Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2997 The ghost guarding the starry sky!

I saw Jiang Fansen's cold eyes fell on Xiao Chuihuo!

"What? Do you still want to continue? Or do you still want to take Vientiane back from me?"

"You can go on, I don't mind!"

As Jiang Fan said, his eyes were still looking around vigilantly!

Xiao Chuihuo narrowed his eyes: "Man is doing it, but the sky is watching. When a person has no bottom line to restrain himself, he is not worthy of being called a human being!"

"You'll pay for it, absolutely!"

Hearing this, Jiang Fan couldn't help snorting coldly:

"It's just that the ways are different, jumping out of their own standpoints to look at all this, right or wrong is actually the same thing!"

"In your eyes, everything I do is wrong, and in my eyes, you are also wrong, and you are a stumbling block in my way!"

"I just want to break free from that lonely cage, and you... are the overwhelming majority!"

"People are doing it, but the sky is watching? Even the sky will be overturned under the final jet! I will erase everything that stands in my way!"

"Maybe I will really pay the price for this, but the person who will make me pay the price, at least it won't be you!"

Xiao Chuihuo remained silent, there was no need to say anything to Jiang Fan anymore!

He is a pure and clean god, standing above everything else!

Now the only thing he can care about is himself!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes: "Wait and see, no matter what existence is blocking me in the dark, whether it is the will of the starry sky, or anything else!"

"I will definitely pull it out! Definitely!"

Zhang San's eyes were firmer than ever before!

"Then give it a try, even I have something in my heart that I want to protect!"

This battle finally ended like this...

For Jiang Fan, although he lost a lot this time, he also got Vientiane, and the final plan can continue to advance!

Although the carbon alliance did not choose to retreat into the cracks of the dimension and give up the starry sky!

But on the whole, it is still too late to collect all the materials needed before Xunzu completely breaks the shackles of the divine burial!

The reason why Jiang Fan was rushing forward was because Xun Zu came out and would destroy human beings, and he didn't want to see this scene!

On the other hand, it is because once Xunzu becomes a perfect body, Jiang Fan will definitely not give Jiang Fan the opportunity to let the final black hole jet out and release the main body!

Once Xunzu got stuck like this, Jiang Fan's main body wanted to get out, and it was even more useless!

After this incident, the starry sky has rarely entered a period of calm!

Whether it is the Carbon Alliance, the Quality Alliance, or the Final Yan Legion, they are all starting to repair!

Even though Jiang Fan was cut off many causal threads with the silicon-based terminal, he is still the actual controller of the silicon-based terminal!

After taking Vientiane, Jiang Fan started to clean up the mess caused by Zhang San!

Not long after the ancestor machine got out of control, Jiang Fan found it and re-burned the star marks!

The silicon master didn't choose to drive the ancestor machine into the gap between dimensions, because he knew very well that it was useless to go in by himself!

Carbon Alliance has obtained most of the data of silicon-based terminals, technology!

In the eyes of Carbon Alliance, I have no use value at all. The only use value is the original thermonucleus in my chest!

Once you enter the gap between the dimensions, there is a high probability that you will be dealt with by the black god. Take out the hot core and give it to Xiao Chuihuo to refine it. The value is maximized, and it is possible to fuse yourself with the love sauce terminal!

So Silicon Master never feels that his way of life is in the cracks of the dimension!

And during the period when he disappeared, no one knew what Silicon Master was doing and what arrangements he had made!

Because before Jiang Fan found and regained control of the ancestor machine, he even deleted the data during this period, and there was nothing to check!

Even Silicon Master doesn't know what he did!

And Jiang Fan spent a lot of effort to deal with the mess and get everything back on track!

But he still has no effective way to stop the threat from the causal level!

So he transmitted the all-perceived star to the subject, and worked hard on this star with all his strength, hoping to make a breakthrough!

Just pass it on when you need it, and during this time, Jiang Fan hardly took the initiative!

Most of the time is spent in the city of the end!

However, due to the acquisition of Vientiane, the final plan has entered the next stage!

Under Jiang Fan's full force, all the stars are consuming their own star power and approaching the final black hole!

Or push in the direction you want!

This method needs to consume a lot of star power, many stars will die in this process, the core of the earth will cool down, and the interior will solidify, turning into a lifeless dead planet!

The consequences are quite serious, which is why Vientiane never draws too much power from the stars!

He loves this starry sky!

But Jiang Fan doesn't care, he doesn't care whether the stars will die or how complete they are, all he wants is the material that makes up the stars!

Anyway, it will eventually turn into an accretion disk!

With the blessing of the ability of the Great Star Lord of Vientiane, the efficiency of the execution of the final plan has been greatly accelerated!

The efficiency of the major material collection bases is faster!

Of course, the Carbon Alliance and the Quality Alliance will not just watch this happen?

Otherwise, after spending so much effort and making so many sacrifices, what's the point of sticking to the starry sky?

The carbon alliance's counterattack has begun!

