Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 3030 Standard configuration? top match?

Everyone looked at Jiangnan's slightly red eyes, and they already knew that he had prepared the final farewell!

The fantasy reality is stable, and it has become the only one. The big matter that weighed on everyone's minds has finally been resolved, and everyone is also relieved!

It's just that for Jiangnan, it's not over yet. At this moment, Jiangnan came to the system terminal and looked at Mira's aging face in the amber of time!

Raising his hand to caress, Hu Po couldn't touch her face after a while, Jiang Nan's eyes were full of distress...

"Wait...wait for me, I won't let you wait too long!"

After reaching the universe, you can move the system terminal to your own world, drive the rules as the will of the world, and save Mira!

As for Lan... Maybe it will take a more distant future to help her restore her color and reshape her body!

Judging from the total amount of the progress bar, it is unrealistic to collect all the points in one starry sky world. You must travel in many starry sky worlds to collect all the grievance points!

Before, the reason why Jiangnan could not collect resentment points in the starry sky world of Asgard was because Jiangnan did not yet have a universe. Although there is boundary source energy and the black hole emperor as a means, he is still bound by the conservation truth!

Once Jiangnan breaks through to Huanyu, he will be the world, and he will become a world after tomorrow, with greater freedom, so there will be no worries in this regard!

At that time, after the matter here is settled, Jiangnan can set off...

Now Jiangnan is only one step away from the real universe, the distance of a drop of energy from the source!

Although there is a natural moat of truth, Jiangnan is not afraid of it!

Watching this scene, Wang Youzhi couldn't help but leaned over and patted Jiangnan on the shoulder, grinning:

(●???)? "Be happy~ Today's reality is the result of everyone's hard work, so you don't have to frown, it's already very good, okay?"

"Beat Xunzu violently, force Jiang Fan back, no one can cure you in this starry sky? How did you practice this power of will? I can't even understand it, okay?"

"The method of refining the gods of the Six Paths was obtained from the starry sky world of Asgard? Are the people over there very arrogant? What have you experienced in the past few hundred years? Would you like to tell everyone?"

As soon as this was mentioned, everyone showed interest. After all, everyone was full of curiosity about the Asgard Starry Sky World!

However, Jiang Nan's expression became weird, and he shook his head and said:

(??vдv?) "No, no, no...not at all, I just arrived there less than half a month ago, and I gave all the masters in the starry sky a hard blow. They thought I was going to invade their world or something, and what Give me a name, called Eternal Demon Lord!"

"However, there are quite a lot of pseudo-worlds over there. There were seven of them when I first went there, but none of them were very strong. They were blocked by the sky curtain erected by the will of the world. If Caiji Wanxiang went there, it would probably be able to survive for a while. Hit three and press down..."

When Wanxiang heard it, he was immediately stunned, pointing to his nose with an expression of disbelief!

?(°口°?) "Huh? I... a bear like me can hit three with one? How about such a bullying world?"

He patted his thigh regretfully, why didn't he go with Nan Zuzong back then?

Otherwise, wouldn't I be able to experience the invincible pleasure a little bit?

This is good, I have been holding back for more than 10 billion years, and I have been beaten since I awakened, and I have been beaten until today, and I almost lost my life!

The bosses are going out one after another, what kind of hell difficulty is this!

But fortunately, I can be regarded as the kind that can live, the ancestor machine is gone, and I am still there!

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched when they looked at Vientiane, good guy, what do you mean you are such a bear, anyway, you are also a pseudo-Huanyu, why are you so clear about your position?

The Black God suddenly got excited:

(??????)? "The will of the world? The sky is blocked? Seven pseudo-universes? Good guy, what's going on?"

Jiang Nan smiled, and roughly talked about the things he experienced in the starry sky world of Asgard, including the matter of Qingcheng Xian and Nian Hongyan!

It even released a bitter south wind to show everyone the supernatural powers over there!

Everyone was fascinated for a while, this is a proper and magnificent world of cultivating immortals?

It is a starry sky civilization that is completely different from Wanzu's side, just think about it!

Remembering that the Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky World is just one of the countless world bubbles in the Jieyuan Forbidden Sea, everyone's scalps are numb!

This big and wonderful is this world!

Heishen's heart itch when he heard that:

(??????)? "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Having said that, the eyes of the Black God gradually dimmed, but Jiang Nan grinned:

(?°???°)? "Cauldron! Remember the promise I made to you? Your business...maybe settled!"

Heishen was stunned: Σ(°△°|||) "What... what do you mean? You mean, let me go out? I am the will of the dimensional gap, and my existence is the dimensional gap itself! Going out or something It's not realistic at all, is it? I..."

But before Black Mythology finished speaking, Jiang Nan had already opened his mouth and said:

"In the starry sky world of Asgard, there is no gap between dimensions! They are three-dimensional above two-dimensional, and four-dimensional above three-dimensional. There is no such thing as five-dimensional!"

