Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 3009 Make a wish by candlelight~

The essence of the fantasy world of the heart is also outlined by the power of will, and shaped by the power of creation, and even mixed with four-dimensional attributes!

That's why this unique heart fantasy world in the entire starry sky was created!

Usually used to deal with the ancestor machine is enough, the essence of this product is just a mechanical program, completely ignoring the power of will!

But it's different now, the ten creation stars added to the body, especially the evil emperor star, has been cultivated to the extreme by Jiang Fan, and has evolved into a will-level killing!

Coupled with the creation of the evil emperor, the power can be imagined!

Compared with Jiang Fan's terrifying power, the foundation of innocence is still too weak!

Seeing that the ancestor machine worked, how could this golden opportunity be missed?

Among other things, having a backer is really cool!

"Sword of Cutting God? Slash!"

With the support of Jiang Fan, the strength of the ancestor machine has greatly increased. It uses the thermonuclear small world to control the ten creation stars, and uses the evil emperor to kill the stars and turn them into swords!

Violently slashing innocently, the sword light swept across, and the starry sky cut across the starry sky, shattering large swaths of Wu Xian's torrent!

And in the face of such a violent attack, the innocent can only avoid it!

Even innocence can't stop them, let alone acrylic!

Only ten of them have such power, one can imagine how ruthless Jiang Fan is who is fighting with Xiao Chuihuo!

The ancestor machine grinned: "Isn't it okay? Didn't you threaten to protect this starry sky?"

"What do you use to guard? How can the weak candlelight compete with the terrified sun?"

"Not guilty! I admit that you are a talent, but unfortunately you are on the wrong team!"

"The weak... never deserve pity!"

Breaking through the obstacle of the ancestor machine, Jian Guang slashed straight to the torrent of martial immortals, vowing to break through the impenetrable barrier of tens of thousands of light years with a single sword!

And the innocent eyes gradually turned cold!

"The weak...don't deserve pity, right? Then have you were once a weak person!"

"Even if I smash my halberd here today, I will never let you break the Wuxian Great Wall! Everything we guard with all our heart is not something you can break!"

At this moment, facing the god-slaying sword of the ancestor machine, Wu Gui no longer dodged, but went head-on!

With one step forward, infinite darkness spreads under innocent feet!

"Mood unfolding? Extremely dark world!"

The darkness swept across the entire battlefield, and it is still expanding!

The ancestor machine narrowed his eyes: "This weird attack is useless to me, what kind of shabby dark world? I'll show you right now!"

However, the innocent body has been swallowed up by this darkness, leaving only his voice echoing in the starry sky!

"Gentlemen! Think back! All the injustices, grievances, resentment, humiliation, resentment, and dissatisfaction you have experienced until today!"

"The pain given to you by the times, the scars left by the world, release all the darkness in your heart! Turn the world into extreme darkness and devour everything!"

"We are all in the quagmire, without seeing the light!"

As soon as these words came out, the Firefly Alliance who came with Wu Gui completely broke out!

Most of them were born as slaves, destined to be miserable from birth, unable to control their own destiny, deceived, played with, enslaved, and reduced to the playthings of the strong, tool people who use and discard at will!

Their bodies are full of scars given by the times, scars left by the world, and all of these burst out with the call of innocence!

Infinite darkness spewed out from their bodies, blending into this extremely dark world!

If you live in the dark for a long time, you will be infected by darkness!

Everyone has their own dark side more or less in their hearts, and what they have to do now is to release it!

There is no one in this starry sky who is more aggrieved than these slaves, okay? What is released at this moment is called awesome!

The extremely dark world has gained their power and continues to expand crazily!

Not only the Firefly Alliance, but even the Resistance Army of the Carbon Alliance and the Quality Alliance, and even the Star Devourers, are releasing the darkness deep in their hearts!

Especially acrylic, the most ruthless! The misery he experienced, the trauma this world bestowed on him, was no less than others!

Now roaring with red eyes!

Wang Youzhi was sweating profusely on his forehead watching this scene, good guy, are all of them so cynical? All this dark?

The Age of Thousand Stars has really been a long time of suffering for all the people in the world!

Everyone is releasing the darkness deep in their hearts, and these forces have all become the help of the innocent and extremely dark world!

At this moment, the ancestor machine has been completely wrapped in darkness!

No matter how much he slashed out with his sword, he couldn't break through this extremely dark world!

Infinite darkness climbed onto the body of the ancestor machine like a maggot attached to the bone, constantly eroding his world!

As if no matter what he did, he couldn't get out of the darkness, his ears were filled with noisy roars, curses, desperate cries, and powerless wailing!

It lingers like a rolling magic sound!

The ancestor machine was completely numb: "What the hell? Is it an illusion? Why can't you get out? Break it! Break it for me!"

