Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2984 Swing a knife at the world!

The moment the blade touched the water drop from Jieyuan!

The water droplet from Jieyuan suddenly shrunk and turned into a colorless origin, that... was the beginning of everything!

The slash of the blade broke its original balance!

The singularity exploded, and the world...was born!


The blazing light splashed on the starry sky, hundreds or thousands of times stronger than the black hole flare, where the light splashed, everything turned into nothingness and chaos!

The world expands at a speed countless times faster than the speed of light, and the bubble film of the world rushes away in all directions!

The surrounding starry sky world was directly crushed and returned to chaos!

Nothing can stop the world from blooming!

The Planck temperature was born at this moment, there are no rules, and everything is melted!

Li Daoyan and the others stared wide-eyed, full of horror!

What's this?

Is the Eternal Demon Lord creating the world?

Everyone actually witnessed the birth of a brand new world?

What kind of realm is he?

Red Umbrella Immortal Zun clenched his teeth:

(#?口?#) "Everyone carry..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Great Dao Mopan was directly squeezed and crushed by the expanding bubble film of the world, and the seven small worlds cracked and collapsed!

Several people were completely overwhelmed by the blooming light of the world, and they couldn't even scream!

The world bubble is expanding at an astonishing speed, expanding infinitely!

And the interior is like a hot furnace, where matter is splashed to form a cosmic network, the basic rules are formed, and blue giant stars light up at the nodes of the cosmic network...

When the world bubble evolved to this point, it suddenly lost its energy supply, completely shattered and collapsed, turning into the power of world collapse and sweeping in all directions...

This is a heavier blow than the world blooming, full of destruction and death!

When all the turmoil passed, there was absolute darkness and chaos in front of Jiangnan, and time and space all ceased to exist!

Floating in the chaos are fragments of countless starry worlds, as well as the remains of world bubbles!

Asgard Starry Sky World is trying its best to absorb the wreckage of the world bubble, because it is a rare nutrient for him!

After the starry sky world was born, there was no longer a channel to obtain energy from the Jieyuan Forbidden Sea!

It will only be lost because of the engulfment of the black hole. Jiangnan's hand is equivalent to giving a big gift package to the fairy palace world!

How can a living body reach such a perverted height?

In the chaos, the bodies of Li Daoyan and the others all disappeared, and the world was shattered, leaving only seven groups of the origin of the world!

Survive with the blessing of the will of the stars, fix it!

In the origin of the world, the embarrassed figures of Li Daoyan, Chisan and the others gradually took shape, half of their lives were lost!

Seeing such a terrifying power of the world bubble, their hearts are completely dead!

This mountain cannot be climbed!

The power of the Eternal Demon Lord has already surpassed their imaginable scope, and it is not a level of existence at all!

No creature in this world can defeat him!

The Era of Evolution will inevitably come to an end today...

I saw Jiangnan raised his hand, and another drop of Jieyuan water emerged!

(??v_v?) "Have you recognized the reality? That knife just now is enough to put an end to this battle, right? I can keep bombing like this!"

"And you have no way to resist, now you can obediently admit defeat and speak for me..."

However, we haven't waited for Jiangnan to finish talking!

Li Daoyan, who was full of sorrow, got up tremblingly, and pointed his broken sword at Jiangnan!

(¬优¬#) "Stand up for me!"

The other six people also re-condensed their bodies, and the seven people looked at each other, their eyes were full of determination!

Li Daoyan gritted his teeth tightly:

(#?v优v?) "Gentlemen, I am honored to be able to fight side by side with you at the last moment of my life!"

"Let's do everything we can, use our lives to pave the way for the Era of Evolution, and strive for a possibility!"

"It doesn't matter what the result is! Our figure will not be forgotten by this world!"

"At this moment! It will also be the most shining moment in our life! Come on ~ this is our mission!"

No one spoke anymore, and the seven of Li Daoyan immediately burned their sources of life, trying to condense the Great Dao Mopan again!

Prepare to use your own life to fight one more time! Give it all!

Not only Li Daoyan and the others, but even the more than 200 Eternal Realm powerhouses roared and flew towards the seven small worlds, burning their sources of life, and doing everything they could!

Vow to fight to the end with the Eternal Demon Lord!

Jiangnan:? ? ?

(?? Mouth?)? "Hey, hey, hey? Don't you? A few hundred dollars a month, what kind of life are you guys? Are you still trying to fight?"

"Isn't the knife just now not obvious enough? You can't beat me? Don't hit me!"

Li Daoyan's eyes were full of grief and indignation:

(?-依-`;) "Don't try to stop us! We know it's impossible! But we will never stop doing it just because it's impossible!"

"There are always things in this world that are higher than life and worth protecting with life!"

"Cultivators are selfish, always focus on their own interests, and seldom work hard for others! But we are willing to do everything for this world! Willing to live and die with the Great Evolution Era!"

Jiang Nan scratched his head anxiously, don't die? If I die, who will I ask to teach me?

(???﹏??)? "Fighting is fighting, don't play with your life? I didn't want to destroy the world, hey! I acted! Just kidding, I'm not such an evil person?"

"Why do I destroy the world when I have nothing to do? Hey, hey, hey, I'll listen to my brother's advice, don't die, you guys?"

I just passed the villain addiction, do you really want to play with your life?

Li Daoyan stared:

(??へ??#) "Nonsense! You've said it before, you want to destroy the world and the Great Era! Don't try to lie to us!"

Severely gritted his teeth: (? °? Yi °?) "Now that things are going on, you still want to confuse me and wait? The warning from the Dao Tree is for nothing? You are the source of disaster in this world!"

"He's scared! He must be scared!"

