Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2872 Sorry! I just spoke out loud!

Such power and influence directly stupefied the Carbon Alliance army guarding the mining area!

Depend on!

This is too fierce, right?

We fought so hard for the quality alliance army, and we were directly given a second by Nanshen?

He didn't even make a move. They couldn't understand what method he used, okay?

What's even more frightening is that the energy body of Immortal Kingdom was stared to death with just one look?

Is the gap so big?

How terrifying is the star-swallowing Nanshen? Hey!

Deafening cheers erupted in the Carbon Alliance army!

Omega blushed with excitement, raising her arms and cheering!

With this posture, has the Carbon Alliance finally decided to counterattack in an all-round way?

You don't have to be so aggrieved anymore!

?(?口?)? "Nan Shen Niu Pi! Forever God!"

This scene was all recorded by the Aijiang elves who followed, and broadcast live on the Stars network all over the starry sky!

Be seen by countless people, including the enemy!

Although Jiangnan killed so many enemy troops with one hand, he gained a lot of resentment points!

After all, they still have the same clan, and some of them hate Jiangnan!

At this moment, the list of resentment values ​​appeared as a phantom, but the progress bar barely increased!

It can be seen that Jiangnan is far from being a human right now!

Countless pairs of eyes in the starry sky are staring at Carbon Alliance!

The Black Cloud plan was launched again, and so many Tun Xing headed by Jiangnan all appeared in the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine?

Also took action to destroy the quality alliance troops?

How can the high-level members of the quality alliance not know that the carbon alliance is going to make trouble?

As for such an important place as the Beiguan Starry Sky Mine, of course the Quality League has Tunxing in charge!

The Mailiu Shi is here, almost watching the Quality Alliance troops disappear with his own eyes, but there is no time to stop them!

Almost immediately after the Immortal Kingdom was destroyed, the Mailiu Shi came here!

With an exasperated look on his face, he was about to speak!

Seeing that there are so many people in Jiangnan, they are also trembling!

Shake people immediately!

The space fluctuates and flashes, Xing Lan, Ming Quan and the others are all here!

Although they are few in number, with the support of Vientiane, Mai Liushi is not afraid at all!

Can't help saying angrily:

(? °? Yi °?) "Jiangnan! What do you mean? Are you looking for trouble? You don't follow the rules! Take action to destroy our alliance troops?"

"Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, don't you know the rules?"

"Are you playing like this? Then our Quality Alliance Tunxing turns around and destroys your troops, slaps everyone to death, and see who feels distressed!"

Jiang Nan sneered:

(¬?¬) "What? Do you have a reason to rob our mining area?"

"Who gave you the courage to touch the cake on my plate?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm here to beat people today!"

When Mingquan heard it, he laughed instead!

(乛?乛?) "Your? Who said it was yours? It has your name written on it? The age of war! What starry sky law, mining code, all are waste paper, only fist is the last word!"

"The resources in this mining area belong to whoever has the ability!"

Jiangnan grinned grimly:

(??????) "Oh? So... you think your fist is harder than mine?"

Mingquan said indifferently: "I didn't say that! Who doesn't know your Jiangnan skills? Isn't he the number one star swallower?"

"But it's only limited to Star Swallowing. Can your fist be as hard as Master Wanxiang? You people together may not be enough for Master Wanxiang to hit with one hand!"

"If you are sensible, let this mining area come out! Otherwise, if Master Wanxiang comes later, if he misses and kills three or five of you, then don't cry and look for your mother!"

As soon as these words came out, Mai Liushi and Xing Lan both burst out laughing!

Jiangnan? Although strong!

But they are not afraid now!

As long as it is not as strong as Vientiane, there is nothing to be afraid of!

If Jiang Nan didn't want to suffer from Vientiane's hands, he wouldn't dare to act rashly. Who would let him beat Vientiane?

Jiang Nan grinned and couldn't help twisting his neck!

Raise your hand and grab it, and the banner will appear!

A Nanzi flag is flying in the 996 mining area to suppress the void!

"Laugh! Laugh louder! But I promise, you will cry even louder later!"

While speaking, Jiang Nan took a step forward and rushed straight to Mailiu Shi!

Mai Liushi stared:! ! !

∑(°口°?) "Damn it? You really dare to do it? Aren't you afraid of Master Wanxiang?"

"Gravity barriers, death radiation pulses, gravitational surges! Heavenly repulsion gravitational field!"

"Field expansion? Free gravity!"

In just a moment, Mailiu Shi has deployed countless means to resist Jiangnan's attack!

Because he knows the horror of Jiangnan, he has no chance of winning if he confronts him head-on!

However, Jiangnan ignored all the defenses of Mailiushi, took out the pacifier, took out the ponytail and held it in his hand, directly opened the eternal glass body, and activated the energy of the world source!

The silver light on his body is extremely shining!

It turned into a silver meteor and rushed straight to Milius!

In just an instant, it broke through all the defenses, penetrated Milius' astral body, and directly opened a hole in his astral body!

The quark fluid has been dry ejected from the neutron star!

This blow pierces through the stars!

Milius:! ! !

I... I got stabbed?

How could Xinglan and Mingquan watch Mailiushi get beaten?

