Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 3060 A brand new era of stars!

Of course, there are no truly perfect rules of the times in this world!

This is an unsolvable issue, an eternal issue, even though Big Eyes and Small Eyes have observed it for many years, they still haven't found the correct answer!

Because there is no perfect rule of the times, let alone the correct answer!

Even the civilization classification system proposed today has its imperfections!

For example, in the level 3 civilized star field, the 39th level big boss shot, suppressed, and even jointly suppressed the newly promoted 31st level new race!

But suppression is suppression, and this situation is allowed!

Will level 31 civilization survive? not necessarily!

He can also form a team, work together vertically and horizontally, even arrange things before being promoted, pave the way, and even find the superior civilized brother to put pressure on the 39th-level boss and hug his thigh!

There are all kinds of methods, and there is indeed a gap between 1 and 9, but it's not so bad that you can't beat it at all!

If a level 31 civilization is not sure of surviving in the strongest circle of 39, it can't handle it, so how can we talk about promotion and development? Then it will be eliminated sooner or later!

The starry sky is not only about fighting and killing, but also has a sense of sophistication!

Just use your brain, the development of race is multi-faceted, and the net of interests is extremely huge, it is not simply a matter of doing it all the way!

Although the civilization hierarchy is like this, there is still a lot of room for manipulation. I believe that soon all races will understand the way of survival under the new rules!

It is precisely because of this imperfect existence that an era is endowed with the vitality it deserves!

What Jiangnan wants is not perfection, like a nanny, what he wants is reasonable, healthy competition!

But no matter how the rules change, this world is still a world where the strong prey on the weak and the strong will always be strong!

The strong enjoy the best resources, and they also have certain dominance over the weak!

If you envy the ecosystem of the strong?

Then go to become strong?

The civilization hierarchy gives the weak the right to survive, but it also restricts the boundaries of the strong!

Delimiting the opponents under the same level of civilization, this is already the maximum protection!

At least they won't face the situation where the full-level boss abuses the newcomers!

And if you subdivide it further, it will backfire!

Because these experiences are summed up by Xiaoyanzi observing countless worlds, this kind of civilization classification system is the most dynamic and can last for the longest time!

There are even records that last for more than 150 billion years, and the lowest is 80 billion years!

This is already very good for the more than five billion years of the Eternal Era and the 2.2 billion years of the Thousand Stars Era!

However, no matter how good the times are, they will eventually collapse one day!

Maybe hundreds of billions of years later, the rules of the times established by Jiangnan will also collapse, and the civilization hierarchy will no longer exist, and if that happens, maybe Jiangnan won't care anymore...

Just leave everything to the later generations, they may hand over a more perfect answer than Jiangnan, rebuild an era, and continue to write down the glory!

With a wave of Ai Jiang's little hand, the specific rules about the rules of the era were displayed on the conference table!

"All the specific details about the new era are here. In the future, a star stele terminal will be erected in the center of the starry sky world of all races. The era will not collapse, and the stele will not fall!"

"What do you think is inappropriate, or do you have any suggestions to add, if most of you think it's ok, you can add, delete, or modify it!"

Raise your hand directly without guilt:

(?口?)? "I suggest joining the weapon purchase restriction agreement. To buy weapons of different specifications from other tribes, you need to reach the corresponding racial civilization level!"

"Of course, this method still cannot prevent Gaowei weapons from flowing into low-level star fields, but that also needs to be done through the black market or other trading methods. At least in terms of rules, certain restrictions must be made!"

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: "This can be possible! Ai Jiang draws up a specific agreement!"

Gamma also raised his hand directly: "I propose that in the major star fields, we should set up more such war-free trading zones like the city of stars, so as to promote trade and provide a relatively good environment for competition between races in the same star field. buffer, so you can have more choices!"

Lingmiao wiped his nose: "What about the business alliance? Build a business alliance that protects trade and expands sales. It will be more convenient for races to import and export goods and resources, and better implement arms control agreements!"

Jiang Nan smiled: "What else?"

At this moment, Yunyan, the speaker of the Wuyin tribe, raised his hand and said:

???﹏???? "I... can I say?"

Jiang Nan asked with a smile: " you think that the Wuyin people are not part of the Ten Thousand Race Starry Sky World?"

Yun Yan blushed, summoned up her courage and said:

????????﹏???????? "No... I don't!"

Jiang Nan shrugged and smiled: "Then why can't you give opinions? We are building our own world. Since you are a member of Starry Sky World, of course you have the right to make suggestions!"

"You only have one chance, don't miss it!"

Yunyan's eyes glowed with brilliance: "I suggest, I suggest that the original planet after the land reclamation, when it is pulled into Xinshou Village to start development, set up a new protected area!"

"The time of protection does not need to be very long, just give the primitive planet a period of time to adapt to the competitive environment, which can greatly increase the probability of the primitive race surviving!"

Jiang Nan nodded: "It's a good idea, Ai Jiang ~ Consider the setting of the protected area, and don't need to be too protective, just maintain it after the transition period!"


When one sentence was asked, those who spoke of the original slave race raised their hands one after another!

(????)? "Me! And me! I suggest..."

(??????)? "Me! We also have our own ideas, which will definitely come in handy!"

For a moment, the scene was extremely lively, and the eye sockets of those talking about the weak and minor races were all red!

finally! The starry sky can finally hear us!

After a long time, we are finally standing at the starting point of the future!

At this moment, they have an inexplicable sense of security, which comes from the protection of the rules, but at the same time, they also have a sense of urgency, a sense of crisis, which also comes from the rules of the times!

If a race wants to grow and develop, this state is the best state!

