Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 346: Really Careless

At this moment, nearly an hour has passed since the nuclear power plant exploded and the crisis in Yulong Town!

The National All-Star Game is a big event, and it's happening right now!

There was an uproar on the Internet, and the news was delivered as soon as possible!

Furious from above!

The orders in the headquarters were issued quickly!

The terrifying state machine should start working on this!

The first time it happened!

The army stationed in the Northwest Longyuan Headquarters is on the move!

Dozens of armed helicopters are fully loaded! Go straight to Yulong Town!

On the high-speed below, nearly a hundred explosion-proof vehicles and military trucks are racing!

Loaded with Longyuan Army! Remember for a second http://

The smoke is rolling! Hao Hao Tang Tang!

Go straight to Yulong Town!

Dracula's move is a blatant provocation to China!

When hit back hard!

Ye Family Villa!

Ye Zhenguo, Mr. Ye's face was hideous, he smashed the phone and shouted angrily!

"Wait for the younger generation! Yan dares to fight against me in China! Courting death!"


During the surge of spiritual pressure, all the furniture in the room was crushed!

The power of Daotian is unquestionable!

I saw its back, two blue dragons with a wingspan of three meters!

Flip your wings!


Ye Zhenguo's body broke through the roof and flew into the sky!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Five sonic booms like thunder came out, and half of the people in Kyoto heard it!

The five white air rings spread rapidly, and Ye Zhenguo's body went straight to the northwest Yulong Town at a terrifying speed that exceeded five times the speed of sound!

This speed! Jet fighters are far behind!

Ye Haitao's face turned black when he looked at the roof that had been knocked out!

Ye Xingxuan hurried over when she heard the movement: "Dad? Where's Grandpa?"

"Go to Yulong!"

"Just fly like this? Did you make a mistake!"

Flying from Kyoto to the Northwest? How many kilometers is that? Too reckless!

Ye Haitao: "There is no other means of transportation in this world that can match the speed of a Daotian-level powerhouse!"

Not only Ye Zhenguo, a Daotian-level powerhouse, left!

In the northwest Qingdu, a 100-meter-thick thunder light pierced the sky, creating a sonic boom!

It is also a Daotian-level powerhouse!

An angry shout came from the thunder light: "Little 13 brats! I think you are tired of riding horses and living crookedly!"

"Let you feel what stepping on a horse is called Heavenly Punishment!"

However, due to the remote location of Yulong Town, the traffic is inconvenient!

It will take a certain amount of time for the Longyuan Army to arrive!

Even the two Daotians also need time to arrive!

This is also the reason why Haier took the risk and chose to start in Yulong. What they wanted was this time difference!

A full two Daotian-level powerhouses dispatched and went straight to the Northwest Jade Dragon, with an astonishing momentum!

And the picture was also captured and put on the Internet Mountain, and countless people prayed for it!

"Yulong hold on! Support will be here soon!"

"Fuck the rubbish!"

"Nan Shen hold on, damn it! I can't see anything on the live broadcast screen, the screen is blank! Has the camera been blown up?"

"What's going on over there?"

"Hold on! You must hold on, the rescue will be here soon!"


At this moment, Yulong Town!

Both Hellfire and Harry heard the rage and begging for mercy from the mall!

what's the situation?

Have you caught Jiangnan?

Can't help but rush to the mall!

At the entrance of the mall, Jiangnan Dracula was holding Mira in one hand!

Holding Luo Xiaonan's arm with one hand, she walked out with a calm face and graceful posture!

Luo Xiaonan's hands have been handcuffed by the shackles, and his face is full of unwillingness!

The two are completely stupid!

Harry was stunned: "I really caught it? How did you do it?"

Hellfire also widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief!

Isn't that right, with such a waste of energy, Haier will complete the task as soon as he makes a move?

Jiangnan Dracula narrowed his eyes and said, "Why can't I catch it? Are you questioning my strength?"

Immediately, he slapped Luo Xiaonan's ass!


