Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2964 Picking up gold is not a good man!

Jiangnan in the fourth dimension can be said to be observing the Tianhu Taoist in circles!

However, Taoist Tianhu couldn't detect the slightest abnormality at all!

Immediately began to operate against the golden compass!

Both hands swiftly formed a seal, and typed out the spell. The rich golden energy rushed out of his body, condensed into a Dao talisman, and got into the compass!

Golden magic circles popped up on the compass, and the pointer on it began to spin around!

This looks exciting to Jiangnan, what is this compass? magic weapon? Could it be something like a treasure hunt compass?

(*?????????) Oh ho ho ~ I want it!

After being urged by Taoist Tiangou for a long time, the compass pointer is still spinning wildly!

(?ˉ?Yiˉ??) "Tsk~ Still no response? Shouldn't it? Is the detection range of the Xianyuan Compass not wide enough? Tsk~ Fight!"

The man took out a small jade bottle from the pouch, poured out a golden pill, and stuffed it into his mouth with pain in his face, and then he found a talisman of unknown material, which was full of glittering complicated Dao pattern!

It was slapped directly on his forehead, and the talisman turned into flying ash, and his eyes glowed with gold!

Then he pulled out again, and a leather clapping drum was pulled out!

It looks simple and unsophisticated, exuding a strong ominous atmosphere!

Jiang Nan looked at it and swallowed his saliva. Is it a treasure bag or a Qiankun bag hanging on his waist? Is it a space backpack?

How many novelty treasures are there in it? Hey, if Heishen saw these, wouldn't he be so excited?

The next moment, Taoist Hu Tao roared angrily that day!

"Lingtai! Open! Heavenly Soul Art!"

Centered on Taoist Tianhu, the terrifying consciousness erupted violently, even distorting the void, mixed with the power of golden consciousness!

And these spiritual senses gathered and condensed, turned into drum hammers, and beat hard on the leather drum!

With the beating of the drum hammer, circles of golden ripples spread out, rippling throughout the entire Magic Pupil galaxy!

Looking at this scene, Jiang Nan couldn't help but shrink his pupils!

∑(°口°?) "Damn? The rudimentary form of the power of will? Is there any mistake! Asgard Starry Sky World, will anyone who comes here at random use the power of will?"

Jiang Nan, as a veteran of various middle schools using the power of will, knows this aspect very well!

The intensity of energy fluctuations in this cultivator's body, if converted to the Starry Sky World of Ten Thousand Races, would break a star, and it would be to the extent that it could destroy a planet! "

With such a weak chicken's strength, it is outrageous to be able to burst out the power of will, and the power of will is not very weak!

Could it be that the development of the power of will is perfect in Asgard Starry Sky World?

Thinking of this, Jiangnan immediately became excited!

After all, the reason why I can't carry too much boundary source energy at present is because of my body's tolerance on the one hand, and on the other hand because the improvement of my will is too slow!

If you can find some way to improve your willpower here, you will make a lot of money!

These three hundred years will definitely not be in vain!

Can Jiangnan be excited?

After all, cultivating immortals should have deep research on spiritual thoughts and consciousness, right?

But you can't be too happy too early, maybe you just ran into such a special case?

Let's observe first!

And Taoist Tianhu, who had hammered the drum for a long time, was exhausted, and the compass finally reacted under the urging of the golden ripples!

The pointer above points straight in one direction!

Taoist Tianhu's eyes brightened:

(〃???) "Hiss~ Is there such a strong reaction from the immortal essence? Sure enough! There is indeed a treasure buried here!"

Without hesitation, he flew straight to the direction pointed by the compass!

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Isn't that meow the direction of Xianzhou star? How did he find it?

The startled Jiangnan hurriedly chased after him!

Sure enough, Taoist Hu went straight to Xianzhou Xing that day!

"The True Eye of the Great Dao! Open!"

I saw two phantom shadows of leaves flashing in front of his eyes, and a bright golden light burst out from his eyes, and he went straight to Xianzhouxing to look!

