The picture returned by the drone is not clear!

But it still attracted countless people to watch, and the situation in Yulong Town touched everyone's heart!

They saw Long Yuanjun who was saving lives regardless of safety!

I saw the silhouette of Jiangnan teleporting again and again!

"The Nanshen? Is it the Nanshen? Is he going out to back people?"

"Oh my god! That's the heavy radiation zone! Nanshen's body...hh~ I can't stand it anymore!"

"It hurts to death! Doesn't he think about his own? I'm crying!"

"This is called a man's responsibility! When did Nanshen counsel when something really happened?"

"Family owns you! Don't worry! Every soldier deserves to be respected!"

"Hold on! Long Yuan doesn't die! Heroes don't die!"

The words on the barrage are silently supporting the soldiers in the blockade area to save people! Remember for a second http://

Touched the heartstrings of countless people!

The students of Songjiang Lingwu gathered in the gymnasium and watched the pictures sent back by the drone!

One by one, their eyes were red, and they couldn't even help cheering for them!

The big screen in Jiangcheng shopping mall is even playing the picture!

Countless passers-by stopped to watch, and their eyes were all shocked!

"Nan Shen! The pride of our Jiangcheng! When the mall was on fire, Nan Shen also went out to back people!"

"I bought something from his stall!"

"Me too! Me too!"

A little girl with braids pointed at the big screen with a worried face:

"Mom! Mom! That big brother took me out of the mall back then!"

"Mmmm, Mom knows! Little glutinous rice balls, let's cheer on big brother together, shall we?"

Xiao Tangyuan couldn't help nodding her head, her eyes closed tightly, and she tried her best to shout, "Big Brother Jiangnan! Come on!"

The tender voice echoed throughout the street, completely igniting people's emotions!

People shouted spontaneously, and the sound wave was higher than the wave!

"Come on Nanshen! Come on Long Yuan!"

"Come on Nanshen! Come on Long Yuan!"

The screen barrage is unprecedentedly quiet, and a small candle swipes the screen!


Due to the addition of a lot of manpower, the search and rescue work in the blocked area was quickly completed!

Jiangnan teleports into the arena again with a girl in his arms!

The survivors in the core area were all carried away by Jiangnan, this is the last one!

"Everyone! Evacuate 10 kilometers away! Quick! The reactor is overheating soon!"

Jiang Nan, who roared, didn't have time to explain, so he let go and rushed back!

Li Mietu, Wang Zhengyang and the others quickly organized people to evacuate!

At this moment, the exposed reactor is already red!

Jiangnan teleported into place!

Can't help but be stunned!

I saw Red Dragon and the others raised their heads one by one, five or six hundred blood columns gushing out from their nostrils, cooling the reactor!

That scene...

tsk tsk!

It's really special, it's not a waste at all!

All are talents!

"Brother Long! Everyone has withdrawn! What did you say?"

The red dragon raised his head: "Try if you can use a void black hole to compress the fuel rods in the reactor!"

"Now the heavy water used as a moderator in the reactor cannot be circulated, and it has been completely evaporated, causing internal high pressure!"

"As long as the fuel rods are destroyed, the reactor can stop!"

Jiangnan swallowed and spit!

Compressed fuel rods?

Isn't that compressed uranium 235?

Once compressed, if there is a chain reaction, wouldn't Te Meow be equivalent to a nuclear explosion?

A void black hole smashed down, and everyone went to the sky?

Jie Shi is afraid that everyone in the whole town can see their grandma waving to them!

and many more!

I seem to have developed a new strange skill again!

"Is it reliable?"

Red Dragon: "Are you afraid of chain reaction? The content of uranium-235 in the fuel rod is only 5%! The content of uranium-235 in the raw material of the nuclear bomb is over 90%!"

"It's okay! Just compress it!"

When Jiangnan heard it, he felt confident!

Raising his hand, he snapped his fingers towards the nuclear reactor, only to hear a muffled "Boom" from inside!

