Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2895 I hope I won't wake up after being drunk!

Jiang Nan's body seemed to be drained of all strength, and fell down like a puddle of mud!

Mira's eyes were filled with worry, and she couldn't help stepping forward and asking, "Brother Jiangnan? What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

However, the expression on Jiangnan's face became frightened, and his eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty!

Wang Youzhi didn't even hold him up, Jiangnan sat down on the ground!

Facing the hand that Mi stretched over, Jiang Nan instinctively stepped back!

It even leaned directly against the door frame!

Mila's outstretched hand froze in mid-air, with some surprise in her eyes!

Brother Jiangnan...dodged it?

I have known Brother Jiangnan for so long, no matter what the situation, Jiangnan has never shown any resistance or resistance to him!

What greets me is always a warm hug and a sweet pat on the head!

But this time, Jiangnan's performance made Mira panic!

He has never been like this!

Mira even felt that Jiangnan at this moment was a little strange...

But from Jiangnan's perspective, the world flickers again, and Mira's old appearance is engraved in Jiangnan's heart like a knife!

The muddy and vicissitudes of the eyes are full of stories, but they are full of concern for themselves!

Mila's little hands are white, tender and silky, and their skin is as creamy as fat, but in the alternately flickering reality!

The hand that was handed over was full of wrinkles, dull, as shriveled and old as chicken feet!

The world in front of me is constantly flickering alternately, and the surrounding scenery is even stuck into a mosaic in many places!

It seems that the two realities are constantly alternating, and the reality hidden in the dark seems to be coming out of the water!

Everyone was frightened by Jiangnan's reaction. They were clearly high-spirited a moment ago, but now they are limp on the ground, staring blankly at Mira like an idiot!

It was like seeing something frightening!

But nothing unusual at all?

Speaking of Jiangnan's strength, is there really something in the starry sky that can scare him like this?

Mira was even more worried:

(???﹏??)? "Brother Jiangnan? What's the matter? Did you say something?"

However, this scene was completely different in Jiangnan's eyes!

The world in front of me is crazily alternating and flickering, and Mira's state is also constantly switching between young and old!

Jiang Nan could hear what the young Mira was saying, but the sound was intermittent, like a disc stuck in his ears!

And the old Mira was also saying something, but Jiang Nan couldn't hear or see clearly...

Jiang Nan's eyes were as red as blood, he tilted his head to look at the crowd, and pointed at Mira tremblingly with his hand!

" can't see it? Mira... Mira she..."

However, looking at the past, Jiangnan was stunned...

There is nothingness around me!

There is no Wang Youzhi, Wu Liang, Acrylic, they are all gone, and the figure seems to have evaporated out of thin air!

As the world flickers, their figures emerge, then disappear...

Xia Yao asked anxiously: "What's wrong with Mila? Xiao Nan? Don't scare me? You look scary like this?"

Jiang Nan's stiff body looked at Xia Yao. In the flickering reality, her position was also nothingness...

Jiangnan subconsciously looked down at his outstretched hand!

The whole arm was as black as ink, with rotten flesh and blood, exuding an extremely disgusting aura...

There is an old spike necklace on his wrist, Jiangnan is very familiar with this spike necklace, it was a gift from Xia Yao when he was a student...

And on that wrist, there is still a shallow teeth mark, which lasts for a long time... The position of the tiger teeth matches Xia Yao's tiger teeth...

And on the ring finger of that hand, there was a crimson bone ring, the ring exuded bursts of warmth, and the ring was engraved with four characters...

〖A soft spot〗...

Jiang Nan looked at the ring and the spike necklace, his nose became sore, and tears poured out uncontrollably!

Can't help getting up, rubbing his eyes hard!

Pursing her lips tightly, she took a step forward, and the whole person disappeared!

The world... is still flickering!

Everyone was stunned, what happened to Jiangnan?

Wang Youzhi had a gloomy face!

"Damn! I'm afraid it has something to do with the "tampered reality" that Jiangnan said!"

"Catch up! Don't let Jiangnan be confused about where he belongs!"

No need for Wang Youzhi to say, everyone has already caught up, and Zhong Yingxue is undoubtedly the fastest one!

Xiao Nan was crying, but the man did not flick his tears easily, what exactly did he see just now?

No one noticed anything unusual, Noah, Acrylic, Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao, Mira, and even Wang Youzhi, what they saw in their eyes was no different from usual!

Not to notice the flicker of reality!

But Jiangnan is different!

In the Milky Way star field, a dark gap of thousands of kilometers suddenly opened in space!

Jiang Nan stepped out of it, and there were even tears in his eyes that hadn't dried up!

Looking around, the Milky Way star field is full of stars, and human footsteps are all over every corner of the Milky Way star field!

After experiencing rapid development and the concentrated accumulation of carbon alliance resources, the construction of human civilization has reached the top level of the starry sky!