(?o△o) "Hiss~ Such a rich reserve of immortal energy? Could it be the entrance of a fairy cave? You need to investigate it!"

His consciousness scanned the surroundings and confirmed that there were no other living beings except himself!

So start getting ready!

He took out all kinds of talismans and patted himself on his body, chanting words in his mouth!

His aura was reduced to the extreme, completely concealed, and he even took out a small black flag, braving the black mist!

He even took out two spirit puppets to protect himself with him! It looks extremely realistic!

Holding a warm white square seal in one hand, and a glittering golden talisman hidden in the cuff of the other hand!

Looking at Taoist Tianhu who was fully prepared, the corners of Jiang Nan's mouth twitched!

This special cat looks like a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, is he an old fritter in the world of cultivating immortals?

It's just exploring a planet, do you have to be so well prepared?

Anyway, the energy fluctuations in your body are not weak, so cautious?

Jiang Nan knew that he couldn't watch it any longer!

This cultivator must not be allowed to investigate Xianzhou Star, there is also his own villa on it!

This Xianzhou star is the most important existence to me, once this planet is gone, I have no way to go back!

Tsk~ You said you're just running around here when you have nothing to do?

The Taoist Tianhu, who is fully armed and ready, is about to set off!

And behind him, a big four-dimensional hand stretched out silently!

"Time dilation effect? ​​Instantaneous eternity!"

The golden halo bloomed in an instant, and the time and space around Taoist Tianhu was completely static, and time stopped!

At this moment, he seemed to be sealed in the amber of time, Taoist Tianhu even stopped thinking!

Have no idea what's going on!

He's a rookie little monk, but he can't resist Jiangnan's time-expansion methods!

I saw Jiangnan wandering around and ran out from the four dimensions!

He didn't care about Taoist Tianhu at all, but ran directly to the treasure hunting compass, held it in his hand and poked it for a long time, and even used his clairvoyant eyes!

There are also people who have tried to imitate the magic spell that Taoist Tianhu just played, but it is completely useless!

(??v~v?) "Hey~ magic weapon! This must be a magic weapon or something? Can't it work?"

Jiang Nan was still holding the flying sword in his hand and began to study it. The sound was quite crisp, but he didn't dare to play it too hard for fear that it would break!

(*???????) "Is this really awesome? A flying sword with a leap function? They have studied the innate runes very thoroughly, but unfortunately I have abolished the one at home!"

"Oh? This puppet? A battle puppet? I don't know how it compares to silicon-based mechanical warriors! This thing can destroy star cannons or something?"

"What material is this talisman made of? It's so soft? It won't hurt to wipe your ass, right? It's ok, what's in this gourd?"

Jiangnan has thoroughly researched it, and everything that this monk brought out is something that Jiangnan has never seen before!

I saw that Jiangnan directly unplugged the big gourd!

Turn it upside down for a while and pour it out!

Three black flying swords were poured out from it, and there was a lot of shiny black sand. It felt cold and cold to the touch. I don't know what it was!

And Taoist Tianhu didn't respond at all during the whole process, because for him, time stood still!

Jiang Nan even opened the small bag on his waist to see what treasures are inside!

And now Jiangnan has completely opened his eyes!

The space inside this small bag is frighteningly large. Inside are all kinds of ores, spirit herbs and fairy treasures, and all kinds of bottles and jars are filled with pills and potions!

There are also flying boats, weird magic weapons, strange golden stones, not many in number, and the energy contained in them is the same energy as those energy veins in Xianzhou Star!

This should be some kind of spirit stone or something?

It can be said that the things in these small bags satisfy all my fantasies about cultivating immortals, okay?

Jiangnan even found a lot of women's underwear inside, and they were all the original ones they wore!

"Drink~bai! This is not a fun thing, what kind of ghost collection hobby?"

At this moment, Jiangnan is like a weasel who is crazily digging up the soil, turning everything on Taoist Tianhu upside down!

Most importantly, Jiangnan still wants to find out if there is a way to practice the power of will!

But after searching for a long time, Jiangnan only found a bunch of warm and jade-like brands

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