"Fellow Daoists! Let us use our lives to lay the foundation for the Great Era, and let the road extend forward!"

Sparrow-eyed determination:

(??°??°) "The world will remember us! There are always things in this world that we should know and do!"

Jiang Nan's face turned dark, he was scared! I'm really scared! I'm afraid you will die!

(???﹏???)? "I said it all! I didn't intend to destroy the world, why don't you believe it? Believe me! Believe me, you guys?"

"Didn't you realize that I haven't killed anyone yet? Is there such a soft-hearted devil? A big villain?"

"Even if you are fighting with your lives, what's the point? Stop! Don't play with your lives?"

Li Daoyan narrowed his eyes:

(?优?#) "If you don't do it, how do you know it's impossible? Our death won't be meaningless!"

"This world is worth everything I've spent on it!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of bad luck: "Even if this world pulls up the sky for you and let you live in eternal dreams forever?"

"The sky covers our eyes, so how can we see the truth? Of course the shepherd will protect his flock from being eaten by hungry wolves!"

"You are all lambs in the pen and leeks in the field. You can only see the fertilization and watering of the landlord, and the feeding and protection of the shepherds, but you cannot see the butcher's knife extended to the leeks and lambs!"

"You are the closest existence to the sky! Don't say you don't realize this!"

At this moment, Li Daoyan couldn't help but froze when he tortured them!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes: "If you don't do it, it will never be possible? This is indeed true! I have said it before!"

"But tell you! Today! Your death will be meaningless! I will let you see what is impossible!"

"To tell you the truth, I don't want to destroy the world! I'm just here to communicate and learn. It's more convenient and quicker to do it in my way!"

"If after this knife, you still have the courage to swing your sword at me! If you want to die, I won't stop you!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan's eyes became completely serious!

"A thought becomes a god!"

In an instant, the shadow of the gods in Jiangnan collapsed again, but this time, no new shadows were formed!

Jiangnan's eternal glazed body has become a new carrier!

At this moment, Jiangnan is the god himself!

A dreamlike ray of light bloomed from his body, and a halo of light appeared in the back of his head!

Although not as powerful as the ghost shadow, but because of the eternal glass body, it is still stronger than the fairy shadow!

Jiangnan in the state of becoming a god with one thought, compared with the previous state, the strength of will is many times higher!

Immediately, Jiangnan flashed black in place!

When Jiangnan reappeared, a terrifying aura that had been suppressed to the extreme burst out from him!

He slowly raised his hand, and all the boundary source energy in his body gathered in his palm!

That was a whole blob of boundary source sea water!

Looking at the amount, there are about thirty drops!

As big as an egg!

This is the most boundary source energy that Jiangnan can carry in the state of becoming a god with one thought!

It can be seen how terrifying the addition of Liudao to Jiangnan is!

Li Daoyan's pupils shrank!

The amount of just one drop is already so terrifying, now this...

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes: "This is the strongest attack I can unleash so far!"

"Keep your eyes open!"

While speaking, Jiang Nan threw a water polo from Jieyuan, swung a knife and slashed violently!

The Dao World Tree flickered wildly, and a faint sense of fear appeared in the starry sky world!

However, nothing can stop Jiangnan from swinging his sword!

The moment the blade touched the Jieyuan water polo, the water polo suddenly collapsed into a colorless dot!

The world bubble burst into bloom along with the knife light!

The bursting world bubble is no longer circular, but turned into the shape of a knife light, continuously extending towards the starry sky ahead!

Li Daoyan and others were so dazzled by the light that they couldn't open their eyes!

Where the world bubble passed, the Asgard starry sky world rules were completely crushed and melted, galaxies were shattered, and star fields collapsed!

Nothing can resist the extension of this knife!

Standing in front of Li Daoyan and others is a newly born world canopy!

Jiangnan... swung a long-suppressed knife towards the starry sky world of Asgard!

The entire starry sky world is shaking, and the starry sky will scream!

And with this knife cut out, the things in the world bubble evolved to the stage where the stars are shining, and they still collapsed!

With Jiangnan's foundation and the height of the boundary source energy, such a large amount of boundary source energy still cannot create a big world like the real starry sky world!

After all, in terms of Jiangnan's path, it is the most orthodox path of Jieyuan creation!

Once the creation is successful, even the smallest world will be as big as the real innate starry sky world!

So the bar is pretty high!

30 drops? Not enough at all!

But the power of this knife is amazing enough!

The world bubble collapsed and turned into a force of great destruction. This was another blow to Asgard's starry sky world!

When everything is over, the starry sky is as quiet as death!

In front of Jiangnan, there is a knife-marked abyss that extends endlessly far away, and there is no end in sight!

The starry sky world in front of him was cut open and turned into complete chaos!

Just like a dark chaotic river!

Among them is the chaos and disorder comparable to the old earth of the burial of the gods!

If you look down on the whole world, you can find out how terrifying this knife in Jiangnan is!

He even left a dark knife mark in the starry sky world, cutting almost one-tenth of the starry sky world!

Even if the Starry Sky World of Asgard absorbed the nutrients from the shattered world bubble, this abyss would still take hundreds of years to restore!

It is conceivable that the power of this knife has reached such a terrifying level!

Now Jiangnan doesn't know at all that the knife mark made by his own knife even has its own name in the future!

It's called Eternal Blade Sky Abyss!

I saw Jiangnan turned his head to look at Li Daoyan and the others with calm eyes:

" you still think it's possible?"

"This knife! Can you take it?"

Li Daoyan knelt down powerlessly, staring at the pitch-black abyss with shocking eyes, the sword in his hand fell, and collapsed into endless aura...

"This is... Tianwei!"

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