Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2856 The second bomb of the ancestor hunting operation starts~

The time to swallow the stars is approaching, but after all, they were cheated of a wave of money!

Only then did he get rid of the side effect of the strong man drug, and now he finally has the face to go home and meet his subordinates for a meeting!

Recalling the experience of this apex war, it is really a bitter tear!

Being robbed of money all the way, let the carbon alliance make a lot of money, and almost died here. After finally getting through it, the family suffered heavy losses!

It's really busy now!

The most important thing is that the sequence war is completely useless, and now it is completely meaningless to fight for the shit rankings!

With the promotion of Xun Zu and the awakening of the puppet worlds, the Thousand Stars War started completely!

In the end, I still felt lonely, and now everything depends on hard power!

I don't know how the Angel Clan, who was beaten to extermination because of the competition for rankings, would feel about this news...

The Star Swallowing Alliance of the Quality League has also withdrawn, and no one knows where this chaotic starry sky situation will eventually go!

Everything is unknown!

Jiangnan and the others naturally didn't stay any longer, they still had to go back and make a series of arrangements to deal with the current chaos!

Although the Vertex War was abolished because of Xunzu's breakthrough!

But this battle can definitely be called the real apex war!

The impact on the starry sky is not ordinary!

The old soil of the divine burial disappeared in its entirety, and turned into the eternal world of Xunzu. Even the City of Thousand Stars, which marked the glory of the Thousand Stars Era, disappeared from the star map and became a small world that belonged exclusively to Vientiane!

You know, there are people from every family stationed in the City of Thousand Stars, and now they are all in the hands of Vientiane!

But in the current situation, who dares to control Vientiane? Isn't that courting death?

The breakthrough of the silicon-based ancestor machine to the pseudo-universe is also great news!

In this battle, the top fighters of each team are even dizzying!

And the current situation in the starry sky is also temporarily divided into four branches!

The Bose tribe headed by Xunzu, the silicon base headed by the ancestor machine, plus the quality alliance of Vientiane!

Finally, there is the Carbon Alliance. Although the Carbon Alliance does not have the top combat power, the performance of Jiang Fan and Jiangnan in this battle is obvious to all. How about a fierce group?

What's more, the Carbon Alliance also has the Black God, which is definitely a strong one!


The dynamics of the eternal world are watched by countless pairs of eyes in the starry sky!

Xunzu drove the Eternal World and returned to the Bose Starfield!

But now the Bose Starfield no longer exists, and there are not even any ruins left. The demolition of Vientiane is quite clean!

When Xun Zu saw this scene, he was so angry that he coughed again. Fortunately, his family was gone, but the foundation of his race was still there!

Most of the Bose are still alive!

Xun Zu immediately ordered the Bose tribe to transfer to the eternal world to rebuild their homeland!

With the eternal world as an unbreakable fortress, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat!

As long as the eternal world is not broken, the Bose tribe will remain invincible. This is undoubtedly the most appropriate arrangement!

On the silicon base side, the lithography star field has been on the highest alert mode, and Xingwu is even on the bright side!

To resist any possible attack!

As for the thermonuclear world of the Progenitor Machine, the interior is still chaotic, uninhabitable, and it is not known whether the silicon master will move the main terminal into the thermonucleus!

Where the main terminal is hidden now is still a mystery!

The quality alliance has also started to act, and the starlight shield created by Vientiane has not been removed, but has been opened all the time!

The members of the damaged quality alliance started to rebuild their home star field, and they held a combat meeting, and they seemed to have reached some kind of consensus!

Start to transfer the core planet of the race to the small world of Vientiane to ensure the safety of the core and the continuation of civilization!

The Dimensional Star City created by the Carbon Alliance is a routine, and they have no right to disagree with an existence like Vientiane!

This kind of action will make the small world of Vientiane evolve again, and the degree of completion will be higher!


As for the Carbon Alliance, the tide of dark matter covering the home star field of more than two thousand members has no intention of fading!

Jiang Nan didn't let Noah and the others take it back!

This thing can be reused, you can take it back when you don’t need it, and put it out when you use it!

It's just that the longer the release time, the more loss!

Before deciding on the next move, protect it with the tide of dark matter first!

But this thing can also block swallowing stars, and it is completely useless when encountering pseudo-universes!

Moreover, the silicon-based two-dimensional Rubik's Cube also has a certain restraint effect on the dark matter tide!

But now Jiangnan is not afraid, even if the silicon base really uses a two-dimensional Rubik's Cube to two-dimensionalize the home star field shrouded in dark matter tides, Jiangnan can also use the dimension to restore it and restore it to its original state!

Not only matter and energy, but even life that is unfolded two-dimensionally, Jiangnan can also recover all his lost energy information states through the method of dimension restoration, and let it return to three-dimensional!

The Styx star field is not afraid of being messed with!

On the way back to Dimensional Star City, Jiangnan and the others began to study it!

All the members of the Carbon Alliance are somewhat frowning!

