Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 3032 What is this sixth child doing!

Sitting in the Temple of Eternity, Jiangnan launched a final sprint towards the Universe Realm!

Its figure can be seen by everyone!

And the distance from Jiangnan to Tianyujing is the distance from everyone to realizing their dreams!

At the same time, Xunzu's eternal world is also at the boundary of the universe!

Madly devouring the starry sky world of all races, while strengthening himself, he is also using the excess power to refine the root of the divine burial in the origin of the world!

At this moment, Xun Zu is also fighting hard, not hesitate to burn the world's source of refining, and push the refining speed to the highest!

He didn't even move his position, he was still refining in the position where Jiangnan punched him in the corner!

How dare he move?

In case Jiang Nan is not going his way, I'm afraid he will be beaten again!

I really have nothing to do with him now!

Now the state is pretty good, at least Jiangnan didn't come to beat him up, Xun Zu was already very satisfied!

At this moment, Xunzu stared at Jiangnan, and looked at Jiang Fan from time to time!

The three of them form a triangle, each occupying one side of the starry sky, all practicing and competing!

Xun Zu knew that whether it was Jiangnan making the universe, or Jiang Fan's black hole jet!

I am dead, after all, they have already conspired loudly in front of my face!

Only before the two of them, completely refine the root of God's burial, restore full strength, and kill them before they are done, this is my chance!

wait! Wait for me!

Let's see who is faster!

This is a race, a race of life and death!


On the accretion plate of the final black hole, Jiang Fan also sat cross-legged, looking at Xunzu and Jiangnan from time to time!

Jiang Fan is now waiting for an opportunity. If Jiangnan breaks through to Huanyu before Xunzu, he will save trouble!

But if not, then your chance is here!

It can be said that no matter whether Jiangnan breaks through or not, Jiang Fan will be the winner, but the way to the finish line will be different!

But Jiang Fan didn't have much hope for Jiangnan's breakthrough. He knew too well how difficult it was to take the last step!

Regardless of the wear and tear, the process of taking that last step after being washed away by the Jieyuan Forbidden Sea and turning into a heartless and sexless god is still extremely bumpy!

And Jiangnan doesn't want to give up anything, only by crossing the moat of truth can he reach the top!

The difficulty is hundreds to thousands of times that of my own, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is as difficult as reaching the blue sky!

How could it be possible to successfully cross the chasm of truth in such a short period of time?

So Jiang Fan is waiting, waiting for Jiangnan to fail...

The influence of the Watt virus has been completely wiped out. Although the Final Yan Legion has suffered heavy losses, the core competitiveness is still there!

Now all the preparations are made, just waiting for Jiang Fan's order!

But now, the silicon master is stationed in the Cross Holy Wing, looking at the situation in the field, feeling uneasy!

Does today's silicon base really have a chance?


But now the silicon master doesn't know, he still did something when the star marks failed and the causal line broke...

It's just that he didn't know exactly what he did, and he didn't even know that it happened!

Of course he would be worried?

The three of them just spent here, starting a race about life and death and the future direction of the starry sky!

And the Starry Sky World of Ten Thousand Races, which has been in war for many years, has rarely been quiet these few days!

Jiang Nan, Jiang Fan, and Xun Zu, no matter who succeeds first, will lead the future of Starry Sky to a completely different path!

Not to mention that the people of the Ten Thousand Races are very numb watching this scene, is the will of the Ten Thousand Race Starry Sky numb?

This day is completely unbearable!

And during this period, in the center of the Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky World, the incomparably huge Eye of the Starry Sky is always open!

Big Eye Boy and Little Eye Boy have been standing under the Eye of the Starry Sky, holding the history book of the Starry Sky, observing the situation in the Starry Sky World, even other worlds are not going to eat melons for the time being!

Because the two of them knew that the situation in the Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky World had reached an extremely critical fork in the road!

Where the future goes, it all depends on this time!

On such a critical and wonderful node, how about watching another world? Just wait here and wait for melons to eat!


As time passed day by day, Jiangnan was always sitting in front of the Eternal Immortal Palace, never moving half a step!

The starry sky is getting quieter, but it's more like the calm before the storm!