Frightened everyone!

Jiang Nan smiled awkwardly: "It should be that the fuel rod is not enough! I will move forward!"

Go inside!

The red dragon was anxious: "Don't go any further! The radiation intensity in front of you is too strong! It will really kill people!"

But Jiangnan just came to the nuclear reactor as if he hadn't heard it!

"Ugh~ remember to send me a small medal when I look back!"

The red dragon is in a hurry! When are you still in the mood to joke!

"Void! Black hole!"

I snapped my fingers, and there was an explosion from the nuclear reactor!

The temperature is visible to the naked eye, and this shot is absolutely compressed to the fuel rod!

"A play?"

I saw Jiangnan's two hands open and snapped his fingers, and the roar of the reactor was endless!

Ginseng dipped in pulp! No flaws and no leaks!

Get it up!

The fuel rods were continuously compressed, and the nuclear reactor gradually calmed down from its red state!

But Jiangnan at the forefront was suffering the most violent radiation impact!

The eyelids are like two mountains hanging from them!

The whole person became dizzy!

"I'm so sleepy~ I'll sleep for a while. Would you like to set an alarm clock?"

"Who called me...what did you say..."

Behind the red dragon, they are crazy!

"Fuck! Nanshen! Don't sleep! Don't sleep!"

"Don't close your eyes! Keep eating! Keep eating!"

"South God! South God!"

With the last roar, the nuclear reactor completely stopped!

Jiang Nan's body fell to the ground weakly!

Red Dragon and the others rushed up immediately, opened Jiangnan's mouth and stuffed ginseng inside!

Where can Jiangnan chew and swallow when he is in a deep coma?

Mila, who was nestled in Jiangnan's arms, stared at him dazedly!

Bean-sized tears dripped down Jiangnan's cheeks like pearls!

The two little hands shook Jiangnan gently, and the little face was full of anxiety and helplessness!

"Well ~!! Woohoo ~"

She can't speak, but her voice is full of anxiety!

You promised me!

Promised I wouldn't leave Mira!

Are you awake?

don't sleep, okay?

Red Dragon and the others watched this scene, their steel teeth clenched tightly!

These men who bleed without tears couldn't help but red-eyed at the moment!

"Hurry up! Carry people out! Maybe there is still help!"

Red Dragon stepped forward to pull Jiangnan!


A very strong spiritual pressure burst out from Milla's body!

Disintegrate the body of the red dragon!

His little face was full of anger, his little tiger teeth were bared, and his big eyes were red!

He is the only one left in my world!

Why take him away!

no! Can't!

The little hand was still shaking Jiang Nan lightly, anxiously, but Jiang Nan still didn't respond!

Milla was so anxious that she screamed!

"Brother Jiangnan!"

A childish cry echoed, full of attachment!

This was the first time she spoke, and it was Jiangnan's name!

In an instant, a blazing golden light burst out from Mira's body uncontrollably!

Yao people can't open their eyes!

Her tiny body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, breaking the little skirt!

Jin Guang lifted Mira's body to the sky!

Between the surge of spiritual power, a pair of illusory golden wings spread out from behind Mira!

At this moment, Mila has become a 26-year-old appearance!

Tall and beautiful! Impeccable!

Skin like snow, blond hair flying!

The blue eyes are full of sadness, and the tears are crystal clear on the face!

The exquisite facial features seem to be the most perfect masterpieces of God, and the beauty makes people panic!

this moment! Red Dragon and they were completely stunned!

what's the situation?

At this moment, outside the town, countless people saw the golden figure standing high in the sky!

"My God! What a beautiful girl! Who is she?"

"Wings? Is she an angel?"

"I feel like my mind has been purified!"

"Golden Angel! It's too dreamy, isn't it?"

Xia Yao stared blankly at the golden angel above the town: "Why do I feel familiar?"

Zhong Yingxue said in astonishment, "I...Me too!"

The two couldn't help but look at each other!

Is it difficult?

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