Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 3051 We... never disappeared!

Jiang Nan shook his head:

"This knife... I won't cut you again..."

"It's true that you made a mistake... But who can guarantee that you won't make mistakes? Brother Fan...No one is perfect..."

"The divine Jiang Fan is dead, the former Jiang Fan has returned, and the pure white canvas is already full of colors. You have found everything you lost, haven't you?"


"Why push yourself into the abyss? Turn's not too late..."

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth, and his eyes sparkled: "It's too late, it's too late, what I lost will never come back, I lost everything I once had!"

"I failed the stars entrusted to me by my old friends! It's time to end, I can't find the meaning of my continued existence!"

"Just let my death add the last touch to your fantasy reality, don't treat me like this! I feel very sad, really very sad!"

"Now I am alone, no stars will light up for me, I can't face myself, I can't get past my own test!"

"Let me atone! Let me die! Kill me!"

The self-blame, guilt, sadness, and grief in my heart almost swallowed Jiang Fan whole!

Jiang Nan still shook his head, his eyes were firm:

"I won't let you die! You are just escaping, escaping from this unacceptable reality!"

"You can't face yourself now, can you? Then get through it! A hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years later, when you suddenly look back and look back at all this, you will feel that it is actually the same thing, it's no big deal !"

"There has never been any hurdles that cannot be overcome. As long as you keep moving forward, the road under your feet will always extend forward. Isn't this the essence of life?"

"Live for me! Death is just an escape, not a release!"

Jiang Fan's face was full of pain, holding his head in his hands, almost collapsing:

"Yes! I'm just escaping, so what? I can't survive one dark moment after another like you!"

"I have been moving forward all my life, and all my companions have fallen on the road. No one walks with me, only the sky is filled with stars, but now...they are all gone!"

"I'm tired, I'm really tired, I don't want to go on the road ahead, don't leave me! I'm not worth saving, let me fulfill your dream!"

"Don't kill me! You can't end it! You can't give an explanation to the starry sky!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan couldn't help but rushed forward, grabbed Jiang Nan's lapel, his eyes were full of sadness:

"Do it! Do you still think I am your Brother Fan? If you still recognize me! Then do it!"

However, Jiangnan's tone was extremely firm:

"No! Never! It's up to now! No one can force me to do what I don't want to do!"

Jiang Fan:! ! !

"Okay! Since you don't do it! Then I will do it myself!"

At this moment, the origin of Jiang Fan's starry world was burning wildly, and the world began to collapse unceasingly!

He really doesn't want to live anymore!

Desire to die!

However, at this moment, countless starlights turned into galaxies, surged from the boundless world, and ruthlessly poured into the starry world!

Repairing the boundary wall of the starry world and the collapsed rules!

Jiang Fan's breath did not weaken, but became stronger and stronger!

Jiang Nan's eyes were deep: "Brother Fan? Have you forgotten? Now you are in my world! And here... I have the final say!"

"I don't allow you to can't die even if you want to!"

Jiang Fan was about to collapse, he rushed into the boundless world crazily, trying to escape from Jiangnan's territory!

He wanted to destroy his starry world, but Jiang Nan kept repairing it!

Jiang Fan yelled in despair: "Let me out, let me go! Let me die!"

"Don't you even give me the right to die? Why are you so cruel!"

Jiang Fan completely collapsed, curled up on the ground limply, tears flowed sideways, condensed the sword of rules, and stabbed his heart with one sword after another!

How can you kill yourself with your own rules?

However, Jiang Fan at this really in too much pain!

Jiang Nan just stood aside, quietly watching Jiang Fan who was tortured by pain...

long time...

At this moment, Jiang Fan was lying in the void in pain, with tears in his eyes, reaching out for the starry sky...

"I can't come back... It's gone... Let me accompany them, please..."

However, two blue veins burst out on Jiang Fan's forehead, and he couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Fan's skirt, pulled him up, and punched him hard in the face!

He was hammered so far away that the corners of his mouth were bloody and his teeth were blown out!

Jiang Nan said angrily: "This punch is for your old friends who died! For Senior Long Chen, for sister-in-law Yue Lan!"

"Jiang Fan! Look at how unbelievable you are now!"

"Death can be liberated, and all problems can be solved, so you don't have to face it?"

"If I really let you die, is that really atonement? Are you really worthy of your own vanished stars?"

"You made a wrong step and turned into a god. It was the disappearance and shattering of your old friends, the stars! That pulled you down from the throne of God!"

"They used their disappearance to let you regain your emotions, retrieve everything you lost, and complete your redemption! They shined for you, Jiang Fan, until the last moment!"