Jiang Nan laughed loudly: "No rush! Let's not rush! Let's take it easy, the rules of the new era will be established little by little in the hands of each of us!"

"You and I can both write and carve our own strokes on the obelisk of that era!"

So a long and intense discussion began, the conference table was extremely lively, and spit was flying everywhere!

The quarrel was so red-faced that some even wanted to run out to have a fight. They laughed happily and spoke very fast like they were singing rap!

Those who know think that this is setting up the rules of the new era, those who don’t know think that this is a big price reduction promotion in a certain vegetable market!

As the saying goes, three cobblers are the best Zhuge Liang, not to mention so many people who talk about races get together!

Everyone is putting forward their own suggestions, and the rules of the new era have also undergone deletions, modifications and additions again and again!

All the details have been added and perfected little by little!

And at this moment, Big Eyed Boy and Little Eyed Boy are lying on the table, are they both recorded as crazy, okay?

Isn't this a ready-made case for the two of them? This is definitely worth learning from!

The meeting lasted quite a long time! One week, three weeks!

a month...

Jiang Nan felt as if his ass was getting cocooned, and there was finally no movement in the meeting room where the heated discussions were taking place!

I saw the eyeballs of each and every race talker protruding, and their cheeks sunken, as if they had been squeezed dry, worse than when Jiangnan was in a meeting!

Either lying on the conference table, or lying on the chair with his head straight up and not moving!

Jiang Nan's hair is also messy like a chicken coop, with two big black eye sockets, looking exhausted!

After more than a month, everyone's brains will be messed up!

It can be regarded as perfecting the rules of the times, involving all aspects!

The era will operate under new rules, no matter what happens, there are points for reference!

Jiang Nan raised his finger:

(??w`?) "No one has any objections this time, right? You're so stupid! Everyone signs, and everyone signs, and this thing will take effect!"

"Punch at the heart of the boundary, hurry up!"

This time, no one really raised any opinions. The rules have been perfected to the extreme under the current situation!

Of course, the rules will also change with the development of the times. If there are subsequent changes, they can be modified on the stele of stars!


The heart of the starry sky world of all races is located, and an extremely huge starlight obelisk terminal has been made!

It can be viewed by all beings in the entire starry sky. The starlight stele is full of dense inscriptions, which appear and disappear from time to time. It looks extremely sacred and solemn!

Every race speaker who came to the meeting signed his race and name on it, and left his own breath!

And the last sum will be signed by Jiangnan!

Everyone looked at Jiangnan with great anticipation. Once Jiangnan puts pen to paper, it means that the rules of the new era will come into effect!

It also marks the beginning of a new era!

Noah smiled:

(??°???°) "Let's name this brand-new era, even if it's a fancy name!"

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (??~??) "Huh? Shall I come?"

Everyone nodded, and You Ming smiled even more:

(??????)"you deserved!"

There are smiles on everyone's faces!

And right here, an untimely voice sounded!

(??﹏???) "Are you really sure you want Jiangnan to name the new era? In this way, the new era is likely to be called the Supo New Dollar Era, the Super Powerful Era. If you don't know what to name it Just think of an era…”

It was Xia Yao who spoke...

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened suddenly, and their faces turned pale!


That's when I remembered Jiangnan's named useless attribute, hey!

He is a hand with a series of criminal records such as death off-road, deadly bicycle, two-armed fish, etc.!

In case a scumbag name is really given, and future generations know about it, I'm afraid we will laugh at us for tens of billions of years, right?

Noah's mouth twitched:

(??﹏???) "Think twice! Think twice, you?"

Jiangnan's face darkened:

(????????????)? "Did you underestimate me? Anyway, I am also a strong person in the universe, so I am invincible?"

While speaking, he directly wrote on the stele of stars!

〔Humanity! Lord of the Age: Jiangnan! 〕

[This obelisk, the rules of the times are jointly guarded by the creatures of the starry sky world of all races! 〕

[If there is any violation, ignoring the rules, and destroying the common efforts of all sentient beings, my Jiangnan blade will come! Even if it is far away, it will be punished! 〕

〔May the times be prosperous and bright, the prosperity is like a dream, may all living beings live and work in peace and contentment, the family is peaceful and the people are safe, and may this monument last forever! 〕

[The name of the era is: The Age of Stars! 〕

The Jiangnan pen is a dragon and a snake, and writes the last stroke on the stele of stars!


The blazing starlight burst out from the stele of stars, soaring into the sky, and the pillar of starlight that burst out went straight to the depths of the sea of ​​stars, seeming to illuminate every corner of the starry sky world of all races!

So far! The rules of the new era are in effect!

The era of stars will start from this moment and step into the future!

Jiang Nan smiled and looked up at the soaring stars!

(??????) "Remember this moment forever! This is a godless world, a world that belongs to our creatures, and a world that we rule together!"

"Each race is like the stars shining in the starry sky, exuding its own starlight!"

"Countless stars turned into the sea of ​​stars, and the lights of the stars shine together! Together, we weave together the brilliance of the entire era! We... are the stars that illuminate the starry sky!"

"Starlight will reach every corner of the world, and writing books belongs to the beauty of our era! Time will record all this!"

"A new era will start here! We will also step into the future from here!"

At this moment, Jiangnan looked at the starlight with emotion on his face, and there were a lot of balabalas expressing emotion!

And when everyone watched this scene, they let out a sigh of relief!

(?︶3︶) "Phew~ It's okay, it's okay, although the name of the era is not literary and quite satisfactory, but at least it's not blind, and I can still listen, not bad!"

Jiangnan: (?°??°?)? ? ?

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