"Come on! Am I good?"

Luo Xiaonan: ! ! !

[The resentment value from Luo Tianhong +1000! ]

[From Luo Tianhong...]

Should... should I turn a blind eye to your performance?


Otherwise, I will definitely blow you up!

He even took pictures, took pictures of me... ah ah ah!

Luo Xiaonan clenched her teeth tightly, her face full of shame and anger: " are amazing!"

Jiang Nan was so happy that he was so happy, right?

Is this the thrill of conquest? Wahaha!

At this moment, Harry's eyes were full of little stars, and she jumped up and hugged Jiangnan Dracula's arm!

"Hee hee! Brother Haier is amazing!"

Jiangnan Dracula's face was full of disgust: "Go, go! Go aside! I'm so nervous!"

Halle: ? ? ?

[The resentment value from Harley +333! ]

Why are you panicking?

Even if I flatten you, don't be so straightforward, okay?

But he still said: "Humph, I finally caught Jiangnan who was killed this day, and watch me shave his head off!"

As soon as he said that, he was going to grab Luo Xiaonan's hair!

Jiangnan Dracula is in a hurry, it's okay for me to bully! Can you still be bullied?

Slap away Harry's little hand!

Harry clutched the back of his red hand: "Brother Haier, what are you doing?"

"You all promised me to shave him off after you caught him! Jiang Nan lost all my ponytails! Look!"

Say take off your baseball cap!

Showing his head that just grew a little golden stubble!

Just like a kiwi!

Jiangnan Dracula: "Pfft..."

No no no!

Lao Tzu is a professional and can't laugh at all!

But who can stand on a horse!

Harry's eyes turned red instantly!

laugh? Brother Haier actually laughed at me?

"You've changed! You're no longer the brother Haier you used to be!"

Luo Xiaonan pinched Jiangnan Dracula's waist for a while!

At this time, you must hold back! Don't laugh!

Jiangnan Dracula: "Cough... go back! When you go back, I'll let you bald him!"

Harry grinned: "Hey! You still love me!"

Jiangnan:  …

fart! Only a ghost will fall in love with a kiwi!

Double ponytails can also be considered!

At this moment, Harry saw Jiangnan Dracula's collar seemed to be hanging from the back of his neck!

"Hmm~ what's hanging behind you?"

Go pull it!

Jiangnan Dracula looked puzzled: "What?"

Luo Xiaonan tilted his head and looked: (*???)!!

That...that's the hang tag of the suit!

Didn't you take it off when you just changed?


Wouldn't this be directly exposed?

Harry was stunned when he saw that it was a clothes tag!

"Pfft hahaha! How could it be a tag? Brother Haier, you are too careless!"

The cold sweat on Jiangnan Dracula's face instantly fell!

Rely on!

Didn't take off the tag? Don't be so embarrassed!

Harry reached out and pulled, but didn't pull!

So pull harder!

I saw a piece of iron clothes hanging from Jiangnan Dracula's back neck!

Halle was petrified directly in place!

Several people present stared blankly at the torn and deformed clothes hanger in Harry's hand!

Luo Xiaonan: ∑(°mouth°?)

Did you make a mistake!

Even if the tag is not taken off! Clothes hanging for you to wear inside?

Did you really put it on directly?

Jiangnan Dracula's smile froze on his face, and then he scratched his head embarrassedly: "Hey... ah~ I said how bad it is to wear this way!"

In fact, a group of guilty conscience!

Rely on!

I said why are you so nervous?


Harry stared blankly at the clothes hanger, and burst out laughing: "Brother Haier is really careless and cute!"

Luo Xiaonan: ! ! !

Hey Hey hey!

This is not the level of carelessness!

This is simply blind!

Do you really have no doubts?

Several people laughed

Looking at the hellfire on the side, he opened his mouth and laughed: "Hahahahahahaha!"

Jiangnan Dracula glared: "Are you laughing? Did I make you laugh?"

Hellfire:? ? ?

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