Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2870 No fear of wind and rain! Do what I have to do!

The two of them just sat on the surface of the central planet of the space array!

Looking at the magnificent cosmic array torrent, looking at the beautiful sky full of stars!

Jiang Nan's head leaned lightly on Zhong Yingxue's shoulder, and Zhong Yingxue also naturally hugged Jiang Nan's shoulder!

Silent but sweet!

At this moment, Jiangnan is not alone!

Zhong Yingxue caressed Jiangnan's hair lightly, and Jiangnan could feel the rustling sound of fingertips caressing the hair, which made people feel very relaxed!

Zhong Yingxue said softly: "What's wrong? What happened? If you want to say something, you can tell me. I'm listening..."

"Say it, maybe it will make you feel better?"

"Sharing happiness with others will turn into two pieces of happiness. Sharing sad things with others will halve the sadness in your heart. Isn't this a good deal?"

Jiang Nan opened his mouth, and then choked back the words!

The matter is too complicated, and it is not something that can be explained in a short while!

And how to talk to Zhong Yingxue?

Tell her it's all a falsified reality?

After I got the system, everything I experienced with everyone, and all the changes I made to the world, maybe it was just a dream like a bubble?

May crash and disappear at any time?

Unable to speak, this is Jiangnan's own unfinished ring!

Even if you say it, it will only increase everyone's worries for nothing. If the reality is still going to collapse in the end, Jiangnan hopes that Zhong Yingxue and the others don't know!

At least you don’t have to worry about gains and losses, but quietly vanish into thin air... Collapsing like waking up from a dream...

Jiang Nan closed his eyes, smiled and shook his head!

"It's okay... I just feel a little tired and want to rest..."

"Just lean on your shoulder for a while..."

Zhong Yingxue's heart was pulled together, the more so, the more Zhong Yingxue understood the seriousness of the matter

But she smiled: "If this can make you less tired, you can rely on it for as long as you want..."

Jiang Nan closed his eyes and hummed lightly!

The two became silent again!

Zhong Yingxue patted Jiang Nan on the shoulder, humming a childhood song...

Companionship is the most healing...

"This it difficult?"

Jiang Nan opened his eyes, unconsciously grabbed Zhong Yingxue's small hand, looked at the starry sky with confused eyes, and said hoarsely:

"It's hard..."

"I'm afraid that I won't do well. It seems that no matter how I go, I won't be able to welcome that good result..."

While speaking, she couldn't help clenching Zhong Yingxue's little hand...

"I'm afraid...everything will leave me, and finally the big dream will be nothing..."

Zhong Yingxue, on the other hand, held Jiangnan's hand tightly!

"I don't know what happened, but... you know, everyone has been with you the whole time?"

"No matter what the final result is, everyone will face it with you..."

"A good result? A bad result? Xiao Nan... Is all this really so important? Whether the result is good or bad, we bear it together!"

"The important thing is never the result? It's the process towards the result!"

Jiang Nan raised his head and looked at Zhong Yingxue's profile!

Zhong Yingxue's eyes also fell on Jiang Nan's face...

"We have gone through so much together, broke through so many spiritual markets, and solved so many crises!"

"The Blue Star Era, the Blue Moon Era, and the Spirit Calamity Era, survived the fourth spiritual recovery together, won the Star Market War, and ushered in the Interstellar Era!"

"The catastrophe of the Thousand Stars, the death prison of the Styx, the catastrophe of the Northern Crown, and the serial war, have gone through countless difficulties and obstacles, and have come to today step by step!"

"Happiness, joy, sadness, pain, despair, longing, separation, reunion... All of them are in our story. In the process of walking together, the result is indeed important! But is it really that important..."

Jiangnan's nose is sour!

Zhong Yingxue put her arms around Jiangnan: "To be honest, I never thought that human beings could go so far. I am really satisfied, super satisfied..."

"In the process, everyone has their own gains, ups and downs are all in it, and they are all realizing their own value!"

"So... no matter what the result is, I can accept what the future will become!"

"Even if tomorrow is the end of the world and the starry sky collapses, I will hug you and kiss to welcome the end!"

With red eyes, Jiang Nan hummed:

(???????????????) "Xuexue..."

Zhong Yingxue smiled: (??????) "So... don't be afraid to move forward, no matter what the final result is!"

"We just need to do our best and leave no regrets!"

"The process has already happened. We have written so many beautiful and unforgettable memories together. No matter what, it is enough!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were shining, and he couldn't help but threw himself into Zhong Yingxue's arms, rubbing against his chest non-stop!

Still humming:

(??????~???????)??????) "Oh~ Xuexue, Xuexue~ why are you so good? You are so nice, Tie Tie~"

Zhong Yingxue laughed straight at Jiangnan's post: "Oh~ well, I'm so itchy after you posted it, hahaha~ don't do this!"

"Be good~ listen!"

However, Jiangnan said coquettishly:

(??????w????) "No, no, let's post it~"

Zhong Yingxue smiled, her face full of helplessness!

"I really can't do anything about you!"

However, at this moment, Jiang Nan was startled suddenly, as if he had reacted!

Is it the other way around?

I'm a big man!

So she sat up abruptly from Zhong Yingxue's arms, and then hugged Zhong Yingxue into her arms with a masculine look on her face!


Sure enough... he is a cute old man!

At this moment, Jiangnan changed his previous confused appearance!

yes! No matter what the end result is!

Just do your best!

Where is the time to be sentimental here?

There are indeed problems, and there are many more!

Then solve it in the same way!

Find that answer, make up the node, and restore reality to its stability!

And Brother Fan's matter may not be unsolvable!

