Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 3013 We are here to chase our dreams!

An extremely strong fluctuation surged out centered on the two of them, almost covering the entire Starry Sky Battlefield!

Space and time have all changed at this moment!

The battlefield space at this moment has become like a rotating kaleidoscope, twisting, rotating, expanding and stretching!

Crush all the substances carried in the space, water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it!

Today's space is under Lan's control, free and easy, changing as he pleases!

Not only that, this ever-changing space is also filled with countless time crystal sands, which makes the entire space full of time turbulence!

Stopping, accelerating, reversing, all changes are controlled by Mira!

In the time and space of Mi Lan, the lights and shadows of Lan and Mira can be vaguely seen, there are countless of them!

Some of these lights and shadows belong to the past, some belong to the present, and some belong to the future. It is impossible to tell which is which!

And in the ever-changing space, even the phantom of the sundial is refracted into countless ones!

The pointer of the sundial phantom is either rotating clockwise or counterclockwise, or it is still standing still!

Time and space are the two most basic laws of the starry sky world. The foundation, it is the existence of time and space that makes all this meaningful!

But now the Milan time and space created by Mira and Lan, the time and space are all in the palm of your hand, and the power that can be erupted is extremely terrifying!

Jiang Fan's eyes turned cold: "Is that all? Don't try to stop me!"

Above his head, for half a time, all the stars in space lit up, and he slashed towards the depths of Mi Lan's time and space with a single strike!

The sword light kept twisting and changing, pieces of Mi Lan time and space were crushed!

But Jianguang became infinitely distant after all, and finally completely disappeared in the time and space of Milan, and was transferred away after all!

"Grandpa Xiao! Let's go together!"

Without Mira's reminder, Xiao Chuihuo has already attacked in the form of entropy increase, entering the time and space of Milan, and stopping Jiang Fan!

Let's see who goes wrong first!

At this moment, the battle in Mi Lan's time and space is undoubtedly fierce to the extreme!

Relying on time and space, Mira and Lan kept interfering with Jiang Fan and made his attack fail!

Thieves Six who picks up hair with one hand and plays with it!

At the same time, using the characteristics of Mi Lan's space-time, split Jiang Fan's Creation Stars, pull them out separately, and then attack in the form of entropy increase, destroying the cycle of Creation Stars and causing them to collapse!

Then Xiao Chuihuo devoured the collapsed world, turned it into fuel to increase its power, and launched a new round of attacks!

The three grandparents can be described as a tacit understanding of cooperation!

Even Zhang San rushed into Mi Lan's space-time, no matter the change of space or time, it can't affect Zhang San!

It kept cutting Jiang Fan's causal line. Although it would be continued by him, it was enough to interfere with him!

The addition of ghosts made Jiang Fan even more upset!

Jiang Fan was not given in vain. How could it be so easy to follow the combined impact of hundreds of creations and stars?

It is not always possible to successfully destroy the Genesis and Stars, and Mi Lan's space-time is always on the verge of collapse!

Although Mira has swallowed stars and has a higher level of physical tolerance, this level of output will still continue to consume Mira's telomerase!

Because Lan kept urging the Void Engine, his body was continuously assimilated, and it spread towards the upper part of his neck. The mechanical collar was almost unstoppable!

Looking from the outside, the ever-changing Mi Lan time and space is full of chaotic time and space lights and shadows, and it is impossible to see what is happening inside!

But this does not delay the outside killing the enemy at all!

Noah, Bug Feiyu, Odin Badr and the others have gone mad, especially innocent!

Having recovered his life, he is killing all directions on the battlefield at this moment, his eyes are blood red!

To be honest, I am not very familiar with acrylic, and I didn't even say a few words!

But in order to save himself, this guy exchanged his life for himself!

Acrylic's wish was felt innocence, how could he live up to it?

"You have to come back alive! I haven't paid back what I owe you! Since it's my wish, I must witness it with my own eyes! Do you hear me!"

The innocent killing was even more ruthless, just as the Watt virus was raging, and the final army was in chaos, and the ancestor machine was gone!

No one can stop innocent on the battlefield now!

The silicon base is also not without any resistance. The outbreak of the Watt virus caused them heavy losses, scrapping more than ten terminals!

Finally, I found out a lot of information about the Watt virus, and now I am using three terminals to fight against the Watt virus online, trying to eliminate it!

But it takes time, and don't even think about it, these three will definitely be scrapped!

But at least the silicon master has some initiative!

The ancestor machine is gone, and his will can only be stationed in the cross holy wing machine. At this moment, the heart of the silicon master is bleeding!

No matter how much the final legion lost, the silicon master didn't feel bad, but the thermonuclear world of the ancestor machine was lost!

That's the capital to make a comeback!

Unfortunately, Jiang Fan also used Jieyuan energy to help him cultivate the thermonuclear world for so long!

Now it's all cheap, Xiao Chuihuo!

And Li Bing looked nervously at Mi Lan Time and Space!

Still not refunding? The resistance army has exhausted its tricks!

It is also impossible for Mira and Lan to consume indefinitely. The less room left, the less hope of recovery!

Don't let Jiang Fan completely crush his hopes!

There are still three months left, and this will not work!

Conventional means can't end it, so we can only try to force it back!

He hurriedly sent a voice transmission: "Mira! Wait a minute..."



The blazing sword light shot straight into the sky, and Mi Lan's space-time was completely torn apart. The sword light continued unabated, tearing the Wuxian Great Wall in half!

Mira and Lan's bodies retreated violently, and Xiao Chuihuo's cycle was almost defeated, and was also forced to retreat by Jian Guang!