During this period, Xiao Chuihuo also came over, and told Jiangnan the secret of his non-destructive creation cycle, and even taught the technique of entropy increase!

Jiangnan can be used. After all, the world of Jiangnan is also taking the path of creation. Although it cannot be stabilized, if the method of creation cycle can be used, the power can be stronger!

Moreover, Xiao Chuihuo's entropy increase can't affect the eternal world, which doesn't mean that Jiangnan can't either, after all, his amount is too big!

After Xiao Chuihuo came, he didn't leave, because he also needed the energy of the world source to be turned into fuel, so as to increase the total amount of his blazing world's creation cycle!

He is also working hard towards the world realm!

And Wuzui also came over, because he felt that Jiangnan could use his fantasy realm of the heart!

Because of the six ways of refining gods, Jiangnan's power of will is so strong that he can condense things with the power of will, and even change reality!

It is more in line with the standards of the fantasy world of the heart!

Although Jiangnan has not yet created his own world, this does not prevent Jiangnan from cultivating the fantasy world of the heart!

Create a world in the heart with the power of will, which will also become another big trump card for Jiangnan!

Several people exchanged a wave of practice experience, and during this period, the Carbon League and the Quality League were not idle!

With the help of the ability of the Vientiane Star Lord, everyone started to work on the transfer!

After all, at this stage, the war will only be a competition of top combat power. It is useless to have more small cards, and the Great Wall of Martial Immortals cannot be defended by numbers!

Withdraw a wave in advance to prepare for the impact that will follow. After all, God knows what it will look like in the future?

Even if the worst result is ushered in, although people cannot be spared in the dimensional rift, at least there is a three-dimensional starry sky ahead!

It's just that the basic population of the Ten Thousand Clans in the Starry Sky is too large, and they can't keep up with their busy work these days, so let's count as much as they can transfer!

As for the system terminal, it is already in operation!

The time bridge transformed by Mira has accurately located the system in the past through the key of time, and began to transfer various prepared props to the system warehouse!

After replenishing all the system props used by Jiangnan during the closed time loop period, this grand project will be completely completed!

At that time, the little Maza, who was sealed in the system space, will also be unsealed!

Li Bing will follow you all the way, so don't worry!

But now, Jiangnan's cultivation progress is something that everyone is concerned about!


At this moment, Jiangnan's cultivation has also reached the final stage, and the energy of the boundary source flows out along the black hole on the Six Paths God Ring, and is ruthlessly injected into Jiangnan's body!

This drop of Jieyuan energy went straight to the 9999 drops of Jieyuan energy stored in Jiangnan's body!

The closer you get, the stronger the repulsive force is, so strong that it almost crushes Jiangnan's body!

The moat of truth lies in front of Jiangnan!

He has failed countless times, but this time, Jiang Nan did not budge!

In Jiangnan's mind, the experience of his life flows through his heart like an old-fashioned film!

Not only the dreamy experience, but even the original real experience is flowing!

The emotions in my chest are surging, surging!

Landing in the universe, realizing the dream of life, is the common dream of two real me!

The cruel original reality and the dreamlike beautiful reality are all like this, the contributions of countless people, the expectations of the people of the world, and the wishes of the times!

I was able to get to where I am today, definitely not only because of my own efforts!

It is because of walking with countless partners, supporting and encouraging each other that we have come here!

It was the pair of big hands behind him that pushed him to the peak!

The expectation of his parents, the dedication of Mira and Lan, the sacrifice of the original reality, and the support of countless people, Jiangnan felt that the fiery power was pushing him forward!

More and more power gushes out from the body, endlessly!

The true meaning of life is to pursue stronger and go for beauty!

I! Why stop there?

I bear everyone's expectation, the dream of the world!

The peak is just around the corner!

The truth cannot be stopped!

I can't give up anything in Jiangnan, because everything I have is all I have!

"Break it for me!"

This is the roar from the heart, Jiangnan's will power has changed again at this moment!

The whole body has turned into that dreamy color!

Suppressing that drop of Jieyuan energy, go straight to 9999 drops of Jieyuan energy fusion!

