Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2999 Six Path God Ring!

For so many years, Nian Gongyan has never seen the true face of the Eternal Demon Lord, and he doesn't even know his name!

Can't he just be called the Eternal Demon Lord?

What is there on Xianzhou Star? Nian Hongyan was very curious, but the senior demon master ordered no one to enter Xianzhou Star, so she would naturally abide by the rules!

For some reason, she always felt that there was an unbreakable barrier between herself and the senior Demon Lord!

No matter what I do, I can't get close to him, it's like walking into his heart!

Nian Hongyan knew clearly that the senior demon lord does not exist in this world, he is going to leave after all...

Since it was destined to be separated, she thought that time would pass slowly and that day would come later!

Jiang Nan looked at Nian Hongyan up and down, with a satisfied expression on his face:

(??????) "It's okay~ It's getting more and more beautiful, and the level is rising very fast. Is this the peak of the Eternal Realm?"

"Your cultivation speed has set a record in the world of cultivating immortals, right?"

Nian Hongyan was taken aback, then lowered her brows and eyes:

(???﹏??) " can there be, it's all thanks to seniors..."

"These are the gadgets I brought back this time, senior..."

Jiang Nan rubbed his little hands:

(???????????) "Quick! Put it on and show me your power!"

Nian Hongyan's expression froze:

=????(????????) "Ah? I... I wear it? I..."

(??v~v?) "Of course? I can't use it anymore. It takes energy to activate these magic weapons. You forgot the truth of conservation? Go through it quickly~"

Nian Hongyan blushed, but she couldn't hold back Jiangnan after all, so she started messing around!

In a blink of an eye, Nian Hongyan was wearing the heavy armor of the Immortal Family, with two Gatling Talisman shoulder cannons on her shoulders, and two on her hands!

Followed by two magic sword puppets!

(??﹏???) "Ex...Senior? Do you think this is okay?"

Nian Hongyan's face turned red, no matter what she said, she was still a little fairy!

Wearing such a wild new magic weapon in a red dress?

It's not ladylike at all, is it?

Jiangnan immediately gave a thumbs up:

(*?????????) "Oh oh oh~ handsome! So handsome! Use it and show me~"

Nian Hongyan blushed even more, leaped out wearing fairy armor, hooked her hand, and the four Gatling rune machine guns fired at the same time, shooting crazy thunder balls, fire balls, wind blades, sword lights, poisonous gas bombs and so on!

The rate of fire is 10,000 shots per minute. The specific power depends on the level of the talisman. If the talisman is strong, the planet will explode!

And the sword box behind the fairy armor also unfolded, just like a peacock opening its tail, countless flying swords flew out of the sword box, leaping and slashing in the starry sky at an extremely fast speed!

Cutting the planet into shreds like cabbage, the magic sword puppet also slashed out streaks of sword energy, and the power exploded!

Starlight has already appeared in Jiangnan's eyes!

This teow is too handsome!

Is it the wonderful chemical reaction produced by the collision of two painting styles?

really! This is the correct way to open a cultivator?

Technology Immortals! The power is boundless!

If this scene is seen by the people in the Eternal Wind Capital, they might vomit blood!

What kind of strange things is the most beautiful woman in the world, the most beautiful woman in the world, who is so charming and independent, doing weird things!

The image will definitely collapse, okay?

However, the novelty soon passed, and these were not enough to support the long time in Jiangnan...

"Hahaha~Okay... let's go here first this time, when there is something interesting, I will ask you to buy it, and I will give you all these gadgets~"

Nian Hongyan nodded, but hesitated for a moment, then said:

(?????) "Devil...Senior Demon Lord? Can I go out? If there are no accidents...I will be back soon, you see..."

In these years, Nian Hongyan has not been out of the range of the Magic Pupil Galaxy, and has been active around!

Jiang Nan was taken aback, this was the first time Nian Hongyan made such a request.

"Okay... let's go~ But remember to continue to develop the six ways of cultivating the gods. At this stage, we can't help you anymore, and it's all up to you!"

Originally, Jiangnan thought that it would take only a hundred years to complete the development of the six ways of refining gods, but the later it is, the more difficult it is to reconcile the respective tonality of the six ways!

Today's Six Paths of God Alchemy has actually been developed to the final stage, and it is only a step away from complete perfection!

It's just this kick that has been stuck for almost fifty years!

Nian Hongyan nodded heavily: "Don't worry senior Demon Master, I will definitely finish this matter!"

"Just...just don't you ask me where I'm going?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Where to go is your freedom, I have never restricted your freedom, right? With your current strength and status, the starry sky is so big, where can't you go?"

Nian Hongyan bit her lower lip tightly and looked at Jiangnan with reluctance in her eyes!

(???﹏??)? "Senior? Don't you have anything to say to me? If you don't say it this time, in the future... maybe you won't have a chance..."

"Senior, don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm gone forever, I...I just...I..."

Nian Hongyan didn't know how to explain it, she stuttered!

However, Jiang Nan smiled: "Do what you think is right and try not to leave any regrets, that is the greatest responsibility for your own life!"

Nian Hongyan was taken aback for a moment, and then a charming smile appeared on her face!

(??????) "Senior Demon Lord... I understand, then I'll go..."

Jiang Nan nodded, watching Nian Hongyan fly away from the magic pupil galaxy until her back completely disappeared from sight...

"Did you guess right? Huh~ Where do you go? What can you hide from me?"

"Let me see~"

While speaking, Jiangnan directly opened the black hole to swallow stars and entered the forbidden area of ​​life!


