"How about it?"

After the Black Hole Emperor was completely swallowed by the absolute final black hole, everyone quickly looked at Jiang Fan and asked anxiously!

Jiang Fan's eyes were deep: "The disturbance just now did create a connection between me and the subject!"

"But this kind of disturbance is not enough to make the subject break free, the resistance is still there, it is enough to reconfigure the ability stars through this connection!"

Wang Youzhi smacked his lips, sure enough?

But Zhong Yingxue held up the heart seed left by Jiangnan!

(??v~v?)っ? "Xiao Nan is fine! The Liuli Heart Seed is still beating, it's Xiao Nan's heartbeat, his life should be safe!"

Seeing the flickering and beating Heart Seed, everyone heaved a sigh of relief, as long as they are still alive!

Jiangnan really meowed into the absolute final black hole?

Recalling the scene just now, it even feels unreal for a while!

Jiang Fan continued: "The next step is to see Jiangnan's own operation, whether it can affect the absolute final black hole through fusion!"

"Or find my subject consciousness in that forbidden area of ​​life..."

Everyone's hearts were lifted up, and their eyes were all staring at the colored glass heart without blinking!

Success or failure is here!

But Jiang Fan looked at the black hole of absolute end, but his eyes were extremely deep!

Can't help muttering: "Some answers...Only you can find out, I hope this time, you can find something..."

While speaking, Jiang Fan raised his hand and stretched out towards the starry sky...

"Otherwise...all of this is nothing but nothingness..."

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with some doubts. What kind of obscure words was he talking about?


Five-dimensional forbidden area of ​​life, sea of ​​energy!

Jiang Nan's figure suddenly appeared here, still in the form of a glazed body!

Beyond all levels of life, Jiangnan has the ability to survive in the fifth dimension!

As soon as he entered, Jiang Nan was stunned by the scene in front of him!

The sea of ​​energy below is silver-gray, extremely vast, with wisps of mist steaming, and the surrounding is absolute nothingness!

The sea of ​​energy is not calm, space inflation is happening all the time!

Normally speaking, Jiangnan is also a frequent visitor to this forbidden area of ​​life, and I don't know how many times he has come to the sea of ​​energy!

But Jiangnan has never seen such a vast sea of ​​energy, boundless!

Jiangnan stands on it, as small as dust...

After making up his mind, Jiangnan did not choose to rush directly into the pages of the book, trying to fuse and control the final black hole and break its stability!

It is a simpler and safer way to find Jiang Fan's main body consciousness in this sea of ​​energy and bring it back!

Just do it!

I saw Jiangnan moving directly over the sea of ​​energy!

There is no concept of time, space, distance and so on!

Where Jiangnan wants to go, he just needs to think about it. What superluminal speed, warp speed, etc. are all weak here!

(??v口v?) "Brother Fan? Brother Fan! Did you hear me? I'm here to get you!"

"Squeak when you hear you!"

Jiang Nan roared, speaking with will, Jiang Jiang knew he was talking, but whether the voice was heard or not, it was not sure whether others could hear it or not!

Jiang Nan didn't dare to disperse his will!

This is the forbidden domain of life, as long as it exists here, it will suffer from the wear and tear of the sea of ​​energy all the time!

Jiangnan relies on the eternal glass body, plus the method of locking the gods to resist wear and tear!

If you actively spread your will, then you still have to lock the wool?

Just as Jiangnan was spinning around in the sea of ​​energy, as expected, those light spots appeared again!

It turned into countless books and pages, neatly arranged in nothingness, surrounding Jiangnan!

And no matter where Jiangnan flies, his will drives his body to move!

These displayed past, present, future, countless possibilities, always surround Jiangnan in nothingness, and will last for a long time!

Jiang Nan didn't know how long he had been yelling, there was no concept of time here!

I only know that I can't move anymore, I'm tired of yelling, my voice is hoarse, and I don't get any response!

Not to mention the slightest trace of Jiang Fan's subjective consciousness...

It seems that in this forbidden area of ​​life, only Jiangnan exists!

Jiang Nan grinds his teeth, it won't be a problem if this continues?

There must be a side to this forbidden area of ​​life, right?

I can't believe I can't find Jiang Fan after a blanket search!

So Jiang Nan pointed in a direction, and darted towards that direction!

The speed of consciousness is amazing enough!

Just think about it!

But... there is no end!

Underfoot is an unchanging scenery, a boundless sea of ​​silver-gray energy!