"Field expansion? The right of destiny!"

"Field unfolding? Xinghai Shimmer!"

The superposition of the three star-swallowing domains enveloped the south of the Yangtze River!

Noah stared:

?(?°?口°?)? "Let's go together! Kill these three grandchildren!"

However, Jiang Nan laughed and said:

(???????) "No need! Everyone, just be a guest on the sidelines first. After I take down these three bastards, you can take over!"

The Mailiu soldiers are exhausted!

"It makes you crazy! You really dare to do it, let me see if you are still crazy or not!"

"Go together!"

No matter how powerful the three major domains are, they will crush Jiangnan!

But at this moment, Jiang Nan said lightly:

"A thought becomes a god!"

In an instant, a huge glass-colored divine figure with the appearance of Jiangnan was directly condensed into shape, with silver radiance flowing around it!

Just like that, he raised his towering hand and slammed down on the three of them!

A big B pocket was swung out!

A shocking scene happened, the three major domains were slapped and exploded by the shadow of the gods in Jiangnan, and they were shattered on the spot!

As fragile as an egg shell!

The stars of Mailiushi, Xinglan, and Mingquan were also slapped away by Jiang Nan's slap, just like flying three flies with ease!

The stars of the three trembled crazily, as if they were about to collapse under such pressure at any time!

Ming Quan's eyes were full of horror, spitting out magma frantically!

(???(#) "This... this is impossible!"

No matter how strong Jiangnan is, it is impossible for him to be so strong!

Hitting Tunxing is like hitting a small card?

Even the field was shot directly?

What the hell is that Yinhui? The domain can't bear the crush of this thing at all!

They even... even have that sense of oppression that they only have when facing Vientiane!

As soon as the three of them were shot, before they got back together, the eternal heart in Jiang Nan's chest was beating crazily!

"Southern wind~rise!"

An endless space storm suddenly blew up in the field, and even the storm was mixed with that kind of silver light!

Countless shadows of the wind emerged!

There are thousands of Taos, some new and some old, and the aura on their bodies is extremely terrifying!

I saw Jiangnan's figure reshape, and waved his hand!

"Hit me! Hit me hard!"

At this moment, countless shadows of the wind rushed towards the three swallowing stars!

The number of attacks that are enough to destroy super-large galaxies is so large that it explodes, even covering the starry sky!

Hundreds of thousands of attacks converged into an irresistible torrent of attacks, and it was a burst of beatings against the three of them!

The stars of the three were submerged under the endless torrent of attacks on the spot, and were enveloped by the eternal gale!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a violent roar, mixed with the screams of Mingquan, Mai Liushi, and Xinglan!

How to fight this horse! Hey!

It was clear that the three of us beat one of him, but why does it feel like the three of us were besieged by the ancestors of the Eternal Era, plus all the masters of this era?

And no matter how they attack, what kind of trick they use!

The bitter south wind will all be recorded, perfectly reproduced, even surpassed them, and then used against them!

If you have any unique skills, feel free to use them, it will be mine when you run out!

In such a short time, all his unique skills were recorded by the bitter south wind!

But the attacks in the wind are more than just these!

And in the attacks of these shadows of the wind, there is also silver light!

This weird silver glow gave them a feeling of transcending everything and being above everything. They couldn't stop it at all, and they would be crushed no matter what method they used!

As soon as they fought, they were beaten to death!

Xing Lan was almost turned off from the beating, Ming Quan vomited lava, Mai Liushi was hit with acne marks all over his face, his face was pockmarked, and his body was full of craters!

I saw Jiangnan holding a ponytail, standing on the surface of Milius' astral body, and it was smashing!

As soon as the horse is pulled down, a crater will be smashed out!

The little Maza is just a little bit stronger, and doesn't have any strong attack power, but why is Jiangnan so fierce?

╧╧?(?°?д°?)? "A horse rider! Make you crazy? Who is the master? Are you still crazy?"

"Today I don't slap your face with ravines, you can't look at it, I will take your surname!"

"Return the neutron star? I have to make a golf ball for you today! I opened the scoop for you!"

While speaking, he inserted one hand into the crust, and violently lifted half of Milius' crust!

Milius screamed:

?(#)?口?)? "Tian Ling Gai! My Tian Ling Gai! You can't do this, you?"

"Sorry! I was the one who spoke loudly just now! I apologize!"

"Grandfather save me!"

Now, Noah and the others are completely paralyzed!

Chong Qianjin said in shock:

Σ(°△°|||) "I... I thought that Nanshen asked us to come here together because he was going to let us help and beat them together..."

"Who knew, Nan Shen himself took care of the beating? Did he really ask us to watch the fun?"

The corner of Yake's mouth twitched, Brother Nan, you are so strong!

It's a completely crushing attitude, with the three major swallowing stars in Jiangnan's hands, there is no room for counterattack at all!

Just started fighting, and asked the ancestors to help?

What happened to Yinhui?

Can swallowing stars not be able to withstand the crushing of that thing?

This made Noah so excited!

"Good fight! Great fight! They screamed!"

"Great! Strong! Strong! Beat them up!"

"Exhaust! Really relieve! Hahahaha!"

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