Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 3042 The road extends infinitely forward!

Jiang Fan thought that in this way, he could fight off Jiangnan's advantage and gain the upper hand!

It can even fight against Jiangnan!

But he was wrong!

Jiangnan's world can also grow, the growth rate is faster than yourself, and the upper limit is higher!

You know, Jiangnan broke through the universe, but he didn't give up anything, he broke through with the truth!

Even if there is subsequent oppression by the will of the Wanzu Xingkong, it will not be able to suppress Jiangnan. If it is not for the will of the Wanzu, he will push Jiangnan with all his strength in the end!

Otherwise, Jiangnan will break through these two barriers abruptly!

Can such a ascended universe not be strong?

In general, as long as the energy of the boundary source is sufficient, there is no upper limit to the growth of the two worlds!

It's just that the boundless world grows faster, and the efficiency of evolution and expansion is higher!

If it continues, the gap between Jiang Fan and Jiang Nan will only get bigger and bigger!

There is no chance of surpassing Jiangnan at all!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's eyes were full of cruelty!

Can't you do anything by yourself?

I can't give an explanation to those stars that have disappeared, and I can't respond to the anger in my chest!

It seems that the heart that has been hollowed out can no longer be filled!


Why should I stop here!

"I, Jiang Fan... have never lost! I won't in the past, I won't now, and I won't in the future!"

I saw Jiang Fan's eyes fixed on his own star in space!

Pointing with a big hand: "Rongxing!"

In just an instant, that space star bloomed with incomparable brilliance, sending out violent space fluctuations!

These fluctuations are like gorgeous ribbons, flying out like a beautiful aurora, blending into the starry world!

And with the injection of this force, the space base in the starry world was crazily strengthened, geometrically skyrocketing!

The expansion speed of the space in the world has become several times of the original, even dozens of times!

Supplemented by the supply of boundary source energy!

The growth rate of Starry World surpassed that of Jiangnan in one fell swoop, catching up fast!

It quickly caught up with the gap with the boundless world, and overtook it in terms of the vastness and total volume of the world!

And that star in space is also becoming fainter little by little, as if it is about to completely merge into the world of stars!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's heart felt like it was being torn apart!

There are even tears in the eyes!


Slashing out with a sword, directly opened Jiangnan's body of will, and even opened a huge gap in the expanding boundless world, smashing the stars in it!

But this time, Jiangnan couldn't resist!

Because of the blessing of space stars and stars, the starry world surpasses the boundless world!

But at this moment, Jiangnan was also in a hurry:

"Jiang Fan! What the hell are you doing? You only have two Ability Stars left, both entrusted by an old friend!"

"You cast your sword because of those disappearing stars! Now, because of your sword, you won't even let go of the last two stars, right?"

"You have to let yourself have nothing before it's over? Can you think about the consequences!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's aura continued to strengthen, and the stars in space continued to play a role!

More and more distances beyond Jiangnan!

"It didn't disappear, it just merged into my starry world!"

"And... I have nothing now!"

"You don't need to take care of my affairs. The one who wins will be me. You must pay the price for this, for sure!"

Jiang Fan slashed out with another sword, and the attacks continued!

Jiangnan carried it down with sword after sword, and the expanding boundless world became dilapidated as a result!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has reached the peak of his combat power, and even the remaining power of the sword light can even crack the boundary wall of the world of ten thousand races!

The rhythm of the field seems to be collapsed!

Jiang Nan, who had the upper hand just now, is now overwhelmed by Jiang Fan!

At this moment, Jiangnan was also full of anxiety!

Jiang Fan has completely lost his rationality at this moment, smashing the cans and throwing them, and he doesn't care about anything!

His only thought now is to kill himself, win here, and respond to the anger in his chest!

But if Jiang Fan really did it!

After that, he will only feel a burst of emptiness, and endless regret!

But now it's useless to say anything, Jiang Fan's state is extremely dangerous, there is only one color left on the pure white canvas, of course he will be swayed by this emotion!

If he fails, it will ruin everything, even himself!

Regarding Jiang Fan's fusion star, Jiang Nan has no way to stop it, and he can't control it!

I can only watch helplessly as the star melts away...

At this moment, even Yang Jian and Xiao Chuihuo's hearts were raised!

Can Jiang Fan still increase the growth rate of his world in this way?

Now Jiangnan's advantage has been completely suppressed!

Don't fail Jiang Fan and overturn?

