Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 31 I have a solution

Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao's speed is amazing!

Even Jiangnan struggled to keep up.

Songjiang Lingwu started training in the team mode when he was a freshman in high school, plus he entered the Lingxu all year round to hunt spirit beasts!

Practical experience is very rich!

The tacit understanding is unparalleled, just one look can know what the other party is thinking!

The difference is immediately apparent...

at this time!

Jiangnan suddenly found three figures in the crowd wearing black suits and jackets!

Rush to the mall at terrifying speed, extremely fast!

Jiangnan can see at a glance that this is a soldier, and his strength is extremely strong!

Even if you don't wear a military uniform, you can tell it from the temperament. Remember for a second http://

"Sister Xue! Sister Xia Yao! Be careful, it's not that simple, I'm afraid it's not an ordinary fire!"

Zhong Yingxue nodded and said, "It's a strange fire set by a fire-type awakener! And the level is not low!"

At this moment, Xia Yao's short silver hair burst out with two furry ears!

Wolf ears?

"People should still be in the shopping mall, I feel several strong breaths!"

At this moment, Jiangnan didn't listen to what Xia Yao said at all!

Staring at Xia Yao's beast ears with bright eyes!


Too cute, right?

Is this Xia Yao's animalization?

It shouldn't be completely...

Then...will you fully understand that you will become a wolf?

The thinking room has come to the mall!

At this moment, the mall has been surrounded, and the surrounding crowd has been evacuated.

Several fire trucks were connected to the fire hydrants, and a thick water column rushed towards the shopping mall building!

But it has no effect on the raging fire, this is no ordinary fire!

At the scene, there were also many spirit warriors with water-based abilities who took action to put out the fire with water!

But the fire is huge, and it's a drop in the bucket!

What makes Jiangnan puzzled is that there are not only fire trucks on the scene! There are also explosion-proof vehicles and a military vehicle!

Even a lot of reporters from the news station came and broadcast live.

At this moment, the fire has swallowed the fourth and fifth floors, and is spreading to the sixth floor!

Just listen to the reporter at the scene saying to the camera:

"I'm Hu Shuo, a news reporter!"

"It's 8:03 in the evening! A fire broke out in Jiangcheng Walmart. We can see that the fire is fierce, and Jiangcheng Fire is actively carrying out rescue!"

"There are also many enthusiastic water spirit warriors on the scene! But the situation is still not optimistic!"

"The hesitation below the mall is too narrow to arrange air cushions! Now many people are trapped on the sixth floor of the mall and can't get out!"

Immediately, the screen moved to the sixth-floor window of the shopping mall!

There is already a mother holding her child, unable to stand the smoke, ready to jump down.

"Now! The firefighters are taking the ladder to save people! The staff of the Lingwu Association are also on their way!"


Zhong Yingxue looked anxious: "I'm not afraid of fire, but I can't bring people down!"

Xia Yao also hurriedly circled in place: "The sixth floor is too high, I can't jump that high!"

Jiang Nan looked serious: "I have a way!"

"Xiao Nan! You..."

Haven't waited for the two to finish talking!

Jiangnan had already rushed to the front against the crowd, and just as he was about to enter, he was stopped by the armed police!

"Little brother, it's dangerous inside! Don't go in!"

Jiang Nan anxiously explained: "I am a spiritual warrior, and I have a way to save people!"

The armed policeman was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "Okay! Go over there to register first, special period! We have to guard against it! Please understand! Please pay attention to safety!"

Still have to register?

But looking at the explosion-proof vehicles and military vehicles, Jiangnan knew that things were not that simple!

Just about to register!

Just then, a loud bang came again! The raging fire rushed out of the window more than ten meters away!

The four figures jumped out of the window, flew to the roof of the opposite building, and then fled wildly!

Then a figure in a black jacket jumped from the sixth floor of the mall!

"Boom!" slammed into a jeep!

The jeep was smashed by this figure!

The man who jumped from the sixth floor was wearing a beret and a black jacket!

She was an exceptionally tall woman!

The jacket still has burn marks on it!

I saw the woman wipe her face that was scorched black by the smoke.

When I walked to the military vehicle, I tore off the door and left it on the side of the road...

"Follow me!"

The military vehicle roared and drove towards the direction where the few people fled.

And several hidden black jackets in the crowd also left silently, chasing away,

Jiangnan swallowed and spit!

This woman... is too violent!

What kind of abnormal fitness is this?

Everyone just reacted from a series of surprises!

But right now!

The woman standing on the sixth floor fell down with her child in her arms because the fire was too great!

The crowd exclaimed!

Even the reporter Hu Shuo was taken aback!

"Ah! Man! Man fell!"

"What to do? What to do? What to do!"

Jiangnan: "Grass! It's too late!"

"Brother! Record it and I'll make it up later!"

Haven't waited for the armed police to respond!

Jiang Nan's figure instantly disappeared in place!

What the fuck?

Then, under everyone's astonished gaze, Jiang Nan's figure suddenly appeared in the air!

Hug the mother and daughter who fell in the air!

Teleport again!

Landed successfully!

Hu Shuo was stunned for a moment, then excitedly said: "Did you take it? Did everyone see it? Someone shot! What is that? Is it teleportation? My God!"

"It's really too thrilling! I rushed into the air to save people! Fortunately, the mother and daughter are safe!"

There was a burst of cheers from the crowd! Nothing is more inspiring than this!

The armed police brother gave a thumbs up to Jiangnan!

Xia Yao jumped up happily: "Yeah! Xiao Nan is so handsome! Teleport! It's really teleport!"

Zhong Yingxue's face flushed with excitement, and she secretly clenched her fist!

Very proud of my heart, pleased! That's his brother!

I saw that the mother and daughter who were rescued by Jiangnan were grateful!

But because of excessive fright, his body trembled and he couldn't even speak.

"Auntie, don't be nervous! It's okay! Do you know how many people are in the mall?"

The mother trembled: "There are still about fifty or sixty, I don't know if it is all, there may be more!"

Jiangnan felt a chill in his heart when he heard it!

so many people? The ladder is too late to save! By the time it was all over, the fire had already swallowed the floor!

He quickly turned his head and said, "Comrade Fire! There are too many people above! I'll go save them first!"

When the firefighter heard it: "Hey! Little brother, put on the fire suit! It's hot up there..."

But before he could finish speaking, the Jiangnan figure had disappeared!

As a result, Jiangnan came back in less than ten seconds, carrying a person in one hand.

Without waiting for anyone to speak, he disappeared again!

This time, Jiang Nan carried two on his shoulders and two in his hands! One more under the armpit!

Those who saw it were shocked!

In just one minute of effort, Jiangnan took down more than 20 people with teleportation!

Whether it was the onlookers or the fire and armed police, there was a burst of cheers!

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