Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 3024 You are different from me!

In fact, Jiang Fan can use the method of smashing the creation stars to use the matter produced at the time of creation to contribute to the accretion disk of the final black hole!

After all, when a creation star creates the world, it will definitely produce a lot of matter!

But this also means that Jiang Fan will lose all the creation stars, and he is not sure whether he can make up the material needed for the jet after putting all his creation stars into it!

If it is not enough, and the creation and stars are gone, then it will be completely useless!

So as long as there are other choices, Jiang Fan will not destroy the star supplement accretion disk!

There is another reason, among these creation stars, there are many stars entrusted to him by old friends!

Although in Jiang Fan's eyes, these are just tools and nothing special, but subconsciously, he still doesn't want to throw them away!

Jiang Fan's knife also made Jiang Fan understand a fact!

With the power of his avatar, even if he tried his best, he couldn't stop Jiangnan!

Not to mention getting a large amount of materials from the Wuxian Great Wall!

But this does not mean that there will be no chance in the future!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath, and did not move away, but still stood in front of the accretion disk of the final black hole!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes: "Jiang Fan! Now that things are going on, do you still insist on accomplishing your goal and let the black hole jet out of the world?"

"I want to do it now, you can't stop me! I can clean up all the accretion disks you have accumulated so far!"

"I can even kill the clone you left outside, so that you can't affect the outer starry sky!"

"The starry sky has become like this, do you still have to move forward?"

While talking, Jiangnan didn't stop his movements, he was still beating Xunzu violently, even harder than before!

Jiang Fan's expression was cold, and his tone was blunt: "I know! I know that I can't stop you with my avatar alone! I also know that you can make all my efforts go to zero!"

"I can't stop you, let alone stop you!"

"But I just want to ask you, do you really want to do this?"

Jiang Nan said coldly, "Do you think I won't let you go?"

While speaking, the attacking action with his hands became more serious, Xun Zu vomited blood and cursed in his heart!

Depend on! You two chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter is good, don't hit me again?


Can't you take a break and let me take a breath?

While beating me and chattering, can you concentrate on thinking and pack this batch?

I heard a piece of advice from someone who came over, don't do things with one mind and two minds, talk about it!

Stop beating me up! Hey!

Jiang Fan slowly opened his arms, his eyes were calm:

"I know you can do it, but does it make sense?"

"The starry sky has become like this. Half the black field, half of the matter in the entire starry sky has turned into an accretion disk. Even if you clean up the entire accretion disk, these dense matter will not turn back into stars!"

"And... are you really sure that you can take that step, successfully create the world, ascend to the universe, and kill Xunzu before Xunzu completely eliminates the root of the burial?"

"The last step, isn't it so easy to take?"

Jiang Nan frowned, but remained silent, and didn't answer the question!

Jiang Fan sneered: "No answer... is already the best answer, you are not sure, you are not sure either!"

"If you can't, then it's all don't you leave yourself a way out?"

"Keep this accretion disk, if you can't do it, I'm still here!"

"On the contrary, if you really clean up the accretion disk and get rid of my avatar, you will lose the last insurance. You will not get any benefits, and you will have no choice!"

Jiang Nan took a deep breath, Jiang Fan was right, he was really not sure!

And even if the accretion disk is cleared, half of the starry sky will never come back...

"Have you taken that step yet?"

Jiang Fan said firmly: "My main body has met all the creation conditions, and I have already taken that step!"

"It's just that I can't create the world in the forbidden domain of life and enter the universe! Only the subject can come out of the forbidden domain of life, and at the moment I escape from the cage, I will also create the world and achieve the universe!"

"A person like Xunzu can be killed at will!"

"But... don't expect to get any experience from me. You are different from me. You are trying to create the world with your own color, so you will be blocked by the moat of truth!"

"But I'm different, I don't care about wear and tear, and I have already been turned into pure white by the Forbidden Sea of ​​Jieyuan, so I don't have to face the moat of truth! You can't go my way!"

"Who told you to want everything and hold everything in your hands? The moat of truth is blocking the way, how do you cross it?"

Xun Zu gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes angrily while being beaten!

Don't take the two of you like this!

Are you researching who is going to kill me? Are you riding a horse and not carrying people behind your back? Conspiring loudly in person?

Did you put me in your eyes?

If you co-operate with me, you will die?

Just say, is there a possibility that I will kill you two?

Obviously there is no such thing as a word, why do you say it as if I am dead?

wait! You two wait for me!

It will only be the two of you who will die, not me!