Driven by Jiangnan's strong will, the moat of truth was shaken at this moment!

Jiangnan is about to take this step and enter the universe!

At this moment, Jiangnan's aura changed drastically, and the power of will was frantically fighting against the moat of truth!

Under the oppression of the truth, his body was constantly annihilated, collapsing, but also frantically reorganizing!

Victory is at hand!

Both Xiao Chuihuo and Wuzui's eyes lit up, and they sensed the sudden change in Jiangnan's aura!

"Is it coming?"

Jiang Fan's eyes also froze!

Is Jiangnan really going to take that last step?

How did he shake and break the moat of truth?

At the same time, in the direction of the boundary of the universe, a terrifying aura suddenly rose and bloomed!

In the origin of Xunzu's eternal world, the last touch of the root of the divine burial was completely refined and dissipated in clouds and smoke!

That touch of hatred from the era of great land reclamation finally completely disappeared...

At this moment, Xun Zu rose up and turned into a god body, and the fiery aura belonging to the powerhouse of the universe burst into bloom!

The surrounding starry sky world was directly shattered by Xun Zu, turning into disordered chaos!

The eternal world is no longer bound, and it is crazily devouring the starry sky world of all races around it, expanding and evolving unscrupulously!

That terrifying aura made everyone startled, and the entire starry sky was eclipsed by it!

An incomparably ferocious look appeared on his face, as if a substantial killing intent was blooming, and his eyes fell directly on Jiangnan!

"Sorry! I'm faster than both of you!"

"So! You will die!"

"I will let the starry sky world taste the pain, and I will return everything you have done to me a thousand times over!"

"The one who wins! It will be me!"

At this moment, Xun Zu turned into a stream of light and rushed straight to the Great Wall of Wuxian. All the starry worlds that passed along the way collapsed towards him!

The Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky World has no resistance at all!

"The will of the world? Great collapse!"

I saw Xunzu raised his hand, condensing a giant hand with the rules of the eternal world!

The size of the giant hand has even been calculated on the scale of the universe!

With this palm shot, not to mention the Great Wall of Martial Immortals will be blown up, most of the bright stars behind will also be wiped out!

Jiang Nan suddenly opened his eyes:! ! !

You still have time!

Win your uncle! The winner will be me!

At this moment, Jiangnan has tried his best to completely break the blockade of the natural moat of truth with terrifying will!

The last drop of Jieyuan energy has come to 9999 drops of Jieyuan energy, there is no obstacle!

Once fused, qualitative changes will lead to quantitative changes, 10,000 drops of boundary energy will trigger extremely terrifying space inflation, and all boundary energy will condense into a singularity and then detonate, creating a world!

Seeing that the last drop of boundary source energy is about to be integrated into it!

At this moment, an extremely powerful pressure suddenly acted on Jiangnan's body!

It directly interrupted Jiangnan's operation!

This power does not come from the moat of truth, but...

Comes from the will of the starry sky world of all races!

At this moment, he actually began to use his strength, mobilizing all the power he could mobilize so far, preventing Jiangnan from entering the universe!

You know, with the immature will of the Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky World, he can't stop Jiangnan at all!

But the problem is that Jiangnan is doing his best to break the moat of truth, and he is just right!

Any application of external force will become the last straw that breaks the camel's back!

Under the strong obstruction of the will of the starry sky of all races, the space around Jiangnan was crushed!

Under this resistance, the moat of truth also began to exert its strength, and Jiangnan no longer had the strength to integrate that drop of boundary source energy into it!

He could only watch helplessly as that drop of boundary source energy dissipated and escaped from his body!

Jiang Nan's eyes were blood red, and two veins burst out on his forehead!

"What is this sixth child doing? At such a critical time? Does he not want to live anymore?"

If it hadn't been for Wanzu Xingkong's will to come over to stop it just now, Jiangnan would have become a thing by now!

Even before Xunzu!

The Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky has been supporting me all the time, why should I stop myself at such a critical time?

It was already done, but it was destroyed by the resistance from the will of the starry sky world of all races!

What kind of wind does he have? Life is over, huh?

But at this moment, Xun Zu's attack is about to fall!

"Die to my father!"

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