Noah scratched his head, frowning tightly:

(??v_v?) "Although we have tried our best to check and balance Xun Zu, the power he can use is no longer absolutely crushing!"

"But the threat is still unresolved. The most important thing is that the threat does not only come from Xun Zu!"

Manti has a sad face:

(?v~v??) "Whether it is Vientiane or the ancestor machine, they all pose the most direct threat to Carbon Alliance! After all, it is a pseudo-universal realm!"

"It's not at the same level of strength as Tun Xing! One hand can beat a group of Tun Xing!"

"Before, we could fight against the enemy together because of Xunzu, but now that Xunzu is checked and balanced, we can turn around and attack our Carbon Alliance for resources!"

"After all, in terms of resource holdings, the Carbon Alliance is a mouth-watering piece of fat no matter how you look at it..."

The Carbon Alliance does have Jiangnan and Jiang Fan, and they are notoriously difficult to deal with, and they are well-known!

But who is not difficult to deal with?

No matter how strong the two are, it will still be difficult if they encounter the pseudo-Huanyu, after all, they are involved in the level of rules!

Although there is a black god, the three-dimensional starry sky is not his territory after all!

In the three-dimensional starry sky, the power that can be exploded by using other people's bodies is just like that, and it will be rejected and resisted by the rules!

Against the pseudo-Huanyu, there is no advantage!

Yuan Yi said full of hope:

????????????? "If the two of you are facing off against Pseudo-Huanyu, will there be any drama?"

Jiang Nan didn't brag and criticize, but said bluntly: "In Tun Xing, almost no one can compete with me! But my attack does not involve the level of rules, so I can't cause any substantial damage to the false universe!"

"As you saw when I beat Xunzu just now, I've already opened up, and it's just scraping and scraping!"

"But if you fight against the pseudo-Huanyu, as long as you don't get shrouded in the small world, they won't be able to destroy me!"

Jiang Fan also said directly: "Pseudo's hard to deal with, it's not easy to kill..."

Everyone was shocked, damn it!

What does it mean not easy to kill? That is to say, there is still a possibility of killing?

Yang Jian rubbed his eyebrows: "The most troublesome thing now is that the Carbon Alliance still does not have the top combat power. Although they are strong, they are not strong enough!"

"The power of the Black God in the three-dimensional starry sky cannot be fully exerted!"

"And in a short time, Jiang Fan and Jiang Nan's strength will not make any breakthroughs!"

Jiang Nan gave a wry smile, indeed!

From Transcendence to Swallowing Stars, it took so long for Jiangnan to make a qualitative change, and he also found various opportunities!

As for the practice of swallowing stars, it is still a huge amount of energy accumulation, so huge that it is unimaginable!

Just look at Yuanyi Noah and they will know!

As for Jiangnan, there is still a long way to go to reach the threshold of the universe realm!

Where is the world so easy to create?

It is unrealistic to expect Jiangnan's strength to be promoted again!

Jiang Fan didn't speak...

And Wang Youzhi opened the mouth and said:

(??v?v?) "Let's put aside the matter of the two fake worlds! Xun Zu is the most important issue!"

"The shackles of the divine burial can't last long. The shortest is three to five years, and the longest is more than ten years. Sooner or later, it will be absorbed by its refinement!"

"When the Eternal World is completed, Xunzu will surpass Qingzhi. If he can't stop him, everything will be in vain!"

"Perhaps before he completely refines the divine burial, the power he can use will be enough to destroy everyone!"

Now everyone's faces are black!

good guy? Can you break free from the shackles so quickly?

It didn't last long, did it?

Three to five years is enough to dry wool?

Ten years is not enough! Damn!

In other words, everyone must find a way to kill Xunzu before he breaks free from the shackles!

Otherwise everyone will die!

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin and looked pensive!

Three to five years? Even if I am myself, I am not sure that I can hit the universe in such a short time!

This is still a matter of no shadow!

But Jiang Nan grinned:

(?°??°)? "But you don't have to worry, as long as things go well, Xun Zu will be killed tomorrow!"

Everyone was startled, and died tomorrow?

What trick? So fast?

Jiang Nan couldn't help smiling, and his eyes fell on Jiang Fan!

"The plan to find ancestors failed last time, and I got lonely!"

"Now that I have devoured stars, my strength is not the same. Even if it is an absolute final black hole, I dare to try it!"

"As long as the main body of Brother Fan can be fished out, Qian Xunzu's words are not a problem, and the carbon alliance's lack of top combat power can also be solved!"

"It's a lot of fun!"

At this moment, everyone realized a problem!

The horse rider fought with Xunzu for a long time, and even Jiang Fan, who was once the main output, was just a clone of will...

If this body comes out...


Maybe the Eternal World can really be blown up! Hey!

Jiang Fan's eyes turned: (???〃) "You can try it! When the main body comes out, I will be the first one to kill Xun Zu!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "The black hole will definitely end! Let's go~"

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