Originally thinking that the action would encounter considerable resistance, Yang Jian even made a plan to take human lives and destroy the progress of the Final Plan!

But it's not!

Every large-scale action of the Carbon Alliance Quality Alliance is like God's help!

The Final Yan Legion seemed to be unable to find the carbonaceous coalition army. The resistance army successfully destroyed the material collection base many times, and achieved gratifying results!

The loss is very small, or even nothing, and the whole operation is like entering no one's land!

On the frontline battlefield of the final line of defense, the same situation happened, and even the attack could not be hit, and it would automatically skip itself!

This allowed the resistance army, which had never been able to take advantage of it, to win many times and boosted their morale!

And they were also surprised to find that many of the important facilities, bases, and large-scale material transfer stations of the Final Yan Legion marked at the combat meeting would self-destruct from time to time!

It was obviously running well, but no one was sent to destroy it, and it was destroyed by itself inexplicably!

Some of them are extremely core facilities, even if it is a kind of storm that is useless, just blow it up by yourself?

And even in the city of the end, there are always some troubles!

Even the Final Yan Legion can't figure it out, and there is always a feeling that everything is not going well!

It's like being haunted!

But where did the ghost come from? Even if there is a ghost, it is estimated that it will be superseded by the mechanical army!

Believe in science!

However, for such weird events, it is useless to believe in science, right? It can only be explained by being haunted, okay?

In this state, even if the final plan has entered a new stage, how can it be accelerated?

Jiang Fan has also been irritated several times!

Without holding back, he ran out from the city of finality and stormed the carbon alliance's home star field!

Want to kill their vigor!

However, Xiao Chuihuo was on top, and during the battle, that weirdness reappeared!

Jiang Fan's sword wants to destroy the star fields of all clans, but it can only cut through the air, even Xiao Chuihuo, who is fighting with him, sometimes he can't find anyone!

And as long as he makes a strong attack, there will be chaos in the rear, the facilities of the final city will explode, the material collection bases will be destroyed, and the star marks will collapse!

Jiang Fan couldn't concentrate on fighting at all!

It was as if there was an invisible ghost constantly making trouble for him, he couldn't see him, couldn't catch him, let alone kill him!

After coming down several times, Jiang Fan felt a little helpless!

It seems that before the evolution of all-sensing stars is completed, there is nothing they can do about this weirdness!

Even so, the overall progress of the final plan is still much faster than before!


In the Dimensional Star City Combat Conference Room, everyone had a lingering doubt on their faces!

You Ming swallowed a mouthful of saliva:

(¬﹏¬) "You... all feel it? That mysterious power has been helping us stop the final plan invisibly!"

"Even Jiang Fan can't do anything about it!"

Yang Jian also leaned on his chin:

(?°??°) "Since the emergence of this mysterious power, the number of casualties of the resistance army has plummeted. Even if Jiang Fanjian directly slashed the star fields of each family, there has not been a large number of casualties of innocent people!"

"There are also various accidents in the Last Yan Legion. The base explodes, the facilities fail, and the city of Last Yan always goes into trouble. Sometimes even the star marks disappear inexplicably."

"It is this mysterious power that gives us the capital to stay in the starry sky and fight against the final Yan Legion without fear of Jiang Fan's threat..."

"It has helped us a lot. Without the protection and help of this mysterious force, our current situation would definitely not be so optimistic!"

"It can be said that he has slowed down the progress of the final plan by himself!"

"Black God! You have seen a lot, what is the source of this mysterious power..."

Chongfeiyu akimbo:

(???~???) "Hey~ Whatever it is! It's helping us!"

Yang Jian shook his head: "No! If we can figure it out, we still have to figure it out. It is precisely because of the protection of this mysterious force that we can maintain the current situation!"

"If one day, this mysterious power disappears...then..."

Acrylic's expression froze:

(??v_v??:) "Could it be that the will of the starry sky intervened secretly? He doesn't want Jiang Fan to destroy the world, so he is using his own power to help us?"

At this moment, Hei Shen was also full of bewilderment:

(●??~??) "No! It won't be the will of the starry sky. If He can intervene to this extent, how can he ask for help?"

"Give the will of the three-dimensional starry sky another 20 billion years, and He will not be able to do this! This mysterious power is more direct and more specific..."

"Where does this power come from? What could it be? Could it be... an existence higher than the will of the starry sky? If it is, then it is beyond my comprehension..."

Everyone was dumbfounded now, couldn't even the Black God understand the source of this mysterious power?

At this moment, Zhang San was standing in the conference room, listening to everyone discussing the mysterious power, he couldn't help blushing and scratching the back of his head shyly!

?(??????) "It's... not so powerful~ How can it be higher than the will of the starry sky? Not so! Not so much~"

"Goose Box ~ Goose Box ~ Listen to a few more compliments~ I haven't heard enough..."

Hei Shen murmured: "Although... I don't know where this mysterious power comes from, but it is indeed guarding this starry sky!"

"Not to be understood, not to be noticed!"

"Is it a ghost that silently guards the starry sky world?"

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