Nian Hongyan stepped on the flying sword and flew away from the magic pupil galaxy, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared...

She had already guessed that she might be the reincarnation of Qingcheng Xian!

The senior demon master once asked himself his views on reincarnation, his inexplicable resistance to the Dao World Tree, and the history of the Qingcheng Immortal that he learned...

Coupled with my special physique and savvy, it seems that I have realized it a long time ago. I am as smart as a beauty, how could I not guess it?

Perhaps it was precisely because the senior demon lord knew about it a long time ago, that's why he took him in and gave him a chance...

Nian Hongyan is very clear that she is not someone favored by the heavens, maybe all of this has its roots!

And Nian Hongyan's going out this time is to follow her inner calling and go to a secret place to accept the backhand left by Qingchengxian...

In this way, all memories about the "previous life" will be restored!

Nian Hongyan is actually somewhat conflicted...

If he is the reincarnation of Fairy Qingcheng, then what is Nian Hongyan?

I...what am I?

With such a long past life memory poured into his mind, would Nian Hongyan still be Nian Hongyan? Will it become a short memory of Qing Chengxian? The kind that doesn't matter...

So read the confidante afraid! I am afraid that I will disappear, I am afraid that I will no longer be myself!

This kind of inner calling has actually existed for a long time, but Nian Hongyan has never dared to go!

The reason why I just said those words to Senior Demon Lord was because I was afraid that Nian Hongyan would be gone after her departure, and only Qingcheng Fairy was left in the world...

But Nian Hongyan still chose to accept the inheritance!

Because the method of the Six Paths of Refining God has been pushed to the present, even Nian Hongyan can't push it, and I can't complete it with my own ability...

So... she can only pin her hopes on Fairy Qingcheng!

If it is her, it must be possible, right?

Nian Hongyan's eyes were full of determination, everything she had was given by the senior demon lord! Without him, I would not be where I am today!

If it is the long-cherished wish of the seniors to complete the six ways of refining gods!

Then I must finish it!

Even if... I might disappear... become a part of Qingcheng Fairy!

For this kindness, I think that beauty must be repaid!

While thinking about it, Nian Hongyan has come to a quiet starry sky, where there is nothing but loneliness!

I saw Nian Hongyan gritted her teeth tightly, and a fairy mark shimmered on the center of her brows!

The starry sky in front of him fluctuated, and then suddenly split open!

A fierce world pressure fell violently, and the Dao World Tree burst into extremely blazing fairy light!

At this moment, the World Tree even used all its strength to suppress Nian Hongyan!

With Nian Hongyan's original level, she would definitely not be able to handle it!

But from that crack, there was a soft fairy light pouring out, for Nian Hongyan to resist the pressure from the world!

Through the crack, one can vaguely see the phantom of the Immortal Palace...

Nian Hongyan's eyes are full of reluctance...

"It is my only long-cherished wish to complete the six ways of refining gods for seniors, no matter what... don't forget it!"

"do not forget…"

In the words, Nian Hongyan stepped into the crack, was swallowed by the celestial light, and the crack was closed, as if nothing had ever happened...

Above the forbidden area of ​​life, Jiang Nan looked at the contents of the book with a little helplessness on his face!

"Really? This silly girl... Did you do so many psychological struggles? It's all written on your face, okay?"

Jiang Nan guessed right, Nian Hongyan is the reincarnation of Qingcheng Xian, this time to accept the inheritance, I don't know if it will be good or bad for Nian Hongyan!

We can only wait for her to come back, but no matter what, Jiangnan has already made his own plans!

I saw Jiangnan flying straight towards the Jieyuan Forbidden Sea, sitting upright above the sea!

The terrifying power of will bloomed, and behind Jiangnan, a circular divine ring suddenly appeared!

On the circular god ring, there are evenly distributed phantoms of six fairy palaces, and in each fairy palace, there is a god of one line sitting upright!

The six realms of spiritual arts, gods, gods, demons, all have been cultivated to the extreme by Jiangnan!

In today's Jiangnan, you can switch between the six forms at will, you only need to adjust the rotation of the god ring behind you!

Just like Jiangnan is now, in the state of Shinto, without a shadow, I become a god!

After testing, Shinto is also the most suitable for absorbing the energy of the boundary source!

Now Jiangnan can even combine the two ways to burst out super powers, such as the body of a fairy, the body of a fairy, the body of a demon, and so on!

Each path has its own emphasis and special abilities!

But Jiangnan has never been able to achieve the complete integration of the six realms, and there are still irreconcilable conflicts between them, and they are stuck on this last step!

If the method of refining the gods of the six realms is completely completed, then the six realms will merge into one, and Jiangnan's eternal glazed body can evolve again, turning into the ultimate eternal divine body!

Once it is really successful, maybe Jiangnan's desire to take a bath in the Jieyuan Forbidden Sea will not be a dream!

The directly worn Eternal God's body from the Forbidden Sea may be able to withstand it!

But for more than a hundred years, Jiangnan has not made no progress!

The method of refining the gods of the Six Paths has been practiced until now, and after the appearance of the God Ring of the Six Paths, Jiangnan's power of will is no longer what it used to be!

Now Jiangnan's body carries more than 3,000 drops of boundary source energy, and the number is still increasing!

This is something that Jiangnan didn't even dare to think about before!

However, three thousand drops is still not enough to create the world!

Now even Jiangnan doesn't know how many drops it takes to reach his creation standard!

Three thousand drops, is it enough for a completed innate starry sky world to come out of this special meow collapse?

Why isn't it enough?

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