Jiangnan has completely lost the concept of time, and only feels that he is tired from flying, and even the tired method of locking the gods will not be able to lock it!

It seems that he will plunge into the sea of ​​energy at any time!

Shocked, Jiang Nan quickly slapped his two big B pockets, staring wide awake!

This weird forbidden area of ​​life shouldn't have no boundaries, right?

Or in other words, he never moved his position from the beginning to the end?

How to find out where Jiang Fan's subject consciousness is?

Finding a needle in a haystack is easy, okay?

"Since you can't find Brother Fan in the forbidden area of ​​life, you can only find a way on the black hole of absolute demise!"

Jiangnan immediately launched Zhiming, and all causal lines point to that reality!

Jiang Nan collected his mind and rushed over without hesitation!

Bumping his head towards the page of the book!

However, the imagined scene did not happen!

A huge resistance emanated from the pages of the book, preventing Jiangnan from entering!

Can't get in at all!

Jiang Nan's heart skipped a beat!

Crash in again, or fail, resistance always exists!

Now Jiangnan is in a hurry!

Hitting the pages that belonged to him again and again, but without exception, the pages seemed to be refusing Jiangnan to enter!

Normally speaking, when Jiangnan opens a black hole and swallows stars, he will first come to the forbidden area of ​​life, and then return to the pages of the book, so that consciousness can enter the black hole and control the black hole!

When Jiangnan opened a black hole to swallow stars before, he had already entered the forbidden area of ​​life once, and the process of entering the page was very smooth!

That's why the black hole will light up the glass-colored eyes and turn into a human form!

And when the Black Hole Heavenly Emperor merged into the final black hole, Jiangnan came to the forbidden area of ​​life again!

But this time, I can't get out anyway!

"Damn! Damn! Why! Which link went wrong?"

Jiang Nan really panicked!

If you can't enter the pages of the book, your consciousness will not be able to return to the black hole, let alone merge with the final black hole to realize the operation!

I am also forever trapped in the forbidden area of ​​life, unable to get out?

A huge sense of loneliness enveloped Jiangnan, making Jiangnan feel cold physically and mentally...

If you really can't go back, what should you do!

Jiang Nan shook his head, calm down!

calm down! Worrying is of no use!

At this moment, Jiang Nan couldn't help looking at the content on the page!

The content on it was still, it was just the picture of me merging into the final black hole, and everyone looked worriedly at the glass heart seed!

Jiang Nan couldn't help but think of what Jiang Fan had said to him!

Because the stability of the absolute final black hole bound Jiang Fan's main body of will and prevented him from returning!

Now that I have merged into the absolute final black hole, that is equivalent to entering the forbidden area of ​​life through the final black hole!

On weekdays, the reason why I can successfully rush into the pages of the book is because the black hole was changed by myself?

So it works?

But the size gap between the black hole emperor and the final black hole is too big, the gap between 100 million and 1!

Diluting the Black Hole Heavenly Emperor, even if he wants to go out, he will face the resistance of the absolute final black hole?

Facing the same situation as Jiang Fan?

Now Jiangnan is completely numb!

The ancestor didn't fish it out, but it's okay to take one of them?

The plan died before it was carried out?

The only good news now is that Jiangnan can handle it in the fifth dimension, and wear and tear will not affect Jiangnan!

Otherwise, it will have to be washed clean!

Jiang Nan kept persuading himself to calm down, the solution was someone's idea!

Now that I know the stable state of the absolute final black hole, it is the reason why I can't get out!

So when you find it is not stable, can you go out?

It's like Jiang Fan used the disturbance produced when the absolute final black hole devoured other black holes to send out the clone of will!

Jiang Nan's eyes are bright, if it doesn't work now, then look back!

In the end, black holes always have disturbances!

So Jiangnan kept searching back along this realistic line!

Found the past!

I even watched Apex Wars backwards...

It's too fixed, so it can be seen!

Finally, Jiangnan found the disturbing moment of the final black hole!

In the pages of the past pages, it was the time when I first tried to help Jiang Fan get back the main body, configure Jiang Fan's ability stars, and throw the black hole into the black hole of absolute end!

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth and wanted to drill in!

Sure enough, the resistance has become smaller, and although this resistance is strong, but he is strong against it, he should be able to drill back!

However, as soon as he put his hand in, a terrible scene happened!

Jiang Nan's hand that reached into the pages of the book was crushed by an extremely terrifying force!

This force is magnificent that Jiangnan has never experienced before, and it is so powerful that it cannot be competed!

As if...absolute truth!