Hei Shen was stunned: (?? mouth???) "Huh? Doesn't their world even have gaps between dimensions?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??~??*) "There is more than that! Not only the Asgard Starry Sky World, the Great Chuangjie Ruins of Qingzhi, and even Xunzu's eternal world, do they have a gap between dimensions? Not at all!"

"So I guess that the gap between dimensions is not a standard configuration of the innate starry sky world at all, and the same is true for other starry sky worlds. The Wanzu starry sky world was born by chance. It is an extremely special existence that collapsed one more dimension than other starry sky worlds. , that is, the gap between dimensions!"

"This is why there is such a big bug as the final black hole!"

"I once asked Big Eye Boy and Little Eye Boy that they have been to many worlds and have seen a lot. The two of them neither denied nor confirmed this question! But what is certain is that even if there is no gap between dimensions in the starry sky world It can also operate normally, or in other words, that is the normal form of the starry sky world!"

Everyone is dumbfounded now!

They have no gap between dimensions? so poor? The dimension is one less than ours?

Others are the standard configuration, we are the top configuration?

Everyone looked at Hei Shen with weird eyes!

Hei Shen opened his mouth even more, pointed to his nose and said:

?(°口°〃) "Huh? birth was an accident?"

Jiang Nan nodded resolutely: "I'm afraid it is! Moreover, the life born in the Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky World is considered fierce compared to other starry sky worlds, and its life potential is much greater than the lives in other worlds!"

"So just over 10 billion years later, we have developed into this, with all kinds of bosses emerging one after another, fighting from the beginning to the present!"

"And the reason why the life born in the Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky World is so good is directly related to us having an extra dimension. With a good foundation and strong background, the potential of life born in the world is also great!"

"Don't talk about me, Qingzi, Xunzu, Jiang Fan, and counting up, those great gods in the era of pioneering wasteland even broke the rules of the world. How can there be such perverts in other worlds?"

Everyone was shocked by Jiangnan's theory, good guy, it's just because there is an extra dimension gap, is it so fierce?

The Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky World is so special?

Jiangnan Tanshou: ╮(??~??)╭ "And you also know that the growth of the will of the starry sky is closely related to the brilliance and development of the civilization inside the world!"

"In other worlds, the will of the starry sky grows extremely fast, and there are no wills between dimensions. Just a will of the starry sky, once it grows up, it will set up a sky early to prevent life in the world from entering the universe and become the same level as the will of the world. The existence of it will cause irreversible damage to the starry sky world itself!"

"Once the window period before the establishment of the sky curtain is missed, it is as difficult as going to the sky if you want to go to the universe! If you look at our Ten Thousand Race Starry Sky World, the starry sky will be immature. It has not grown up at all for more than 10 billion years, and was born in the world. All kinds of twists and turns in my life!"

"The burial of the gods in the old soil and the burial of the gods in the old days created by the end of the great land reclamation, the universal war triggered by the young and half-step universe, the historical fault that was broken, and the final plan of today, let alone the setting up of the sky, his own existence is all It's a problem!"

"Creation has collapsed one more dimension, the stall is big, and the development is slow, coupled with the constant tossing of life in the world, and... I seriously doubt, what a big pot, did you use the will of the starry sky to grow yourself when you were young? All the nutrients were snatched away, did you absorb it yourself?"

"Even if our starry sky will grow a little slower, it can't be so slow?"

Heishen was completely stunned, and couldn't help swallowing:

(°ー°〃) "You... you mean, I... I snatched all the milk that should be given to him, and drank it myself?"

"I... I don't know? Didn't I think it was boring to stay in the gap between the dimensions before? I had nothing, so I wanted to go for a walk, but at that time, my strength was still weak, and I couldn't control the gap between the dimensions. I I just want to become stronger, and as time goes by, I gradually become stronger? Where can I grab his milk to drink..."

However, the more he talked, the more guilty Hei Shen felt...

Everyone has a dark face:

(???﹏????)? "It's a real hammer! It's you who snatched his milk!"

No wonder the Black God has condensed his will a long time ago, and he can control the cracks in the dimension as he likes!

Originally, there was nothing in the cracks in the dimension, and the absorption of nutrients is of course more advantageous than the will of the starry sky!

Yang Jian sweated profusely on his forehead:

(乛﹏乛?) "I... I understand a little bit now, why does the three-dimensional starry sky reject you, and I don't want your power to affect the three-dimensional starry sky..."

"The original dimensional limitation is one aspect, and another reason is because you snatched other people's milk when you were young!"

Ten Thousand Races Starry Sky Will: (??????~??) Woo~

Black God: (??w???)

"Then...then he doesn't live up to expectations, so he can't blame me!"

"'s not important! What's important is brother, what you're talking about may be..."

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