I must find a way to neutralize, so that I can save the main body of Brother Fan, and the starry sky world does not need to be destroyed!

Since it is a problem, there must be a solution!

Standing still won't change anything!

And if you can't do it, then you can't do it!

What can I do!

I did my best!

There is no fear of wind and rain, I just need to do everything in front of me!

I saw Jiangnan standing up abruptly, his eyes lit up!

(???Dish??)? "I'm on fire!"

Zhong Yingxue burst out laughing: "Oh? More burning than me? Hot-blooded child?"

"What are you going to do next?"

Jiang Nan took one step forward and brought Zhong Yingxue back to the universe space!

At this moment, everyone is surrounding Ai-chan, using her camera in the space array to peek at the scene just now!

What happened just now was completely broadcast live!

When everyone saw Jiangnan coming back, they immediately flashed back to the table and pretended to eat!

Xia Yao's chopsticks are all upside down!


And quietly gave Zhong Yingxue a thumbs up from under the table!

Zhong Yingxue's face turned into an apple!

Jiang Nan's face turned black!

Didn't everyone see how he was moaning just now!

Ai Jiang immediately raised her hands in surrender, complaining:

?(??﹏??)? "No... I didn't take the initiative to peek, I was forced! I... I..."

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and couldn't help grinning!

(?°???°)? "Have you finished eating? If you have finished eating! Would you like to take a walk with me to see the excitement?"

"I'm ready to be human!"

Wu Liang looked horrified:

∑(°口°?) "Brother Nan, when did you become a human being?"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

"Is it due to the hammer, are you going or not?"

"Hahahaha, don't hit, don't hit! Go, go!"


Dimensional Star City, Carbon Alliance high-level conference room!

All families swallowing stars, and people from all ethnic groups gathered together to discuss the latest action plan!

Noah slapped the table angrily: "What the hell! I'm so mad!"

(?Yi\\ "Silicon base is really too rampant. It has robbed us of how many rich mines it has in the Beiguan starry sky mine? And threatened us with the final star weapon to put it in our home star field?"

"It's useless for Tunxing to suppress and grab the territory. The silicon base directly produces the ancestor machine! Half of my body was crushed! Zhuo!"

At this moment, Noah only has half of his body left, which was crushed by the light of the world, and it hasn't grown out yet!

Chong Qianjin also gritted her teeth:

(#)◣优◢) "The quality alliance is not much better! During this period, relying on the support of Vientiane, the hand is too long!"

"Not to mention taking back all the mining areas we earned, but trying to grab ours! Fucking bugs!"

"Although Vientiane is not against us on the surface, as long as our Tun Xing fights with their Tun Xing, as soon as he gains an advantage, he will come to bully people at the level of a pseudo-world realm!"

"My old lady almost killed him!"

Vivienne had a gloomy face:

(???????)? "The Bose clan is also dishonest. The Bose army is sneaking around and attacking our mine equipment! Swallowing stars also attack the carbon alliance's own star field from time to time!"

"Cheli is stronger than before, because the Bose tribe is now in the eternal world, and they don't have to worry about defense at all, stirring up our territory into a mess!"

"Conflicts erupt from time to time, and my avatar is almost unable to support me!"

Acrylic gritted his teeth and said:

(??vyiv?) "The Bose tribe has completely broken the rules to develop slave species, and many races have been forcibly marked as slaves by them!"

"Besides, Si Ji has his eyes on Boss Pang, and has carried out hijacking operations three times. Fortunately, I went quickly and saved Boss Pang. Recently, he should not get out of the cracks in the dimension!"

Carbon Alliance is now being targeted by several companies, like ants on a hot pot!

Manti said weakly:

(??﹏?)? "Compared to these, what about Jiang Fan's affairs? Is this more worrying?"

"Let's not talk about the loss of a top combat power on our side. The problem is what Jiang Fan is going to do. Who can stop him?"

When this was mentioned, everyone's faces turned darker!

Obviously, everyone already knew about Jiang Fan's disappearance!

This is a bigger matter, but the immediate problem has to be solved!

The point is, I heard that after Jiangnan came back from the final black hole, he was in a bad state, emo!

I don't even know where the person went!

If this continues, the stall will not be easy to maintain, will it?

Yang Jian took a deep breath, and a look of cruelty flashed in his eyes!

"I can't go on like this anymore, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan's figure suddenly appeared behind Yang Jian, together with what Jiang Jiang said, and even Wang Youzhi!

I saw Jiangnan pressing Yang Jian's shoulder!


(?°??°)? "Yo~ I heard that those companies are not very honest recently? Grab my money and land!"

"Who still wants to catch me?"

When everyone present saw Jiangnan coming back, their eyes all lit up, and there was a feeling that the backbone had returned in an instant!

Manti was taken aback!

The smile is so bright, where is this emo?

Noah stared and said angrily:

(?`~\\ "Isn't that right? Du Temiao has gone against the sky! Relying on the support of the pseudo-world environment, he bullied us on top of our heads, and they are riding on their necks to pull papa!"

"Look at what they called me! Look at it!"

Jiangnan with akimbo: (?°?д°?) "Zhuo? So rampant? It's really against the sky!"

Yang Jian looked at Jiangnan, his eyes lit up!

"What are you going to do?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "A tooth for a tooth! An eye for an eye! Just beat me back!"

"I'm going to swallow all the stars in the starry sky! Pseudo-Huanyu! Beat them all! Go to the gate of the mountain! Open one by one, kick the field! The whole starry sky tours and beats people!"

"Did you go to watch the fun together?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes popped out, and the audience fell silent!


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