Wuzui sneered: "What? Heh~ This is the truth of the Thousand Stars Era, the darkness hidden under the light!"

"The brilliance of the Thousand Stars Era was built on the dry bones of countless people! But no one looked at their feet. Has anyone ever heard their cries?"

"This! It's the crime of the times! An extremely dark world!"

The Ancestor Machine seemed to be in a daze, slashing wildly with the God-Slaying Sword, but it still couldn't find the place of innocence, let alone break through the boundless darkness!

Now he seems to be stuck in a quagmire, no matter what he can't break out of it!

"Don't do these things, come out! If you have the seeds, come out, and take my sword!"

Innocence did not evade, at this moment, a candlelight lit up in the heart of this extremely dark world!

Under the flickering candlelight, innocent and slightly aged cheeks are reflected!

"Even if the world is full of darkness for them, even if they are in a quagmire that they cannot break free from, and they cannot see the light, they still look forward to a bright future!"

"The pursuit of beauty is the instinct of life!"

"Those who have experienced darkness yearn for light more than anyone else!"

"One swipe of candlelight cannot dispel the darkness, just like a residual candle in the wind, it will go out at any time!"

While speaking, Wuzui looked down at the candlelight in front of him, as if it would be swallowed by darkness at any moment, the light became weaker and weaker, Wugui couldn't help protecting it with his hands!

He just stared at the candlelight, his eyes were soft!

"But... he can bring hope and light to people in darkness!"

"The scorching sun finally shines on the world, and the candlelight never goes out! Tell me all the good things you wish for in your hearts, your dreams and hopes for the future!"

"Make a wish to this candlelight. When these wishes are strong enough, someone will cast their eyes. And this candlelight carries thousands of wishes, and the light it emits is enough to dispel the darkness!"

"This... is the prayer of a humble person!"

As the voice of innocence fell, countless firefly lights lit up in the darkness!

These... are all the beautiful expectations for the future of the people living in the dark! The dream in their hearts!

How could they who had been slaves not look forward to a bright future?

These firefly lights are too weak, so weak that they seem to go out at any moment!

But these dots of light flowed into the sea, turning into a galaxy of dots of light, and all of them converged towards that candlelight!

Not only from the Firefly Alliance, but also from the Resistance Army, even acrylic, Chongfeiyu and others!

Who doesn't have beauty in their hearts?

If there is still a wish that cannot be fulfilled, then make a wish to this candle~

The wishes of thousands of people gather in that candlelight!

The candlelight is flickering, reflecting the dreams of countless people!

The light emitted is also getting brighter and more dazzling, and the dark world is lit up little by little!

The ancestor machine doesn't believe in this evil!

"Just come out!"

"World Destroyer God!"

At this moment, the ancestor machine gathered all its strength, and slashed at the place of innocence!

The sword light is full of the power to destroy the world, and the evil emperor killed the star to dye the sword light into a blood red color!

Facing the coming sword light, Wuzui raised his hand and grabbed it, holding the sword in his hand!

The blade pointed at the candle light lightly, and the candle light was raised on the blade!

Candlelight is weightless, but this candlelight needs to use all of innocent strength to stir it up!

This is the weight of desire!

Seeing the innocent sword picking up the candlelight, Feishen went straight to the sword light!

"Now that the scorching sun is gone, and no one can hide my light, even the faint candlelight should shine once, right?"

"Zhumeng sword? Slash!"

At the edge of the innocent blade, the candlelight became incomparably blazing, merging with the blade light!

The extremely dark world was instantly shattered by this light!

The moment the swords collided, everything around them collapsed into chaos!

People can only see the extremely blazing light, and they can't see anything else!

The ancestor machine's eyes were full of ferociousness: "My sword! You can't break it! You can't cut it!"

The innocent eyes are full of coldness!

"How can killing for no reason meet the wishes of thousands of people? You overestimate Jiang Fan, and underestimate us meager people!"


In the horrified eyes of the ancestor machine, the Shahuang Killing Star who turned into a sword at the forefront, its cycle of creation and destruction was cut by the innocent Zhumeng!

The entire star, together with the world it created, exploded together!

With a "chi la", the sword of destroying the world and conquering the gods was cut to pieces by Zhu Meng on the spot!

With this knife, the phantom of the thermonuclear world of the ancestor machine was directly broken, and the body was cut in half obliquely!

Even the boundary wall of the thermonuclear small world on the chest was completely torn apart, leaving a huge hole!

The world shakes and collapses crazily!

The light of the knife extends infinitely towards the depths of the starry sky world, and even divides the starry sky world in front of you into two!

Just like the wish of thousands of people, it will extend infinitely forward!

The power of a knife! The ultimate sparkle!

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