Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2885 Only by living can there be hope!

Jiang Fan was about to dismantle the fourteenth terminal!

The silicon master finally couldn't bear it anymore, and couldn't help roaring:

[?┐?依?┌]? "Stop dismantling it! Talk! Can't we talk?"

Jiang Fan paused, and looked at the ancestor machine with cold eyes!

(¬_¬) "Are you willing to talk now? Are there not many spare terminals left?"

"Maybe in the eyes of others, the silicon base is indestructible and unshakable, but in my eyes, it is not!"

"If you tell me to stop, I will stop? Why!"

Jiang Fan didn't care about the negotiating application of the silicon owner, and he wanted to dismantle one. His posture made it clear that he would not stop until all the terminals were dismantled!

The silicon owner was completely anxious: "What good is it to you to destroy all the terminals of the silicon base?"

"Don't push me! Otherwise..."

Jiang Fan's eyes were full of contempt:

(???????) "What can you do if you are pushed into a hurry?"

"You can't do anything!"

Silicon master was choked, and did not answer Jiang Fan's words, but gritted his teeth and said:

[┐? Benefit? ┌] "Destroying the silicon base is not your original intention. What is your purpose?"

"We can talk!"

Jiang Fan said coldly: "Now... have you recognized the reality?"

Master Si's teeth were almost crushed, but he still lowered his head and said, "I got it!"

"What do you want from us? I..."

But before he finished speaking, a golden light flashed on the spot, and the rampaging Cross Holy Wing came to kill him!

The sacred staff in his hand hit Jiang Fan head-on!

"Go to hell!"

However, Jiang Fan didn't even look at him, he raised his big hand, and pressed hard!


Thousands of stars turned into the bright starry sky, splashing endless silver starlight, like a waterfall!

He crushed the Holy Wing Crusade on the spot, laying in the void, unable to move, his body cracking uncontrollably!

The Holy Wing struggled frantically, and let out a roar of resentment!

Jiang Fan frowned and said impatiently:

"Noisy! Shut up!"

In the starry sky, one after another capable stars turned into spears, and the stars fell, and those spears directly penetrated the body of the Cross Holy Wing, nailing it into the void!

The eighteen holy wings were all nailed, like insect specimens, unable to move at all!

Even the mouth was closed and disappeared, and no sound could come out!

And Jiang Fan just stepped on the face of the Cross Holy Wing, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the ancestor machine!

The Ancestor Machine looked at this scene with a cold body and mind, but did not dare to act rashly, and finally had a chance to talk!

In any case, Jiang Fan can't be allowed to continue tearing it down like this!

Jiang Fan said indifferently, "My purpose?"

"I've already said it from the very beginning, I want you Siji to submit to me!"

The face of the silicon master became even uglier: "Surrender to you? What do you mean?"

"Could it be that you want to dominate the starry sky world? Be the king of this world?"

When Jiang Fan heard this, he couldn't help but sneered: "Rule the world? Heh~ You think I'll be so boring?"

"And world domination is troublesome enough just to think about it, and I have no interest in it!"

Silicon Master has already cursed in his heart!

God Meow is not interested!

Co-author, as long as you are interested, you can do it like this?

"Then what are you doing with my silicon base? Don't you already have a carbon alliance?"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes: "I don't want to repeat the same thing a second time! I am no longer a member of Carbon Alliance!"

"As for what I'm going to do? I want to let the final black hole jet out, so as to release the subject in the forbidden area of ​​life!"

"By the way, restart Starry Sky World and kill Xun Zu, it's that simple..."

The Ancestor Machine was stunned in place, its eyes were wide open, and smoke was rising from the top of its head!

[┐°△°┌] "Huh? You you you... are you crazy?"

Let the absolute end black hole jet? Silicon owners dare not even dream of doing this!

Even with the computing power of the silicon master, it is impossible to simulate the consequences of the final black hole jet!

It's easy to destroy the world!

No wonder Jiang Fan broke away from the Carbon Alliance, because the Carbon Alliance will never help Jiang Fan achieve this goal!

The world is gone, restarted, and all races are destroyed, what the hell is this?

This is not a question of flipping the table at all, this is the rhythm of blowing up the server?

Jiang Fan said lightly: "I'm not crazy! And I'm very rational. This is the best judgment I can make based on the current situation!"

The master of silicon gritted his teeth: "Do you know how much matter needs to be absorbed by the final black hole to make it jet?"

"More than half of the matter in the starry sky world will be destroyed by..."

Jiang Fan's expression remained unchanged: "I know, that's why I asked Si Ji for help!"

"With the silicon-based construction power, explosive soldiers drag stars, use particle transmission, mechanical wormholes and other means, can quickly gather matter towards the final star field, so..."

However, the silicon master asserted: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Even the silicon base cannot do this, and we have limits!"