Jiang Nan was terrified. He even had the feeling that if he drilled in again, he would be crushed!

I was so scared that I quickly pulled my hand back, and the crushing force disappeared!

Jiang Nan's face was full of shock!

"What's going on? Then... is that the power of truth?"

Jiang Nan remembers, Jiang Fan told him!

This world contains truth, and the power of truth cannot be violated!

This is a page belonging to the past, the past is fixed and cannot be changed!

And in the past pages, Jiangnan is throwing a black hole into the final black hole!

If Jiangnan chooses to go out at this time, wouldn't there be two Jiangnans in the past?

How can two selves appear at the same time?

Such a situation is completely unacceptable!

It is against the truth!

So the truth intervenes, if Jiangnan insists on going in, will he be crushed by the truth?

Jiang Nan scratched his head anxiously!

Depend on! What should I do then?

There's my past where I can't appear!

Then can I appear in the past without me?

Except this time, when was the last time the final black hole was disturbed?

It didn't work when Jiang Fan came out, he was exercising in the eternal gale!

Jiangnan frantically looked back!

I was stunned to find that tens of thousands of years ago, a black hole naturally swallowed a black hole!

A disturbance has occurred!

Jiangnan is about to enter!

But the action suddenly stopped!

If you go in here, won't you go back to tens of thousands of years ago?

At that time, Blue Star, humans were still scary upright apes, right?

Then I have a fart when I go back?

Xuexue and their ancestors haven't been born yet, have they? Not to mention them!

And once you really go back through this node!

Another problem to face!

Even if he persists and does not interfere with the past, after tens of thousands of years, Blue Star will arrive at the modern age!

Once Jiang Xiaonan was born, there were two more Jiangnans in reality!

Then there will be another conflict, and I am afraid that I will be crushed to death by the truth!

How about going back and leaving a message on a stone? Wait for tens of thousands of years or something, maybe it will be discovered!

Inform Yang Jian from above that they will build a black hole and throw it into the final black hole. The timing of the disturbance, the opportunity to create it for yourself?

Depend on! It's even more unreliable, okay?

Where in the world is there such a coincidence?

How much information must be left on the stone before a blind cat bumps into a dead mouse?

Besides, the past may also change because of this!

If one fails, reality will collapse immediately!

Everything now may no longer exist, the risk is too great to try at all!

The idea of ​​going back to a certain point in the past was directly rejected by Jiangnan!

There is no possibility of operation at all!

And it is impossible to contact the outside world in the forbidden area of ​​life, even the Liuli Heart Seed is fake and deceptive!

There will be no contact with Jiangnan in the five-dimensional forbidden area, that is just a lie Jiangnan told to make Zhong Yingxue and the others feel at ease!

If you can't go back in the past, you can't go back now, so there is only one option left!

In the future, find a time when the final black hole fluctuates, and then rush back!

Perhaps in terms of reality, I have "non-existed" for a while, but at least I can go back!

Jiang Nan ran back to the page of reality in a flash!

Just about to look into the future and find a suitable disturbance node!

But the eyes stopped abruptly!

Jiang Nan thought of an extremely serious problem!

The past and the present are certain, but the future is uncertain!

Countless choices create countless different futures, and each choice may lead the future to a completely different direction!

You don't know whether it is good or bad!

But the problem is, once the future is observed, it will be determined!

Is five-dimensional different from four-dimensional?

Maybe Jiangnan looks to the future and can really find that disturbance node!

But what if that node is tens of thousands of years away?

What if there is no disturbance during this period?

Go back by yourself or not?

What if the future I saw was a bad future when Xun Zu broke the shackles and killed everyone during his absence?

Who can be sure?

At this moment...Jiangnan suddenly understood everything that Jiang Fan had told him!

I used to understand but now I understand everything...

Jiang Fan chose a disturbance node to come back in the future!

So he disappeared for more than three thousand years...

He is lucky, this future is acceptable, and it has only been more than three thousand years!

But also unfortunately...

What about myself...

Do you want to look to the future...

Jiangnan, who has always been fearless, suddenly lost the courage to look away at this moment!

I saw Jiangnan alone, stroking the pages of the book that belonged to his own reality, squatting down weakly!

In the vast forbidden area of ​​life, there is only one person in Jiangnan...

"System stinker... are you there?"

"Smelly baby? Smelly baby... just talk to me, can you talk to me..."

There was a slight tremor in Jiangnan's voice...

However, the system did not send any response...

Infinite loneliness surrounds and swallows it...

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