But when they thought of the indelible perverted attributes of Jiangnan's boundless world, everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

No matter what, Jiang Nan can't hang himself up anyway!

It's just that, before these two can decide the winner, the Ten Thousand Races World won't be able to handle it, right?

There are huge cracks everywhere in the starry sky world, and the place where the two of them are is already in chaos!

It seems that there is no place in this world that can carry these two all-out shots without collapsing, right?

Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky Will:

(#)??﹏??) But I hope not to die...

At this moment, Jiang Nan looked at Jiang Fan who was furiously attacking, his eyes were full of determination!

"Okay! Since you chose to do this, don't regret it!"

"Do you think you can surpass me in this way? After all, it's just Fan Xing's ability! It's not yours!"

"Boundless World 0? Evolution!"

"Version 0? Boundless Boundary Sea!"

Big and small eyes were stunned, what's the matter?

The world... can it evolve again?

In fact, Jiang Nan doesn't know if his method can be achieved, but now that he has come to this point, Jiang Nan will not be satisfied with everything now!

He wants to extend his path infinitely forward!

Jiangnan no longer uses boundary source energy to expand the boundless world!

This world has become big enough and bright enough!

Continuing to pump and irrigate is just to increase the overall volume, which is too boring for Jiangnan!

I saw that in the boundless world, 10,000 drops of Jieyuan energy were extracted from the forbidden sea of ​​​​the forbidden realm of life, and did not merge into the world!

Instead, it is randomly injected into a star!

You must know that the boundless world of Jiangnan has a bounded soul, and every star has its own will and star soul!

Based on this star soul of will, Jiangnan injected thousands of drops of energy from the world source!

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes!

I saw that star suddenly collapsed into a colorless singularity!

It exploded in an instant!

Blazing white light shines in the boundless world, it is the brilliance of creation!

In this way, a star world was born!

It is the boundary of the boundless world!

The crazy expansion of that star world turned into a complete and magnificent star world...

However, it is worth mentioning that the star world created later is not a top-end world, and there is no special 5-dimensional gap, which belongs to the standard one!

Just like Asgard Starry Sky World!

But even so, it's already very perverted!

At this moment, the breath of the boundless world as the total load suddenly increased, almost doubled!

Today's Jiangnan can not only mobilize the power of the boundless world, but also the power of the star world!

The big and small eyes were completely stunned, their eyeballs protruding!


If they had mouths, their jaws would already be on their feet!

Fuck wow!

what's the situation?

Jiang...Jiangnan actually created another world of stars in his own boundless world?

Realm within realm? Matryoshka is okay?

This... This horse riding is outrageous, hey!

At this moment, even Xiao Chuihuo was furious:

Σ(°△°|||) "Nan Zai Zai's road has been extended to the front!"

"Is it possible to use both the world and the world? In this way, the total power of Jiangnan... hiss~"

The Black God was also stunned, using the boundless world as a carrying platform to create another world in it?

When someone breaks through a world, they are so pitted and deflated that their shit is almost suffocated!

How about you, in your own world, you created another world?

Hey Hey hey! Does anyone take care of my brother?

He's completely out of character now!

In fact, no one can control Jiangnan now!

Even the final moat of truth has been broken by Jiangnan, who can control him?

And create the world in his own world, Jiangnan himself is the will of the world, so there is no pressure at all, okay?

At this moment, Jiang Nan's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Oh Huo? Can you live with it? Just live with it!"

"In this way! How many worlds can be created depends on where the limit of my world soul is!"

Just after the first star world lit up with the divine light of creation, I saw dozens of dazzling lights lit up in the boundless world of Jiangnan!

More than a dozen star worlds were born inside the boundless world!

Jiang Nan didn't add any more to it. After all, if it contained too many worlds, Jiang Nan was afraid that his willpower would not be able to carry it!

Now this amount is enough!

As the master of the boundless world, Jiangnan controls the boundless world itself, and the 18 star worlds embedded in it also belong to Jiangnan!

Therefore, Jiangnan's current strength is the sum of this boundless world plus 18 star worlds!

Jiang Fan's method of melting stars, no matter how much efficiency has been improved, can it be as high as Jiangnan?

Jiang Fan just kept piling up boundary source energy in a world, making the world bigger, and the power increased linearly!

Jiang Nan is different, he is more perverted, he directly creates the world in his own world, hey!

The power is exponentially increased, okay?

Xiaoyanzi was completely dumbfounded watching this scene, and couldn't help thinking of an amazing possibility!

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