"And you are going to die, aren't you? If you die, that's the real coward! You don't deserve those stars, let alone the opportunity they bought for you by disappearing, redemption! That's the real thing You failed them!"

Regarding Jiang Fan's past, Jiang Nan has also seen it, and it is precisely because of it that he understands the hardships he has walked along the way!

That's why I don't want to give up!

Jiang Fan's heart trembled violently, as painful as if cut by a knife!

That's right... If the old friends and stars don't break and disappear, I won't wake up, and the pure white canvas won't be stained with color!

If there is no sister Lan's time and stars to guide me, I will not be able to find everything I lost...

It was precisely because of the dissipation of those stars that he transformed himself from a god back into a human being!

Pulled myself back from the detour...

However, I have to live up to these stars... because I can't accept and forgive myself, so I just died?


At this moment, Jiang Fan clenched his fist tightly, with sadness in his eyes...

"But... the stars that accompanied me along the way... are no longer here... I don't know myself..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan said angrily: "Are they really gone? Are deceased friends just stars in your eyes?"

"Indeed! The stars that my old friend turned into have already disappeared and cannot be retrieved!"

"But can you deny their past existence because of this? They all existed well, existed in your past, and accompanied you on journey after journey!"

"This train called life has been moving forward, they just got off halfway, but they still exist in your memory, in your mind, and you will always remember them!"

"They exist in your life experience. It is these experiences and stories with old friends that support you to this day, isn't it?"

"Death is not real death! Forgotten is real death! If you die! Who in this world remembers them? What's the point of their death?"

Jiang Fan was directly bombarded by Jiang Nan, speechless, biting his lower lip, clutching his heart tightly!

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth and said: "The stars in space have indeed disappeared, but can you say that Long Chen doesn't exist? His entrustment, his expectation for you! Don't you remember all of them?"

"Time and stars have also disappeared, but the relationship between you and sister-in-law Yuelan has also disappeared? Her blessings and expectations for you have also disappeared? You forgot all the good times you spent with her, everything you experienced Are you happy?"

"Only if you are alive, can those disappearing stars become meaningful! Otherwise, you will only live up to their expectations of you!"

"You have the courage to face death, but you dare not survive? How long do you have to let Lao Tzu scold you before you give up the idea of ​​dying?"

"Even if it's not for yourself, please live for those old friends who have passed away!"

"Cough, cough, horse riding, I'm exhausted!"

Jiang Nan uttered a mouthful of gunfire, spitting stars flying all over the place, saying that his mouth was dry, this was much more tiring than fighting!

If Jiangnan doesn't want to be so troublesome, he can get it done with one sword strike!

But... that's not Jiangnan anymore!

From the beginning to the end, Jiangnan didn't want to give up on anyone!

But whatever you hold in your hand, you must grasp it if you can, this is Jiangnan!

Jiang Fan's eyes were already full of tears. Is death... the real disappointment?

At this moment, Jiang Fan looked up at the starry sky, tears streaming down his cheeks...

The stars are no longer there, but my past is still there, and the old friends who have passed away are still real in my past life, just as I can see...

If he just died like this, then what's the point of the direction Sister Lan pointed out for her at the end?

No longer evading, but accepting all this, accepting yourself for making mistakes...and then striding forward with your head held high?

The wrong also my own...

In a daze, Jiang Fan couldn't help but think of those pictures he saw before!

Countless old friends, Long Chen, sister Yuelan are waving towards him...

Maybe... that is not a call... but a farewell to myself...

We're gone, but we're not going away...

We will exist in your past, turn into your life experience, support you, protect you, move forward...and move forward...

Go forward boldly, there is no obstacle in life, only those who are timid and afraid to move forward...

Jiang Fan remembered again, the last thing Yuelan told herself...

"Take care of yourself...No matter what happens in the future, where it will go...We...never disappeared..."

never disappeared...

Even if the stars in the sky are no longer there, have you never disappeared...


At this moment, Jiang Fan couldn't bear it anymore, he sat paralyzed on the void, raised his head and cried loudly!

Crying like a child, he didn't want to hold it in any longer, and wept wantonly, tears flowing out like a bursting flood!

Venting his emotions, it also took away Jiang Fan's sadness, self-blame, guilt and sadness...

In the vast starry sky, it seemed that only Jiang Fan's cry echoed!

Jiang Nanyu watched this scene silently, as quiet as if it didn't exist!

Cry...just cry...

It's not a sin for a man to cry, it's not a sin to cry, only when you're sad...

Jiang Nan seldom cries, only when he can't bear it... will be much better...

There will be more strength to move on...

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