The whole Milky Way star field is like a gorgeous jade plate embedded in the starry sky!

And as the world flickers, the prosperity in front of me is shattered, and everything ceases to exist!

Presented in front of Jiangnan is a dilapidated death star field!

Broken planets are everywhere, superclusters of galaxies are smashed, galaxies are falling apart, and galaxies are thrown everywhere!

Just like that dilapidated battlefield, everywhere you look is full of ruins, full of destruction and death!

Jiang Nan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and his teeth were almost crushed!

Is this the reality of the dream?

The hidden truth?

The original line?

As soon as Jiang Nan stepped out, Zhong Yingxue, Wang Youzhi and the others chased him out!

"Xiao Nan? You..."

However, Jiangnan kept walking, taking a step forward, far away from everyone!

"The domain expands? The black hole devours the stars!"

Jiangnan directly launched the black hole swallowing stars without any explanation, and he wanted to go back to the forbidden area of ​​life to see what was going on!

A gigantic black hole hangs over the Milky Way star field, and its terrifying power makes it impossible for people to get close!

Just looking at it is already daunting!

Wang Youzhi gritted his teeth: "What the hell! What is this kid going to do?"

"Don't let anything happen to you!"

Once Jiangnan opens a black hole to swallow stars, no one can stop him, let alone help him!

Yang Jian and the others' hearts rose to their throats!


In the Forbidden Realm of Life, above the Forbidden Sea of ​​Boundary Origin, familiar lights and shadows, book pages, and bookshelves reappeared!

Jiang Nan couldn't help turning his eyes to the reality that belonged to him!

Sure enough, the stroboscopic disturbance started again!

But when Jiangnan wants to take this opportunity to look at the truth hidden in the dark!

The disturbing strobe disappeared again, and everything returned to normal, as if it had never happened!

Jiang Nan was stunned, his face was extremely gloomy, but there was a little helplessness in his eyes!

According to my current speculation, in the forbidden area of ​​life, this kind of disturbance of the thread of reality will actually affect reality!

And the result is just like what I saw, the two realities are constantly alternating, and it freezes, just like the map scene in the game is stuck!

The appearance of such a phenomenon means that the reality I live in is becoming more and more unstable, like duckweed without roots, already on the verge of collapse!

Once it collapses, the disturbance will also disappear, and the reality that belongs to you will completely cease to exist, just like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water!

Everything will be back on track!

And the "right track" is probably what I just glimpsed through the disturbance strobe!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and looked at his palm. It was as crystal clear as glass, and it was a perfect palm that couldn't be more perfect!

There is no scarlet bone ring, no wolf tooth necklace, and no shallow tooth marks on it...

But after experiencing the twinkling of the world just now, Jiang Nan felt that those things seemed to be on his hands!

I saw Jiangnan took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes!

That flickering world should only be seen by oneself!

Because I am the crux of this reality now!

So as soon as I entered the restricted area of ​​life and left the real world, did the flickering disappear?

But the correct solution to the answer has not yet been given, and stability is only temporary. If it is not resolved, reality will collapse sooner or later!

And now the disturbance strobe has affected the real world!

There is not much time left for Jiangnan...

Jiang Nan slowly opened his eyes and murmured softly:

"The bells, drums, and jade are not expensive, I hope I won't wake up after being drunk... Huh~"

Heaving a sigh of relief, Jiang Nan was about to return to reality, but just as he was about to go in, Jiang Nan couldn't help but recall what he had just seen!


Jiang Nan's mouth shrunk, and his nose started to feel sore again!

But he patted his cheek hard!

"Don't cry! Hold it back, you have to hold it back, what's the use of worrying everyone?"

"Only you can solve this problem, you can handle it! As usual, just solve all the problems, you can do it! You are Nanshen!"

"You are the best!"

Jiang Nan, who patted his cheek, kept taking deep breaths, muttering non-stop, tried to step out several times, but couldn't hold back!

"Huh~ slow down! Let me slow down..."

While muttering, Jiang Nan turned his head and stepped towards the Jieyuan Forbidden Sea!

Anyway, I can stay here for as long as I want, and the time of the page of reality that belongs to me will not flow!

Then just stay a little longer...


Wang Youzhi and the others were full of worry, Jiangnan directly opened a black hole to swallow the stars, which made all of them lose their way!

However, at the next moment, the huge black hole suddenly disappeared, and the eternal heartbeat sounded!

Jiang Nan's body emerged in the starry sky, and his aura was even more terrifying than last time!

Everyone who watched was stunned!

Jiang Nan smiled brightly:

(??????????)? "Yo~ Did you get scared by me just now?"

The outside world only passed for a moment!

But no one knows... how long it took Jiangnan to calm down in the forbidden area of ​​life!

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