Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2961 Thick hair! Asgard Starry Sky World!

Looking back at Xianzhouxing, Jiangnan at this moment has no regrets in his heart!

There is even some anticipation, looking forward to the time when I return from Xianzhou star!

All eyes were on Jiang Nan!

Zhong Yingxue said with red eyes:

(??????????) "Come back safely, I'll wait for you here!"

Jiang Nan looked over with one look, nodded with a smile, and said nothing!

Xia Yao gritted her teeth:

(???Dish??)? "You still owe me what you promised, and you will pay back when you come back. You are a hot guy with profit!"

Jiang Nan grinned:

(?°???°)? "Don't worry, even for this matter, I have to return safely!"

Wang Youzhi said urgently: "Go over there and have a look more. If there is anything to criticize, come back and tell me something interesting?"

"If my trumpet hadn't passed by, it wouldn't be easy to use. I have to go there with you!"

Jiangnan: (?°??°)? "It's a big pot, look at it, you just~"

Xiao Chuihuo smiled: "Nan Zai Zai, don't worry, I'm taking care of the family. Although I may not be able to bear it, at least I won't let the situation collapse in my hands!"

"This starry sky is the starry sky of your young people after all. It's okay for me to replace it, remember to come back on time to take over!"

With the departure of Jiangnan, Xiao Chuihuo is the backbone of the Carbon Alliance!

Jiang Nan wiped his nose and nodded: "Then I will trouble Grandpa Xiao..."

Yang Jian also made an ok gesture with Jiang Nan, and everyone sent blessings to Jiang Nan!

But no matter how reluctant you are, it's time to leave!

Xianzhou star is already very close to Jiechuan point!

Jiang Nan no longer hesitated, but turned around and went straight to Xianzhouxing!

Didn't look back!

So what about the starry sky in Asgard? Only when drifting in a foreign land!

I carry the expectations of countless people on my body!

Go over there and improve yourself, then come back and get it all done!

Under everyone's gaze, Jiangnan broke through the thick clouds and landed on the golden sky island!

And at this moment, the golden planet has also reached the breakthrough point!

Everyone's heart became tense!

However, at this moment, a super giant eye of the starry sky suddenly appeared and opened!

Two peepers also appeared suddenly!

This scene directly confused everyone, what the hell? Why did the peepers come to watch the fun?

However, the two peepers didn't care about anything else, they seemed to rush towards Xianzhouxing anxiously!

Jiang Nan also noticed two big-eyed boys!

Also startled:

?(°口°?) "Damn! Did you make a mistake! You two came after I had to leave? Meow..."

Before he finished speaking, Xianzhou star flashed and disappeared into the starry sky without a trace!

The two peepers rushed to nothing, and their bodies froze in place involuntarily!

The voyeur holding the history book of the starry sky scratched his head angrily, and even squatted down!


And the standing one also stroked his forehead with his hand, as if he was very distressed about this matter!


Acrylic Vientiane they are all dumbfounded!

What's the situation?

Isn't Jiangnan just going on a business trip to another starry sky? What's so exciting about this?

Wang Youzhi's expression couldn't help becoming teasing:

(????) "Oh, it's a step too late? Jiangnan is no longer here!"

"Eating a melon can't keep up with the hot one~"

The two peepers turned black, cast a glance at Heishen, raised their hands, and the Eye of the Starry Sky disappeared, and even the two of them disappeared, as if they had never appeared before!

Wang Youzhi leaned on his chin with a pensive expression on his face!

Wanxiang asked curiously: (???~??)???? "Jiangnan is on a business trip, and the peepers are just here to watch the fun? Didn't both of them come when Master Xiao rubbed the singularity before?"

Wang Youzhi laughed straight:

(¬?¬) "What? Do you think this is a trivial matter? It stands to reason that the two starry worlds are absolutely not allowed to communicate, not even the exchange of matter or energy!"

"Each starry world is independent, but now that a living person as big as Jiangnan has crossed the border, God knows how his behavior will change the development trajectory of the two starry worlds?"

"In the past, the insect soldiers were nothing, because they never had the ability to change the direction of the starry sky, but Jiangnan is different! He can enter the forbidden realm of life, and his position is not ordinary!"

"Indeed, the two worlds cannot exchange matter or energy, but Jiangnan may not be restricted, and besides...knowledge is not energy...nor matter at all!"

Everyone who heard Wang Youzhi's explanation was stunned!

Yang Jian's eyes were full of anxiety: "Is it the world of Asgard and Starry Sky? I hope Jiangnan is not a sheep among wolves..."

Wang Youzhi smiled and shook his head:

(¬?¬〃) "No, no, no, we have to find out who is the wolf! With Jiangnan's life level, he is the only wolf!"

Odin swallowed his saliva, and he even started to mourn for another starry world...

Xiao Chuihuo asked curiously: "By the way... what is the origin of the peepers? Even if we have reached this height, can we still not uncover their mystery?"

Wang Youzhi's eyes suddenly darkened!

"I don't know... Peepers have been around for a long time. From the birth of this starry sky world to today, they will appear every time a major event that can affect the development of the starry sky, record it!"

"But it's just a record, never intervening..."

"No one knows where the peepers come from, but I can be sure that they definitely don't belong to this starry world!"

This is also the reason why Black God can be so sure that there are more than one starry world, which in turn sparked the idea of ​​the Boundary Piercing Planet!

"There are always some questions in this world that don't have answers, right? Even standing on the top of a mountain, there will still be unknowns in front of you, and the truth... will always be buried further ahead, waiting for you to explore!"

Everyone looked at Wang Youzhi with weird expressions. They didn't expect that the usually inconspicuous Hei Shen could say such forceful words?

Yang Jian stared in a daze at the place where Xianzhou star disappeared!

"Come on, let's all go back to their respective posts. Jiangnan is on a business trip. Without his suppression, the situation facing the Carbon Alliance and the Quality Alliance will only be more difficult than usual!"

"Chong Feiyu, always pay attention to the situation here, and report any abnormalities at any time!"

Chong Feiyu nodded heavily, and everyone gradually left here!

But at this moment, Xia Yao pulled Zhong Yingxue and began to whisper about the girl before!

(?)?3?) "Hey ~ Xuexue ~ what is it like? How does it feel? Is Xiao Nan really strong? You two really don't play hand ropes, fight landlords and so on?"

At this moment, Xia Yao's gossip soul is burning!

Zhong Yingxue blushed even more when she was asked this question!

(???﹏???) "This... there is nothing to say, it's just... just like what you told me!"

Xia Yao was very anxious:

(???﹏??)? "I...I am also all book knowledge, I can still do the vegetarian ones, but I can only think about the meaty ones? Tell me quickly! The kind that cares about everything! "

Zhong Yingxue really couldn't resist Xia Yao, so she leaned into Xia Yao's ear with a blushing face, and began to whisper!

Xia Yao's eyes were shining brightly, and she couldn't help but exclaim:

(*???????) "Oh shit? Oh ho ho ho ~ yes yes!"

However, at the next moment, Xia Yao's eyes widened suddenly!

∑(°口°?) "What? This, this... can do it? You two actually..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhong Yingxue covered Xia Yao's mouth!

(乛﹏乛?) "Hey~ What are you yelling about? Keep your voice down? Go... go back and say

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