At this moment, Mira's pretty face was pale, and there were white hairs in her gorgeous golden hair, and her skin was not as smooth as before!

And Lan's mouth was still bloody, and his body was cracked!

Two-fifths of the body has been integrated into the space, if you continue to fight, the situation will only get worse!

And the Genesis Star above Jiang Fan's head is missing more than 30 stars. This is the result of the efforts of a few people just now!

However, what is desperate is that there are still hundreds of stars above Jiang Fan's head!

If it weren't for Jiang Fan's space, time and stars being occupied by the main body, a few people wouldn't be able to take advantage of it at all!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and said, "Stop doing these unnecessary struggles, you know very well that even if you guys try your best and put your life on the line, you won't be able to stop me!"

"Chuangshi Fanxing, if you don't consume it at all, you will be consumed by me. Knowing the result, why fight again? Give me a way out!"

"Do you want to die by my sword that much?"

Mira took a deep breath, calmed down the floating breath, and said coldly: "I know! I know we can't stop you!"

"But even if I die here today, I won't let go! You have to break the city! Just step over my corpse!"

Lan's eyes were also determined: "I will live and die with Mira, if you want to fight, you can continue to fight, we will fight to the end!"

"No matter what, there is only one result today! Either you quit! Or we both die!"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes, and couldn't help tightening the sword in his hand!

But at this moment, Li Bing stood up from the Martial Immortal Throne!

"Jiang Fan! You should be clear that this reality is a fantasy reality based on Jiangnan's own system!"

"The gap in the past must be made up! And Mira and Lan are the key to the production system!"

"If you don't make up for it, today's fantasy reality will collapse, and everything will cease to exist. All your efforts to make the final black hole jet will be in vain!"

"The reality will return to the original trajectory, and in the original reality, you are still staying in the final black hole, and you haven't even come out!"

"In the original reality, Xunzu achieved the world, unstoppable, and you have no chance. Even if you are cloned, you can't handle the jet of the final black hole under the oppression of Xunzu!"

Jiang Fan's breath froze suddenly, and he looked at Li Bing coldly!

Li Bing continued: "Mila and Lan only need to die! Dream reality will collapse immediately! Because there is nothing to mend!"

"If you insist on breaking the Wuxian Great Wall and completing the jet stream today, Mira and Lan will never retreat! They will stop you until the last moment of your life!"

"So... are you going to break the city?"

Mira couldn't help but nodded:

(??v?v?) "Yes, yes! I will never quit!"

Lan is even more serious:

(#?°??°) "Me too!"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes, as Li Bing said, once Mira and Lan die, the dream and reality will collapse, and everything will be meaningless!

In the original reality, although I have a chance, it is not great, and I still have to wait...a long time!

Jiang Fan said coldly: "I don't believe it! I don't believe you will let Mira and Lan die here, and give up making up for this fantasy reality!"

"Isn't this what you've been pursuing?"

Li Bing sneered: "Heh~ You are going to let the final black hole jet out to destroy the world, what's the point of me waiting to protect this fantasy reality?"

"I know I can't stop you, but Mira and Lan will never give in!"

"You choose yourself! Kill Mira and Lan, let this dream reality collapse! Return to the original track! Or do you retreat! Wait until Jiangnan returns, make up for the past, and let the dream reality stabilize before doing it?"

Jiang Fan fell silent, staring at Li Bing firmly!

Li Bing refused to budge: "I'll tell you how to choose! You have no choice! You can only retreat! Returning to the original reality will not do you any good at all!"

"Aren't you strong? Isn't there no one in the entire starry sky who can stop you? What? Don't dare to wait for Jiangnan to come back and make up for the past before doing it?"

"Or is it that you don't have the confidence to win Jiangnan after the return?"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath, looked at Mira and Lan with cold eyes:

"Does it have to be like this?"

Mira gritted her teeth: "That's it! If you don't retreat today, Lan and I will definitely die here!"

Jiang Fan slowly closed his eyes, let go of the sword of starlight in his hand, and the long sword fell, turning into aura and disintegrating!

" you believe in Jiangnan so much? Do you just believe that he will be able to come back before Xunzu completely refines the shackles of the burial?"

"Believe that when he comes back, he will have enough strength to kill Xunzu, solve all this, and keep everyone?"

"Have you ever thought, what if...he is too late? If he comes back, he might not be able to deal with Xun Zu?"

" do we live? Is beauty that important? It's worth all of you risking your life, doing everything you can, putting everything on top of it, and fighting for it?"

"Don't want to accept the way of life I gave you? Maybe it's not good, but you can survive, can't you?"

Li Bing took a deep breath: "Jiang Fan! Why do you think that in the original reality, everyone wanted to create a system at all costs, tamper with reality, and create this fantasy reality?"

"Because we... are here to chase our dreams! The answer... lies here!"

"We believe that Jiangnan can solve all this in time, just like you believe that you will solve all this if you come out of the main body!"

Jiang Fan looked around the audience indifferently, looking at everyone, and also saw the firmness on Mi Lalan's and the others' faces!

"I will wait for Jiangnan to come back, make up for the past, and make the fantasy reality the only one before I do it! I don't think that Jiangnan at that time can stop me!"

"Remember! This is your own choice, no matter what the final result is, don't regret it!"

While speaking, Jiang Fan turned around and walked towards the final black hole. His back was tall and straight, but for some reason, his back seemed a little lonely when there was no one around him...

Maybe there used to be people who believed in themselves like they believed in Jiangnan?

It's a pity...they're all gone...

They all turned into stars in the sky...

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