen, there is absolutely no possibility of this!"

"Ahhh! I miss Nanshen, why haven't you come yet!"

"Fuck! What is that?"

One person looked at the street next to him in astonishment!

Everyone followed the man's gaze!

I saw a billowing snow dust rushing towards the university town!

A figure can be seen faintly!

But can't wait to see!

The figure jumped a lot, and jumped straight over the crowd with the momentum of speed!

Against the background of the full moon, people finally saw the figure!

It's Jiangnan who only wears a pair of cherry balls and shorts!

A pair of smoking flip-flops on my feet!

"Brothers and sisters! No appointments today!"

"Six o'clock tomorrow night! See you soon~"

Everyone's expressions are uniform!


Countless cameras for a while, and the mobile phone was aimed at Jiangnan's figure!

The flash was flickering like crazy!

In the blink of an eye, Jiangnan fell to the ground, whipped up a burst of snow dust again, and turned the corner on the ramp!

Go straight to Jiangqing Expressway and rush up!

Immediately afterwards, a night shadow chased after Jiangnan!

At this moment, the university town was crowded with people but silent!

What's the matter? This is!

Everyone looked at the photo just now!

I saw the starry night sky! A full moon is extra bright!

Jiangnan is wearing a cherry ball! Foot flip flops!

Do leap hurdles! As beautiful as a flying goddess!

Just be chic!

It even looks a little blurry because of the speed!

The media are so excited!

The Nanshen who set up the stall didn't watch! But this photo is obviously more exciting than the street stall!

"Quick, quick! Send it online!"

"No... not good?"

"Nan Shen is shameless, you still want a fart face?"

? ? ?

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