"Do you know how big the starry sky is? Do you know how much matter there is?"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes: "You can! I will clear all obstacles encountered on the road! I can also satisfy all the needs needed to fill the final star field!"

"Besides, it's not just the silicon base!"

The master of silicon was startled, Jiang Fan is determined to let the final black hole spout, isn't it?

"Then this method won't work either! Your ultimate goal is to release your body and kill Xun Zu?"

"It's too difficult to make the ultimate black hole jet flow, and I don't recommend it! Since our ultimate goal is to kill Xunzu, we can cooperate!"

"Boundary source energy can make my thermonuclear world prototype grow rapidly, as long as you can provide me with enough boundary source energy as the world's nutrient!"

"It's not impossible for the ancestor machine to break through to the world realm before Xunzu breaks the shackles of the divine burial! I can help you get rid of Xunzu, but I just need your help!"

When Jiang Fan heard this, he just smiled contemptuously, and looked at the ancestor machine with cold eyes!

Master Si dodged his eyes and dared not say any more!

Jiang Fan said coldly: "Cultivate you with the energy of Jieyuan? Will you create another Xun Zu?"

"Are you mistaken? My ultimate goal has never been to kill Xun Zu! That's just incidental!"

"My ultimate goal is to release the main body. Whether there is Xunzu or not, I can only let the final black hole jet!"

"This is the only... No! It's the only way to get my body out of the forbidden area of ​​life! Do you understand?"

Silicon master is completely numb!

Where does Jiang Fan want to rule the world? This is trying to destroy the world!

"Why does my silicon base help you? Finally, the black hole jets out, and the starry world restarts? What does all this mean to my silicon base?"

No matter how crazy the silicon master is, he is not crazy enough to destroy the world!

Jiang Fan said lightly: "As you said, I can give you the source of energy and help you cultivate a thermonuclear world!"

"You are a mechanical life, just a bunch of cold data, wear and tear will not affect you much!"

"It's not impossible to help you achieve the world!"

"In addition, the world has restarted, and silicon-based is one of the few races that can survive, and there is no competitor at all!"

"There are long years for you to develop. Under such a hotbed of chaos, it is not impossible to start the mechanical era! Isn't it?"

The silicon master narrowed his eyes: "Don't lie, the world restarts, it's no wonder you can keep the silicon base alive!"

"In the new world after the restart, the overlord will only be human, right? In your eyes, the silicon base is just a tool that can be used!"

"This pie is not attractive at all!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were deep, and he said lightly: "Who can say what will happen in the future?"

"It's a pity that you still haven't recognized the reality! If Silicon wants to live, it has no choice but to surrender to me!"

"No matter what you choose! No matter how you go! It is impossible for the silicon base to survive to the next era!"

The silicon master gritted his teeth: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! With my silicon-based background, I have survived the war of the universe, can't I survive the thousand-star war?"

Jiang Fan sneered: "You are really confident!"

"Even if I don't make a move, Xunzu will be able to break the shackles of the divine burial in just a few years!"

"And during this period, your Siji will not be able to cultivate the power to counter Xunzu, and Siji will be destroyed by Xunzu! You can't hold it! Xunzu who breaks the shackles of the divine burial will be stronger than Qingzi!"

"Become the pinnacle of combat power that has never appeared in this starry sky world!"

The silicon master's mechanical eyes are dim, and he really didn't think of any good way to kill Xunzu who broke the shackles!

It is also impossible for the thermonuclear world to grow into a real world in a short period of time!

Jiang Fan continued: "Don't talk about Xunzu, just talk about Jiangnan! What I can do today, Jiangnan can also do!"

"Jiangnan wants to attack the silicon base, and you have no way out. No matter how you hide the terminal, you can't hide it from Jiangnan's eyes, and the ancestor machine can't stop Jiangnan!"

Master Silicon's face turned darker, and Jiangnan also has boundary source energy, and his strength is no worse than Jiang Fan's!

damn it!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes: "And your silicon base, if you don't surrender to me today, I will keep taking it down until there are no more terminals available for the silicon base!"

"Indeed! You can live with mechanical data arrays, but the silicon base won't last long!"

"I will go to the quality alliance, force Vientiane to submit to me, and use the power of the quality alliance to eat away at the data array of the silicon base, and force the silicon base to be used by me!"

"You have no choice at all!"

Speaking of this, Silicon Master's heart has completely sunk to the bottom, and his body and mind are cold!

Jiang Fan raised his head: " you see it clearly? The silicon base has no way to survive, and it will not survive the next era!"

"At this moment, Siji is standing at a fork in the road, all roads are dead ends! There is only one way to survive, and that is to surrender to me and do things for me!"

"I am the only existence that Silicon Base can rely on, the life-saving straw!"

"Although the black hole jet will eventually destroy the world, causing the restart of the starry sky world, and the destruction of the starry sky, I don't care, and neither can you Siji!"

"Survival is more important than anything else, isn't it?"

"Because only by surviving... can there be hope!"

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