But Jiang Nan beat him even harder, his eyes were full of blazing:

"I will step over that chasm of truth, and I will never let things develop beyond that situation!"

"The reason why I created this fantasy reality in the original reality is that I don't want to turn into that ruthless and sexless pure white god! This option has not been within the scope of my choice from the very beginning!"

"I will go to the universe, kill Xunzu, and then use the power of the universe to wipe out the final black hole, and give a perfect answer to the fantasy reality!"

Jiang Fan sneered: "What's the use of talking? What if you can't do it? What's the point of everything?"

"Jiangnan! I thought that if you go out for a trip, you will grow and change!"

"I was wrong! You are still you, nothing has changed!"

Jiang Nanfeng said lightly, "Isn't that bad? If it changes... I won't be myself anymore!"

Jiang Fan's expression froze, and he clenched the sword of starlight in his hand. Tens of thousands of creation stars gathered, each of which exuded an extremely dangerous aura!

"Don't force me! It's not that I can't do anything, it's just that I don't want to get there yet!"

"If you insist on clearing the accretion disk today and denying the way for my body to come out, then that's all I can do!"

But Jiang Nan didn't retreat half a step, the blade of will in his hand pointed directly at the final black hole!

He is still kicking the Xunzu Eternal World wildly on his feet!

The eyes gradually become dangerous!

"Give me back everything! I won't move the accretion disk today! Otherwise, I will clear the accretion disk! I will kill your clone too!"

"I haven't returned the knife that was cut on Vientiane and Acrylic's body!"

Jiang Fan frowned and did not answer, the starry sky suddenly became quiet, only the roar of Xun Zu being beaten was left!

The two faced each other tit for tat, and no one gave way to the other!

Yang Jian, Chong Feiyu and the others watched this scene, sweating nervously!

In the end, Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and said, "I'll give it! Anyway, now that he's here with me, he's of no use!"

"You still chose to keep the accretion disk, didn't you leave an insurance policy? It means that you are not very sure!"

While talking, Jiang Fan untied Vientiane's puppet star shackles!

The broken Vientiane drifted towards the south of the Yangtze River, Vientiane's will had fallen into a deep sleep, and he couldn't wake up at all!

But as long as the Vientiane Small World is still there, and the Vientiane Star itself is still there, there will be salvation!

Jiang Nan said coldly: "I said, I won't let you destroy this starry sky world! You have your way, and I have mine! Don't hate anyone!"

"The accretion disk is not clear, and it is only limited to this stage!"

Jiang Fan snorted coldly: "Heh~ You'd better finish what you need to do first! I don't want to make myself busy until now!"

Jiang Nan took over the Vientiane Small World, and kicked the Xunzu Eternal World three times!

"Don't worry about it! Don't cross the Wuxian Great Wall, you have no chance with me here!"

While speaking, Jiang Nan no longer maintained his eternal divine body, but turned into the form of a black hole emperor!

Looking down at the eternal world, he said coldly: "Treasure your last days! Wash your neck and wait for me to chop it off!"

While talking, Jiangnan headed straight for the Great Wall of Wuxian with the dilapidated Vientiane Small World in his arms!

Xun Zu was stunned and didn't dare to answer back, he didn't even dare to let out a ruthless fart, otherwise he would probably be beaten up for a few days!

He was full of anger, his eyes were extremely sinister!

Wait, you wait for me!

In a few days, let's see who is the master and who is the one who died?

It's not that Jiangnan doesn't want to beat up Xunzu anymore, but that the fantasy and reality can't hold it anymore!

Now it is no longer the stroboscopic state, but the dream reality has overlapped with the original reality, and it is getting more and more illusory!

Everything in Jiangnan looks like a double image!

The longer you stay, the worse this situation will be!

As a last resort, Jiangnan opened the form of the black hole emperor and hid in the gap between the forbidden domain of five-dimensional life and reality, so the situation can be better!

Regardless of Xun Zu or Jiang Fan's affairs, we have to put it aside for now!

The most important task at present is to make up for the past as soon as possible, and turn the fantasy reality into the only one!

Otherwise, if the fantasy reality collapses completely accidentally, all efforts will be in vain!

Vientiane was forced to come back by Jiangnan!

The source of energy in the hand pours towards the small world of Vientiane, replenishing nutrients for the small world!

Use this to activate Vientiane's will!

With the injection of Jiangnan, Vientiane Small World began to repair and reshape!

And on the broken Vientiane Star located at the center of the boundary, a little bit of faint starlight also lit up...

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